The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 20, 1906, Image 1

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8t'ndna Proaram Consisting of Six
Events' Arranged to Take Place
;- February 2nd at 8 p. m.
The Froshmcn and Sophomore class
committees .for the athletic carnival
mot in Dr. Clapp's ofllce yesterday
jnornlns to discuss plans for the meet.
9oth classes had very enthusiastic
icom'niittcemen to represent them, and
a.8,a result, everything yront, off, har
monloUsJy.t , The list of events was ar
pranged so that they would secure a
r representative bunch of athletes from
eacfoclass.-and- the- meet wl present
v niiBi oi eovnis mat win ue inionsuiy
interesting to the spectators. .
The Chancellor has signified his In
'tontions to lond his support to the
,CQnte'st, .and will be present at each
of ",the class, meetings and talk tp the
frclasses In regard to supporting the
plan for tlio events. The .date sot for
S the ovent ly .tho committees was Feb
ruary, atv8 P. . "This is.the' Frl
i day night of examination weelt, and
S a ery good time for tho under-class-
men to break away from their studios
jarid exams .for a grand celebration.
"i'-Forthlsrcason iho more "studiou'siyof
y, classmen may look forward to a;vbreak
ing"" loose of spirit on the .eventful
'night, for the.. winning class will sure
"H: iy manifest class. spirit. -
The chief avents of the evening,, will
bo the regular. .Interclass basket-ball
game and roloy'racp. It'wlll bo for
the championship, 'and tho class win-
inc: these two ovents will bo in line
i tojcbmpeto with tho winners of- tho
& Junior-Senior ovents. Both teams
iq. have been practicing for sono time at
ri "w." ".
, r " UiWKVL-UUIl U11U U11UU1U JUt Up U IIIMf
"-closs game,i-TJio Sophomores have al
t ready played, one game thlsvyear with
v A Wesleyah.'but met a vory declBivb de--
, "dfoat. Manager Klewlt of tho Sopho
jj ihojro team and Captain Patterson of
yQ- Freshmen 'are working; hard with'
-theirfmen"Iix,Torder to have them" in tho
J. best possible shape.v The other eyents
,pf the contest aroT5-yard dash, run-
nlng hjgh Jump, rope climb, and db-
"stocle race. Tho last named' event
furnishes more real amusement for
the spectators than any other event
on-'the list, , j ,
The awarding of points for tho dlf-
c , ieroit events was, aiso uecmea upon.
J The aggregate number of points for
"i all events boinK 29. conseauentlv the
rl class making fifteen points will cinch
, v the meet. The basket-ball game and
v jretyy race count for twelve points;
. $ seven andflvo respectively; tho ob-
-vg " stac'le. race moans five more, .w1Ho-the
J- 'r'.... .1t. ....U 4...v .W.l'
,rone climb give ' three points, to tho
A winner and one to second place, "tt
,"-f '
er class has teams strong enough
win the events rcauirlng teams
they will' make the championship a
v The officials for the- meet wore
', $?oh aad coisigt of 'tho fpli6wing
ienavOWpp,Hoar, Benedict
.A W . ii . &. "H L .-W. .. M. 1 ." 1 1 1
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far ' ABHJSsm V W
.r-k jrk m h k h m h c m & -B-r v ihv wr h h a ,
Subscribe Now. I
The Daily ZNlebraskgn "for fye balance
of the Year for .
Why not support our own College Paper?
See tiat your name gets in at once
will bo twenty-five cents, and tho re
ceipts of tho contest are to, bo .used
for class purposes, and is surely de-
sorving of University patronage.
To Send Representative.
Manager Morrison of the football
team Is circulating a subscription list
for the purpose of raising funds to
send Dr. lces to tho. meotjng of the
National Football Rules Committee.
which is to meet in New York on Janu
ary 27 to dqtcrmine tho football rules
for next yeatC This committee was
selected by the representatives "of a
majority of tho American colleges and
universities,- .whVvmet hi New Yorjc
during tho,, Christmas vvacatlbiTftt tho
request of Chancellor McCracken of
New York University. Dr. Lees Is tho
representative, of all'.the western Insti-
t,utions, and ItIs accordingly yevy
necessary that he be present. ,As tho
University authorities ha.xe appropri
ated no funds. ato pay his oxpenses, and
tho Athletic jBoard is already facing
it-deficit, tho only means of raising
the necessary amount is by subscrip
tion. .
Dr. J. E. Tuttle Speaks.
