w-li. - v"1?1 - i -ft-trwfww -jrTTT?zrrm f w v " " "iir '- v ' it- r-WfWW. V 7 Srt y- vW TH(E DAILY nebraskan. sc Sam Westerfield fff iv v f l. i l-o Proprietor of Sajn's Cafe ft Little Gem Hot Waffles nndFIne Monls and Lunohes. 1 17-121 North 13 Street Can you converse Intelligently rcKanllnu any Ijook you may Ittvc been rendlnjr-.is If yon had really xited il u completely? Well, a novel, a poem, n history, a Dlogtnpny. nuram.i, an um lion, a sermon, or r.ny other literary prolucllon, If read or studied as our new I'ook tell one how, become n nubject which one can dis cuss or write about in ., .!.,.. i... ..in il uioruuKinr Minim- jjm uent and compreheii- 4 ; slve way. t?l HOW TO STUDY kh$ UICKAIUKQ i Cloth, 75 emit, fotlfaid mvdttji' HINDS & NOBLE, "Pfl 31-33-35 W. Ifith St. tW nsu ivin it Sthcotoh cf all fubthhers at on ttort C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To the American Colleges and Univer sities.. Class contracts a specialty. 'Reliable materials. Reasonable prides) Wo havo always boon known as tho STUDENTS LAUNDRY Is: Wo want your business. YUM2 DUOS. HAND LAUNDRY 5M O Street. Auto a7MisBell 074 THE IVY PRESS 3S e)56 THE IVY PflESS .WjievojiSSXHOSSiSKS S S22tf63S23S2S SSSSSfiS- oAiiKao, NEAT-PRINTING LATI'.ST STYLES AND XQTJRTKOUS TREATM'NT AT "" o(o ! efei KING & JESSUP'S i VV4U 125 H. 12th St T. J.TJIORP & CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, KfJys Lock Smlthlno.-Gcneral Machlno Works, Model Makers, Etc. 308 So. Ilth, LINCOLN New Ceikttsry Printers - H41-N STREET I8il Especially solicits tKo. trado of tlioso yho wish it well printed. IL Try tho University Dining Room. Entiro new plan. I mm nmfmMv rwf .nvi TMTV-L. fjDm, ' AyMiS V I H wjSssjjjiw? J WiUJ VZLJ XiV WHSS OunSuoV)uoSuavuav 0)56 CVLI'l 2 rwmmm 125 " 12th 3I' Discount Sale. Sanderson's. Thero will bo no drill noxt week on account of the final examinations. Swell shoes; big bargains, son's Sule Snnder- Examlnatlon In Military Tactics AA2 will occur next Friday afternoon. Swell shoes; big bargains. Sander son's Sale. J. D. Clark, editor of The Nebraskan, Ih In Omaha on business for a few days. Lincoln Local Express, 1313 O St. Doth phones. All candidates for Sophomore Ath letic Carnival team moerin Gym for try-out 8 at 3 o'clock today. Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1120 O St. Practlco for the basket-ball team, gymnastic. team and Chartor Day meet will contlnuo all noxt week at usual hours, ' Eat ot Don Cameron's new restau rant, 119 So. 12th St. Noon prayer meotlngs, which nro hold dally In tho Y. W. C.-A. rooms, are to be discontinued during exami nation week. Green's BarborShops ( Mogul I Palaco ( Richards Superintendent A. A. Reed, Princi pal Mabel Dayton and MIsh Burt of the Superior schools arc all graduates of this Unlvorslty. Swell shoes; big bargains, son's Sale. Sander- Miss Maudo Wl.son, '05, is teaching in the Huvelock schools. The now school building at Huvelock will bo ready for occupancy In February. Printing 3eorgo Bros., 13th & N. Decided to make a sale on all winter underwear and night garments. For tho coming salo we mnko a one-fifth off price. Paine Clothing Co, Roller skating at tho Auditorium. E. N. Hussong Is now superintendent of tho Bloomlngton schools. He Is as sisted by Miss Edith Hess. The equip ment of tho school has been consid erably increased this year. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. J.