The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1906, Image 1
i ' fc l's f$: ? ::r-;; :'";'- lSr 'J&H? '&"pf::i r .' k3 ,tim&n- -. w ,':. !.L " K. ' ? ?v r-TT AV?No;7. w . H 't i. tWIVERSITY OF NEBRAJSKA, ffl3G)LNf VEDiSfESDAX,jAlSUARY J7 .J9M ' ' " PfkcdCMts , .. f , , St ' ' -, J 'X I ' ' . !' . . , 1 ,MbV ' , "i . .- . SasslssBaV r w 4flaA .-ar. ,-BBI . I Bm r M .,. VH BHT BM ' v JSv I '-. BafceBav Bh. M. K H. SaBa. ,Sk BJ i ,Ba 'SB Ba BS "'Bav a 'Bh 'aflWBVHSBsaw SBaa .aBK SBsw. h .Jtw yoe will iy inco ow iron - - ' , 1. ..... . .... - . ... - - .-.- ' . ., . . . , . -r H, pr. Ku INDOOR CONTEST iETWEKN FBKtfrtiliKr'AND tOPH-' A NubrJ6f Jnti '-Will -'i Pulliil 'bff In .tWpym JEarfy ln ft i j. i' r.v eL 'i " . .. .-, f?5 . JThe Sophomore ana t rritti ' ', ciawW J arranging to gl? iT big , , Atklfctlo ooaUtt :omtime; durlngji JLu 'flrit'vk;ibrnary.' :e xat ' time .hMJad ,mr definitely tejd upon, but the -'0' ' oliuiei have sigait- fled'tlMr lnteLkn V toMrucba Mitkt Vill be is, alrreat :Xtt ilm- w -:ilar to' tke rreekmaa-iMoiore -, S,. " WnwW llvW liW (ioithef big univeriltiea. bf.' ClaUtaken an active Wfjfl frying ,to"arifiae. a suit able' priograBKfOr 'the two olaeeeev h' 'TKU eliduldexi (great succeM, amd. ' Vhat is notr; an experiment ahoiild1 $$ am aanuil eyjent frontthls tlme".o'nv"il iivee tSbe'ireehmW and uieir ofpoe- - "f. ' lngdaMJioliaBbeto settle onbefor;all :' J Whicfi ivUiev itrotager In athle'tlcg. Both, classes; wlir be repjesehtedfy ,7 streik hYeii- probably th'e''stroBgest. "i . . s; - , ' . -..-- ...r i- -( '. inan-iorctne'rresamen wiuDe" winters, ..... .. -. .s., .j.. .;. . - ap ..butLATMsiKsfcewrprovea -.l-L'tiiVrA---52 i J gsttt fHpi 7g jDaif2 ZNjebfaskan' for tip balance. .,,.. -of -the tear for '. ' ' ' : . VKAp ?(rf suppijriyouf own ColligePdper? - See iiiaryour name gets jn at oncs , "V so goodabook, ,-VK?.'-. ' prefeeeor tmlth'a New ok.- congratulated .jupon haying brought out r a j - m 1 u w fc 1 - - I .v- -' . AKotner;cf .tne niyersuy proiessors has published a book which vIs Jlkely to bring additional credit, both io -the author and the University. A couple i. -w j. of years ago Prof, KT. R. gMltH showed. hat hewas: master of the subject of animal Jiusbandry by feeding a steer which he picked ouTTof "a herdN-:and eettrted him lava few' months. into enPnd-renowaedChalleager" He lias )fttfw"-brought together his know! dg e laa book of a llttleniore than fburhundred pages, entitled Profit- -? 4. '-, m L t- !' n K- r a ua ir w " - ' ' iir iaLiiHai . . v.i . v: m ... m i - - -v . .HlflfeWWT""-. .- 'JPlirfn mranmmmxwm immjm .m Mil If "" " 7K?R?r!7iEziHnlHSiBIIRWHHWIMH T?'ti.r.w -5B? 'J.."jfrF?Tr."'''.r-''T.' . r.- JsswIillwsiBMssiPWelBBWBIiWPPSpBBie . v-.t - v i ,-'"'..'-.' w iw?TW"ee.jMBessi.BeW'' n.nwiin'iiiiRnisnMi..viir. ix iM IAmt M illWW'HM r .vjr "Ti.- . - (."-. 'wv'rri ' i, "" ' ' - - i?"" - j . 1. FV r t t.-r-i f '' "i J ; of-:erits twiir be large, hi- olvac tW ily ra; ' Tlw tweaty- . al. Wk ittiop, .uMr.a shortrun The .raeetjrlll' be; preWded .over by mea oho by "the ,eommiti to okare 4 apated by the two. presldeats. KeWatten Course. .