THE DAkLY NBBRASKAN. (I X I It I' ' If tbc Daily Ilebraskan A consolidation of Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Nobraakan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. x- Published dally, oxcopt Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nobraslta, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco Fosslor. H. P. Loavltt. Dwight Cramor. A. O. Schrolbor. . EdItor-ln-Chlef John D. Clark Manager Fred Naughton Assistants. Nowb -. ...J. E. Bcdnar Athletic ." A. Van Orsaol Circulation W. E. Startdovon Edltorlnl Room. U 8MW. BuslncsH Omco, U 2UH. Poetofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Nob. Ofllco hours of Buslnoes Man&Kor and Editor 1:00 to 11:80 dally. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic woo Subscription Price, 2 per yoar In advanco Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nob., as Bocond-class mall matter under tho act of congress of March 3, 1879. ttttWttttXyi it it it it it it it it it it it it it Subscriptions for The Dally Nebraskan are due, and all who have not paid up will please see the circulator as soon as possi ble. Office open from 11:00 to 11:30 dally. R. 211i2 Unl. Hall. it it it it it it it it it it it it n if- m. rp n tVVVt Vrf fll Jf "W most monoy possible could bo mado out of It, since tho salary could not bo any larger. -This would result In putting all tho prospective assets Into the book, and making It all tho better. If tho auditing comtnltteo bo given tho power of fixing the salary, It Is true that It may allow tho editors as much as they would get under tho present plan, but there would bo this far-reaching distinction, that In the ono case the editors would havo to de pond upon another body for tho monoy, while In tho other they would have an absolute right to It, subject only to tho power of tho committee to Interpose, a power any exorcise of which, wo predict; would bo violently opposed. In tho ono case thoro could be no suspicion of graft; In tho other, there would invariably be such a bus plclon. A BAD MISTAKE. Boforo tho different classes finally adopt tho resolutions recommended by tho Joint committee looking to tho consolidation of tho various annuals now published In the University, we would like to seo ono provision chanced, that "which provides that after all bills are paid tho rest of the assets shall bo distributed among the editors and managers, the ratio to be set by tho editor-in-chief and manager. We bollovo that this provision Is most unwlso and must necessarily result . disastrously., Taking tho broad ground that tho editors and managers should bo willing to devote the necessary time and labor to tho book solely for tho honor obtained thereby and out of pure loyalty to 4he University and to tho class, .there 1b no reason for this provision, But It seems that tho tlmo when, students "wore actuated by such motives has passed, and now tho. first consideration Is, "What will I get out of it?" This Is certainly sad, but even admitting that It lsho proper thing for a man who devotes tlmo and energy to bo compensated financially, wo still believe that the provision Is unjustifiable. If It Is agreed to pay he editors, It should be dono by either allowing them a cortaln amount or by giving tho auditing committee power to name tho amount. It may the ob jected that such a scheme differs only in form frpm the ono proposed, In that tho amount named would probably bo greater than tho amount tho editors would get under the present plan; or If a committee is glvpn tho power, that such is really tho case now. But thoro are certain vital differences. If the former method should bo adopted, there would be no object in making the book of such a character that tho Engneerlng Notes. O. ' A. Ellis has returned to school after nine weeks' illness. Tho manual for civil service exami nations are out and may bo of Inter est to many of the Engineering stu dents. A copy of It may-be found in M. 204. Dwight Cramer has left school to accept a position In Omaha, Nob. Tho Engineering Society holds its regular mooting this evening at 7:30 p. m. in 'room 211. Jim Green returned to Culbertson yesterday. Tho class In telephony mado a trip to tho Llndell Hotel to look over tho display of telephone apparatus which various companies are exhibiting there at present. Mr. S. 8. Wyer, a consulting mechan ical engineer and an oxpert In pro ducer gas Installations, will deliver a series of throe lectures on "Producor Gas Practice," on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. m. In U. 107. Every engineering student should mako It a point to attend these lectures, for Mr. Wyer is an authority on tho subject, and tho -wonderful de velopment in tho uso of gas producers and gas engines within tho past fow years makos the problem ono of pecu liar interest to those persons who aro interested in tho economic production of power. These lectures will bo illus trated with tho lantern, and tho wholo subject will bo thoroughly discussed. This will bo undor tho auspices of tho Engineering Society. Juniors Discuss Plan. Tho Juniors mot yesterday morn ing iji Memorial Hall to consider tho report of their committee on tho pro posed Cornhu8kor. Quito a llttlb dis cussion took place in tho mooting over tho plan and pnly a part of tho plan was ratified. Ono minor chango wob mado in the resolutions, so as not to limit tho choice of tho editor-in-chief to those who had served on the edi torial staff tho year boforo. Tho re mainder of tho plan will come up for adoption at the meeting next Thursday. OOOOOOOOOOCXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTRIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BADDED SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, Va ULOCK CALIFORNIA With its superb climate and rich soil is an ideal place for the HOMESEEKER In the fertile valleys almost every kind of grain can be raised. Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Grapes, Prunes, and many other fruits grown in abuddance throughout the state The Splendid Train Service of the UNION PACIFIC Knadles persons to reach their destination quick er, and in more comfortable manner than any other route. For full information, inquire of E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent WKW"'SPlSSSSP P W SjPlSSPSl P v r r P P P P P P' P P'eW B FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST COMPANY T We will treat you right Office 1106 O. Phones, Bell 234; Autp 1610 ttttttttttttlUlUlttiHl Let Us CT 12' Photography Convince You Bakery 7 Confectionery iQuality.Unsurpaaaed. 1307 O Streot Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, Salt Glow. Hot and Cold Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner 11th and N Lincoln TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM GO. FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICESPUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Refrcii prices In large w 1316 II Strut, litfe 'Pihis ' W j