The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1906, Image 2

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. .-Vv, "6
'The Wwiwlkni yol. li Th-H6fMlfi,
' ,
Vs."!, Beeriet a4 Oft, .
I'M I 'ill
!' -JWM ,'.
;,-J (fid et lreeaa. v :
; ; ,; F..Xea.vitt,r r
DwiiM Cramer. . a. u. wrww,
' . . '
(1 S. 4-
WJfcen.CWtf . .!, ; . ... .ittfoii D. jClark
' ffiW ftttttte;
' Newl.I.-'., . .-.j "f f ,ji,. ii i Mil Mr Mpimt
Athletle .. . . ''j ';: : fe Vii J
. i. vu nnui
Mri aewB et 'awanieee w ""
tiler, ii'M to UtM iielly.f T
v,n.f uu...-.w.-v ..... i;.f-. ;-t T.nm
wbMrfrUew Prtee. t(C year ia a4vaaee
m&M At- ' mrteeiNat- IM
ittwttH asfeTffi"""'
V rlu.l C-. at.A.-il.i w- . J. .J?xv
1aljHVMali--nyer:Wlft a,
at tk MMe-e( 1 aeataifwre
' - 1 "-V - -
h tveeerieilen for Thf pally
n Nefcraakan are due. imI alt whe ; -,
m have net paid, iia wi)ka4eaae aea ,
; the cl'reulaUr aa aeen a aeael '
n hie.. QfBeeafra,J;a-4! j
C I. .-W. Jv4, i(!rV U .. 11M.W'
. f -
TaecaaoaiMnac ia aow m vocue at
the yajVeralty o vprc4ojajlaaoll avid
literary fdhcMoili far tatb iik 'U
smullihoura M thViHght Id a bad ohi
aad dughf to he 'aaoweli'gd Qeeaatotl
allyTtfeere Is a Cnivaraft.difali'i l4
Itaporlaaea of mhMk 3Uftk'lUlrA
proloaged to.a latl bdurhUteaetall
saeaklag, the meetlagg: of -ta Vatteua
clHbs, the prograais C the Hfeerai-y
apojieUea the' 'bead iafbfats&fli tha
meetlaga ,of all bt theae 'woaM b lib
Mcurrw itxwr
proved by beginning, and cldataig it
-,v much earlier tlaae than they do.
Take, tar aa edaniple thar 1Hrary
sobletleH. the leagth fef t&air jHre-
,'- grama scarcely ever exceed tfwo ihottrs.'
Why should theae two bbara W XiaMtt,
nlae ta eleven? Why aet frees eght:
'to teat ' The. aane, If ridt gfeateVr1
beavetta would ;ie -derived , freea the
meetlacs aad. aaore tlaw weahl the
glvea-the stdWti' toreet for th work
, r - of the follawlng day. A late baaalac
L,; ' ' of a aaeetlng aad. ooaaetaeatlya late
adjearaaieat dees la a way add to
t Its imfeortaace or dlgaity, it simply de
traeta fron it.
Furiherraore, the ffolly of keeping
late hours id-tod evldeat (tobe qtwu-
tleaed;. Thare atlght posahlr be boom
exodae for the 'igaoralit la JaiMag to
coafona to aataral kws of health, Injt
fer.the eaaated ' there la' abeotuteiy
aa awr don. , 'Why d lwwractora. -6t
dbatiagv team's aad football coached
iaalat that the mea hadar their trail
ing for tae'hlheet physical ana meatal
1 ejcartloos aaake a pratioe of retiring
early? For ao other reaeao hut to
keep v.'tkeaa' ia a sfcag'ad' healthy
pyateal MMtttloa, : without whleh a
asBttar meatki ofMli ki laapoeaiUe.
All atttdeaU are aot deaafra or giid
I J - J- - ., . -,... r
f. - : . .,..! . ...if
iron warriors, MR tfcat H -bbtom m
way tb" ad-i4rsptr3B;ior by' ta '
krws oT lieah. ; l . " 1 i Paulson; wai -capture ty: th,
' Tia ult seemd tojl.wot tk ijty iplloyfer on;ii 'Wadiftede ee
6n Yi VuWifta eUry ladV ia bfdrivttkwa:liW
.vidua; ,;t, a euetera whloh can oafy" haa eecarredraiaBy UaHa; Wf'.to.a
he jfreftgafl,hr -thf rnnwrlntii
all. What .apallae to the Jiter ary aor
Mies matbe fcjilM:tiM getting1
of a "idea inaat. "dttfe 'hftfttidad,
With eeaai feree.- 6m elfthe aoeleUea
iLif JftttiU? atftftt IWfefiHta tafc
Id aarller. May It live abttb Kama-!