-v ? . ,Tk DeeWtMeat ot doatka will - qer two new oearaes next semester: 1 " ;- - .j v-,.. ,- C64fysel2$B tchool Hygleae, Jir IJre-. ieseojf .' LucWi d;. CqurSe'M, o 'icMbW C aaagemeat anTDIscWine, br ' Professor r Wolfe, These courses are outledas. tollewjs: 12t Sohoel Hy-gieaVr-A semlwryLcourse: deveted," to hx . , s-a; study o the sofcdol ehyirommeit and ' , eurrleuki to rereaee. to their effect ?'' ,- "" !! th; grbwti nd devfilbp-. - wmi witorvvi vaiiutU; nuiBm 'tv foWiV-y,-.,- eauea jmw wkih49 01 etwooi paiia mm; ; f , aaauTeajwauaa, inrw- i- tff; medioal JnspeoUoa, school dls 'eases;, bath afia laaehes ; ' sleep,, food, oWthing, exeretae, Study, fata,ree rea'tioa.'dfA'tohirs.; and vaslls . One hoar ' atUndaaaa. . One 'haar credit. Profewof Lackey. M. Skjhool Maaag meai aad ptoerttaa, i ''The orgawhiatioa wid airetW of a at soaaol, er ,claas, iaaltkUag dia,Ao9l Jaw, mmA Ilia iraiaHiw nf fjkAhAt (a nrtMa h' ' ia ' ' ' '" - V '' . ,t " , ' 1 .. ' ,,jpiraa4e, sapfiriwiaarteiit, scaaol hoard ffif?. 1 V. .. ' . ' and ooauanalty. ; This coarse Is ia Cl w " : i. teadad laf tha taaahet ''as rtisrlnjnleaad . 4roat tha aaperintaadaat or, ptaaps1- ' Two ' lUMtl Aifaui4v - fm hyterti tt w r-yvaaj, aaj m M"l tW nw aparBB as eredti Pittleaaor WaUe. ' -' r . ' k lem a severed ataletlo relatkms vita MfaaaaoU, The lBtoleraat arro ganea of Dr. Wllllame, the Mlanasota coaeh, is asalinad aa the reaaoa Cot f CWJ ' ' .-.-... 'V' v" .' .I'.l 'eaoe-ar a.fearvaa 'waavras-a; saMr ftjio. - ThereVJfe"-.ae4asaly K'jaaa who. pan fead aBenssfally, bat who eea ot tell how It isaoae In sah a way as to help theMuiwho.waata leara.howi Prslssser garith's. enoe as a, teaeaer Is of the iiiasitll help here, aad; It is not W ;poh it. say that he has made at saee . ear ef the most practical a well aeaaa-aC the cleartprBCiatWas,of.laa j9Cw 'TrawWem,, Mwv JypaaermraTy Weay " vAfter a short latredttotioa,- the .au thor take up ra order the fattawiag fcoploa: Geaeral Prliwij o ,oea: reeding, Milk ; jPrjoductU,'eet CJatU' Sheep, Swlae, Farm Poalfcy, aad Horses. k These toflos are treated in thlrtyalr. chapters, aad the para graphs are dlstlhcUindloateitar. uiaotc-iacea type. so. asML.iaotutaie m use In the jiosae or the class-rpoai. About sixty illttstrations, moet 6C them half-tone repruotidna of phptograpas, help te Make tha ' aaxbor s nseaaiag still more eaetiy undacstood. - .,r V. All in all the boos; ta " whtoh meat stove to be vary useful to stopltgrow ers, and also to student in the sahooto of agriculture,. The. professor is to he J & ; . ."-'c .t . Airlculturar Hll ' Dedkafaa. Yesterday, afteraponat. ratp'alook Ihe new Agricultural HaU at tha" State K Tarmwas dedicated, ,Hoa. William a .v- v -.,-.-". . '. - C .' . vymuooreoi me jaoara. ot jaegants, delljerlng.Ltheaddress, of. theday.' His sublept , was:. Bome vjProb'lems Con: fronting Nebraska Farmers." ' The building, which, nag been long needed, v Is one of the flaaet agricul tural buIldlDgg imthaeaV IHs two aad aiae. lit wttl W - -, - a 1 . - 1 , v - n S .': aaea aaieay,Jor. ary wockj. .V x VMM Aaikal ' 5FBta-: .vl T , V Jk.' Net Yet WetM aoirairts the dW, i,aaarf .ralaliTa-fo; tlWiaeoaaia- Wrtrsm daaaie,' Jaat at rssat 'it tobea-gaaaacrfwatt. . AThart Wahis, farsaarfy a proaal- Wlseoaattt il .i at 1 r aiir f m.' .1 i--, .' .. TL-. T - "-. aat aa 'editor of thV State Jouraal, k yasr saaah Intirestid lnthe preyqisd debate, '' as Daaa'Dayis, alas a .for ntar Wlinrinaia aiaa. Mr.