5om ,'" .w4Ai.Vsr, ' i. "ST Ufc-TT iritiTI f-"f.'-1'V7";'...-.-..-:. rf r . U- k' . ., 'T-'yB..i f. ." iiff! rf A,'" 'an' " y-w kA ' 1 ' .V "V '' . - , ?- ' V -$? T- A -? T"". jfr ':; &., r'V V rjft .. LV ;. ", '. ' .. THE DAILV NBBRASKAN. 1 . ;,j , ....f. ft1- & av ...u. r rE. I.' & ? L' r . frV n 1$ i. i i' X IV Iw I v. . FV H .'" w. pf? - ft" '1. . f J1" "- , m t V- - J '.v No.- r v , v v. , 5 ' Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Undo Qom Hot rV&flles andFlno MenU nnd Lunohes. 1 17-121 North 13 Stnt 'bbbbbbbvbbbbbm E5L5S53 vStar Delivery Co., Baggage. Phones.- Both S! C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makera of- CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To the American Colleges and Univer sities. ClaBB contracts a specialty; Rcllablo materials. Reasonable prices. A young woman's shoe, Sorosls. Rogors & PorkinB Co.. 1120 O Street. Union ' Shining, Parlor Shine, flvo cents; chairs for ladies. 1018 O St. Eat at Don Cameron's now reetau rant, 110 So. 12th St. Oliver. Cigar Co., 13543? No. 13th. Miss" Myrtolla Tracy is teaching in termedlato grade at Cedar Rarilds, Ne braska. ' Dr. Woodward, diseases ot the eye, ear, nose and throat. Richards block. ; ' Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean R ...OPTICIAN... fi .8 1123 O STREET "Q O Your Patronago Solicited o oeoc FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital'. -v.. .'...$ 300.000.00 $ Surplus anProf 200,000 00 k Depoi'U -i ....... . 3,620,000,00 233aaa We have always beta known, as the "" STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business. ' YUI.K DUOS. HAND UUNnnY SM O Street. Auto 3704, Dell 574 Miss Amy ShiVely, '99 Is filling the position or assistant principal at Fair flold, Nobr. IH New Way New Train Yon caj now go direct, by n, noV ronto and by a now dally h train through Snlt Lake -City to Los Angeles, via tho UNION PACIFIC and SALTLAKE ROUTE First-clafcs accommodations with all tho comforts of homo, olectrjc lighted. Nows of tho worldjtmlletincd morning and evening, and in "oxtrns" when warranted. The LOS ANGELES LIMITED affords comforts, luxury and entertainment that mako timo fly. For full information inqniro of E. B, SLOSSON, Goneral Agent Lincoln-, Nebraska Green's Barber Shops ( Mogul . ( Richards '.-Printing Georgo Bros.,.. 13th & N. Professor Bruner lectured at the State Industrial .School at Kearney on December 2G. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O SL Both phones. Professor Barbour gavo" an Illus trated lecture at tho Palmyra high school December 15. Walkover shoes .fpr .college men. Rogers & Porkins Co., 1120 O St. Commutation tickets Uni. Dining Room. Now line-rof JSaton-Hurlburt paper at the Unl. Book Storo. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and hag' gage sorvico, 1125-31 P St. Boll phono 550, Auto 1550. Waterville Pocket Knives. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED HALLS. 1308 O STREET Bakery Hy .Confectionery ZQualitylUnsurpassed. 1307 O Street Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Sallne, Salt Glow. Hot and Cold Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner 11th and N Lincoln TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE GREANI CO. FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices In large quantities, 1316 N Street. Betk Wilts Elegant new stationery? Unl. Book Store. . Miss Minnie S Fnrnsworth is acting as as8istantprlnclpal at, Dorchester. Try the Unl. Dining Room. You will like it. Eat at tho Uni. Music Cafe. . Discount Sale. Sandorson'.s. QUALITY I'll I I II 'I OUR SODA TASTES LIKE MORE fllfti, The Drue Gutter 1321 O St. Seniors, got pictures takon