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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1906)
MZ-e- .1 . W j - . ' - 4 f HVM -J Vol.V. No.82. .UNIVERrFY'OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1906: Price 5 Cent. Is. 1WM.. ft . ' . - - --. 1 ---.. . . . - . , . , . . . f . i i i ill II I I i n I i .... t: r: vm DRAMATIC CLUB PRESENTS THE "RU88IAN HONEtfr m- MOON' Both Were Well Carried Out Club Has Successful Trip to Crete. Hnli hK v-,, ,t Two productions of the University Dramatic Club, "The Trained Nurse" and "A RuflBlan Honeymoon," have met with oxcllent success during the -"bast week. The" former, a short two w;t football play, was given at the llvor last Thursday evening as one number 'of. tiie" benefit riven by the Athletic Board to make up the existing Solicit in the athlotic treasury. rThe Ifilay was especially appropriate, since !jfcfae story had to do chiefly wlth an In Vhred football hero and. offered! nunj "tier of cnanccs for good local hits. "tfTho actors sustained their parts liwell and the audience evidently en- $yed the brisk movement of tho ac- ton. Thq play was vshort- and. went without a break, thanks to the care; ;fiil training of Miss Howell and' M. Jfayser. The cast of characters was as follows: Mrs. Worthlngton, a wealthy widow, t Miss tJouiso Allen I&ginald Worthlngtbn the injured halfback. '?. .1. P jt&rlti Margaret Worthlngton, alias "Peg gy." Mb sister. .. .Miss Luclle Cul Phil Armour, tils friend and Peg-" gy's. . .. . .Prank Bellamy .Molly Button, the "trained ..nurso "v . . . . .. .:..".... .Miss Edith Butler J'r. .gtrohg) Jtimily physician. u t , t , i .. . t rr. Roy Sunderland The second play, a three-act drama of ' Rnwrin'llfev was presented at vtho - CroW' opera house as a benefit for tho 'Doane Athlotic Board, and gained aft enthusiastic reception by the good skod'audlohco present The play had' Deeir, given, previously in .iuumuriu Halibut a rearrangement of parts inkdq;the production at Creto different la-s'o'yjoral1 respects from the orllgnal as given hero. The- excellent work of Ml8aV-ljIridennan,. who look a difficult roleja short notice,' was f a feature oMMfe Play. ' r Uetfyeen acts a quartette composed of' Messrs. Dorwart, Wallace, HIgglns and Agee, pang aTnunber "of "sjolectlons ' whJchL' added decidedly to the success of the evening The membors otJ&D .cast vere"as follows; Mr. Edgcrton, -MlssCarns, Miss Llnderman, Mr.Glb son, ,.Mr. Saw-yer, Miss Erford and Mr. Boberts, with Mr. Topporborg as h .. musician ana prompter, mure ib Lv J7 poBSlbfllty that the -play' may Be gtyen in one. or more oiaer urwnp in ujo r t state;; withlivt the next few weeks,, and ILJs boped.that such'a trip if 'unddr lalcerif)(may add materiallx. the, stsdivgofhy,c'luiVin?anXrilB Thf toramatlo dbbhake.hoyirjn 'th& 'nleriufol Jts wprlc lnvtheso twd produc- tionstttis honed that the nlriys wmcV are to follow In Memorial HalLb.ofpre tlie 'en&cfalkltyetri&ifrtitWth&bi. tf6nage th6y iieaerve. . Tho first-three of these plays will be given within a Ivi( weeks ad i-ywlll constitute an. "ivtfAIioPrbop(8afs;" W&fa 6rie? jti04ijiJiiity02M& 1 Basket Ball Brown's Business College, gytMj -I- Z 'U ' J-iw ;N'ebvraska. Last dame of Season ARMORY. '. THURSDAY NIGHT 8:15 which will exhlbit."somb troWarlatiori of tho "old, old story." Among those who will )tako part are: Mlss'Mao E bl,m( Mr". Keyser,, JMjj. Steiher, MIsb Denny, Miss Haskell, Miss Hanlon, Mr, Fonlon and Mr. Evans. Dramatic Club try-outs for admit tance to membership will bo held on the ovening of March 20th and all ap plicants are requested to see Miss Howell before that time. This will bo the final try-out this year and all stu dents interested in dramatic work are airgqd to consult with Miss Howell of some membo? of tho cast committee at ' . ... . i once. Tno cast..commuieo consists ox Mi88."Qarn8,Miss Erford, Miss Louise Allen, Miss Gould, Miss Fall, Mr. Ed gorton,Mr. Keyser and -Mr' Sunder land. T. V(f. C.A. ELECT8"0FICER8j Miss tlUtilU-AfleV Cfioseti -frcldent 'and Miss Redlngton Secretary. .The Y;,W,,C AVmetrlttt week and folecfo'(r officers for the coming yean As tho presidency of this organization ,18 considered tho groatest honor within' ,'the powor of the co-eds, it is generally 'p. very serious question that confronts jthem In. regard to this choice. Miss Pearl YAronibaid, wno nas Bervea eq faithfully as president of the asabcla1. by a person who IS equally capable and suited for-the place. Miss LueUa Airno wasoloctBd nresldent for tho on s'ulng yjbarTho otheVsbfficef a elbctedl are: Vl6o-presdentr,Myrtle Kauffnla'n;j secretary, Jtieion neaingion; ireasurer Ethel Henrlch. . wday-afteraoonfand roports.for the! nast year woro given. . . . u " ; fK'l. h&3m?