The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 27, 1906, Image 1

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Vol.V. No, 75.
Price 5 Cents
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u-be Dail? iRebrasftan
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.Chancellor Urges the Classes to DIs-
.card Class Scraps and Adopt
the More Sane Contests.
The .Junior and Sophomore classes
held a joint meeting at 1 p. m. yester
day in U. IOC to try and adjust the dif
ferences in the two plan.iT adopted for
the publication of tha proposed "Corn
Jiusker." '
A meeting of the Sophomores was
ilrst held, to listen to tho Chancellor's
talk on the intorclass meet and to fin
nlslrtho adoption of tho plan. Tho
Chancellor expressed his appreciation
of the action" of tho claBs in voting
to discourage class scraps. Almost all
of the leading universities havo dis
carded them and adopted tho more
sarie mqthod of athletic xund mental
contests for settling class rivalry, said
the Chancellor. Ho recommended
foptballindoor meets, chdss, checkers,!
Whist, ,etc, and expressed tho hopo
that thlscoming meet would mark tlio
irioUKUrtition of the custom of hnlilfncr
ria.K..jt , . .11-w.rVj mr, '"X Tr
inic.rcinss contests ot mis nature to
decide class rivalry instead of adopt
ing anything lhjthe llno"of a cane rush
foi'thnt purpose.
Announcement was jnade yesterday
that the Sophomores iiaxp. passed a
resolution to thQ effect thattho Fresh
men wi bejallowd, to wear their, caps
in peace if thqy win? tho meet next
Friday, and in case tho Sophomores'
vwlnHho first year men must give up
the idea of wearing the caps this year.
Atloast so far as the Sophomores are
concerhotl, this hinges tho -wholo mat
ter upon. Uiq result of tho moot and
overy effort will bo put forth to win It
fl prevent tho Freshmen appoarlng
rith tho headgear.
- , The amended resolutions passed at
tho joint jneotlng yesterday differ In
four ways from those passed at tiro
joint committee meeting. Jn tho choice
of the editor-in-chief those who served
' .on, 4 the t staff, the provious year will
, fiow simply havo tho preferonco ln-
-- atead of tho choice being limited to
. . thorn? ";Tho approval of tho editor-in '
s-- chief is no longer necessary to tho
-- election of tho business manager or
'"-i- his assistants, The editor-in-chief will
. nowhnvo tho power of removal inshis
' own .department only and tho manager
, ' will enjoy tho jjrlvllegc in his depart-
mVerit'.-fThe plan, of tho committees
gave tho. editor-in-chief tho solo power
of, removal.- The division of the not
profits must now bo npprovel by tho
Faculty Auditing Committee, instead
of such .approval being optional.
Some of tnp Juniors say that tho ac
tion taken yestorday will hot bo bind-,
ing upon the class because it was not
authorized by a vote of the class, and
a quorum of Junjqrs was not present
at the jueeting yesterday. t the
' ;, Juniors the. 'objectionable feature Is
. the amendment of the. article on tho
f election of manager. They Insist that
.the edltor-in-chlow should approve tho
. nmhagen before" his election in order
JMfe. " WMmve harmony. , ;
Chicago Central Y. M. C, A.
"Meteors" vs Nebraska
Monday, January 29, Armory, 8: J 5 P. M
Tickets at Porter's and Co-op
Gives Performances In Albion and
The University Gleo and Mandolin
Clubs left over tho Northwestern at
seven o'clock yesterday morning for
A'bIon, where they gavo a perform
ancojast evening, Tonight they will
appear In Columbus, returning to Lin
coln tomorrow morning. About twenty
men went on tho trip, including till
those who did notninko tho trip last
week. Director fcJlles of tho Mandolin
Club was unable to accompany tho
men on account of pressing business
Rrofessors Training Hard.
SohfcMlberf" members y6t tlio' faculty
meet behlmrcJosed doors every Tues
day, ThursdayNind Friday at five
o'clock and under thodlrectlonff pf Dr.
Clapp go through a series of severe
gymnastic --exercises. SoXecrot are
thoso sessions that tho doorsNvro not
only locked, but if some darlngxatu
dent manages to gain entrance-through
a window tho class is immediately dis
banded and tho membors hide them
selves bohind tho apparatus while Dr.
Clapp and John Uhl collar tho intruder
ni)d .forcibly- eject him. Tt is only on
condition that such extreme measures
bo taken that tho bashful professors
havo consented (o undergo tho treat
ment, but it has been shown that it
is well worth the trouble, for John
Uhl, than whom there is 'no better ox
port iii athlotlc 'and gymnastic
prowess, says that the4 men aro mak
ing wonderful headway.
One of the hest high school build
ings In tho stato was- recontly built In
"South Omuha, The building is second
only to that or tho Omaha High School.
A- new building Was also , recontly
erected at'Holdrege.
Forbes' Stables, livory, cab and bag
gage service, 1125-31 P St. Bell phone
550, Auto 155". .
