The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 18, 1906, Image 2

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te Daily Utbrashan
A connolldallon of
Tlio Tloflperlan, Vol. 31, Tho NobrasKan,
Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4.
Pulilluhcd dally, except Sunday and
Monday, at tho Unlvoralty of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publish
ing Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V. P. Stout. Lauronce Foualor.
II. P. Loavltt.
Dwlght Crainor. ' A. a. Schrolbor.
4 Editor-in-Chief John D. Clark
Manager Fred Naughton
. News J. 12. Bcdnar
.Athlctlo U. A. Van Oredel
" Clroulatlon " W. 13. Standovcn
Kdltorlftl Room, U 20414. Bunlnuw Omce, U
2lli. Pofttoffico, Station A, Lincoln, Nob.
Office hours of BunlnoB Manager and Editor
! 1:00 to 11:00 dnlly.
. Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Price, J2 per year In ndvanco
y , ; , Kntorcd at the ..pootouco at Lincoln,
' , '' Neb'.,' ob socond-clana mall mattor under.
the net of congress of March 3, 1870.
fc Hf hf !sV sV bV ssf sif W fr W Ifr Hi - M V sV .. A its A
Subscriptions for The Dally
Nebraskan are due, andjilj who j
have not paid up will please see
the circulator as soon as possl-
ble. Office open from 11:00 to 1
-... ..-,... ....... ..... ......
iiiou aauy. n. cu2 uni. nan.
Tho Ncbraskan will bo glad to pub
lish" uny information mombcrs of the
faculty" may deslro concornlng now
couracB to bp offored by thorn next se
mostor, or relative to courses not suf
ficiently described jn the catalog, Jf
convenient, such-notices should be loft
i in the odttorlul room.
Tho moro one thinks of tho plan
proposed in the communication in yes
terday'spapor concerning tho election
of a student board of control, the moro
Tho good points of such a plan become
Mipparont Such a board would fill a
place which Is but very Incompletely
occupied by tho existing societies, for
leges there has long been an organ
ized student body, with a president and
an executive council, and election to
tho former position is considered the
greatest honor within tho gift of tho
students. The president and council
have power to bring many suggestions
before the entire student body which
could not bff proposed to tho sepavato
classes with any result. It is just such
an organization that wo need at Ne
braska to settle, for Instance, such a
question as that of tho consolidation
of cjass publications. Selection of tho
students who are tp 'havo this power
would be simple, aB well as tho provi
sions governing their powers. Wo
can see no objection to tho plan, and
would like to sec the senior class tako
it up at tho same time that thoy dis
cuss the consolidation of the books.
Wellesley Prizes.
Tho president and faculty of Welles
ley College have tho following prizes
to award:
1. Tho Alice Freeman Palmer fel
Tho Income of twenty-llvo thousand
Jollars, given by Mrs. David P. Kim
bnll for tho foundation ofa fellowship
jlnjmemory of Allco Freeman Palmer,
mny bo used for study abroad, for
study at any American college or unl
verslty, or privately for independent
research. The holder of tho fellow
ship must be a gruduato of Wellesley
Collego or of some other Amorlcan
collego or approved standing, a young
woman of ood health, not more thnu
twenty-six years or age at tho time of
appointment, unmarried throughout
the whole of her tenure, and as free
as, possible from other responsibilities
The same person will not bo eligible
to the fellowship for more than two
years. Sevornl times during the
period of tenure ovldenco must bo furnished-that
tho fellowship Is being
used for purposos of serious study ant
not for general culture.
Application for tho fellowship shouU
bo mado not later than January 1 o
the academic yoar preceding Ihnt fo
which tho fellowship Is asked. Tho;
should bo accompanied by testimonial!
of scholarship and of character nn
also by theses, papers, or reports o
Investigation, published or unpub
lished, as written ovldenco of ablllt'
to carry on Indopcndent study. All
applications for this fellowship should
bo addressed to tho-president of Wol
lesley College, from whom further in
structions will be received.
2. Resident Scholarships.
The trustees of Wellesley College I
There are Manv Imitations of 1
Baker's Cocoa
Baker's Chocolate
Dotft be misled by them !
Our trade-mark is on every
package of genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, no -;
6ther chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker & Co.'s is en-
1 i It
BH?I I I f iwWm
sbi I i r h jiiiniii
Ititled to be sold as "Baker's
Lriu.Tnuu.Mik Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate"
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
scnt free.
