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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1906)
jW EBvrirey,A5.. Wj --fl SJ' T.1XT. L.. T. 'i.'W TW-rAr.-' ' TT- t -v.j- .-mkt. TMwamam,EKmmm ??''- r ' jJ?-1 V . ?' te-ji. W h rf. o f ;' 'Vt'" V i .- '1 :V 1 . vw i: (( ' ...',;v-t it" r i. . -. --k s . - ' i- 2r1' ,f !e Rr? i. ViT. .V aTraBfl K3KB!1 assLr; . ,-; - .,... .vOTaraoaemBmmi . ; vi ..." . . t . usir)irwiawnHH i i' i i ii "in iii ' i i uwmmM 11 t r: . . v. - . ' . -c : . ivvsmm Xnu-JiH&M?MmziMnBiMritt2.msaKHmxEMWL 'i. i ,. , ,- ?t ..:. itoktbmi i ' im in i i iiifi i iitntau i i ' ii j,. , , i y .tMW.-.wm WTOiwRotaeMn 1 tr&JtauuFi'- . . - : i m ..ibbbi h m UNIVERSITY 0 NffiRASfcA, UNCCpLN, THURSDAY, JANUARY Sfc, f Price 6 Cent f INSPECT COUIC UlagKlAL CHMMfi COMNIWION in ucom. L.- '''-; . Win Leek Ovirttw ttfctriMplwlhwf . '. ri!!!! " ift i -. ta. fit. ' . rt h . . . - .. j ni.,v.v -iv ., '(' ,:-. " i.c-'f .. i'-J..'..,- .-J ''.!.-- .or nta imannai i hmi i nmnwii '. ' " i " '""."' - - ' tr . t""1 "" . , . .. iliteh J . thii country by tla pirpOM f IftYwtifwUuf tie tftt iMUtfttoM or wttpbt of tMUUW d fta4yttc tlM sriwuj thodi df tmctf , mucmunu. nit '. pirt(tiUr iot to thl Unlvrt-aity Hit in . U -fact that LUteotn to ti tomMachplM of tlM OfMnmlMJoo W..B ftmnotabo and .CfeJoMP, Atlr Mpo Wrftorttik. UB th 4oty of BMtklnje a a. t.'" . i ''r. r-. ';"-."'- ' f . 1 UM VMtfflvMMM.'', '1 . to r k,-.? .; f.-i?.., ': ,'V - ; . '" '- ,' " I ae GLEE CLUB TRIP .-. AWKft AMD MANDOLIN CLUM TO . OIVK. TWp CONOIMTt. Twntyn; Mit Wlfl tton Plret THu T iiwtow to WahM and r.,i' LMBbrJ iot o-V j- -,r- ri 'OokmUiitea wHMuTiTett;tMir . "." 't- . r. v ilvwy i-- L. ..u?" k TIL t T . . 3 w-'niiwymi ii rr oQdniniriilfcadfc. ' .J. 'PaWlefrata'yal: 1 Uik xaooilM. wUtkwl'tO tle . 4'-iir laftohoH At --oiv ot -the hoilt wW Wbrotiilit to'tlia , ' aMjf W byr thiwiifli.ill th - :ilkf ' ' a-.-Um...: i.lU W wIM ' tf av " v ! r."" vr. "tt ' -w'-, ;-..- .'..-,. .-', -..."' Mpw coTOoauo m wwocoroe 01 td wHI Mrt ddtMF Mid Hi ordw am dteirtimtirt ?: - -. i . .." -- ; - ;4i awio(riu...JMiw, wc vn m Marn Tip CoMiJmiHtHMil Oitsrt Jo tbeir fiirftf cr asmK iMIP'Tvr cwoago. Tke Cupuiiiailott i 9npoiMd' of o?r iJrty1 ptrw, vt JBjbVoJHotalii in th ChtMit itTmmont, bkmliMr ,r bo lUglMPt cla, oclaUy, of tb conatjpr. Of U Uty, tont tir-wjty ntkraim ar ta ocll dolesAtcf of thB Cht&OM tvrtunent tor die pur pose of looking over. the various ; tat - inatJtotlona. ' , ..";",.. ' Following ir the Itinerary of Utt -OortnlasJoa; during the stay In LJn , :00 a. m. -Laave apoelai ear fof UalTarsity JPano. Ukfajf earrlaffe to oocnor of Nlnta and O atraota, and tkduby spaotel strati car to Farfc. . , fttO a, m.ArrtT at Farm. iOiM a. mrUyn Farm, XH-40 a. m. Arrtre at penltautiary. ',? m.AA Ly. I.. . .. OS--.