- Tho 'mass meeting at the Oliver
theater"next Sunday .afternoon will bo
addressed by Drv J. E. Tuttle of this
;Ity on tho vorypeculidr subject, "Tho
M'anVrth an Iron Bedstead." Tho
Qeorg-vCrampton Concert company
will furnisnspecial music. Tho meet-ing-Jjeglns
promptly at 3:45 and tho
.theater opens at 3I3Q,
About this time of the year men
are apt to need" extra pants, In pur
'west Avindow wo are showing excep
tional, bargains in pants. Our entire
HnoJit n discount. Paino.
. . Tickets
ndW 1 -- Ar i-
Qy cb
I Band I
I Informal $
5 UnivcV.ity Chapel January 20
X . pickets 56 Genis X
To Be Offered During the 8econd Se
mester This Year.
Following -are a few or tho now
courses which are to be offered during
the next semestor:
Latin 40.
A Now Course in Nopos.
A one-hour courso for tho'.sprlng se
mester is offered In tho Lives of Nepos.
A large part of, tho hour will bo de
voted to a discussion in Latin of the
subject-matter of the text.
Open to graduates and undergrade
A. Trip 1o Greece.
Tills Tclass will bo' under Dr. Lees.
-The Itinerary "wilKfollow tho courts
-pursued' during two trlpstq Greece In
recent years. Tho aim oPtho course
will bo-vto bring .cloarly before tho
student Iho- appcaranco of Greece as
It istoday; Its tqpbgraphy, architec
ture, thentres, temples, etc., explained
by lectures and .illustrated, by several
hundrcdvlows fromphotographs taken
during Journeys through the classic
land. .Course to be given oijly if at
least tw,onty students register- for It
One hbur attendance. Ono hour,
credit. Thursdays at 3:00. U. '107.
Applied Mechanics 22.-
The elements' of gra'pliic, statics ap
plied td engineering construction. Pre
requisite, courso -14. Ono hour atten
dance. Six ' hours 'drawing.,!' Three
hours credit ProfeWr phatburn. .
Dr. Batton of tho Fir,st Baptist
church will address University girls
Sunday at 3 o'clock. fhe-Y. W. C. A.
quartet wjll sing.
- ..-
I t- i-
20, J906
Price 5 Cents
.Traces the-Devebpmcnt of the' Study
of Agriculture In Colleges Thinks
There Is Great Future for It.
Prof. W. N,- Hayes, assistant Hsccre
tnvy of tho Dopurtmouc of Agriculturo,
gavo a very iutcrcsling talk to tho.
many students pYesent nt. tho' convoca
tion exercises yesterday morning. His
general subject was tho "8tiuly of Ag
rlculture," and ho traced the develop-
.mont of tho study in the past fifty
years. Pie' said:
"Tho first appropriation oh tho part
of tho United States government for'
tho 'study of agriculture was In 1802,,
and sinco that tlmo thoro has bcon a
steady growth of government support
until now tho annual appropriation is
closo to flvo million dollars, which is
equal to tho combinod appropriations ' -of
all other governments. It is
through these appropriations and
those of tho various states Inat scien
tists havo become lnterestod In tho
work, nnd It Is to them that tho In- .
creasing interest In the study ls'duo.
"Although only half of those stu
dents of the western universities who
eomo from tho country return to a
farm life, this condition is by no means
discouraging. Tho systematic'' study ' -of
agriculturo "in universities has baen
only recently undertaken, and tho pro-" -
gross made Is really wonderful. This
work- Is growing sojrapidly that It will
only ho n question of a few mora yoars
until thostudy .wjll bo Introduced not
only into hlgluschools, but Into grado
schools as well, so that finally, -the stu
dent engaged In that study
throughout lils.ontlro. schooljlfo. That .
tho study of agriculturo In tho lower
grades Is fcoslblo Is shown bythofact
that in previous ycars.oniy sonfors and ".
Juniors, In universities registered for
tho courses,but now freshmon' takQ
them regularly and find them not too :
difficulty. ' s "
"Ono of tho most Important parts of
tho study of agrlcultunTas now de
veloped is-tho oxporlment station. Tho
ono belonging to this university Is ono
of tho finest I havo ovor seen and 6f
fers an opportunity for excellent
work. tZL " . ?:'
"During tho past few years, thero
has been a surprising Increase In tho
number of high schools' oTTerlng
courses in mechanic arts and in man
ual training, and it Is freely prophe
sied that this development will be even
greater In the near future. Thero Is
every reason to believe fthat the study
of agriculture will at" tho same time
Increase." f
Band Informal.,
There -will be a band Informal in
the chapel, this evening. This Is tho
third 'of the Informals of the year, and
as the two preceding. ones were very
successful, there Is no question but
that the floor will bo crowded toalgai.
.The chapel floor 1s large eamh to
aeeoetino&te a. kiirtrea; oep4e at
least, ami wakes averyeo4 aa'aeiag
uor. sbcihe eecias, dtobsauv at
j. '.
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