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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1906)
It -Mr-' j. . , ". w l , J. , -ft ', - ' - ' , tt . ,,, h THE ODUEV ii")' ' .. -'-W. '. r 1 - . 2: iliilM-.liff Sm Weetorfield i. - x ' i 'R- ' ; Frf)r of tr 1J '. '... New Why-Ncw Tim '.;.4- - -'4,- , Stem's -" Btar Delivery Co,, BifftK. Both Phoaw, V ,'f v . .VHhbbbWl 1 - - - H r- i. v, , ::' a ;. ; ' . I s X'" v . H, v. - . '1 ! X; . ' i r.v ..v V ','. V V; . f. IT JL2 ". ... . . -va;'- . ' . !v ' t i sa ,vi '--ik w,. .f i r'. j'" . -'J . .11. '-.. . f ' I -. V ,t " fbf)e Qta Hot V ' " IJ7-i2V KW IS 'V i-- ., ,..,",11', - -QEOWQC A. WlLtON CMtRACtORAND witDtt KaWtotos .faralelied Hton pppltoAtlon' " -k"- r-T - ""TTW"' - . IV!! " III A .' Mill r,: WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LETUSCONt M GPlEt-COOPErt COT V lAMTY OUR SODA N .VAtlt' tikBltfHUB Mi ! T,T" j 'vvi 3210 .--" '" .if '" ' v t , mrmn a; m to t a. m. Ue TAKB VOUK ci.'OTitka AND SO TO ' sbukup & "wood ' EXPERT CLMNEfti ANt,YEM HlciL.TKL.14T. ' AUTO 1M. J3kN '8TRMT 4. , FRESH EVERY DAY! aWt 0r Ondkm aad BkA Qood'wr Mffdjn Pnwfe i4 Good r&ipt-oorjeoWby. tut MAVULn 1 co. HutV tkHH. l(h mu4' lis. PR,. jb,Hri j, pcvi Jfiiutt Wfi6tlW AHDQPTICIAM lS b ,.: UNOOLW "V'f'1 '" . ' ' i . "1 '.. ' 1 Hi sr g; rj j? New Century Printers i ' I iV.iir 'Uiuit. the tr;;r .r I : ,.; -'vi. "" . j1 '" "v - - u tri v B I iipirjT- . , ,, ; i ttittv ' DONflEisl Jpll ,u vt i- v BaMMMaMMBMMMaHat l,l .-.". 11 lii myw. w,i).iT-Mal luminal 1 i imi i m - I j j l ' v ' ' ' s ' . -- 'r ' t ' ;,Jisj' ' JBBBlLsBBBBBBBa' r , ' ii . ,. " 1'. . ' , .''; 1 AaiiaasMS kltTiAkiai AHA' "1 fUHCOU, NilSAMU OfTTAL - SKHMXHMM I MM WB a III HI HI SBBPCaCSBWWBgay 1 ,t.... ...... : A ydung womn' sho, Sorois. Rogers A Psrkiag Co.. 1121 O Strt, " Uslon Shliing I'urloirShliie, flr cnU; nhairs for lmiiw, 1018 0 It fiat .at Don Cameroa'a nw rUn rant 11 So. ,12th St pllvar tJIgar Co,. 185487, No, 18U, i" ' " . Dr. Woodward,, diMasefl .of tht, y, ar, noiiT and. thrwat Richards block. Green' - l Mogul 4 Palace Barbershop! A( Richards . X. '1 PrintingGeorge Bro., 18th ; N. Dr. Haggard' 212-818 Rlohards Blfc A j, T 1 : - LIbooIii Looal BxpreM; 1843 0 It Both phones. . v Mr,t Frank. HmibeekyV ex. '08, who was prominent in athletlotKahd in the Dramatic rClub last .year,, was a oam pug visitor Monday -'-;- ,v ' :J - . Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers AV- jerkins Co., 1129 jpSt 1 n 7- n"1 i' ' Commutation tickets tJnl. Dining Room. t ,k ,:- , i ) .New line of. Eeton-Hurlburt paper at the Uni. BookQtore. x ' " r The class in Geology X has been di vided Into' two sections' "in order to accommodate students for work in the laboratory. - ' . , wiM. mail i ! 4 f i k : Elegant new stationery 4Uni. Book. Store. Try' tie tlni. Dining Room. You. will like it . Eat at the Uni. Music Cafe. Discount Sale.v , Sanderson's, . " Seniors, 'getVplcturee ctaken at Ken: nedy's. " v - ' ,l . 0 Don't forget the Uni. SchdoTof Music Cafe, '." Miss Mary Stearns, a former stu dent of the University, is Visiting in Keen, N. H., and later will be liTBos ton. - Baton HurlburtMoueeeline Chiffon box paper at the UnLBodk Store. 