- . .-- -jr- "TTT"'' v i.u . msi . i - .- Atv w mrtunTw iwioni bmkoi. 11 :W p. m. Umanaoa, Tfaatn lio- vta av"9ppaj lfc'???S? mmvjt-s. .. . th a.- .t, PTW U ijllla fiill aj RZttSLL-rt fU 'laar hutttui - t: - YLaw ' w jm,- l' '. Itftki ;Qla luid (MaadbJfk Oliiba, aaU a bttainaM wwKtmr. Tttaaday pTanthai ior tteKpurpcm 4l Utollnt ft daoaJ comujlttw. TaA o tiaai takwi a the mwftUm. of CmtnotlJor AadNdrai hollmmd ttml Uiat it w wlad woridr bail com patent to anie tha ranWtI dutli ln'6'of Wblllii of''siai'-Kat-'mBW jto; jtotfoim tavam ml :anV acoount: wkfcyr. '1?Wi ooMRiCtd' Iwill aa d; uaUr' tboo$; trol ot ac, committee worn u, caiiy, wbloa:?llVaaA-acotiai;., fado; ooruWith'thr.rialaid darabr- UM jBoara :oc; .lajpajama ,atT; micma. f 1 - -' W 'T .-?ay . " - . ,'ie. .-i a -'"iC .4i . ,. fr - ..'V -. ' nil B Ml I lanTTi Hi : Li- . j ,?'T T -rtoaiit ettiale tof'.Dr; F. K Nlcaola aad Dr. Homer B, MXmXik. mx todai Yflo bad cara of tba ryard aojtMd 4trlnf thia laat aaaaoa, tb M lowiad ooachwioaa W jftaUd after a ottaakn axtendlajf orar aeraral page , roUtW to iaiurte raorivad by the piayara dfinf tha aeaaon: ,'. ;, i.;:Tba nr, jaevejaod prm neoce of the Ia4rria reoajtad m play Ini footbaJI ara Vary maiek freater tbaa'teaeraliy la craditad or battorad. " S J.'"7 t-1"- ','V '..'J 'V."' ' ' ,.v--, ' :z.jinei araaier aumoer at taenia- BeacoaM.iii tba "ptJe),"ad aot m tae .apea pla.altaoaadL'aeilomttt- : ! .r.;v.i-.T i' . ; . ,'k .. ii MH , BWHIIt The. OlrlaK Paa-HaUanio coasnaa vm-u the KaW Alyaa Tbata m4af atBTa t' rM 1 lawdjiateaed to aa Jateraua talk by MJaa Louiaa, paat fTaadJvraaidaat of Delu DelU Delta;, aad editor of th4 Trident, the oMelal publication of that aororlty. Idea Fteh baa; juat been at the meata of the na4ioi laUpraororr ltr oouaoU.1 aid told the deleaatai about the work pf that eotiadU an4 dlaooaaed. the different reebmmaadar ttbna made by It. - . jurtea aia- reoetred 'm the." open. ' -J I'.. The;; 'propetiioa ;' of injuriaa re oetred la jpaiea and la ' pfaettee It taboai aaaaei ' tenter Meeting. ' The aeoipr claaa will meet in, the Oboniiat'ry Lecture room thla moraiaav The only hapoctaat mtttrr to be tahea up is tne attempt -to aaopt a reaowf tlon lndortlag the propoaal to eoneolf dhte all the claaa publlcationi intq one Junior annual. The majority of the claaa aeem to be la favor of tad move, and the flrat atop of the cniaade wty undoubtedly be afeea. "' ; , i i r, i ; ii i itf". r - , flnmli ahoea: bin baraaina. flaaaW Slrta ..-.