The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1906, Image 1
' SZn!PlW?T8 Sbe Bailv IFlebraekan X 1 VotfV.qNTo.83. UNIVERSITY OF 'NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH J5, 1906. Price 5 Cents rc' b i- IV,;. i x. IV . Itf. tfi K V IM It- I-' fi- fo. w&r- BASKETBALL GAME BROWN'S BU8INE88 COLLEGE TO MEET THE VAR8ITY. .aioux City Athletes Contend With the Local' Tve In the Armory To - NightLast Game 'of i8'eason. Tonight tho varsity . basket-ball team rfWlllSlinoup'.for .th61aBt?gamo on' the Afepmo floor this season. Their oppo nents are well worthy of the best ef forts tho varsity can put forth. To itjight will bo the last opportunity tho jvpoople will have to see tho varsity play .w'Bhll before they go north to play Min nesota the last of next week. ' Tho Brown's Business Collogo of Sloux City are on a trip playing tho t'atrongost teams .in South Dakota and Nebraska. Up to" date they have play ed three and won three games, their Jlast victory was over Bonder's team -?at Lead, .S. D., by a score of 27 to 18. 'iBesldeS'thls victory, they 'defeated' the vBlack Bills Giants by a score of 35 to '"27, and Ft. Robinson by a good 6cqro. Last night they wore to play Wesloyan at Unlvorslty Place. Tho Sioux City team recently won the Sioux City championship by defeating the Giants by a small margin, and they come hero 'with a reputation hard to surpass for a season's playing. Tho varsity line-up for tonight's jgame. will -be as follows: Guards Captain Hoar, D. Boll, P. 3Joll, Winders. - Contor-HMoser; Meyer. '; Forwards Walsh, Hagonalck, Officials Reforee,v Warrinor; urn 'p'iro, Van Orsdol; official tlmopeoker, 'Cornell. Thegamo will be called atfcslB p. m. sharp. "Those wishing to securdHlck- s ots. im.advanco may do so ''at either vtHitf ry Porter's "or Hho Coop-' book x storeB. TlHrsnowdrifts pllod on campus and 'track may suggest Inactivity In out- t door athletics, but nevertheless pro- minaryworklsgoing on. $ Morse, "captain of baseball team,re- ports about the same llno-up as last year In pitching material, with the v addition of Bowman, which gives him - ijlllson,' Do'rt, Bowman and Morse as candidates. " Three men are, out for the position , behind the bat, Hyde, a candidate last " year, and two new men, Karr and Thfollo. For shortstop,, Busseau, last year, with Notre Damo, Jno, Dudgeon, P. R. Jones- and Boltzor are trying and the balance of tho Infield lines up with Hydo Donsiow and Barta for - first, Rhine foraecond and Gaddls for third base. For outfield, Cooke will play at cen ter, Schmidt will hold down right 1 field, and tVo ' other men, Harold Cooke and Bellamy, will try out. Fen louj loft Holder last y&r, will not be put, since hov goes to Omaha thlfl ' "month. Morsel may -also J play Mn right field. . Tbinlc "what a8ouvenirlthfc Sombrero1 Is. Pictures, sketches . and, cartoons of. University life., Every "student Should lilvo'ohe.Afew.otaly'ldft at WWWWIIWWMWWftWft Basket Ball Brown's Business College, Ift" vs. Nebraska I Last Game I ARMORY. THURSDAY NIGHT 8:15 IJMMMaMMMMMMNMWWMMlMWWM CONVOCATION. Dean Pound Tells of Divorce Con gress Dr. Howard's Work. Dean Pound, who -was one of tho delegates appointed by Governor Mlckoy to represent Nebraska at tho "Congress of Uniform Divorce Laws," hold In Philadelphia last February, gave a fifteen-minute address on the thpm wjjrfi.some of tho most promt proceedings of the congress at convo- nt f t -- atnteB Thoro cation yesterday morning. "Tho congress was called," said Dean Pound, "by the governor of Penn sylvania at the suggestion of the legis lature of that state' Tho governor presided over the meeting In porson and, contrary to tho press reports, Dr. Pounthfound him to bo a man of cul ture, wldovjearnlng and ability, hand ling the members of tho convention with firmness nd yet with a tact which 'prevented those parliamentary "spats" so common In" .such gather ings. X- By unanimous vote of all theele gates attending the conventlbn, ltVas resolved -that, - among other things, publicity "of "divorce 'proceedings should bo urged, that all proceedings should bo geinutnely bona fide,- atod that overy -step -possible should bo taken to bring about tho festabllshment of a uniform divorce law. But the -true solution of the 'ques tion, as the entire cbngress voiced it, is the reforming of oar marriage