Y V,' t , ki ri I 1 &, .'y "u "'' 'V" THE DAILVNBBRASKAN. i .' ,1 i ,y- '.'. 11 " N . ww!Kiii(tKHmw I BUSINESS DIRECTORY t mmmmmmkmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmm j Kvsrr VojwA Vnnntj fti4ai la "4 t arft4 to Emtreata the" Mtkni J ku advartiaara, aa4 t MtntlMC ( t tli frr whlta tolas . ' t I M BARBER SHOPS The Arlsto, Green's BAKERYMrs. Pctry. BOWLING ALLEY-Cresccnt BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co.,, Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITALr-Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, Firs! Na tional, BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAPE Sam Weaterfleld. Don Cam eron. CARPETS Rudgo & Guenzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. CHINA Rudgo Jfe Guenzel .Co. CIGAR8 AND TOBACCO Ollvor CI- gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. 4 , CLEANERS AND'DY-BRS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING-Armstrong, Unland, Ma- go Sc Doemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whlteb'reast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol- SOJtt. DINING HALL University Dining Hoom. DISEASES OP EYE, EAR ' AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Rlgga, Stelncr, Woem pernor, Brown, Rector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paino, Herpol sheiraor, Rudgo &. Guenzel. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin, Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel Co., Hardy. - GROCERS--O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY J2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guonzol Co. Hall-jbros. .v . . . HOTEtiS-r-LindelL - ICE CREAM AND ICE8 Franklin Ice Creoin. Co JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. ' LAUNDRIES Yule Bros NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. -OCULJSTS-rDr. Davis. . PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOD 'AND BILLIARDS The Heldei- burg.- - - PRINTING New Century, King & Jesflup, Greer Cooper Co., George Broar, RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING "Auditorium Rlnlci . SHOES-r-Sandorson, Rogers & Per . - kin?:, ' ' - SHINING .P.ARLOR Union -Shining - , Parlor' .' .; ' TAHiORS-Unland, - Uhjon College -Tailors, Ludwlg. , TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo- writer Co. ' ' ' ; ' - TYPEWRITING X W. BroWtator. ' ' SPECIALISTS Dr. Brie B. Wood ward. , WAITERS' BUREAU Grant., totlikntutit, M(rtMMi, tikraiwy Blii- wrt,CftMIca Asssrstui, Cfcmlult,v fbate LtMM M awftiMi, tm Umm wmJ ShaHort, fmi BbiMJ, ProUcilM nHMriMW, r tfiikifllagUb' iriMw, rMi-nirt tMurtr ra osea taiorloi an Cmr'st tep'Ul BowdtiwWwIdl CstoiogS Fres Bauscli & Lomb"0pt. Co. JjeVVntl: Qtlajo Bottoa. FrakUft. C'yJ CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements in this column must bo paid for Tn advance. , SPECIALS NOTICES. Itato one cent per word each Insertion, minimum, ten cents. Found Wodnesday on the campus, brown mottled fountain pen. Owner can havo same by calling at Nebras Icon ofQco and. paying for this ad. Found Pocketbook containing sev eral articles of small valuo. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. and identifying property. LOST LOST Kappa Kappa Gamma hoy. Finder pleaso roturn to Nobraskan of fice Reward. LOST Last Saturday, gold-rimmed eye-glasses in enso. On caso is name "Arte Folsom, M. D." Roturn to No rdskan office. LOST Pin, "NaUonal Coat of Arms." Finder roturn to Registrar's office BATH87 CHRIS' . 'BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulnho-shline.' shower, nlaln. 11th and P Sts. 'I ME88ENQER3. A. D. T. MESSBNOERS. Tel.: JBoll WO, Auto. 2238.. . UNDERTAKERS -CASTLE & R0PBR, prlvato ambulance service 120-4 So. 13th St. 3ANITORIUM. SULPHO-SALINE Bath Hoiiae. 14th and M BU. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing ol caned and pressed at the Weber Suitorium, 11th and 5 Ota. . CLUB RATESTJreo suits and O'coatl cleaned and prcnsod,v (1 pec month. El liott'a, 1130 O St. BAGQAQE TRANSFER. FAOER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. 11th St' BhgraBO and parcels. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. " HAIR DRE88ER8. , BEST soft water shampoo In the city, 124 No. 12th St ElizaboUi Good-- man. . 25-21 O ST EO PAT H Dr. E. M. Crdmb, A. B.,U; of N. '99. Burlington Block. . , . SPECIALISTS RR W. J. WELLS, ntoniach, kidney, skin and blood. 