- E. Marsh, 'Ofi, Is now superintend ent of tho Orleans schools. Ho Is giv ing unusual satisfaction and under his management tho school Is rapidly com ing to tho front rank of Nebraska high schools. ' University Qlnlng Room has coffee, teat cocoa In town. best A number of Unlvorslty graduates are. now teaching- In tho Ashland Bchools. Among these are-Superintendent K. E. McGco, Principal Cora O'Connoll, Carrie Schultz, T. N. Flem ing nnd J. Hqplpn. Professor .Cook Honored. Prof. W. AV. Cook, formerly pro fessor of law In tho Unlvorslty of Ne braska, but for tho past two years professor of law at tho University of Missouri, has been honored by the University or Chicago, that institution having Invited him to lecturo In its college of law during tho summor quarter. Tho courso will be a series of lectures on crlmlnnl law. Professor Cook 1b ,ouo of tho most effective members pr tho Missouri fac ulty, having established the samo rep- utationjfor. high .standing and efficient teaching which Ins established while Instructor in this tJnlvorsHy. St Valentine's Outposts are on Sight Very largo lines will be on parad ? Saturday. Their companies In clude tho very best In every line. Do you know whero the best come from? Raphael Tuck, the London publisher of artistic souvenirs, sends valentines of all descriptions. Tho Germans like to make things that (go," and from Germany como tho mechanical valentines of Hegel berg.Thcsc Include tho folding tissue paper varieties and tho popular Jumping Jack series. Whitnoy of America furnishes tho elaborate ccllulohkgoods and Parker the hand tinted photographs ih folders. Wo carry also the International other good houses. Prices, lc and upward. We are showing a fine line of pnrtjes heart-shaped place cards, Miller WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. TAKE Vfrtm ULOTUUB AND GO TO SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS HULL TEL. 117. AUTO 1303. 1320 N STHKlCT. -Department of Rhetoric. The following second semester courses in tho department of Rhetoric are open to sludents who havo not takon tho corresponding first semester courses: 4. English Composition Exercises In expository writing. Two hours. 9, T., Th.; 10, M., W.; 11:30. T., Th. Professor Fryo. C, English Composition Expositqry writing. Three hours. 9, T Th. Pro fossor Fryo. ' 2 8. English Composition -Studios In stylo i ml structure 3;wo nours. ito fessor Fryo. 1G. Debate Three .hours.- 2-4, W. Professor Fogg. M. Dobats Three hpurs. 2-4, F. Professor Fogg. 22. Debate (Intorstato squad) Threo to llvo hours crocftt. Hours to bo arranged. Professor' Fogg. 28. Newspaper Writing Students wishing to tako this courso who did not tako courso 27 should consult tho Instructor. 1, M F. Mr. Gass. 30. Narration Students wishing to take this courso who, did not tako course 29 should consult tho Instruc tor. Threo hours. 11:30, M., W F. Mr. Ford.' 42. Tho Nineteenth Century Essay Two hours. A, T., Th. Professor Fogg. . 50. Literary Criticism Four hours. 11:30, M., F. Professor Fryo, University, Dining Room servos ex nln -V cellent salads, ffry them. Union Shining Parlor Shine, Ave cents; chairs for ladies, 1018 O St. LUi OURSODA I j TASTES LIKE MOKE - ""I Rlggs, The Drug Cutter l ') LI 1321 O St. Art Valentines nnd tho best om table decorations fpr Valentine ice cups, etc. & Paine QCX3CXXDCOCX0(XXXX)000000000 C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean ...OPTICIAN... 1123 O STREET Your Patronage Solicited OOOOOOOOC COCOOCOCOCXXXXDOCOOOOOOCOOO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL- - $100,000,00 FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Cnndlos and Baked Goods arq Always Frosh And Good Catorln our specialty, THE MAXWELL CO. Both Pkonei. 13th and N Bit. yirs.j.w; FETRY uliBAKERYiii TRY our SPECIAL "IUfcSBHK AD" PHONB M5-4 931 South Klevoutli Street, Xlucoln ALLEGRETTO AND LOWNEY'S ' CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O Eat at tho Unl.' Music Cafe, , Chapin Bros., Florist 127 So. 13th, I Nc w (l r 11. , ; - -) V."-., c. .v. - i-l"yj!W. ., ..-... . -. : ; ,' ,..: , ; ,.-',,(3 i BL-j'ima Baas; t -. ,;,i'iM