The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1906, Image 3
u 5- u ,. & 1 HT . J .' rWtiRASKA. Y ' ...Jki' .V '. i ' " , tr. W n .. -, V CSa 'm m irr 'J1 "" 1' i 'i imiT S55pSwIir!!i5S i iB M'ly,nfpri i tg; ye' V) I . ; t' J ! kv ?: fry. ftti- K.K - V'. r: .: 'ii' V-J", I ' r- t .' '(?J- S.-IT" r, . ' . ,,r . ' JVCi ii -. l .T ' 'J nr- - ' "J. A. Jv v0 r v . ",w . t.A ( - ' JVJ, v- v .'1 . . , . r -ii- " iOrV Sgla--?: KwiK" i rf r .(-. c t ?... i v -i .. ,-V fil . k . re,'-.:-1 y J-c H ' & frA ?v tit RS 'ffi f.a CUSSIFIEO UOLUHN ifci i i , tlcrAU NOTtoiia, , . .JUtU mm (Mttiw, word seen btMrtton; vnimuuv to eeats.vff i' - & v jp ruAiMM get geoev Mr hL t ; POUND, lairs itaiiUiaimM'aialcM rlM iMrlMlrtMtoboliK iaer'It tela OflMlM payiag charge. -' ', I Til "l -, li; (" '' )'' '-' ' '7 VnttAiU-VAiBMUvM Ui2 RMUtd Weanaed MM UlOttted j 1 fountain by ceflii N '&-$ Bjccat iKelfcae .eWUBBBt- V'W auena i VW k , SP BjSBgap gOJBf ',,4 , - i - -f 'v --'-' h . FoBd Pockb6ok wmUinla netV ' - krtte of tiJl 1M. Ownc . ;,niy hr jn byJNkf ! ftn1 tWi ii - , . J. . . r-rw.r-'rr "Tf : . - r , . ?'.r , . , i.ffHihrffi. 'i - .-J ,;, y. .-;? JW - - i'" , c -( " .. " i m: 5 : is. : - -jwjm. ' W9 1 j, -r . ,. V L 'i .' ' FxSMi; R. prlvftto' i.-:." -, i i. .L.Haw fe ;; jyMSfci: !?,. - . 1 j 14m H .:irtl.MJNr; "-X'-i ."'.. '. '-''' " K ' ",' ' 1 MfTMHUMi ..". ' 1K 1 rfV , jM. i , ' " ' -javbv your - 1 "i tfll, HMI ., . V -L ' m.. iMfti,ntk P'.IK yv. riA7-? .:'u ' ...rN,- Aoaievtijakijk- ;; Mir .? JNHwHB JBPftJpviHHb rWUMMT ' "yiMgi h. nm t j4 'ptmi !!&&?&& ?PiwtJiwMl: .Vi'waitabki. iors;wo-w S.J z WH.UW worm Tif wraiKrwtt u? ; - V "w. '.Hi , kj '' nnrT, t w i, i ,.-.' teJWffiMBSWM '"-. i rt ?JV.-tf-.: .lr:r-tif4itiriilriiir' faftery " p WIV. . BB. W" . . T aV-tT BaBBBBIBBaBdr -. BHU ABHPBV n jvr " . '.w t. ' - """-:T";"i'Tv, r -. aUukla tU'Utf' llHTfl' li ' " ilf !- ir7. -"s.1 ,v-r "x. ? v -'-fc'tfFli u , ,- .5. ft;,r .ir u 'mmmwmwrwmjtei v v 'SB)aT;...BwIC Wfr3-BBrjfJ"JI" Ifir!t"J, iJrp-'il ,,.'. oiw pin; tii tS ;; (Uyjjuiu-4T ii: riiiT fiMpi rit .- nvv- - - n- fc - .- .- "i. ' v, :,. -'- -- ri--..'s-j.-:i ,t-ii. "i.-.., v- v . , Uflr.Al( uor;.rm ,ptnj; ,Jn I ' .'"'sL. --J -,,i jkL. . -l U . . V -:-1-. - -'-..' '-- . r-.-''; ,, iv r TwwMTJt : wnwg. ttf ir, ,.'' Mm. M.-"ri s v,""f,-Xii,.T,'s,rv..-iT. .T-.r:ii'.Jr.T.-.TrT - ' -ii -'"-thi 5oi)Tiowr(i(rM. to return bm. 1 .VTr H ' IBIbV.4 -BATH 'HOTTaB Turklak. -'r Ifo ;f i a:jl'w;8ttipho;iibFer, Sja,'; i F . 1 -KrMiiiierliaM 'MeW.' . dc PfoMMors Moree ud Riehards. -who , dreftB'BftewJBcaale'lBfr.loT JAwimm 'i n. T JlndMilUMVbM mkJ. "mW vmirm'. M rTT wT-v7tr ri7-Tr- m i&'UZmfr1 &?&-& tt ariW lnOaey Boeton omoe of the Pan eHU BlatitHd Oajrialjr ax jeteiriailPiBeV eatia; the opaatrttctKm aepaxtment. B. 8. cava a fine talk on east reajlateris at the afagineerlnf 86 cieif meetlBg last Wedteeaday; erei ledxe wWeh wIU help them la ! ! .mmi vurlr a mil Avmmlw.m. Paaore CtbW aid Rlaharda ail Iff. bnria were WMftV ike beVa anil e platted to them the different ma- Gmnm." . ., . .r'- i -i. - nlxi TTT" -M?tT'. i .