... -, Tjiriv"; tfy"7'vF ff ,-T , r ! - THE OAIL.Y ISEBRA8KAN. r- J 7-Al r i K' . i - T A K :.' . Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Gem Hoi (7aJQes and Bine Moats and Lunches. I 117.121 North IS Strut ?ROSanacUNS COMPtETt DEBATES Our foreign poller, the cerreticy, the tariff, Im migration, high license, woman tuflrage, penny poetage, transportation, tmtU .departmen t itorea, municipal ownership of franchliei, government control of telegraph. Sttk tidtt oA the aboTO and many elhtr quit' iconipletdy debated. Direction fororganiilng aud conducting a debat ing society, with by-laws and parliamentary rule. Price, fii.50 Postpaid. Cloth 469 Paget. SINDS & NOBLE 31-33-38 Weit 18th Street, N. Y. City Scklboi oalluilhhtrt at en iter. cjmo J A J IVL ti?!!LS2E3 Discount Sale. Sanderson's. Junius Brown and Rodney Durkoo of Omaha are visiting at the Phi Psi house. Swell shoes; big bargains. Sandor son's Sale. QOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXX)CX)OOCO bulletinjJ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX January 26. Officers' Hop. Fraternity Hall. A The class in Geology one will con tinue to do laboratory work until the ond of the semester. Swell shoes; big bargains. Sander eon's Sale. . J I wBjBh-l"PjBiB I wTlB CTBEACH, 2 FOfc 25 CTS M ygi OLUE1T. MhALOOY & CO.. IM xLSSH T.J.TIIORP&CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, General Machine Works, Model Makers, Etc. 308 So. Ilth, LINCOLN In the last Issue of "Science" ap pears an artlclo on the "Tenth or Last Geological Expedition of Hon. Ohas. H. Morrill." Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O SL Both phones. Miss Florence Payne, '00, Is super intendent of the Land Point, Idaho, schools. Walkover shoos for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St MIbs Lena Nelson is reported to be seriously 111. Eat at , Don Cameron's new restau rant, 119 So. 12th St Dr. Ward is In reecipt of some rare specimens of blood smears containing parasltos of sleeping sickness from Africa. Sleeping sickness is said to bo the most fatal of all diseases. Oliver Cigar Co., 136-137 No. 13th. Helen Sargent, '05, Is teaching at In-dlanola. Dr. Woodward, diseases- of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Richards block. Basket-Bali CHICAGO CENTRAL Y. M. C. A. METEORS vs. NEBRASKA. Monday, January 29, 1906.. Armory. 8:15 p. m. GEORGE A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER . Estimates furnished upon application. Job work promptly attended to. , 246 Statu Tilth St. rooooooooooooooooooooooQ it. H. GILLESPIE Bookbinder 1624 9 Stmt Upctti, Mtf. January 29. Chicago Central Y. M. C. A. "Me teors" vs. Nebraska. Armory. , February 3. Bakor University vs. Nebraska. Basket-ball. Armory. February 2. Freshman-Sophomore Athletic Con test. Armory. Friday, Feb. 16. 9 p. m. Junior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Friday, April 20. 9 p. m. Senior Prom. , Lincoln Hotol. CONVOCATION. . s Wednesday January 24. Prof. W. M. Patterson, Nebraska Wesloyan University, will talk on "Maeterlinck." Friday, January 26. Music. Chaplain for the week: Rev. F. W. Bason. The proposition of flooding the now city park for skating purposes Js being seriously delayed by the absence of Mr. Campen, city engineer, who. has been called to the Isthmus of Panama, and other mombors of tho committee. Green's Barber Shops ! Mogul Palace Richards "Robert Burns," the Leading IQcClga Whon down town moot your frlonda at GEO. M. CONWAY'S ma O STREET The only oxoIubIyo olfrar and tobacco store in tho olty We have always been known as the STUDENTS LAUNDRY ( We want your business. YULE BROS. HAND LAUNDRY 5U O Street. Auto a784, Bell 574 Mr. L. S. Stoors, University of No braska'Ol, and who-also took his master's degree at Nobraska in 1903, has been called to Now Haven, Conn., as technical export for tho Now York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad com pany, Ho ontered-upon his new duties January 1. Since his graduation Mr. Stoors hns been geologist for tho Northern Pacific railroad. 