$ lit A' i tt-'-A i.' J ' V ;. .. ' ' 7 3 y Tickets' $t. 25 iWali, t itoviMNiMijyijfcM i l WMMMMNMMMWMMWMMrMWMM'MtWMWWMMM'Ml GLEE CLUB. Has Made Many Successful Trips In the State. Since tho last Issue of this papor tho. two clubs (Glee and Mandolin) havo boon taking 'In tho neighboring cities and making a "hit" wheroaver thoy stopped. Tho Hastings trip was a succobs from start to finish and the clubs wero moBt royally ontortalnod after the con- cort at tho homo of Mr. Duor. Tho .house was packed and very enthulsas tic. The trip out to Friend and Exeter was very successful and at least seventy-five wore turned away from thq 'doors at, ono of tho places and tho boys were entertalnod at prlvato houses all the time while away on this trip. , At Tecumsoh arid Johnson tho boys: had a pretty good tlmo, but bad weather Interferred with tho atteh dance. Both clubs aro working hard (on the homo concert and aro trying their best to work up a concert that Lincoln people will enJ6y and appre ciate. The Glee Club Dutch Band has boon; meeting evory evening for th& las't .Week getting into shapo for' thd'blg Lc6ricert to 'be given at the Oliver oal April Gth, and by all Indications It will iiot only be abloto play "It Was tho, Dutch," but some good selections, as some of the best University musicians are to bo abound there. V & CoP- and set one 6t thoso Som- breros. You may bo too late. -s :2F . . i . . - 1 y i " CORNIUJSKER THE JUNIOR AND 80PHOMORE CLA88E8 MAKE 8ELECTION8. H. Q. Meyers to Be Editor-in-Chief and A, E. Burr Business ger of Book. Mana- . , , At a recent meotlng of tbo JUnToir and Sophomore classes tho following men woro eloctod to superintend tho publishing of tho "Cornhusker"' 'ltf 1907: Edltgr-In-Chlef, H. G. Myers, '07. Managing editor, T. A. Browno,'1 07. Business manager, A, E. Burr, '08. In both classes considerable, rivalry was manifested, tho Junior- raco bolng botween Brown and Drain, whllo t,ho Sophomoro aspirants centered their forces about Burr and MUIb. Aftor much Bklllful .maneuvering on both sides, Burr carriod tho election for tho Sophomores' and Brown 4or tho Juniors. Thore was also some difficulty ex perienced In straightening out tho matter of chiof editorship. President Myers first submitted tho namo of C A. Sunderlln to tho class as his cholco for tho place, but, it refused, to ratify tho appointment, whoroupon tho president was compollod by resolution to submit his own namo as candidate for tho office The-olass at onco votocL to accpp.t him as editor-in-chief of. tho publication. Tho managing editorship was noxt voted upon, resulting; has already bqon ald, In tho olectionof T. A. Browne 4 Thoro yet remains, tho election ofkah 'assistant business manager - by- tho w 9 , Junior class and an assistant business manager and managing editor by thb Sopnombros. Tho Jublors will hold, thblr election .next Tuesday, In a'daT tlon to these throe officers, t!aoro aro a '., number of departmental editors to bo appointed" without ratification, by tho presidents of the rospectiyo classes?'1' -" As yet tho "Laws" havo taken no action relative to appolhtlng .represen tatives on the publication staff, but ' it is expected that they will nVako 'tho appointments la thq near future. From all 'indications thq "Corshusk efs" will p'rbyo a success Ih'everyway, TJio qdltdrial .staff'ia strong' anh, w' the united support' o'( both tho'unlp'r " and Sophbmbrb' classes 'the publication should bo a distinct imnrovement over , the publications herotofordissued at this InsUtuUoh. .The cbnsolldatlon 5f-tho year Jboks""'; In tho form of tho ''Cornhusker'' f la a ,, vory timely move, as the' Commercial Club of the city," at Its last meeting-, appointed a committpe, whose duty,.,- f yf&B toprqparo jesolutlpnp 'for the re, ,strlctirig o'f adyortising intho JlJnlvor ilt- sity publicatlpns. A representative', p(, . The Ncbraskan callo'd upoi one .of the ,, , commItteo yesterafay and. found that ,.;., the sentlmont among the merchantapf ,. the city seemed to bo .that they' woro being called upon too. .often, for.adver-u' tlflqg in Unlvorslty .enterprises.. T,ho y merchants are of thqgeneral opinion f? ixSl1 PWrtone,.Unlver8lty .. " annuala daljjr jaffUcatton: .. i - i jo.k - rsa .act kYpH)MyfllU.b6'vU .oneach if DO"t"T fall to get a Sombrero. K7 A I . r- :Wr.t,. .y- r- ) v , b&iiiL. . h .V V.' fr i "tj