at Ken nedy's. ' yS Don'trforgcttho Unl. School of Music Cafe. -'" CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY all 3 -4 N STREET: X PRIVATEv- ALLEYS- FOR LADIES GREGORY THE COU MM CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91. BOTH PHONES 1044 O .STREET 6w IMtrMcsBtt. HltrelMif . LikraUnr Ghn wite,Ciikl Apparatci, CMmlcals, fhoto LMtas ana smuire, rina.uujui, rnjtcuq Wraluir rM!o-M!crt CttMtis art usta er .oratorios aao CwUtflecLtB- fimr'al Dep'tJl m Iwadtbe World Fre Miss Nolllo L. Ddan, '97, 'for sev eral years Instructor in Latin nnd Eng lish In the Universltyjmd tho Lincoln Acadomy, will go to Spokane, Wash ington, tho last ot this month- to ac cept a position intho Spokane high scnooi.- r Eaton Hurlburt Mou3selino Chiffon box papor at the Uni. Book Store. Seniors raeot Thursday n't 11 a. m. in U. 10G. H 7IzfZji :jk Here Is the cbeapest' good gun yet mado. Dythoom'uuonof t!v5iU;tWnfeturowoluiv been abla to greally reduce the coitol production and at the mum time hive' kept tho sua up' to the lmoiiAAt-Zffart ttincWd of ttrcnBth, wfety nnd diiraKlity. N6tice the clean Binplieity of ihH.Buh, The vroikmanthip nd 6mU ate perfect. The weisht ti only 7 poundi. Tho full cKole barrel re tapocially bored for tooleleu a well i,blck powder and a clarabeted that 2JJJ Inch or 2)iuich MielU rr-ay-ba. wed.. Several Srnjovemcnu.in the oper&tina parti nuke it tho ea'ikst. Boat reUable atvd best wkir)n in in exiilence. We are sUd to make it powibk-for every, loref ol subs andbtdtlioctinotoBCt Ihl.iehfitdcrcpelinahotauaatiolowopncc. " Have your dealer order it for you.. Send for the Z?ai2 Catalogue and Experience Book lo-Jai. Fretfor3itanipj, ir, . Catalogs Bausch & Lomb Opt, Co. liOtHBOTKK, Hi I. LNcvrYetk Chlcaito Boston Frankfurt. OVJ WANTED Eyery user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to have a free trial of the VISIBLE Underwood. Underw.Qoif Typewriter Co., Bell Phono Np, 3i& ISO Np. 11th St. slIiapln-Bros, Florists, 127 So; 13th. Liberty Linen paper at the IJnl. Book Stort; All' new. Mr. V. Itiravama'of Jnniln has conio to the University;, to attend lectures in: the department or roiiticai icconomy and Sociology, Mr. Hirayama ivas for several years fiscal offlcor of tho Jap anese government and is sent hero to' 4udy along thfs line. He brought ft Instantaneous) Arbitrator IIOWU' rAttLIAMUSTAUV UHAOK lly nn Itifcrnfoim rvWnrrcitiKpiucnt or Hie nhJe subjecI'Miitlltr of practical pnrliamcnt nry law, the clinirntau, the tipenker, the"" jucinber who next lias t lie floor, or any one csc, when lie opens thU lwok In.Ute mfcUllcf lm before ft(t ens n complete sumninry of ' ertty rule iiceued in the conduct iof"ntiy ' mcetlnij. It sltfisec.(v into Aid out pf ttn bocktt. Exactly auitcct tOAvometrsclnbn. too' i;nK used nnu reconunetidel hy officials of e tifnerat JHedtratloH. hnd the W. C. Y. U (vets,atiaftrovalfttfired). Club fates HINDS & NODLB. PublUtwrs of Pros and Conu (complete delntca), Sl,fV " beautiful exhibit Of JapaneSO art and Commencement rnrts (for occnions)i8l0 lacquorau wotk wmen no preseniea v I 31.33.33 west nth St., rfety York city the University museum.- fl J'a"x n"ri " " j ' ' ' . v ts the University museum (i Hotiert Jirw,"- tfo.U illieJOofUr Wbon down town meet yonrjrlenda at GEO. M. CONWAY'S 1JJ4 O STIIK1&T The only exclusive cigar and, tobacco store in the city , STUDBVT - TRADB - KOlICiTD STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. . - 3L i ".., i, N. x N x, . -sj , .T ,' I . s$A .v- i,r. ; t. m 'SI 71 ..JaTTi- &M :J w - ': '' ' ' r ' Z2--ljmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm , ' ' ' " .. , , n;n .'.'- ., J ' '" ;!WMl?fWWWIWaWpaa