.js5r r i . v " -1L- ...t ' "'
fiftiad Wy 'otaeflfeMrw auit.
' - ' f
A (Jerrtftiuntltft.
kaikor .Daily Ntreii:
Frldav'i coaunualoatitott to The Ne
haekaa .rtWlVa'iS claaa publlcMmi.
falM in my mind this qutldar ,'fa
Wt Nebraska about ready for. a repre
fceflkative body to expreae ite atudent
Kplon oa all student aiifieoUf At
jireeent we have a bewllderla iuua
bar of. claaa and aoclal croup organiza-
lloae, but no ceatiWI e9kad fdr'th ex-
ANhe4ofL MKierai tuie.dfi4' ' '.W Anderiott
Xa'elected repreeeatatlve body; recog-
kliedir by the Uatversky" athrieteaf
botiifd ilbls i compar-ktlriry gort
Ikae jkher atndealaaefca good, maay
recent troublesome problem, saoh as
tinlversl'tv eiasa -.auaUeattona. claaa
kthletie claaa fametloeaW' Scrape,
etc; No'doabt It would in tine coate
iiHWirwHh' a-esy relaretcittaMdi
i x. ' .
lataortaat saeectst wauia acpeaa.
baeh la tha development of University
ianlty, to say aMbrtsajf the. seaee f.
Veeaeaslbihlty aad iateraet It. woaW
areas Jn the stadeat caiad Are Iwe
batjUseut rea4yfor Bhea-aa.rdrgdDiaa
H Reapectf uily subaOtted vta the stut.
Meat eonslderatloa! ' Y 0. jD, P. ,
A Cemmunicatlbn. '
To the Bdlfeor of The Dailjr Netiras-
'$ ' "Ky H "" -5- "
,Tkls arUclej wrlttea fer the aaraewe
if aaawerlBg, to some dagree, -ehaagea.
that were made- ajfaiBat.a. aieBiher at.
the Fr'eshmaa. elaas aa- tthtdrvlew)
ariated on Fr.ida jJaaaary 1dthi
la the first, placei if Patteraoa bad
been seeklag aetprlety be woald (have;
gene tdewri tewr ohr Wedaaaday. avea
iag without ttes iaflaeacp, hreaght le
hear 'by hie guard. This reehmaa
argwedwUb Fattersan a kwsg while,
aayiag it was- top early for the iojlho-:
aaores to be 'prepared.
la thesecondiWe)dd. ehh' boDhomoree
whe'. caatordd Pattatan are' loaaihi
awrtof.ihe o'irik;hatithr wha
i'aive'aiV4d;pr-ed Iiithd
recent article for Patters'-; hctteni'
they are atife that ,Iiii repeated at
tempts to-git "away ariiTTnT defease
hd3Wde When taken provad him' ta
addeHt 6i seeking the alleged ac?
the writer admits that ,the. Fresh
mea made no attempt to rescue Pat
tersoa. the, reason for this lack of
actio was the fact that the Sopho
iapree had a sight's head-start and
could easily eover tdtelr trail; This
oIakm Vaa aired by all the Freahmdtf
baTharaday.' Bat that is not saylag-!
"we don't waat him;1' had aaaia, aai
that "we are glad he was paught aad
aa have tte dance as well or better
wlthoVt hlm.f I am sorry :that 'bJwbX'
taUment was eveajwajlejof ' oujr ciaad;
naale, aadfeel aaeetl. .thaj, raoat of
the meaaherp of ' the Freahmaa 'ckse
araof tfcaanie bainioa. V '''' ' '
' v The 'FraaWaa Hop waa a great W
oaaa., :Tha Wr of caiswrnlae wm
present. Through his owa efforta he
aaoaped from tha Bophomoree aad
th'tstirtUn W jafij.wi.a.fMfM9a larmr yruuimus
L omidera'Uileirca aa'd oi'klwii
' i W dSH6fc. A um.crieaa Br
- 'i.'-'..". ,vi ... o - ... -aul
we; uma a am mm wae eaaw
rrwiMtaM a aeepeaweia.jaHMBKpy
hia own afcrte, Htf ;dieplaef hie
tfyalty iw dae af teraiee4pta
MtftjiW ft ipoasible forj-'toBBa
aiaa'Hap to,Wgvea,wltaoaiayW
ry" is Mir a adtoh ;tte
duties that the class had Mak'tf
Ww'-hini with ftirotTf h fu VeildW.
