V, - -' i 4 ." - 1 i -. - s THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, l T-H'Tik- '-." s l lw ' ' ,'. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bverjr Loyal Uiilreraltr Student U arced to pntronlxo thcio Nebraa kan advertlaera, and to mention the paper xrlillo doing ao. I t t it ii t it it it it it it it BARBER SHOPS Arlsto, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op. Lin- ' coir Book Store, TJnl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITALGlllespie. 'BANKS Columbia National, Flraf Na- ' tlonal. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CAFE Sam" Westerflold. Don Cam eron. CARPETS Rudgo & Giienzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paino'8 Fountain. CHINA Rudge & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Upland, Ma- geo & Deemor, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERS-Maxwell, The Fol- som. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erlo B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Stolner, Woem- nener, Brown, Rector, Harley. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- sheimer, Rudrfio& Guenzol. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. "FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzol Co., Hardy. GROCERS O. J. King & Som HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guonzel Co.. Hall Bros. HOTELS LlndolL ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Creum-Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallet LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond. POOL AND BILLIARDS The Heldel- burg. ' - PRINTING-New Century, King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. RESTAURANTS-Don's" Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins.. . SHINING TARLOR Union'- Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union". College Tailors, Ludwlg. - ' TYPEWRITERS-T-Underwood . . Type writer Co, TYPEWRITING Ji W. BrowBter. . SPECIALISTS Dr, Erlo B. Wood ward. A WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. if H r If if n aVts'each: 2 ron as ct f XrCLUEIT. PEAUODV & CO., JM BBBBr SJ5SBBBBMBPBBS CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Unto one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten conts. FOUND Black fountain pen, on campus, Wodnesday, January 24. Owner can have same by identifying property aud paying for this ad. No 'braskan office. FOUND Students' headquarters for good clean home cooking. Meals 15c. L. W. Spencer, 12 th and P Sts. Found Wednesday on the campus, brown mottled fountain pon. Owner can hnvo same by calling at Nebras lean office and paying fqr this ad. Found Pocketbook containing sev eral articles of small value Owner may have same by paying for this ad. and. Identifying property. BATHS .CHRIS BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallne, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. SUITORIUM. ". HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. GLUB RATES Thrco suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, Jl per month. El liott's, 113C O St. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. PAGER BROS., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. DENTIST8. BOSTON Dentists, 131D O St. DR. II. A. SHANNON, 1136 O. Auto. 2823; Bell. 2120. OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. Of N. '99. Burlington Block. SPECIALISTS DR. W. J. WELLS, stomach, kidney. skin and blood. 1210 O St. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER Delos3 Smith, watch maker and Jeweler, 138 So. 12th Stv Low rates to students. , MY MAGAZINE, "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (winch, I'll Bond frco) is worth $10 a copy to nny innn who intends to in vest any monoy, however small; who has money Invested nnprofltnbly, or who can savo $5 or more nor month, but who 'hnsn't learned tho nrt of Investing for pront. It demonstrates tho REAL "Cnrnlni? power of money tho knowledge financiers and bnnkcrs hldo from tho mnsses. It shows how to Invest small sums and how to molto them grow Into fortunes the actual possibilities of Intelligent lu VcHtmrnts. IKrovenls tho .enormous profits bankers mukoMind shows how one can make tho sumo profits safely. It explains HOW Htupendouirfortunc3 aro mnclo anil. "WHY thoy uro mode how $1,000 gr.ows to' ?22,000. To Introduce my magazino wrlto juo NOW. mentioning thin paper and I'll send it SIX MONTHS FREW. . EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Street Railway Time Card. R. & M. Depot. Capitol nnd South 17th' Curs leave u. ti. M. depot and soutn Ht. at 5 mln. past tho hour nnd each ten min utes. First 0:05 n. m.r Inst 12:00 p. m. Sun., ll-pr-rrt. , B. & M. Depot. Capitol and Sumner via Hth Cars oyory 20 mln. FJrst C:20 n. m.,- last 11:20 p.. in. -Hnlon College nnd