The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1906, Image 3
yaKf wwsiEWi!w "? -W1p, " f 4 5 THE DULY NEBRASKAIN. HE tf J , r- i Tvu 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 ; llTry Xysl Unlvertity Student U rgd t patroalse these 2ibmi ; kaa ndvartlicrs, and to mcnttea thf paper wbll doing (0.111 ) )Mh BARBER SHOPS Aristo, Greon'fi Palaco, Mogul, Rlchardst BAKERY Mrs. Potry. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie BANKS Columbia National, Firs Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAFE Sam Westerfield.' Don Cam eron. CARPETS Rudge & Guenzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzel Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong Unl&nd. Ma gee & Deomer, Ludwler. COAL Gregory, WhltPhronst. CONFECTIONERS Mnxwell. The Fol- Bom. 1 DISEASE8 OF BYR .AR ANP THROAT Dr. Erie B Woodwnrd. DRUGGISTS Rlpes. Sfplnpr. Woonv ponor. Brown. Rector, Hnrlflv. DRY GOOD8 Miller Pnlnn. Horpol- sholmor, Rudgo & 0uon7fllv EXPRTCSfl Lincoln Tvni. FLORT8TR Chnnin Br -FTJRNTTTJRE Rndeo - OnonrPl Ch Hnrdv. GROfTTORS O .T Kinc jr. oon HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzel Co Hall Bros. HOTELS Lindell. ICE CREAM AND JCES Franklin Ire Cream Co. JEWELER pucker. Hallott. LAUNDRJES Yulo Brqa. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULIST8 Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. -. POOD AND BILLIARDS The Heldel- burg. v PRINTING Now Century. King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. . - RESTAURANTS-;Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Snnderson, Rogers & Per kins. SHTNING PARLOR Union Shlnlnc Pnrlor. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors. Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. -TYPEWRITING J. W. Browbter. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood wnrd. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll send freo) is worth $10 a copy to any man who" Intends to In vest nny rnoney, however small; who has money invested unprpfltably, oil who can save $5 or more por month, but who hasn't learned the art of Investlng'for profit. It demonstrates tho REAL earning: " power of monoy-7-tho knowlcdgo flmnrclors and bankers hide from tho masses. It shows how tp Invest small sums and how to make them grow into fortunes tho actual possibilities of Intelligent In vestments. It reveals tho enormous profits bankors make and shows how ono canrmake the same profits safely. It explains HOW stupendous fortunos are made and WHY thoy aro made how $1,000 grows to $22,000. To introduce my magazine write mo NOW, mentioning this paper and I'll send it SIX MONTHS FREE. EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. , DO YOU EVER WRITE HOME? .Certainly you do. Why don't you get a box of that fine new box stationery at the University, Book Store? It will please you and' please; your friends. Try it. CLASSIFIED COLUMN Alt advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Rate one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATH8 CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-saline, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and presBCd at tho Webor Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. CLUB RATES Three suits and O'coat cleaned anil pressed, $1 per month. El liott's, 1130 O St. Z BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAGER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dontists, 1319 O St. DR. II. A. SHANNON, 1136 O. Auto, 2823; Bell, 212G. 08TEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Crnmb, A. B., U. of N. '99. Burlington Block. SPECIALISTS DR. W. J. WBLTjS, stomach, kidney, skin and blood. 121 C O St. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and .Jeweler, 138 So. 12th St. Low. rates to students. WANTED Every user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to havo a free trial of the VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phono No. 348. 136 No. 11th St. LOST A black change pocket-book on the campus, containing a Yale key. Finder please, return to Nebraskan of fice and receive reward. Street Railway Time Card. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and-8oLUhl7th Cars leavo B. & M. depot and South St. at 5 mln. past the hour and each ten min utes. First C:05 a.' m., last 12:00 p, m. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and Sumnorvla Sun., 11 p. in. ' -Hth Cars every 20 mln. First 0:20 a. m., Inst 11:20 p. m. Union1 College and Norrnal via 17th Cars ovbry 40 mln. First 5:G0 a. m., last 10:50 p. mB. & M. depot loop. B. & M. Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th Leave P. Cv and 2Cth every 20 mln. First car G:D0 a. m.,last 10:50 p. m. Cemetery Cars leave. P. O. every 15 minutes. First 6:25 a. m., last 11:25" p. m. B. & M. depot loop. Havolock and Unl. Place Cars leave P. O. and Unl. Placo 20 and 50 mjn, past hour. Cars leave Havelock G and 35 mln. past the hour. First crtr leaves P. O, G:50 a. in., last 10:50 p. m. First car leaves "Havelock C:35 a. m., last 11:35 p. m. Ser- vlco to Unl. Placo every 15" mln.,-6, 20, 33 and 50 minutes past tho hour. First car 5:50 a. m., last car 11:05 p. m. N. W. Depot, Capitol and So. 14th Cars to 14th and A every 10 mln. To 14th and-South every 20 mlru First C:20 a. n., last 11:40 p. m. 14th and South St. cars mako N. W. depot loop. oPnltentlary 10th and O ovory 40 mln. First car leaves 6:40 a. m., last 10:40 p. m. Stato Farm 10th and O oven hour and' every MLrjnlnutcs. B. & M. depot loop. South 10th Cars to 14th and South ovory10 mln. First 6:15 a. m., last 12:00 p. m. Sun. 11:00 p. ip. - Park every -40 mln. First 7:00 a. m., last 1TTB0 p. m. South 10th street 'cars make N. W. depot loop. State University, R and No. 16th Cars ovory 15 mln. First 6:23 a. m., last 11:07 p. m. - SUNDAY Cars start stop 1 hour earllor. 1 hour later and. Students of the University who wqro cinched out of college during tho re cent term examinations will havo tho novel distinction of seeing their names in print In the1907 BIuoTind Gold If tho present plans of Editor J. R. Gab bert aro fulfilled. Several pages of tho class annual will be devoted to pic tures and records of prominent under graduates who have failed to make tho necessary eight units to remain in tho university. Dally Californian. , blh March 15. Pedagogical Club. U. 212. March 15. Baskot-ball Brown's Business - Col lege vs. Nebraska. Armory, 8:15 p. m. March 16. Senior and Junior basket-ball, Fri day, 5 p. m. March 17. Non-Corn Hop. Fraternity Hall. English Club meets with MIbscs Ro njan and Pope, 1336 E street. March 18. Nashville-reports, union meeting of Y. M. C. A. and Y7W. C. A., 7:30 p.m. Memorial Hall. March 22. Gymnastic team try-outs. Armory, 8 p. m. March 30. Gymnastic Exhibition. Armory, 8 p. m. April 6. Glee Club homo concert. April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. May 25. Annual competitive "drill. Pnn-Hellenlc Hop. Auditorium. Convocation Program. March 14 Dean Pound, "Tho Con gress on Uniform .Divorce Laws." March 16 Music. March 19 Mr. A. E. Sheldon, "The Music and Literature of Nebraska In dians." Illustrated with photograph and stereopticon. March 21 Prof. F. C. French, "De mocracy and Culture." March 23 Music. March 2G Prof. Laurence Fossler, 'Henry Ibsen."' ivfrarch 28 Prof, O. W. A. Luckoy, "Tho Making of a Teacher." March30-UBlc. MUSEUM BUILDING. This Is to Be On of the. Best on the Campus. x Tho first signs of tho Museum building appeared yesterday, when brick were seen piled up just north east of University Hall. Work will bo started upon this building Just as soon as tho weather will permit and pushed with nil possible speed In order that It may bo completed by Septem ber 1st, 190G. Thjjjcontract calls for the completion of the building by this time. Tho architect for this building is T. R. Klmbjill of Omaha. Mr. Kim ball's work Is to(T"-wldply known to comment upon-It here, and. It is 'need less to say that tho stylo wllPBo up todato In every, way. Tho contractor is W, D. Campbell of this city. Tho building will bo made of fire proof brick, and will form a wing to the old Nebraska Hall. Tho brick aro known as tho semi-vitrous brick of Kansas, and it is-claimed that thoy aro tho highest grade of a building brick. Tho size of the wing Is about fifty by seventy-five feet, and four stories high. The interior Is to bo finished In red oak , which will givo It a very pleasant and bright effect. This wing will be occupied by tho department of Geology, which will havo all laboratories, lecture rooms and offices In the first' and second floors. The last two floors will be devoted to the University Museum. ALLEGRETTI AND LOWNEY'8 CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS , 12th AND b We have always been known it the STUDENTS LAUNDRY Wo want your business. VULB DKOH. HANI) UUNDRY SUO Street. Auto 3754, DaU 874 QUALITY OUR 80DA TA8TEJS LIKE MOIUB Rlggs.'The Drug Cutter U 1321 O St. "Robert Burns," the Leading IQcClga Whon down town moot your frlonda at GEO. M. CONWAY'S 1343 O STIIBBT The only oxoltulvo clfear and tobacco vtore in tho city Oliver Theatre ThursTpMat. & Eve. Isle of Spice 'H- Prices: Mat.' 50, 76 & $1.00 .. Eve., $1.50, $1.00, 75 & BOc Frl., -Sat. & 8at. Mat . David Harum Prices: Eve., $1.00, 75, 50 & 25c. Mat,, 50 & 25c. .-.,.) i Tues., Wed. &.. WeoV. MaU Man 20-21. - "When London Sleeps" ARGYLE AN "ARROW Clupico Shrunk Quarter Sliej It cent eeh-two for as cenu. CLUETT, PEABODY fc CO. MAKHfc Of CtOfTT N6 MONACH (MIT jU. A. Tucker, Jeweler p I Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean 8 H ...OPTICIAN... V 8 1123 O STREET g Your Patronage Sollcltcdx8 ' " in i .i ... , m,m. i yn HH' ,xiJf!J, ,'HI xi 3 1 3 JA . "i '? '" 3 V 1 1 I $. f i i ' . ! r ., Jt , -wly i.'itmi -gu- ,( iw Aa&jA 4ttv ' ohUiyji 3Kfcv