- X fRaWHilAN.
Filladjsii (regrarn.
1. 1".
0wijwSi:krifii;., 0
kittle Red RIdlac Hood. V. . ... . . '
. . . . i'i . . b . . ' . . .Miaa vi COaawi
Likle llaM Ridlag HooA'a Mother '
.- . . r " ... . .i'Xi-L'
rnncej . . . , . ..,. r... ........ aar.. xiaium
FiddlerrC. j . J ..... f... . ;'. . .atr. Hora
- v ynr. - ' ' - '
feahes in .the Wodds--r 4Jw
feabes....Mlss Hdwle, kiss Brewster
fioiournae, ' .
CiHcrrffs. ;jrff-w 96oecyphr
mmdli't MbHher. . . Mm Kkufrman
OTmfereihL s Srstersr. . .,. . ..j . i,i . .
MiseFWmctirand .Vkti'AnaM:
rahce.iv, .?. ,. ,afJtt-tte1lfe?lBr
Jrii('tffd'dUnV1kil1eW "i
frajr 'vt.'iy va itott DWfrflHiirtaa1
. .' '
tfeeacut Tre'TiaaVaecIded to
4a1i4'(hlrilaer stngeaiaeiito
ine tAternktianaoavention "oi the:
tUant Stater Movweet at Nash':
vilW.timn. "Taeee- 4aiagatas. will 1es
uuv ui bvuuui, aLKrac .one ine
eoKventtoa is, from Febhiary 28liiao
ifarcti' 4fii., .None of thenx will &
caft6i JmJbn 6maco ilp any pJCthfr
'w6rk iHlsgeci ddrjhg, tJte weeic of ab
sence. Faculties of other prominerit
taltitdUPas are granting similar priv
ileta 'to their delegations. The stu;
bttilh of Nebraska are entitled to tweh-
cy-nve aeiegaies..,JMr. n o. Hill of
Ne Y6rk 'dityr secretary of fetddent
f diuifteerr kbvMfant; wjll, address .a1
aaasa meeting, of atuaeata coaoeralBt:
faulty mU at 8 o'clock la fteaWrial
HAirt; . . "- - - :(c -
'1 . .'
Mere f eelaaTl haferlt!
the anU-fbotbail tide haahegutb"
ow.hgaia. .With the hboiisameat-if
the -gWV vthe;; tlaiyeraltyT
yok'aad ColUnbia,tha aaoy.emeat
aeimd to waae, but with 'Hrvard'a
decisive .aetioa pt konday abolut
abolishment of; tjte gaase-aad Wlseoa
aiaa 'areeof'waekap ffotrtbe'ii
for .o: year bualaeea aloagUthe re-
Tasmltaa:,apeiars to be '!j4ck4iig uptf
;priae,tthrpiighjti areaideat,Wood
rpwT wnson. Jhaa told ltafnalri rJi
to, gat oi'thp campus, 'ad Northwest- L.
n?followra4 sult. On the coait, Btah
fqHrd aridr'Berkleyj .the ajytjiilt-f"
pairforala, bavp already brbkea aWay
froattv tad Arterloan game, .laatitutlaa'
in 4ta r.teadthe 'dSPSMSSi
eiaUoA.fdot.balU il . s ;' T
Tiierate ot the game now hangs up
pa tha aeoa of the ". War ooa
Wreoei aad thp remaialag achools of
the "Big Four" Prinoetoa, Tale and
fc , "'' A V t .fc "rBam-
, 4aaaaaaauaHuuAjAlua.MjiBaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4"-bT .
BVaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaBajBBBvrvBaanBaaaBBaaHBjBaaaBaBaaBa , .aBBBiiyi
iARBBR- SHOPaVThAtiato, QnNp'Cf. , -1 - jF
WMb: MMiiai- liakaH,Hiait-il; -, f.,:E
m'-'Dri;irtllFacir,-'. , ?:' ', M
Browm Xrtte:v
eaBwaaBaBBBiBjaaaBBaBBBaBTjfa aaaaaBBBeaBBBBj VJiaaaaBBT-esB ? a
ItLi- ,-r- vVii . iM.i,-..-.-.?, j.- - n
CAFa naaa, waanwaia. Jea uaea
H-Iada-'lasaiii; . v,r , :. ,,.
I -aTaifc '
W 4fT I Mi f " "aV't MJK TVmmahv! T -ir " S
-.--" . r - rw t ,.' w. ir'
ininai tm Tnaaidiaii rrrlrsr ti ' --- vr,
.fc:Ch;aVKa..Qaapaa ; V,
,Woddb 'N- 0V3Ci''Sgt
riTHUfca aVindliatie TTsliii Ma: .; . -.; K
'4.. .Liwk"TLsi-f: v ' s'-vr. ' 'l- ?..;
bfAHhfetwry Whltahii aa ift; 3 "f
C0NrBQTIONaHi MairweU, TliCFaJg '".
-aoaa... ..r, -t M.r".
WNDfCl .HAIUvaaalIMada
jl -r C . 1 l .
i'i . b.
. v 'tS. i "' tv ?' "
ruamAjTaw .-or fwnbismAMffAMBir VS-?
TJ1k ' ; v -v
-. ."' - t-'.- -,- .- V.y: .
TIHeOAT--Tlx.,ahreiB-WadwaaHhv , ,
-aaariiorWiaf :. V?$-j
jbRX;QOODaVAallihKFaih 'jftfftirve1 J
iei'-fuaaem.r y.v . Oc-," , i
iar4rTnaau3ial 't i.
i eat i a aaBBBjBBaTjF-J sjeyapeysaj c aasaaaaajj c ,-t -- '3; f1 T " . "xJ " 1
, -JBHry;
-il V -t' - "fciw" --.- yr. -, - Tt--1
ir.B rmiaM" AND IGaW Framklla IeeK i' S: 4
NOynLTT MACHWISTrTaiarf . , ,0 .
OCUUSTS-Dr. Davla. " A -$. -?'-
rnwiuuxvarnafl.-iuwhiii,. , - 4
FOOiiAWD BIIiLrAtjp-Taa Meide ;.; ' " ... '
. -bare- . .!- :.-..?-; . i-x
PJUNTING-r-aeerga Broa.,Kew GaaVvw f t?' V
- tuiTIvyPreaa,Reytow:yfreav,a?e ; ri V
Cooper' Co.. '.. ' .-,u ,- ''':?? -i,-fsJ
Rtffoiir JtTtt,Aaifealii;'
Rlmkr . . '.w,f ..,.,'. w '
iHlNjlfGi, FARIX)RUBieerr fjiiliiieg. tf ', .
Fariorv, - .7;- ':J
" L :-" ' . -'..-;', ' ' ". ..'.. ,.v v Tr'. " ',''' . 1,
Taiiera, iaawHT. y : ., 'V-i7(,rj T Vj. '-
Tiraivf Ki'iwauaaMyi sig trTOaa-t . -
'Writer Co. , ' . ??;r " 7 '
T, -1BTT , -----?- -t v1 .. "r vBF
ward, ,. , , t ;:v' f vf f4:te: K 84
SaaafeNv' ' 6. "V -
- -AbsbVT ' " 'bsbXiSE v ' " ,( '"' -'
" 'ISSBBBF.'i . iiaei7 - BBBBlV . -.') WT .. ' "RB
I bbbW ksaar y aaaa.y 1 - .-.. ''w
' aBBBsf-. 'ihBBBBJvTal RflflV : ' -
J3aaaaaBBaBBW555S 'l- .v' v ''J5
JhMBS8aahfawaB?TiriTHTiaiiai v
8 s spwiM ssr Rsa aa' 1 av W , .jbbbb . . t V a
1 ' r r l, TBbbI b, , r j
mi aawra bacni s
uAaTaa ansa .-'- .. ' '.
Jgajaoawts H , . - . j .
HgSSaHB.a, '' '
a-. -t ,-''
1 ! J "
.- r
. S.r-1'
- - ra1
r -. -J
-, ' . -r v?.VBl
f.-w5 s v.:.
-1. ". -. "V5
IVj . .T. '
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ffciAi.' ifc A .J 'a-