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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
MW" ijt iT" ., , ' vTZ -s, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. "v "rt tw f " sir iaf rr 'f's i rri v tbe Daifyllibraskan A conBolldatlon of Tho Hosporlan, Vol. Tl, Tho Nobraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Publlahod dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publlah !ng Co. Application mado for entry at tho poBtofllco nt Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-cluBB mnttor undor act of Con greBB of March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco Foosler. H. P. Leavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. O. Schrolbor. Manager Fred Naughton Circulation ...W. B. StandoVOh Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price. J2 per year In advanco 8TUDENT TAX. Thero hns boon considerable discus sion lately in regard to a levy of some sort upon tho students for tho sup port of athletics. If such a tax should bo mado it would ho a means of plac ing athletics in this Unlvorslty on moro stable grounds. This fee would, . evon if placed at a very low figure, make enough to meet any deficit that might ho incurred by any athletic team during a school year. Kansas is al'tho present tlmo figur ing upon a student tax of three dol lars for each student in tho Unlvor slty. K this 1b- carried through Kan sas will have enough money, with outsido support, to carry on every Unl vorslty ontorprlso to an extent that is bound to bring success. Yalo has solved this problom of a student tax, and consequently tho success and sup port hns been so great that they now havo a snrpluB of $9G,000. Wo do not claim. that Nebraska could roach such a stato of financial success as this, hut wo do urge that such a tax would bo tho means of placing us in a twelve and ono-oighth cents a game.. Think of this, paying twelve and one eighth cents for a Thanksgiving foot ball game. Now, to make this a permanont af fair and a roality, instead of "hot air" The students should not wait until thoso in authority urgo such a fee, but take it upon themselves to place nth lotlcs on a sound financial basis. All this needs is some one to start It, and tho proposition will bo a go. Freshmen Caps. Softly, guiltily, llko the gentle bhow that fhlloCh. So havo tho Freshman caps descended upon tho heads of the fair Freshmen. Whence they camo and- whither they go no one 1ms been nble to tell, but the outraged Sopho more strides to his class with fear and trembling. As one poetic Soph expressed it, "Unhappy world that's born to war and strife; I feign would leave thee now." But evidently tho Freshmen boys believe that discretion is tho best part of valor, or porhaps they deem that little red caps with white '09's on them nro not proper in a Nebraska blizzard. At any ratex no martyr has yet been found to lead tho grand hurrah. Tho caps are very pretty "afuT such that any Soph would bo proud to have hanging beside his father's picture, but oven tho most critical will admit that a green cap would have been far moro becoming to a Freshman than for them-to havo usurped tho college colors and placed tho rod and white on their unhallowed heads. Several '08 caps were soon peace fully talking to an '09 cap, but that is the exception. Yesterday at chapel time one Junior girl, unaided and alone, attacked four Freshman caps, and if there had been some one around to utter the screams for her thoso caps would now bo drying In hor wigwam. )OOOOOOOOOOOOCX)OOCOOOOOOOOO I AM NOT SUSPENDED And don't oxpoct to bo am selling oodles of now spring hats every day; snappy littlo stylo and all at $2.50 WHY AY MORE? BUDD - $2.50 HATTER .position much moro enviable than our present status. Let us consider tho advantage of having such a tax. Suppose we would mako a student tax of four dollars for each student, the paying of this tax would, of- course, give tho student a season ticket for all University ath letic contests. Tho Unlvorslty Ath letic Board give to the public every year an average of ten football games, eight basket-ball games, twelve base ball games, two track meets, a gym nasium exhibition; in all this makes thirty-three contests. With thirty three contests a year aria" a taxf of four dollars the students would bo paying -Wo do not know what tho morrow will bring forth, but Armstrong wires us that ho has just placed on sale a largo assortment of blushlrts. The Non-Com Hop, which is to bo given Saturday night at Fraternity Hall, is expected to draw a largo crowd. Extensive preparations have been made and Walt's orchestra has boon secured. Tho affair is in charge of C. D. Slaughter as chairman and D. C. Wilson as master of ceremonies. Notwithstanding the'-fact that tho Non-Coms havp usually given their .hop during the Lenten season, they have always succeeded in doing them selves justice and the committee this year hopes to -keep up tho former good record. YOU OUGHT TO KEEP A MEMORY BOOK Every student in the eastern colleges keeps one Our representative will call on you with the "NEBRASKA" BOOK The College Memory Book Company Champaign, Illinois ONE WAY RATES TO MANY POINTS IN California, Oregon, Washington From Lincoln, Nebraska, via, UnlonPaclflc, Every Day to Apr. 7 $20.00 to Ogdon and Salt Lako City, to Butte, Anaconda, and Holona. $22,50 toPodloton and Walla Walla, to Spokane and Won atcnoo, Wash. $25.00 tojjan Francisco, Los-Angolos, San Diogo and many other California points. To Everett, Fairhavon, Whatcom, Vancouver, Victoria and Astoria. To Ashland, Rosoburg, Eugene, Albany and Salom, via Portland. To Portland, or to to Tacoma and Seattle, an to many othor poinls, inquire of E. B. SLOSSON GENERAL-AGENT t&C&C&C&C&C&C&tl&lC&C&t&C&t&C&C&lSj - S corners . 0 O z iSam ester field's - , NEW ATTRACTION 1 8 y z o University Students will find tljem Especially Attractive " f Sams cafe rKS llj-121 North Thirteenth Si Corners 4 t ll()g3C)Cg)CJC3CgJCg()Cg)C)()CgJCg)(3gJ Subscribe for the Nebraskan J 3' 'y tftoi V .-