m .tjr4Vff"rxa'-f9 Nj'aWjW" FHIWitp "iS&i -v j ti '".. THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN, f f t L '$ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvary Loyal University Ita4at U rgd to pAtroalie tkei Hcbraa kaa advertiser, ad to anatlm It If H It k paper whlla dolas; ). I t t 0ttttttttttttttlM BARBER SHOPS The Arlsto, Green's BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, Flrsf Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAFE Sam Westernold. Don Cam eron. CARPETS Rudge & Guenzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemor, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whltebreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol- som. DISEASES OF " EYE. EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS RIggs, Stelner, Woem- pener, Brown, Rector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- shelmor, Rudgo & Guenzel. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel Co., Hardy. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. -HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzol Co Hall Bros. HOTELS Lindell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. ' PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOL AND BILLIARDS The Heldel- ourg. PRINTING Now Century, King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co.', George Bros. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson Rogers & Per kins. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. , TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co.. . ' TYPEWRITING J. W. BrowBter. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood- ward. t " WAITERS' BUREAU Grant C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean ...OPTICIAN.. 1123 O STREET Yur Patronai Salloltari A young woman's shoe, Sorosia. Rogers & Perkins Co.. 1129 O Street . CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisement In this column must bo paid for In advance. 8PECIAL8 NOTICES. Rato ono cent por word each Insertion; minimum, ton cents. Found Wednesday on the campus, brown mottled fountain pen. Owner can have same by calling at Nebras kan office and paying for this ad. Found Pocketbook containing sev eral articles of small value. Owner may have same by paying for this .ad. and identifying property. L08T LOST Kappa Kappa Gamma key. Finder please return to Nobraskan of flce. Rowardv LOST Last Saturday, gold-rimmed eye-glasses in case. On case is name "Arte Folsom, M. D." Return to No braskan office. BATH8. '' CHRIS BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-fialine, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. ME88ENGER3. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Boll 190, Auto. 2233. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & RPPBR, private ambulance service 120-4 So. 13th St 8ANITORIUM. SULPHO-SALINE Bath Houso, 14th and M Sts. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing- cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. CLUB RATES Threo suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, $1 por month. El liott's, 1130 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. PAQER BROS.. Basomont Windsor hotel. No. 11th St Baggage and parcels. DENTI8T8. BOSTON DentiBts, 1319 O St ( HAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft water shampoo In the city, 124 No. 12th St. Elizabeth Good man. - 25-2t " OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. 'Q9. Burlington Block. SPECIALISTS DR. W. J. WELLS, stomach, kidney, Bkln and blood. 121C O St. DR. H. A. SHANNON, 1130 O. Auto, 2823; Bell, 2126. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. Notice, Seniors. Any senior not satisfied with their pictures at Kennedy's, sit until you are. No pictures printed from faulty negatives. E. DON SKEEN, Manager. MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll Bond free) Is worth $10 a copy to any man who Intends to In vest any money, however small; who "has money Invested unprofltably, or who can save J5 or moro por month, but who hasn't learned tho art of investing for profit. It demonstrates the REAL earning powor of monoy tho knowledge financiers and bankers hldo from tho masses. It shows how to Invest small sums and how to mako them grow Into fortunes tho actual possibilities of Intelligent In vestments. It reveals tho enormous profits bankers make and showB how ono can mako tho same profltBTJafely. iCexplolns HOW stupendous fortunes are made and WHY thoy aro mado how 11.000 grows to $22,000. To lntroduco my magazine wrlto mo NOW. mentioning this paper and I'll send It SIX