-Watklas was a feftow aebatsi' 6t LaFoOatte; yp ocaaia's reaeat-aeaator aad refomar. . Mlas;Hewell.v. ;. ' MiesjAliee Howel will read "The New; Tear's Wateht atK coaveeatlon this moralag, .JkMMHl act-'as oaaplaia. . v ' - 1fafata- MaatHaa." t .Mr. Qearfae SaaA of .thaaiied BfaUaaJBraat Sarvloa, will grra aa ii mattaiad lecture before tha etaaaas m Industrial Osgraphy aad Faraatry, In Memorial Ball at S pm. laday. ?!Forr eat -Xustries will be tha aubject of the lecture.; ;Yisitors are wafooMa ' I OFFICERS HOP I .: '.V Fratemfey HeU I ft -h mw&t 2&t J90iS 9 HI ' B BM . ' ' ' ' i i !' i . . mi in iii , Bu H Inframal Waffra (VKmIm TiIm. 1 CA B TO FASS i m i ..y i-. REtOLUtibti FAVORAiLItO , " Ha-ADaiAR," '; f - Ths aeshemerelses Dees Net Sane ttlen.Freehmsn Caaa Will Mtlefc; ;interlaai-Meet Seen;' ; " . ThN5oph6mores' met yestrday;ria 5 th Chemistry Lecture room. Several ' I' t , s a. k Tfa i w; t reports were, heard, .The .eoatailtUe' . . on flaSnce, 'football aadw alaas- hop . ifade reports to the olaas. 'Tha alaas approyed the committee' teUyraj pointed byresldentli.wensoJiia;, . arrangements with taFraasjsaaa,ler " ha .' be held between the) i;sa ea , FebruarJ;:2dvit is planned to hare a , baskaj;; ball' game Ietwee .Vieama' . of tha' two. cUsaessJi iateMlaaaraUv .v 'race vm a httmbel- ot yjth&tJitikl ' uiw jrarpoee, oi" ine meectej raise , Wrhdsjaage'doaeto the fjrgam ixr - inc uiaaiiamptoi-tae saaaowarea .'to" , jweak upthe irst mteUag ,rbf ltlMf ', Freshmen' this. ysar, 'fc w'fPIia matter of 4ha olass of'Ot waarf V ' M - f - - .-.. LBSbH k elaBaalalBhi ,SB.aasBW laaTtBBmar aW. ssAaVlSBalX iatrDdaataja-eJT a. .1 af-taa by taa Sasaraar avaa, 'Aftervaaaee,T- ra diaaaaMon, the rutloa of aaatrtkXTheiaatlam of tha ba; v which favored alkmiag tha t jifMi) te, yaar the oaas, .jsMt hail Nam ., s ooaduoting a oaapaic of "iftsisHaa" ; aad they had hoped ta seenre tha paea aga of ,tha reaoiuttoa aad thus ramala , ia Hm with the reeoatt paaaef at tha time that tha nW-ware' daaalaaad forspaHialpattoa in. the oiaas ait,' earlier in tha seemaier. A part af the , Glass also desired that W saaela' ae on reaard as the first Sophcaaare.aiaas . r to favor tha breaking of the Freeejaaa oap ui ... i " ' f I. Chanaallar AnaVewsi Baak: ' v ,i. .. . . ' " '.. '. ". - . uaaaaauor Aaarews TetaraW fraat Ohieagq Monday evealng, where ha weat,to attaad tie fanaral of ,tha laU--prJBa&r, jpraeldaat of tha Uaivaa. . stty. , .of v Oaloago. ,,Tha; Ohsaisnp y raaaoe of Bramaattv' sit, Deam Jaaaim oi Ohioaaxv a4 De, Lmea Apbott rf Hew Ts aeaaa s etosjMS oa om ittafJM nfttsster-af aaa"v SSaW lgBwSfffejgaAs(ft, - w, , v V JtTrjaarper aad rtnansniir" 4 pilaws had beaa the alaaaaToqKi oyer inirty years, in tmtfL JX waajaa. dar him that Dr. BaMtf , haga his caraer aa a TinlTtiaJfj-lnsfrifcetoi. ka ing appointed to a iiinfaaaaislili) ia Deonlsoa Uaiverslty, Ohio, by tha Chaaeallor whan ha was praaldaat of that inatttutkm ia tha early 70a. He lator made him principal oi the pre paratory aehaol. Xa ISM, whan Chicago' Board of Mooatioo Invited Dr. Aadrewa to aa periatend Ha schools, it was largely doe to the Influence of Praeideal Harper that he aooeptod tha Invitation. Forbaa' BUblee, livery, cab and; bag gage sarvloa, 1111V31 P St Ball ftaam MO. Auto ISM. n ; V V o ?.. Z.i 1-ti.M, LZ. JcTL uadM!&&M&$:.:i ''. &A . ' - .