The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1906, Image 2

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    rTTTWI l P i ij i 'TTWTTS
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Pi .
tbc Dfiify Hebraskan
A. consolidation of
Tho Hcnporlan, Vol. fl, Tho Nobraskan,
Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. i.
Published dally, excopt Sunday and
Monday, at tho University of Nebraska,
.Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hcnporlan PubUsh
ln Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V. P. Stout. Lauronce Fossler.
H. P. Loavltt.
Dwlght Cramor. A. Q. Schrolbcr.
Manager Fred Naughton,
Circulation W. E. Standovon
Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone ...Automatic 2365
. ?
Subscription Price, 2 per year In advance
The football bonoflt given at tho
Ollvor theater on last Thursday was a
great success and the men In charge
Biirely dosorvo great credit for tho
way In which tho affair was handled.
There has been more or less knock
ing by tho students In regard to the
JuBtiflabloness of such an undertaking.
But this has come from men who
wore elthor admitted to tho football
games last fall on complimentary
tickets, or did not go tb the games at
Such a "benefit" Is in more than
one way commondable. When any
University is encumbered with debt
by any of Its organizations it Is noth
ing more than just and right that the
students should tako it upon them
selves to pay off this debt, or as much
of it as is. possible. This is especially
true In athletics, for it lu tho students'
part of tho University, consequently,
when any deficiency occurs the stu
dents should all unite to meet this de
ficit. Wo are not censuring the stu
dents for not attending the "benefit,"
becauso they did glvo it their most
loyal support, and many even wont in
nnd aided in soiling tickets. To those
who did the student members of the
Athletic Board are very grateful and
appreciative. But those who havo
weilded the hammer should tako a
quieUiint, and from now on boost in
stead of oppose University functions.
Benefit a Success.
Tho football "benefit" given by the
studont members of tho Athletic Board
at the. Oliver theater on March 8th
was Indeed a success when It is con
sidcred tho comparatively short time
spent in getting it up. The expenses
incurred in giving such an entertain
ment are generally rcry high. But
oven considering this the neat sum of
$135 was cleared.
Tho program given was of good
merit and many vory pleasing stunts
wore performed by the amateur per
fomers. Tho work of the University
Mandolin, Gloe and Dramatic Clubs in
tho entortainment wero especially
worthy of praise. "Busy" Barwick did
some specialty work which was humor
ous, and ho was tho recipient of vory
liberal applause by tho audience. P.
H. Dunlop of Omaha givo several good
readings, and impersonations. Tho
boxing bout between Hale and Bailey,
and tho parallel and horlzbntal bar
work by the University gymnastic
team was vory good and was appreci
ated by the crowd. All in all tho en
tertainment was well worth the price
every student in ine eastern colleges Keeps one
Our representative will call on
you with the
The College Memory Book Company
Champaign, Illinois
Junior Party.
Tho Junior class decided at a recent
meeting to have a class party. Tho
general sentiment of tho class Beems
to bo In favor of some informal out-of-door
attain. The class voted to ap-
on some plan and report it at tho next
meeting of tho class. A meeting will
u"o held Tuesday and a report Is ex
pected at that tlmo. President Myers
announces tho Jollowing committee:
Helen Huso, chairman; Myrtle Cauff
man, Flossy Erford, Harold Steiner,
and W. E. Stahdevou.
The poet nnd literary critic, Edwin
Markham, takes a deep interest in the
larger problems that effect the state
and society. He is a firm believer in
democracy tho democracy of Jeffer
son and Lincoln and regards tho
present assumption of power by pollt-,
ical bosses and privileged interests
with gravo misgivings. In the Feb
ruary "Arena" he gives his views of
democracy's demand on tho states
manship of today In a highly interest
ing and suggestivo conversation with
tho editor of "The Arena." During
this conversation Mr. Flower refers to
Senator Lodge's recent attack on di
rect legislation, and the poet answers
tho strictures of the Massachusetts
statesman in a manner that cannot fail
to please all friends of freo Institu
tions and the fundamental principles
of democracy. This paper, preceded
as it is byNi charming characterization
of the poet by Mr. Flower, is one of
several extremely Interesting foatures
of the February "Arena," which also
contains a notablo and timely paper
of first Importance by Professor Par
sons on "Railway Discriminations," a
startling exposuro of the smelter
trust nnd its operation by tho Hon, J.
Warner Mills; a critical and discrim
inating criticism of Maeterlinck by
Professor Archibald Henderson, Ph.D.,
nnd a number of other papers of inter
est and value to thoughtful men and
women. r
Station A Business.
Tho annual statement of tho busi
ness of the Lincoln nostofllce has been
point a commltteo-of five to decido up-J issued by Postmaster STzer. The re-
port for Station A Is as follows:
Sunday at 7:30, Memorial Hall.
Delegates from Nashville convention
to report. Judging from the meeting
Sunday,, this meeting will bo one of
peculjar Interest. Tho Y. M. C. A.
quartet will sing and there will be a
solo by Miss Maud Kendall of Univer
sity Place.
-- - W04
Total pdBtai-
recelpts $5,296.92
Total M. O. busl-
ness 42,644.74
Letters and parr
cols registered
Registered let
ters delivered
Forwarding v or
ders recorded
i i
Doesn't this interest you?
book for1.00. See ad.
Forbes "Stables, livery, cab and bag
gage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1650.
The business of all departments of
the station except the money order de
partment have increased "from 2 to 15
per cent
Alpha Tau Omega gave a dancing
party at Walsh's Hall Saturday night
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Roller skating nt tho Auditorium.
Subscribe for the Nebraskan
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