1216 O Bt. DR. II. A. SHANNON, U3G O. Auto. 2823; Bell, 2126. ' TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and koiUs' tall orinR and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. Notice, Seniors.. Any senior not satisfied with thoir pictures at Kennedy's, sit until you are. No pictures printed from faulty negatives. E. DON SKEEN, Managor. MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT"(whlch I'll oond ?reo) is worth $10 a copy to any man whojnfends to In vest any money, howovor.. small ;r who.hao mqnoy invested unprofitable; or who can save 15 or more por month, but who' hasn't learned tho art , of inventing for profit. - ' 'I It demonstrates tho REAL oaming power of money thov knowledge financiers nhd 'bankers hido froni-tlio masses. It shows how to Invest small sums and how to mnko' thorn growHntb fortunes tho actual possibilities of intelligent, (n voHtments. i It reveals tho enormous profits banlcors mako and shows how one can make tho same profits sufoly. . . , It explains HOW stupendous fortunes aro mado and WIlY.thoy aro, made how $1,000 grows to $22,000. To introduce my masrazlno write mo NOW. mentioning this paper and I'll send. it BIX MONTHS FREE. EBIpR QREOORY, 81 JacksoiV Blvd., Chicago. WANTED Every usor or prospec tive user mta. typewriter to have a free trial of thrf VISIBUiJ Underwood. Underwood TypowrlterGo., r Bell Phone No; 348. 136 No. 11th St " ' ' i i ii i ! A .younir woman's stioe, Sorbsls, Ilogers & Perkins Co,.1129 O Street Ohapin Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. Liberty Linen paper fit the Uni. Book Stort, All new. .... y- 4 - . BULLETIN January 26, Offlcors' Hop. Fraternity Hall. Friday, Feb. 16. - 9 p. m. Junior Prom. Hotel. k Lincoln Friday, April. 20. m. Senior Prom. 9 p. Hotel. Lincoln CONVOCATION. Wednesday January 24. Prof. W. M. Pattorson, Nebraska Wosleyan- University, will talk on "Maotorllnck." ' - Friday, January 26. Music. Chaplain for the weolc: Roy. F. W. Bason. . Sunday, January 28, . Mr. H. O. Hill of Npw York City spouka at Students' Mass Mooting in Memorial Hnll. Saturday, February. 2. Intorclass meet In tho University Armory. . " Leaders for Y. W. Noon Meetings. Monday Miss Vibbard. Tuesday Miss Peterson. Wednesday Miss Myers. Thursday Miss Drako. Friday Miss Barnes. J. W. Browstor, Stenographor. Rich ards Blk. Swell shoes; big bargains. Sandor son's Salo. Excludes Journallats. Prof. George Howlson, o tho depart ment of Psychology at tho University of California, has raised a hornets' not by excluding two members of th6 "Dally Callfornian" staff from his .class, oxceptlng on condition that thoy' promise not to publish anything he may say. It seems that in tho pasl the worthy professor 'has been mis quoted In some of tho city papors, and he feels' that collegovjburjialists aro apt to do tho samo thing. Tho nows papcr men claim that .he has not the right to thus exclude them from bis class, as they havo all the necessary requirements, and threaten to take the matter boforo tho authorities. Pro-' fessor Howlson hasnot -been "bluffc'd, however, and assorts that ho, will fight tho matter to a finish. , Tho Co-operative Savings Life Asso ciation is the nnmo or ajjow InBur- anco company recently Incorporated In this city ' Horace G. Whltraoro, '95, svho wns ono of tho foundora of' Tho Nobraskan, is in charge of thfljiromo tlon. Tho. association has strong sup port among University pcoplo an,d 'starts' out wlthan excellent director ate of substantial-business" and pro fessional, men. t Pjof. O. V. P. Stout is vice-president and, Doan ElloryAV. Davis is consulting actuary. Doctors Plllsbury and ,Orr aro. medical direc tors and E. C. Strode, law 93, Is ono of tho directors. A .inernbor of the faculty recently re ceived "a letter from C. Hlldreth an. 'ld grduatoofthls University. Mr, Hildreth is now living In Franklin, 'Neb. Ho Is president, of tho Franklin State Band and president of the Board pf Trustees of Franklin Acad emy, V f ho Medical departmetatJias just re celyed aconsignment of pearly nnutil- lus, Valued at 3"00. 1 ' S 4 ' J t What's a dance without Tommy? . , Rtt jLBwr 'AflG Thos. .W,, Coloman, better known ns "Tpmmy," at Miller & Palno's. OLIVER THEATRE exxxxxoooooooooooooooo FRIDAY, 8 AT. X8AT: MATINEE "' S Wows of a Great fv - . . (itf PRICES: Matinee,. 50 L 25 Cents. mgnw-Ti'Uvi o. oua hoc. -- TUESDAY NIGHT, JAN. 30. HARRY BERESFORD In the Funny Eccentric Comedy -'- 11 It IvTI Wednesday; Mat. and Night, Jan. 31.. : ,- TIM, MURPHY. . Apt Dorothy 8her7d Present A MAS MR. WAIJEI?Sf BUREAU , V. D. GRANT, Manager , ' Vlrat'olam sorvico,gurKntod at all re Mptlom, partlesV eolations and lnqut. For information ring tip ' An(0Bhon !4383 120 We. 10 Ik (. "Roheft BrH8f tNe Leadlag IQctJlga' WTion down jtoTnroeot your fripadn at GEO. M, CONWAY'S' iaM O BTilEET - - The only exclusiro nlgar an'd tobacco store in tho city WEjKNOW'HOWtP print ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ,. GREER-COOPER C07 '.; 1134 O STREET. TUDXafV - TK'ACE .- MOLIOITKD STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO; ' Avti PIiiii 1707. 1146 0 Strut v lAJLITY OUR80DA TASTES LIKE MOKE Rios, The Drvt Ciitir 1321 OSt DON'S CAFE 114 U. 11 i Vf10ft VfT Lil4' IIiIni Rim U CMMittMi ' 0Fir A. M. TO"lA. M. ' It. n m I ii i y i .1 . r in. THE nmm nALIK ; .s: He..- I X -r- . f ; . X, 4 " 1 i-v f . - - . t. 'v -iw r