-'" .fto.We.4t;a wP lofrlBe rBWir -Ana, ! naMirai Hiatemy; "''tm&yj t"' '"-'f '': t- NeTorkdlt,MarXIt6:ia4.i . ' '.: ftofiPl6r ior W roeiyJ a - pei a .( ryvr .to tbe dt. : - .t i 4, ". v '. fc ffM dK u a Mg BuBV404Bf MPabaA sBrdatBiJBa eawS ft. W. Hann was a rtaH-r in tMITx? -T--w - C. B. department Monday. ML Tptoa la apw in a surreying party on the Aiaeii tMiaiivB nj, w again a onoof aftv afvwal weeks' abaenoe, which ha spent In a aonreying party near OWetK Neb. The mmmjh w Men de- yHMaPli toitt tada? fcWMHito!-.! : '- ...i' ' pfMt A-4y ITmhh tn -,k : 6fc4ily "V fl , "' ' ,.-.'., r'' C 'K. '' -' ., TiiabdDfttliifdhtk tW ;UlvrUty MmU Uw,ieiJiiyy btttlNf Cittb la a i0M 'felwte fait Sal J Tn).dUt. wa o',ti'',:orniiiL M)H. Hftkkt."Juid Varna of Oi .'iiU y;'.. ;iM4irM5Hoi; dwitc' DebatlBg. Olub dfMi(ld'tM IIto. 'f ht VUHJb twun bowrd gooi prepratl"on , mud dld,.iplncH tUifn work. Tb;oppo41nr tm Uok unity and coWrenc in taelr llm W iufctt. ;-dn ,ttt4 i,t W Iwtk'U ad o( falMm to.quillfy wUiocitr tlrly irrivant to ilw, t tMtkpii . k milBK wm wli att4d fcy loyal supporters, of. tSk t&i -lii ft9?' auci me auenaanoe,oc a. numoer ec AdHWriiy coll. TWvprllaeUry wm the ooespidous aMeeke of J-.H. ,v Hueim iiiiMjnh '" Cpritractbrt it.riby wofklkfj ,4tt lAftV, Miu JVHeRvllHtHb JvtQ9 .A owJeWW iklMviiilLW'lmy-'tha' Art of nt month.. Xrhe committee '111? get W g?uert.0emriLneriaat aie anu-awmra tfie; contfaciorle oi tie buildiife w)ll. ln ;JUI Boonns tke weather will permit, k is dieeiredtq get the bMlftl- isf-iiw,Bpe'm -wuii wfOMnit wi l nweo fciwcUd'lhara gd6d arrfaife ent;Jaipoeeible., : v "'' have 'the, apparatus' operated .by ak. $e'M;br; TW -apharat&i -will make 4 p6e0ite id raisl-of dterihe sbadei- by "simply working; a sfriieaT.-. Th .apparatus wlilihe yery oettVf&ieM as. well aa time savins:., j " v -." r", " V 4 '- l ' i'.Ji1'' ,'- :..tJ -.!, .' tifep.. ; Tixi 6raU)r W, iHe; itate muwy,- Arfp. liirhwfey, baa ,beeav. elected , mbershlp in the" newiyr .organlhsa'. Jhtiaaais" IssooiatkHi ef Anwrt, a4 williaieet with the 'aaoolafckn at vti" Wirkaf UU ;f;.- .V.-f jlM ,. ' i , j ?. i Aeeevfenefi Fdwafalf ' ai , sniet'SBL- v ltalord , and CaUfomta win; HiH W joore "Mby.M At a meedn trf theh- reapeetlve athletk "ootnmitte reoentiy it was decide to abolish Qk4 AiHejpM and ffiatfttMi ia ha iU iiw ZTLi - u V") mw '. niTi ruin iron W bA Wk ft is qulf probabie aaai tie injasiiilHbea' deelaton will be enforced, as thd aenrlmetit' on the tiM t mmmii amIum ia aMk hi ito present forat The anbatltntion of aaaoolattou foot ball for ihe pteeent garni was ang geated by Stanford, who haa been tttegottathig with a eraek Mew tea land team, en route home from a anc ceeaful lour in Ungland. for a wttm of mMtUm awaat to be played gl 'VtOvgetjhMateHalwh-Wii Mneir? ir1 : S5s-"TTf7T-tm ?Ajrv!'