-. .'' it The, Uarreralty 0lee Club, takaa lib ftrit trip ere the aUte on Friday aiht, ioln to Wahoo, irbere they will give a ooaoart. Thla la to be the drat of a aertea af proarama glrea by the olob ia the atate before the home oouoert, and the weatern trip. Thla wlU be a great meana of brtailtk the etttb us to a Tefyhlgb tandard, and the work wiu aae, uamt the new nan with tfoaeert week. In other yaara the hataa oaaoart haa alwaya bee Ue battantag of the aaaaoa ofopaoirti, while thla year it will be near'tha edA Director Ollleapie will, m theae oaa.- Icarta, be able to determine whjoh men do the beat work, and la thla way the Anal selection ot the men who Bake tail, trip. will bamade. Th aractiear haa been golag am very rejtttlarly and thoee who do sot make the trip to Wahoo will appreelat ft rent fnmvpracUoe on Thuradfy erea- Lms. Some twelve or fifteea jaMhoat of the regular number will apt make the trh. ae only twenty-one aaaa to rbeth emlM are to be taken. Froiaaaor i. A large pereaaitAga of the iaurtef 1 Nllea wfU take bat a entail part of m unawddabla. aV of JAjwriat la ta any other of the major aporta . The game doeenot aeyalop the beat type of men pbyeteany, becanae too great prominence M Hvan to watght without eorreeaondlag nervoua 7. XJooataat: medical aupervlaion of the game la a aeoeaalty aad not a lux ury, although It la a queation If a game, requiring the eonetaat atteadaaee of two trained aurgeona, la played under dealrable eoadltkma. 8. The percentage, injury ia much too great for any mere aport. . beavlac out all other objeetloaa to the game, ethical and practical, the condltiona under which the game la played ahould be ao modlfted aa to dtomlah to. a vary great degree .tat number f ahyalbal iaJorlaHrhe jp. ; - -r s : . ? ,; the Mandolin Club, but m aateotlng f thesi ha haa selected the aaaa Ilia camaarahly areaar,la ftBtbaJl Qaaa tatkyeateat experteace aad tke aeat.iay u i i m. i " 'A . , -J-. . .ft- s.- '' '-' --Jf jSf.r &P "Pi1 rS's" !?-: :, feKR'''i'.v-' ? !?'- . -mint to!. ' .X'-aaaaaV' "ImtaV 't hJSJJfA" Wmz&PT2 ifltWSl-lt -r! -, .a-rflj era. All tkeee whoae aamee art gate below are to be at the tforaerueiern depot Friday, January 19, at l:tf p. ; m. The men to make the trip are aa loltowa: Dirka, Oi)leeple (director), Mould, Caley, Dner, Agaa, Farka, Ko vaa, Plumb, Burky, Jbhaaoa loha on, Klmmel, Falraua. Ireiaad, mm eon, Cobb, Caugbey, Bpragad, vTaod, Hlgglna, Weatgate, Browa, ateyet, Beghtol, Nllea (mandolin director). Junior Lawe fleet H The Junior law claaa met ioHng the onvooaiion period Taaadajr r . - t for the purpoao of adedtfeg thd manager aa eeoy i enr; eF aaWaa jHaWa pFawmFay' jyF rF eeaajp ew - . . . ,- '-. a a . Iiaatoa, -hfrj'.IIpfl'afMii jpi ' h ' , - a 1m .iL -111. aaanjuftur , JaaH'iajBr X1 .H ,-.,.LT" 25 .. ' .&' - .& 'V Ir i . -'Z ' e , - .S". mmsmm 31st' '. rFf. r aiiali mHhar'V0liBtMBT' Haa ';; " a .j r ' . i". 'imF 1 L MH.ti. etr?l aV'i . 1 M -W1. JJ F .-.V !. ifjirr UXk '" -B lS?Ui, - jraw X"' !wri ' ''i" lC ! ' MM DBBurmjH s