MONTHS FREE. EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Officers' Hop. The Officers' Hop poster, gotten up by Mr. P. J. HarrIsonv Is the neatest design seen on the boards for some time and does tho artist much credit Tho hop will be given in Fraternity Hall, beginning at nine o'clock sharp, Friday evening, Heretofore the hops given by the Officers' Club have been very successful and a good sized crowd Is expected this year. Captain and Mrs. J. G. Worklzor will'chaperone the affair. - 8tudnts Debating Club. Tho Students' Debating blub mot let Saturday night to discuss tho ques tion submittod by Wisconsin for tho interstate debate, but owing to tho in ability of tho speakers to find material on tho question they wore unprepared and tho discussion of tho question 'Was postponed until tho next meeting. During tho business meeting an amendment to tho constitution, that women be admitted as active members Into the club, was introduced by J. M. Paul and brought forth considerable lively discussion. It was finally agreed to postpone tho decision of this impor tant matter until after tho "co-ed" do bate, which is scheduled for either February 10 or February 17. The "co-ed" squad for this debate has al ready been chosen. Tho question is to bo selected by tho "squad" and an nounced this week. Secretary Hughes was absont and nothing was heard concerning inter collegiate debates. So far tho club has "cinched" only ono dobato with an other college. Tho Alpha Omega De bating Club of Doano, which tho club defeated in debate last year, is again scheduled for a debate with tho Stu dents' Debating Club this year. Nego tiations with Creighton College had to bo dropped because of arrangements that college had made with tho "Uni versity of South Dakota. An attempt will be made to secure a debate with Wesleyan. Society. Tho "Deestrlct" School program given at the Union Society last Friday night brought forth a number of vis itors. Anything ancient seems to an- peal to people oven more strongly than do things modern. Tho program was entirely original and a good op portunity .was given for thoso taking part to make uso of their originality. Tho program was characteristic of a district school program in several ways, but what appealod to the audi ence, perhaps, moro strongly than any thing else was tho big, av'kward boy with a peculiar "hitch" in his voice, who at every turn was outwitted by the little girl. Tho program was In teresting to tho audience and, judging from appearances, it was doubly Inter esting to thoso who took part. Much credit is due the program committee for its successful management At tho next meeting the society will give a musical program. Medical Society. Dr. R. H. Wolcott delivered a very Interesting and practical address be fore tho Medical Society Friday even ing. At tho close of tho address an election of officers was held. The fol lowing officers were elected for tho coming semester: A. A. Frlcke, presi dent; Chas. Tomllpson, vice-president; Bertha Elljs; secretary; Geo. Buel, treasurer. The imperial commission which' vis ited hero last Thursday spent Friday- and Saturday In Chicago. One of the main attractions they found there was an improved baby-Jumper, which his highness the governor thought he would have to introduce Into China. In the evening the commissioners were banqueted by Mayor Dunne and the Commercial Club. Conday 8ale. Tho sweetest, choicest and- most 'de lectable candles made by the sweetest of our University girls are on sale to day In the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Every body Is invited to come. Follow the crowd to the pandy sale. BARBER SHOPS Arlsto, Palace, Mogul, Richards. Green's What's a dance without Tommy? Thos. W. Coleman, better known as 'Tommy," at Miller & Palno's. FRIDAY, 8AT. & 8AT. MATINEE Shadows of a Great (ity PRICE8: Matinee, 50 A. 25 Cents. Night, $1.00, 75,-50 & 25c. TUE8DAY NIGHT, JAN. 30. HARRY BERE8FORD In the Funny Eccentric Comedy THE WOMAN HATER Wednesday, Mat. and Night, Jan. 31." TIM MURPHY And Dorcthy 8herod Present A TEXAS STEER ALLEGRETTI AND LOWNEY'8 CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O mmnm WZ3KOM3XI TKWTPKSS ovuoWo 12S B. 12th SI. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital !..$ 300,00000 Surplus aad Profit 200,000,00 DtposUa 3,630,000.00 Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P St Bell phpst 550 Auto 1550. rn MEAT PRINTING 1 Lb ji ?JB 82 LATEST STYLES AND $i Nj$ - COURTEOUS TREATMENT f M . AT - OB KING & JESSUP'S I mm 3n Vfiife4Sao9raVtfQ&vQY iH"-iiHiii$ -4. f-r 'J. 4 ' -.? . ...