laws. And at this point Dr. Pound paid Dr. Howard and the University a most flattering compliment. "In overy Instance," said he, "Dr. Howard's work on maifrlagp was re fered to as tho authority. It was con- trvmtmmimm0miHmmi0t00mti0m)t)0m C REPORT OF f NASHVILLE c SUNDAY, MEMORIAL HALL 1 YHWCC.A.' - wimid0im&mi i i of Season s slderod by overy member preaont to be the first of all works on that sub ject" There were forty-ono states and the District of Columbia represented at the congress, South Carollna,.Nevada and Mississippi being tho delinquent commonwealths. Tho delegates con sisted of educators, lawyers, legisla tors, laymen and women, and among will be another meeting of tho dele gates some time In the spring, when definite steps will be taken toward abolishing tho dlsastorous dlvorco evil. Girls' Pan-Hell Play. Members of tho cast of tho play to bo given soon by tho girls Pan-Hellenic Congress are meeting regularly and are working hard to got the play Into Bhapo. Each sorority Is represented and the cast Is composed entirely of TreshmenNThey have proved exceed ingly capable under tho direction 'of ono of tho leading members of the locution department and it is expect ed that tho play will bo a great suc cess. The play Is an annual affair and Is given to bring the. girls together and. give them a better opportunity to be come acquainted. An-lnformal 'recep tion follows -the play. It will bo re membered that last year tho most im portant action taken by tho congress was placing the ban on dancing dur ing the week. This year tho rule has been lived up to strlctlyand bo far no member-qf any sorority has been found attending a University dance during tho week. DELEGATES i i GONVENT'N I MARCH J8 df J DI 1 .'i' y:w.c.a i SCHEDULE MADE MANAGER MORRI80N HA8 COM PLETED 8CHEDULE. Colorado to Be the Thanksgiving Op ponents Minnesota at Minne apolis op October 27. Tho football Bchodulo has boon prac- ' tlcally completed by Managor Mor rison. 'Tho season of 190G presents but fow changes from tho schedules of tho past two yoars, but one part of It which Is very gratifying to Nebraska rooters is tho fact that Kansas is on for November 17th at Lincoln. Aftor tho long period of two yoars without ' a gamo with tho Jayhawkors, tho poo plo aro oagor for tho gridiron contest, and this gamo alono should draw a largo crowd. The gamo with Minne sota tor noxt year comes a Uttlo earlier than tho ono played this year. This should provo a much better arrange ment for tho "Cornhuskors," as It Was generally thought that tho "Gopher" gamo ciime too late, last year. Only two games "w411 bo played away from home next year, Minnesota and tho Crelghton gamo at Omaha. Both Knox- and Ames will be brought to Lincoln for games this yoar and from past, ex perience wo havo found thht. these teams aro worthy opponents ancLal ways draw crowds. Coach Fostor will find plenty to keep him busy noxt fall if Nobra'ska ends the season with a jcloah sweep and ten victories. The prospects at thd-.prosont Umo are not very optimis tic, ag o havot lostso many varsity men. Cotton, Borg, Benedict, Wellor; Johnson, WHson and Nolsbnhavo all Borved their tlmVr' loft school, vfilch will make them ineligible for next year's team. Captain Mason has been husy getting a lino on possible candi dates and thinks that Nebraska'should havo a strong team even If'thoyro mostly green men. Foster's asslstant has not been selected yet, but It is quite likely a man will bo chosen within the next fow weeks. Tho schedule "which the varsity will have to face for next yoar Is as "'fol lows: September 29--Grand Island College at Lincoln. October 6 Lincoln "High School at , Lincoln. , ,. 'October lSKnox- College at iTln coin. -' , - October 20 Iowa Agricultural Col lege at Lincoln. ' Octobor '27 Minnesota at Minneapo- ' lis. November 3 South Dakota at Lin coin '' ' .. , " , , November 10 Crelghton College at Omaha. .' . November 17 Kansas at Lincoln. November 24 Doano College' at Lincoln. November 29 Colorado, at Lincoln. '; . Professor Nicholson, former head of ) tho Department . of Chemistry here, was a campus visitor Tuesday. Pro fessor Nicholson is now constructing engineer of a large mining fcompaay having headquarters atSumpter, !l)re- . gon.v ' ! x x m 4 4 i v ' V i ;v- X kjS V 5 '!. Xj r Jt .-! ' ifu' j ."? fV' ' .! x ,jxic -V