PWWiliW"!1""""' & L. ft'STT f .rjp, TTj , v V4 IIST7 BsgraHBtca ' " " 'V "- - f i: ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. j-js - i ni r - " ! v f " , ir-T '"ft'"" v ''T it; ' ?. . .r7y J ifr ft r r T V ,'i r r i Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafter LitMo Qom Hot (VaflloRiuulFlno Monlfl and Lunohofl. 117-121 North 13 Street l.ltcrnl, c;c. Intorl near, tl.50. 147 roll. Ourmnn, Trrnch, Italian, Rptntoh, Lilln, Oruuk, W.lW, and f l.U). Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. IFm on mcA pao interlinear Herniation. literal truiiMlatloii.Hnil tvrru word completely parted. Lone vowclinuvikod. fl.W. Completely Scanned-Parsed Aeneld, I. ti.). Completely Parted Cicero, Oration I. two. MINDS & NODLC, PublUhcrs 31 - 33-38 W. (Ah St. Now York City 8eJiooltooka of all publithers at one ttore 00000000000000000000090 STUDENTS o For first-class Tailoring at low prices, seo Union College Student T-ailor3. Automatic Phono 3255. Union CoilegeTailors POST OITICIC J1LIH1. OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOCOGCOCOO WE KNOW HOWTO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. QUALITY OUR 80DA TASTES LIKE MORE Rlggs, The Drug Gutter 1521 O St. DON'S CAFE 114 to. 11 J. WiliM, Up ladles1 Dining Room' In Connection OPEN 0 A. M. TO 1 A. M. Wo havs always been known as. tho STUDENTS LAUNDRY Wo want your business. iui.k o:tos. hand laundry Auto 3704, BeUS74 HH 0 Street. (Continued from page 1.) a meeting upon application of five mcmborB, or at any tlmo ho thinks ad visable. Section 2. Tho duties of tho officers shall otherwise bo such us usually fall to the lot of similar officers in similar organizations. ARTICLE VII. Oath. Section 1. Each initiato shall bo required to make tho following decla ration as a part of his Initiation: I, , horoby promise and declare that while' a student at the University and after loavlng It I will strive to promote tho student welfaro of tho University, to foster a broad good-fellowship among Nebraska men, to oncourago democracy, and to dis courago political intrigues which tond to givo the studont honors to othora than those who have merited recog nition by unselfish laborO" the ad vancemcnl of tho Interests of the Uni versity. Scctldn 2. No oath or pledge ahull over bo exacted from any member of tho club to nid, assist or further tho interests of his fellow members except insofar as they may merit it ns fellow mon and sons sis the same Alma Mater. ARTICLE VIII. Insignia. Tho Commons shall adopt somo in signia suitable. to bi placed on a hsinglo or letterhead as a seal, or worn as a pin. ARTICLE IX. Amendments. St'cll'in I. The Commons maj by a majority ol of all nr-tlvo members chango the number of members to bo elected each year. Section 2. All other amendments to this constitution must be made by a constitutional amendment meeting of tho male barbs. Such meeting shall bo called by tho President of the Asso ciated Barbs at any time he thinks an amendment -la necessary. It must bo called by him on petition of fifty male barbs. It must bo a .mooting for this solo and separate purpose. In order to bo binding such an amendment must bo passod by a two-thirds ma jority at tho amondmont meeting. ARTICLE X. Adoptoln. Tho election of charter members as boforo provided shall constitute an adoption of this constitution. ARTICLE XI. Dissolution. Onco this constitution is adoptod if the Commons fall to follow it, such failure shall in Itself dissolve the Commons, deprive them of their right to tho name Commons and empower tho Associated Barbs to eloct'a new body of men who from that tlmo shall constitute the Commons of tho Uni versity of NpbraBka. A NEW WAY TO LOS ANGELES You can now go direct, by u now route via Suit Lake City, and by a new daily train tho Los Angeles Limited Superb accommodatioiK Pullman's be&t service. Dining Cars, Obborvation Cars, with Buffet; Lounging Rooms and Library. Electric lights over every seat and in every berth, via the Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route California questions cheerfully and fully answered by E. D. SLOSSON, General Agent ooxooooooooooooooooo "The Good Coals People" V will supply you with the best in fuel at right prices GIVE US YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL AND WOOD t UNION COAL CO. Auto 3236. Dell 335. 1014 0 STREET CX000000000000000000( TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CO. FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices In large quantities. 1316 N Street. Both 'Phones GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91. BOTH PHONES, 1044 O STREET Note book covers at 5, 10, 15 cents at tho University Book Storp. OCXDCOCOCOCOCXDCXDCOOOOOOOn 'COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 Sec our Gc noto covers. University Book Store. Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho eye, ear, nose arid throat. Richards block. A young woman's shoe, Sorosts. Rogers & Perkins Co.. 1129 O Street. THE HEIDLEBURG POOL HALL BILLIARDS ANDl POOL) CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Auto 4453; Bell F 1571, 146 North I Ith Street. H. L. Swan, ox'08, Is" back In school. BTUDJfiNT - Tit AD IS - KOkXClTED STEINER-.WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Ml Pint 1707. 1146 0 -Street WANTED Every user or prospec tive UBer of a typewriter to have .a free trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phono No. 348. 13C No. 11th St. Mr. Chas. Bohrer, '07, will leave Tuesday for Texas. Union Shining- Parlor -Shine, flyo cents; chairs for ladles. , 1018 O St. CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY 1134 N STREET ; PRIVATE - ALLEYS - FOR. LADIES Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P St. Bell phono 550, Auto 1550. Roller skating at tho Auditorium. Miss Llnd Trueblood, '07, formerly of Nebraska, but who went to Iowa City, la., last year,' has returned to Nebraska. . . Don't forgot tho Unl. School of Music Cafe. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 No. 13th. Roller skating' at the Auditorium. E. B. Dunaway has loft school to'en' ter the employ of tho Smith Premier Typewriter Company as junior salesman. EaUat tho Unl. Music Cafe. The re will be an Important meeting of all Freshman girls today at 11 a. m. Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. 310 No. 11th Noto covers, 5 cents. , 1 ' Miss Gertrude Henshaw of Council Bluffs, la., visited University friends lafet week. ?' ,J&MMJ AuWmvf tife$&.d- a- , wUajtritoeqahtfcMit fcjbAtfitf mil r i1 ifflfeg . C ;M -tJ