The University
"A Russian
i' Saturday Evening, January 27th
A Big Treat.
That tho mass meeting in Memorial
Hall noxt Sunday will bo a treat seems
to bo the opinion of all .concernod.
Tho spoakor is Mr. H. O. Hill or Now
York City and all who know him nfo
certain that no ono who hears him
tomorrow will bo disappointed. Every
loyal . University student rihould bo
Interested in tho groat student conven
tion at Nashvflio. This will -bo tho
thomo of Mr. Hill's address. Tho
meeting will begin promptly at il
o'clock olid close at 4 o'clock. Tho
Y. M. C. A. quartet will sing and
there will also be somo otheinrpcclal
"A Russian Honeymoon."
-Tonight at Grant Memorial Hall, tho
Dramatic Club presents "A Russian
Honeymoon." Tho cast, as a result of
long, earnest practice, is prepared to
give this very string play a vory high
order of Interpretation. In many re-
'spects "A Russian Honeymoon" is like
Shnkcspeare's "Taming of tho Shrew,"
and offers similar opportunities ' for
strong acting. x w
Particular attention has been milil
in (llfN0nnnAlMr nv.l ls n.MltAti .M.1l.i..
oBurprisVin this lino. A well trnlnml
quaioetwill "entertain tho audience be
tween actsand wjll furnish music in
somo of the impresslvo scenes of tho
play. All whoenjoy ablgh order of
dramatic work should tmK Put to
night. Curtain raises at 8:lVharp.
Como out! You may expect something
very flno and you will get It.
i Rreceptlon for Freshmen.
Tho newly organized Girls' Club has
issued invitations for another recop
tlon to ho given tho freshmen girls of
the University next Saturday. Each
.upper-class girl is requested to see to
it that a freshman gets to tho recep
tion and "has a good time. Doflnito
plans for tho entertainment havo not
yet been made, 'but It is said tlintthoro
is to bo a reproduction of an imperial
court. All girls not freshmen are to
bo chnfgcd an ndmlSBionoflen cents.
Dramatic Club
Will Meet Chicago "Meteors" and
Baker University on Basket
Ball Court. '
Tho Interest shown in tho basket
ball game to bo played Monday nl;;ht
botween tho Chicago "Meteors" and
tho varsity Is lndood plonsing to those
Intorostod In tho game. Tho tlckots
at Porter's and tho Coop, have boon
going at a rate which predicts the
largest advance sale, of any gamo-of
basket-ball over played In this city.
But thoro are plenty oftickots.nnd
good onejj loft for thoso wholcslro to
purchase tho same. It was thbught
advlsablo to rcservo all soats for th
Monday- gnmo so JJmt no complnlnt
could bo mndo by anyono in regard to
their seats. Tho students, should now
realize that basket-ball is their gamo
and help to swell tho number atjheso
games. .
Tlln vnorill.. ...Ill l.,.1.1 .,. .. .X
..u .(uniLj win jiiiiu prnciico iniH
afternoon as usual. It Is hoped that a
largo crowd will b put for practice
so that somo hard work may bo given
the team. In the practice Thursday,
Meyer and Winter woro given good
practice at tho center and guard posi
tions, respectively. Doth mon playod
good ball, and hnndlod Uio bull with
remarkable accuracy. It is qulto like
ly that at least ono of thoso men will
bo In tho game on Monday nlghtTprob
ably both. Tho second team Is onb
of the best you will find at any Uni
versity, and their team work was of
a vory nigu ordor in tho last practice, , . h
Beside tlio "Meteor" game of-nqxtv
Monday idghvt, there "Will bo ono with x
Baker Unlvorsity on Saturday night
Tho first weok o the second" semester
is quite likely tho -week in which tho
varsity will meet Kansas .for a game.
Tills bolng tho first lntercpllegiato
contest aftor tho resumption, -It Is
qulto necessary that a largo crowd ho -present,
and n good reception given
tho "Jayhawkers." JTho tlckots for tho '
game onAlpnday night nro at' Harry
Porter's, and Co-op. ,
"The varsity line-up for the two'"v?
games next week will bo 'ad follows:
Saaa ..-
Forwards Hagenslck, Walsh.
Center Moser, (Meyer).
Guards Hoar, Bell, (Winters).
nann whi4 reioreo ino "aioieor "
game. " '
TTt- ...II. ... ' TT . .... ,fiit
Debating Board Meets.
" j
The dobating board will meet olther
this afternoon or early next week txT'
make arrangements for the prollmln"
ary debates to bo held tho latter part .
of tho weok following examinations.
All men intending to enter tho pre
liminaries will find important notices
posted on tho debato bulletin board
In University "Hall this aftornopn or
tho first part of next weok"Tho regis
traf ion " will probably bo larger than,
In any other preliminary yet held at
this institution,
All candidates for. t&ick team shoWlt
consult Ir Clapp beTpro fegistratiPB.',
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