Normal via 17th Cars every 10 mln. First G;D0 a., m., last iQ:ro p. m; b. & m. U'ca.t loop, B. & M, Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th-r-L.cavo P. O. nn'd 25tli every 20 mln. First car C:G0 a. m.. last 10:50 p. m. Cemetery Cai-s leave P. O. every 1 minutes. Fli-st C;25 a. in., last 11:25 p in. B. & M. depot loop. Havelock ancLUnl. Place Cars leave P. O. and Uol. Placo 20 and 50 mln. pust hour, Caro leave Iiavelock 5 nnd 35 mln. past tho hour. First car leaves P. O. C:C0 n. in., last 10:50 p. m. First car leaves Havelock C:35 n. in., last 11:35 p. in. Sor vlco to Unl. PInco every 15 mln., 5, 20, 35 nnd GO minutes past tho hour. First car 5:50 n. m., last car 11:05 p. m. N. W. Depot. Capitol ami So. 14th Cars to 14th and A ovdry 10 mln. To 14th and South every 20 jriln. First 0:20 a. m., last 11:40 p. in, 14th nnd South St. cars make N. W. depot loop. oPnttchtlary 10th and O every 40 mln. First car leaves 0:40 a. in., last 10:40 p. m. State Farm 10th nnd O oven hour and every 10 minutes, B. & M. depot loop. South 10th Cars to 14th and South every 10 mln.-' First C:15 n. in., last, 12:00 p. m. Sun. 11:00 n. m. Park every 40 mln. First 7:00 u. m last 11:00 p. m. South 10th street cars mako N. W. dojjot State University, R and N. ICth Cars every 15 mln. First 15 3 a. m., last Jl:07 'SUNDAY Cars start 1 hour U,tct and The University Gleo and Mandolin Clubs guvo a very enjoyable cntor tatnment at Seward Inst Friday even ing to a full house. The theatre was decorated In scarlet an:l cream and penants were In evidence In all parts of tho room. After the coricort both clubs were beautifully pntertalnod by Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tlshm at tholr homo, with tho assistance oFsomo thirty old Unl students. Carnations wero used for decorations and tho people woro bows of Unl colors and demonstrated that thero was Unl spirit out of Lin coln no well as In. Wednesday evening tho Gleo and Mandolin Clubs will entertain tho fac ulty and a few special guests. The program 'Will be a special one nnd nil the faculty are urgod to bo present. The concert will bo given In the chapel Friday and Saturday evenings will he spent at Hastings and Grand Island by tho Gloo and Mandolin Clubs, whero an enjoyable time Is anticipated. OLIVER THEATRE 50000000000O Tonight at 8:16 Cms Sun Minstrels PRICES: 75, 50, 35 & 25 Cents. Wed. Mat. & Night, Feb. 7. "Piff, Paff, Pouf" . MATINEE: 50, 76 & $1.00. NIGHT: $1.50, $1.00, 76 & 50c. Thursday Night, Feb. 8. PAIL GILM0RE In "CAPTAIN DEBONNEIRE" RE.CENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25.000 -New Words and Phrases Ncw Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary EJIt.l It W. T. Hari-U, rh.D..LUD., United titairs Comtaktloner of Kluciluii. 2380 Quarto Paeos. 5000 Illustrations. Also Webster's Colleglato Dictionary 11W I'cKCt. 1100 Illiutrstloai. Reirular Edition 7il0xSHIncLc. SLloJlnn. .Da Luxe Edition &'HxMi la. ivlnted from ' eaino jniiioi, i.u viuio jvtpor. - waiuirui Iiidjuij-- FREE, "PlrtloiaryVrriaiaM." Illutrtttedjmjhlet. G. Ci C. MERRIAM CO. Pubil3hera, Springfield, Maas. GET THE BEST 60. YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trace Marks Desiqns Copvriqhts Ac. Anrone sendlntr a sketrb and dMOripUon may Qptcklr ueectaln our opinion free whether an :lr oaeectam our opinion nee woetner an itlon laprobablr pntentia. COBmunlaa atrtctly condaontui. WURrlMK on fatenta invent tlona el aont free. aont free. Oldest aaenor lor aeourioffpatenta. l'atenta taken through Muna Ob. reeelre Vftelal notice, wlthoat charge, n the $CiettIlItC JitfWIttN. A kanaaomelr iUnatrated veeklr. Irgeat euiAiion or anr mishuio Kurum. THBi.ua fwi imr Mycins, au bom pyan newaaeaiara. rwi f our wvttha, $1. BoMbyaH newaJealara. "H . WE MAKE EVERYTHING WE SELL Not Lovct Saver Kraut Molasses Kisses High Grade Confections Fine Box Candy trora 30 to 75c per pound The Olympla Candy Co 11310. Auto 3596 What's a dance without Tomrny? Thos. AV. Colonian, bolter known na Tommy," at Miller &. Palnc's. WAITERS' BUREMJ XV. D.'gRANT, Munagcr , Flrut clnsa sorvlco Knorantood ot oil rc' coptlpna, parties, colutlona nnd baniuots. or inroruiatlon rlnt; up Autophoito 383 10 No. 10th St. C0TRELL& -LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GQWflS and HOODS To tho American Colleges nnd Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable, prices. "RoSert Barn3," the Leading IQcClga When down town moot your frIcndsAt GEO. M. CONWAY'S xaia o stiiket , Tho only oxcloslro cigar nnd tobacco store in tho city C. A. Tuckery Jeweler 'tiiySain'l. S..Siiean ...OPTICIAN... 1123 O STREET yy Ptrna ollrtavfl bbbKQiWIbbbI iBBBBB0rlS laABBH IbbibbibbibbT iV. . . .'Vt iVT;TiBBEai . JB -- -) i'1 t V ."il X '. .? . Utop I hour wtrller.'. , ' . - ' '. ,!'''. ; f3tC! iJi