The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1906, Image 1

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hpx , State Hint. Society j "
Ml. Vt i ( MMiaHMBI'M'
Vol. V. No. 6
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Imperial Cfilnese Commission Inspects
tJhe University and Members
' - Address Students.
It wa a gront occasion. Long be
fore three o'clock all classes became
so uneasy that Instructors were forced
and not so very unwillingly, it
scorned to dismiss"1 tho studonts, who
at crowded Into the chapef, which
was filled to Its capacity ten minutes
before the visitors werotduo. During
the 'wait' the students cheered at In-
tcrvals, giving one of tho football yolls
""with "China" on tho end of It, v but
there was little heart for this sort of
business and all woro craning their
necks In order to catch tho first
glimpse' of the Chinese" Imperial Com
mission, which had inspected tho
State Form and tho Penitentiary dur
Ingthc forendon and was now due at
tho University.
Promptly at tho stroke of tho. hour
thq Visitors arrived, accompanied .by
-Chancellor Andrews. Governor Mickey,
and a number of lesser lights. As tho
red and blup hats with tho queer
fwotfen "knobson" top nppoared in the
. .doorway-the atudoritB broke into?loUd
cheers, which did' ribt'subsido- untiL
Registrar Clark hadt with scrupulous
observance- of seniority, seated tho
foreigners and Chancellor , Andrews-
had called for silence, repeatedly. Ho
then made a few introductory remarks
concerning tho honor showriHho Uni
versity by tho visit of the Commission.
Ho Introduced Professor Jcnks .of Cop-'
"nelLyrilversity, who "Is accompanying
the Commission as the ropresentativo
bribe American-government. Pcofes-
, sor Jcnk oxplained that tho Commis-
iqlon was composed of a numberof tho
K-Joremost men bt. the Chinese empire,
' Votwo chief commissioners, bolng a
cabinet ofilcial anda vlcoroy of
At lof tho .larger provlncos-of China.
vtj-, .Iniivnnah rt fho fnmmliRtrtrK In in
Vjut t . . itf"T a t A -
v nigaio me siato euucajionai anq.
vV 3p JUHiiLUUopb, uumrciiuiy
p institutions fortb Qducatlon of
women, wuu a viowoi insuuiung a
rT"" .... .- . . .... .. i
V number qf reforms In the Chinese ss
"tern. After investigating tho institu-
. tlons of this country, the Commission.
will proceed J to Europe and go through
-"- Germany, Austria, Italy, and if .pes-
- albl'e, Russia. Another Commission
is making similar studies in Japan,
England and France, so that tho com
bined information and experience of
the two Commissions should result in
many beneficial, reforms in China,
Chancellor Andrews then introduced
i Viceroy Quan Fang, ono of tho chief
commissioners, who advanced and be-
. gan speaking to the students. JEvfery
ono leaned forward to catch his broken
English, and" not until he had almost
finished- did they, finaily understand
k that he ws talking in Chinese. Per
functory" 'applkuso followed his re
marks, The interpreter of tho party,
Whp 'spoke very good English, th4
translated his remarks. TyWeas the
npc)ii;i( thviewpyi -wfio hadspoken
u 1 .T... Aall V.. k. k i
. ' - crt bffrtiXok:.Qty, a-ih,tiie,X
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Assistant Secretary U. S. Department Agriculture
Friday, January 19, 1906
tho interpreter, speaking much more
rapidly, required twice tho timo, and
thoso who had. not learned the re
markablo conciseness of the Chinese
language Iiad tho unjust suspicion that
tho vicoroy's few words woro meroly
instructions to tho intorprotcr as to
which speech to give. As-translated
by the interpreter, tho vicoroy's words
wero as follows:
"Tho vlcoroy appreciates very high
ly tho cordial reception givon him and
,his legation by tho students of this
college. HePls very glad to havo the
opportunity ot mooting 'the studonts
andjBQmany prominont citizens of the
state of Nebraska. "We aroout for
the purposo ot studying political, in
dustrial and educational conditions of
other countries. Wo expect to visit
also tho countrlespf Europo. Wo hoar
ut homovtbat you areTthe most progros
$lvo people-and sovwp,fcamoJ;o.tho
United "States' ilrst From .what wd
have already ,seon Qf'y;oiir state 'and
of your collego it reflects g'reatcrodi
upon you. Education means the. har
monious development of. tho body,
mincL'and' heart. This is merely tho
theoretical part. Wo want to loam
also the 'practical part and-we aro out
fdrtho purposo of so doing."
Chancellor Androws replied in-a-few
words, which wero duly translated,
and tho Commission then loft for a
tour of -all tho University buildings.
At four o'clock thoy. cntorod their car
riages and wore driven to' tho hotel
and thence to'tho depot, whore they
boardod their special xar, leaving for
Chicago at six o'clock. " f
Besides tho two chiefcommisslon
ors, there wero twenfy-two other Chi-neso-pJncialB,
besides a number" of
aides. WithProfessor'45enk8, as the
ropresentativo qf this governmnqt
won?' lw"o tildes. Tho entire party
numborfed sixty-two.-
Forbes' Stables, Hy.ory, cab-and bag
gage service, 1125-31 P SL BelL phono
550, Auto 1550.
jiCi j 3C
I Band
Informal I
O Jniverity CHapel January 20 V
Jr, i ' i ?