8unday, January 28. Mr. H. O. Hill of Now York City speak 3 at Students' Mass Meeting in Memorial Hall. 8aturday, February 2. Intorclass meet in tho University Armory. Leaders for Y. vy. Noon Meetings. Monday Miss Vlbbard. Tuesday Miss Peterson. Wednesday MIbs Myers. Thursday Miss Drako. Friday Miss Barnes. ' J. W BreWBtor, Stenographer. Rich ards Blk. Printing George Bros., 13th & N. J- UDHNT - TRADB, - gOLlClTHD STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Mi Pkom 1707, - 1140 0 Street All candidates for Sophomoro car nival team moot for practice every afternoon from 4 to 5 in Gym. Don't forget the Uni. School of Muslo Cafe. T Try-otits for Sophomoro , carnival team-will be held Saturday, January 27 ,from 3 to 5 p. m. -All candidates, should bo on hand promptly, "Eat at tho Uni. Music Cafe. Swell shoes; big bargains. Sander son's Sale. WANTED Every user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to have a freo trial of the VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phono No. 348. 13G No. 11th St Dr. Ward Is" sending out 'printed copies of an address ho delivered some time ago at tho University ofr Colo rado at the Installation of a chapter of the Sigma Si fraternity; pinion Shining Parlor Shine, Ave coats; chair's for ladles. 1018 O St Mable Stephen, '04, was visiting with her University friends Saturday. Miss Stephen Is at present teaching in the Omaha schools. CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY ' 1134- N STREET JPRIVATE - ALLEYS - F?OR LADIES D. L. Cramer, '07, has left -school to enter tho government service n the Omaha postofflco. Ho expocts.to return to school noxt fall. E. F. Myors, '04, is a momber of the water polo team at Harvard this year. Ho played In tho game with Brown University on January 18. GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N; '91. BOTH PHONES. J044O STREET Swell shoes; big bargains, Sander son's Sale. Intercollegiate Alumni Association. Professor Fogg and Adjunct Profes sor Louise Pound addressed tho' Inter collegiate Alumni Association Satur day on "Methods of Teaching English Comppsltlon" and "The Teaching of English Literature." The association Is composed largely of educators. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 'Richards Blk. It Is reported that W. F. 'Heath of the M. E. department was recently married to a school teacher of Madi son, Nob. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 DR. JOHN J. DAVIS Graduate RcfractlonUt AND OPTIOTAN 1283 O St., LINCOLN - tow 20. Aide, flw, gfftet 3121; Bw. 2t I O.J. KINGS SON f O lias stiudkt LiHCOiir C FRESH EVERY PAY! Our Candloa unci Baked Goods are Always. Fresh and Good Catering oar specialty. l THE MAXWELL CO. Both Phoau. 13Ui aaa Kits. TAKfQ YOUR CLOTH JM AMD GO TO SOUKjUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYER HULL TEX. 11. At?TO !. 1330 V ITREBT. ' ' '- ' DON'S CAFE t1f.lt. 11 . .t aJ.VittC4r U.ki' Dill Rim la CiimtlK OPBN S A. M. TO 1 A. JtV . MRS. J. U17., RETRY ...BAKERY... TRY onr BPKCIAI "RICH BRHAD" PHONB M5-f ; 934 Baath BUTeaik Stret, Iitneela jyALjTir OI4R60DA TASTES LliCB MOR mc RIOSi The Drue Cutter 1 :- U 1321 Q si.:i a WE KNOW HOWTOTRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ... ".-"'"J GREER-COOPER COf , 1134 O BTRtET. BUZ hBJB MflHMHI Bb' HsUB New Century Printers f KseecUUr sellctts the trade of 1 ' wliklag tt well prlmt kKHKBf MksaaawHaM 9 j aRT. V iM .1 ' - ! . a 1, 1 U) tu,, ". - ,-. .t . . ..IT,. .''-vli. , .' -jf '