Walter BaJcer & Co. Ltd.
Established 17 to Dorchester;, "Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
. i
Extreme price cutting on stuff I feel must be-sold at once -FULL 30
PER EtyT"DISCQUNT on. $2.00 8hlrts, Lewis high grade Underwear, 50c t
,50X Also .still Half Prjce on Mufflers and Full Dress, Protectors. '
reasons which appear Insurmountable
mu HTnnnpnnin" nro. In theory, or
1 ilU ....ww .
ganlzod for tho samo purpose, at leasf
" - o MnnniB tim undertaking of
HO iUI o .vh - -
n,...uni nntnrnrlflQS. but pmctlcallj
such a society must prove vory unsatL tuition for a year,
lstactory on nccount of tho method of these scholarships
.selection,' slnco tho student body will
always be'somowhat suspicious of -a
body of men selectod by a group of a
dozen or so. To give the chosen men
tho necessary 'leadership, their soloc
tlon'must bo placed In the hands of nil
tho students.
This plan is not a now one, except
ing at Nebraska. At a numbor'of col-
fhavo established thirty scholarships,
of tho value of ono hundred and seventy-five
dollars each, Tor graduate stu-i
dents resldont at Wellesley College
Tho nmount of tho scholarship .covore
Applications for
should bo ad'
drespod to tho dean of tho college
They should bo accompanied by cre
dentials of ability, of character, and
of good health; by records of under
graduate standing; ,and, If po'sslblp,
by papers or reorts of work.
Miss Leila Dutch of St. Paul, Minn.,
Is the guest "of Miss Carrlo Bayard.
-Protected by Block Signals
Tho first railway in America to adopt the absolute
Block System Jn tho operation sf all trains was tho
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
It to-day has more miles of road operated under
. block signal ml than any other railway .company. .
The St Paul Road -was the first railway to light
its trains by electricity, and it now has moro than
400 eleotrio-irghted passenger carp in daily service.
Throe trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union.
Station, Chicago, every day.
For time table, special rate write
- Hamilton Club Oratorical Contest.
Tho annual oratorical contest oJ the
Hamilton Club oi Chicago was hold on
January lTOOC. Every yoar for tho
last three years this club has held
such a contest in Chicago on the birth
Jay of Alexander Hamilton. The sub
jects dlBcussod must bo upon Alex
ander Hamilton, his work or thoso
jlosely associated with him.
Eugene V. Marshall of Wisconsin
won first place with tho oration "Ham
Hon and tho Constitution." Mr. Mar
jhall, who Is colored, Is a freshman at
Wisconsin, although a graduate of the of tho University of Michi
gan. Jacob Cuntl.ln of Illinois won second
place and Prod Cunningham and Ken,
leth E. WInobergor Won third and
fourth places, respectively, The
ludges wore Messrs. Franklin H. Head!
3lmon P. Shope and Joseph H. Do
frees. Mr. John A. Guagor, formorly prosit
lent of tho Hamilton Club, was thq
jonor of thQ prizes, which were alto
gether ono hundred and fifty dollars;
Mr, Marshall received ono hundred
dollars and Mr. Cantlln fifty dollars.
Piano Recital.
MIbs Ethel Syford, of the University
-School of Music, pupil of Henry
Eames, wiirgivoa recital for gradua
tion In Memorial Hall, Monday- eveni.
ing, January 22d, at S o'clock. Tho
public Is cpxdjally Invltod.'-Tho follow-'
ing IsJhe program:
Bach-nOrgan Prelude and Puguo, a'
Minor, transcribed for piano by Liszt.
Beethoven Rondo Cnprccio, On
129 (Posth). ' '
Liszt Etude, D Plat Major, -
Padorowskl Molodle, BvMajor, Op.
8; Love Spng, Op. 10 Cracovlenno
fnntastlque, Op. 14. v
Ravel Toie Picture, "play of tho
Waters." . '
Schuett Paraphrase ! on f "pieder
maus Waltz."
.S'a.Int-Saons Allegro Appassionnta,
OiX 70. For piano and orchestra (or
chestra parts on second piano),
A candy salo will bo held In the X
M: C. A rooms on Wedne&qay,: 'zvqx
ary 24k from 9 a. ifa. to (J tmTVSa
ono Is invited tp como and jwrchas,- '
any amount from ono to ten npunde
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