'Seniors riieet Thursday at 11 a. nit in TJ 16 ' .'-. .rhapimBro, Florists i27' So. 18th. ., ,' . r-r-' . ( Liberty Linen paper a the Uai. Boek Stort. All new, ' ' , J Y, ; C. At Neiee. The prayer meeting tonight in tie Association rooms will baled byMr. C, M. neck oc.tne rnysica jjepartxaeat. His subject will be '"Tta Poweir of. Christ" Mr) Beck has made a speeial study of the life of Christ and js therefore, able te handle, this subject In' a ray tlaat will, help" and interee students .The, service beglms" prompt ly, ,at 7 o'cloc with a few? songs-and clpkeaas prpjapltly at 7:80,; 11,1 Vefsity men invited. ..'" , , v The Faculty and Students' IHreo- tory lsat last out qi tae nanoa ohm printer and. la the hands of the Ao clation: Amy' tuent: can ,roeHrt.:a copy tor' the aaMln at? either, of the two Aaaociatlona. You can iw. go direoi, by a.iew rtmte and bf'tfttovj&alijfi 1 'it " ' train fVirnnwVi "tlft TjiVa rHfw. tn- Tt Aal .wi. wl ' " " . . -p ,v V.VJ UNION PACIFIC and t A First-claee accommodatiotw with all the comfortnof hom ' '1 -V ' - electrib lighted. News of ihe.wbrld 'bulletined' morning, ' i arid evening, and in ''extraa' when, wrrahted,'"'The v4 1 tt ' attords .comforts, luxury l it ' '.. a .r M . a . ' ' a - ... . ;,;- . . nihiMi timaflv. " Fnr 'fnll. ? ,,,. .. t 3 ' .' " E. , LOON, Gnrl Anl , -. - PHMMMMmmmBaa .... 5 - H 1 I "t I A ' J" Bakery V aulty;Unurpwl. 1V-fo ' .A A .-.' T. -,- u : JS '- 7.V A-- jAtlHt hV 4mf )At hV A( l4y tAf tiV Af kAV ischV kp iA 444 taf tfa hWbi AcmV aW sb ; :. -. .. - 111 1 '" 1 CD A TC . WHIXEBREAST COMPAIOr' ? CfafataAfkjLi bab l y b aV - '.-"" . , . . . ' x f: '' v ' vt u lJ A rf. advert i snsys A 4 4 , i- j , Ana Deiiere tnar eYtrr ioyei uxYcrtixy - tudeht should patronixiiNfibrailttt ad 'c , Yertiien. They will find theitLtb bK the .a k M 4a4jav leaucis iu wuciJ. jv.jlxui..& iiuok : uu, t.xiji- - " inffto do eYerythinfpOiiiWe to pleaife;" ,;; TOiveriity and ?.. .' F 1 f a- .1 f i ,-j t. 1. SALT LAKE ROUTE j js - ' ' :j ' ' ai)d. entert4mei"tht ' ' . .&.. ' infnrw&tinn ianuir nr ' ,,. . ..,,x.. ; 1 . . v 1 r . ,r "v ,,'.. r t . n - . r j - i-t' '' -.'-. rm-m . : V' '. . .umin, risiarAaka J .- ' ,'W. ' - - v.. ,r ; vc. lit A",'- f W' ..".:v -j. , t,. i w -t4r,j-fV"''- 4 1 1307 a'liitt' r- ,t , g&y."' r'uss Mi); j'aX,' "?; r -O i.V X'yj?l'i . !? . V X v , r 1 &Lfl4f Ltttf vV)tt! kt wV L' HHyu.aH'li.Lt jAhV (kjhjM ..rM , .ftfOT, jT,r v, 3mrtmwm Wcw Vca'tyob right" ; S V J ' I.. ( . fc.r ' . . lJ . !- VI ' '?. . -?. - v .;,... .. T.' ,v V Vr . nf I ' '' .' . .Ay , .. .-. -' , . v - H . "i . ,. s. .;-i-Ti.v,f v r- Sl - .. - 14 ' 't:. " . '- '.- VT-!1 ' lJl ; m jilsbi .. sbimv mi 1 1.. . '.. - your. 'OwnPfi??.-: "i ',-(-". -.;..w ff4 h? t .- .J . " . ... '"ir fc. " -J rvj-wr . f .. ! J In '.'.IS . ' t ., ,- OW1C ' . M JU i .' ..;'fl -.- ,r -v V -a 'M A . ' , t A' ! -n ', l " .fVl " . l . If 1 I V fci'. tf.H'l ' " ."4 :' '" .; . . - "V if-J H3 .,. ? di fj. . . ,' rls-.J 1 1 - j. " XT. j. . JV- r . J ' ! - ' ? k , . Ft rir-j- ..-.; '. 4K a j f ! t - . ;WS err. 'fl iK