X . ' Tickets 5Q Qenta : . -S
Lakl! WAiW 'L w im.lLA V w-.-.k 1 -X J
' iiyi f i ;n ..I .... , . Vl .. ,.,,. ,.,,, , ,. ,.,j;. -,-T ., :.. ,, .
Art Exhibit Closes.
Tho nrt exhibit which .closed last
Wednesfjay evening -has been ono of
tho mos,t successful Insevoral years,
both in point "of 'thq excellence of tho
oxhibit and on.'tho question of finan
cial results. Tho total receipts this
year wero about $1,400. Tho total ex
penditures aro estimated at f 1,100. It
has been tho custom to ubo tho pro
ceeds of tho exhibit to purchaso somo
work of art to add to the regular col
lection owned by tho association. Tho
300 nottod by tho oxhibit this year
will be devoted to tho purchaso of Bar
nard's "Land Mark." Ths amount Is
not quite ns largo as it Id thought will
bo necessary, but tho remainder will
bo raised by somo othor means.
A number of ladles In the city who
aro Interested in. art havo purchased
ono of NVIlss Hayden's pictures' and
donated it to lh.b association.
Tho receipta frpm' tho public school
of thls'oity war.gbod this year The
total attendance Is estimated "at about
2,000. It is Thought that the. number
ot University students who attended
is about 25Q, making a total atlon;
uanco jrom tho educational institu
tlons of tho city of about 2.250.
Until tho last to -years-It has been'
customary ror tho assqclatlontcrmako
somo arrangement,udchors,
Association bf-thd -stato' whereby the
teachers wercfor alump sun) ad
mitted to the exhibition Ihelr badges.
Tho teachers meeting watf hot hold Jn
thU'eTty last year and tho two associations-
failed togot together on, any,
arrangf'rhent this year. 'However, -a
Bpeciaf rato of fifty cents forthe three
days of tho assoclaljon mooting .was
made to the teachers-and this proved
ralrly satisfactory ' ,
V, M C. A. iundayervlcs.
Tho raeotlng Sunday afternoon will
bo-addressed by Dr. S, Z. Batten. His
subject will be "Tho Divinity of
Christ." Miss Kendall will slog and
the Y.W.- C. A. quartet will give a aa;
lection. tAH girls aro invited to at
tend. In Memorial Hall. ,
All Student Publications to Be Com
bined Into Ono Yearly
Publication. ,
The aonlors met In tho ChcmlBtry
Lecturo room yesterday at chapel
time. Tho real objecrsf tho nfootlng
was tho consideration of plons for
tho consolidation of all-studoni pub
lications. Mason Wheeler ' presented
resolutions which were passed 'with
but ono nmendriient. Mr. Whoolor,
being odltor-ln-chlof or the' Sombrero
of last year, Is tho'roughly'adqualntod
with tho existing condition of Unlvor-,
slty publications. His resolutloris cov
er tho ground thoroughly and ff car
ried out will counteract any existing
-evil of tho present systoin.-The' sec-.
retary of tho class was Instructed to
send copies to tho presidents of tho
other three classes, and Messrs.
Wheeler and Lundln woro appointed
as a commlttcoto present tho matter
at thoso class meetings. Tho roBOlu
tlonsns adopted are as .follows: t
Whereas, Tho following is the" opin-
Ion of tho senior cluss of tho Unlver
slty of Nobraskavconcerning tho state.
of affairs now 'existent In' tho Univer
sity In rqgard (o scholastic publico
tlons:' fc
It seems absurd to us that fourvpub
llcations. oach demanding. school sun
port as representative Jot the Unfyer
slty, shouldbfbnnially compete, witli
each other for school talent and bust
nesaadvortlslng: Co-oporatlon be
tween the .Sombrero and tho Senior
Book "bno year and. between the Senior
Book and tho Law Annual the next
seems to us a cpndlt)bn preferable to ,
the existing competition. There Is no
reason for tho heterogeneous system. v
of publications in Nebraska We put u
up with It because our predecessors
hav No jtime seems better .than theK
present to "substitute a rational plan
for tho present irrational one.
Tho advantages of consolidating 1119, -Sombrero,
tho Law Annual and the
Senior Book, into an annual publica
tion are -apparent. By Increasing tho
opportunities for improving thoscopo
and technique of such an annual by
doubling tho field for scholastic sup-.
port, contributions and advertising It
will be practical to produce such a
book as' tho University may wbli be
proud of; therefere, be It "" '''
Resolved, By the Senior class of the
University of Nebraska' that it recom
mends that the-existent annual pubV
llcations of tho University ot .Nebras
ka, ndmely the Sombrero, ihe Law Ap
nual and the Senior Bdbk' be consoli
dated into' an annual publication to. be
designated the "Cornhusker," -the first
publication to occur In "the spring of.
1907; the editorial anil business man
agement of 'the book to be in, accord'
aace with 'the following plati?
' I, Bdlterial Staff. v "r'" '
One editoivfn-chlef. who will Aavo
general charge of the editorial nan
agememtr of Atbe.enterpi'lee,, lntyJAjmgM
eelctloa-of oojjty, Ant.wi
v p 1- ,Kjt .
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