. ,Mr- A- L? Gale, editor ;pC-'LiMRH w,iMInIm;:W:''UvjM Dally Itar; '' ' .'V -- ' ' rooiii IT which te disDlarthe ieel 'L. u, ,j i. aa4 ahui FraaaosxeX - rTe - t ' a' . ' - ;, NMiwka 8u4-Bom e6 Ac'rWWtura meet In TicHttra4 HaUt anei, toom KWlf a. m. .' KehraW ,8Ute Ronittaftirak 'of,8tateiriltf, ':.-,. , , ThriHliyr January ft. NetN-aaeia ftute XovtMiiUttril 'So- eyiHale'Fanaitiii,' : , ' , .Nebraeka hwwfi Life Sioek 18rUV 'Mooi4tKk; "kU ara. Wl--.-- ' e-- - f . . iiwrepem; tck- aKi Ferettiv Aee' FT" Uk'l4AU.rar4l!H i - , -,vyv,. . rt c. PrUtmv, SmdumMi tti ' .& Iat Ckferaee. itate ' . t aRTJPfX w 'aeH Oloera ipbmtaBttyikali. ,1 rY .tl- ';Fri4ey.-4,rk':,fcJ4,c-v-. - r- ;, N " V Z. ' '" ! . ' V ' .. . , ... s , i 77WW. 7: " J-W " V ,-. fsO'"' !'-' ' , - -"i u-' i. NVeATMNil ': ' AJI& HdwellV ,N" "' ; ' H P frWa; JaaryHf,' V .. . . . Chaplain fe tbe week' "Prof t! A .Weelnettay; January 14, i"'eiv w, at. FaMenieav Mi ealyaiiTImlraraiy. wiU tetk on :& !f . . F.rJiaanlkfy. .ft; " asoa: , -jh ; 7 y A t; " 'A; -e ; ... j-. t.-- ! . ,ii. r-rspari r,?,??ry :;; y ja- , Mr,- , v. -biii,:oc New TerX: 4y spiaks at StttdenU' MaM Kencjn iKenifrfalHallrw''- tf c c , . r .. ('., - . .. t . - - . WM.IMaip Wdneia-eT VtoWi;, : T1 Thursdey-rrlUes.Neleoa; i n-7rmw xwvuvr.- - Mr' f ''-- ' ' .V- -' -r- jtHenaer ,etf a typeiarliec tohne a tree .truu oc the tihibub Unaerweod. Undmwood Typewriter Qo,, Bell PbowHo. lO. IWNo. Uthgt , :-- i m Darle, . H. Barbour and R. B, Ward atsended maettega ef 1 xm9 American Aaeociauon n tne Ad Taacement of flcience, held la New Orleans daring the winter racaton. Last week Profeaaor Beeaey went to Beatrjaa where be gare two addreaaes, am before the Uniferaity Omb and othet before the High School. He then want down to Wyaaore, where he tpoke la the afternooii getore tha Weanea's Club, and again la the cran ing before the cfnb and High School. 1 elatbea m the High School, finding them largely ra charge of Uolrerslty graduates. He reports the work aa rery satisfactory la all R. H. GILLESPIE "JPnw aw ajffR C1 pVrrf BULLETINS .f . t, ' " muttt,-" - - . i .... fiC. '"T" '" ... . X ,. ".i I ' 'i. -. .. '; t . ' . . . Whtfa a dene wttheut TeHwiyt TMMY. THal OATKRa-R' Try ibeee new eamtv Minis: 1 ." ( TNIHTi Wm, A WIp..Af, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ' PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJ , Vi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI' -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ' bbbbbbbSbbbbbbbbVb . - M m V BEN v ; ,. . ; . . - ,i, HUR Wjie .a W. tlJieU 'M .' iaf..iB,' ':. J 'Sc .! V '-i X- -I . ' X'. ,' '?L' 1 , a -ay j 0)i " pBffHHBSBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH B IVSstr jSit55bbbI B a"FBHp ,rTpeWaaMW HMMJf PHVaBBBBBBBl IuIIIMIbbbbbbbbbbbbMIIIIJbOI I 1 1 1 1 I bbbbbbbbbbbWI HI I Ifl iBBBjBBBaBSBBjBjABBBBBBBBjMaHBWBjaBSa H wSBBBipi BBBBBBBj frSf ' MaaaaaaBaWeW . 1 .,.."; '' a a 'ft ataaBdafcejfca - - AMY kowngrrt OH0OOJltlati re , . v litfiAtttlO J $iwtBlttmui Tw BBBjaBUBBaB' iMagpi JUt, gajajgaghaamBBan wjdf t. " v ,J i "THtV'l