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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1906)
Ktw.k' mv 'haBW'' .&'. "h ' . vT .. ' . w- -. , r ' ' , Bi?7, Hi " T-f - - ' J " --'-- -.--..' -.:,,.. x ., ;- .... - . . . . -j. . .. -.., -. . -, Si uw5' I.. . . j': . t..T'k ft-', z V v' -;!'T'0'-v. lo.- -, , .. T 1IT' . - rft&&Ctri r i w sr a. w ro v i '.a s-t f , ' '-; ? ' -.""" " .. .4 Sr"S I a,..,- !'.- BA't " . I I ,A J' -5-, " .-- UV ' . . . -. f- , r- - 'V V, - ..- .. j- v,: i uniyKntiTYTHCKii mUj, iC fApliPHOlLEM. ' t- r,yfc.. .,w4 , ;ii- r, 'V' ' 5, tf.VSlf (; ', rT" w-.Vw .: -....-... V'. . ,.i rir.1 II -- VT i;unilaill "isondltlpa 'pCsa deflolt in VJv --; - !' -.':S ' .tMmktritjicfliBdn(B of whloh have tTv - i ' tw " v V- Er "M ,rJ - W'lmiJ oUtlfrsUpporUiik.; Th, V. i lf,- '",,J tp.&'X-rg't".- ' ''rjJA . ir . u r. "ii"' i- i i ' a VJU, '-,- t o il - ' .41 .. t.,l J - .- ' i tmL ,iar.i l . Ut Jl M ,'.,!Jt. ' 'i I , -rL- - - "VT i - ''''" -T 7 m? Lm L ---- i v t;uv 2n '..rt- . .Jr TiTT"" r-'i. ""."T'LLi i -t . ," , 'nif '. ' ;. m j" :lV,WiV , JC-A ' ' W; "f'r' V, 1 "VJ1. P '3 '"'' y'ti. -. . ' x' .'" " A ftfFFAT f -ff;'.'.' fH -V jSil?i':tVr V i' i1 ( -, ' 'I" ',. i. 1 g j- ifj'PA'tTKtr aVk vin: iiN oN ' r ..THK-LOCAi OdUHT,, :.' ;;V ' :, . , ........ i . ' . ' ' 0 Lik ,Y" ,JV ..J.V cjif r ' ,JC - J Wltfdotbrnli --ill "o&rb raHch f .int!raqiigttk wrtjtmwpgo. o j othr line oLathlUos has yi: Ima. nvT. j jpftP'p: ' " tjfe Mviarrlvl4aW oorrfii--.coocHi; ?rt glnoe that sbBDort ha failed this viar. kibney must 'fce cralwd UrMch Km4 UVD u wvx. v" .W, W ,Vi..WU or, else the p.tbfer iports muat go. It :- vJUL.tiMi end of thrtwthl ia lanowiip. to'tha;itildfBt toMjirhlek "" TW,'.mBriB .wrv-- -a. a. fc s - l-., T.j - , Jttl , 'Mye('Olyee t InyKittlei. "F m:m ,v .ry.r.,y)1.;;09tt- rlderatiocrlli; a t. probable repreeeata- :tire. oc tae weetem ttnireraiuee-itt y "'' fc, - P M' '.)- . "--. tue OJymp4C Game, try-ouu, .- Meyer. RM dmk eyea ee javerapiconf loerea jthat it U likely that aa invlUUoalll exteadedlhim to rr.t the'cok- YeiftM tke Mve;reprfHitk$; the-KaiMa '. '-ecore of, Jft-ttf, 22. ThUjWM yar Armory flpor, ,Frota,M1Urt i time,- ttfce P .whittle flret blew until it we. blowm.' leBdiilg tfaVgajBeft botkv'ieMiie, played . Wtjf 5 playijd'xmfMtirf apie 'Mi. ' M . 0. A; O.'e wwe laVcer " lereace Bcaoon,.ana jNepraejc, Wtioeee try-outi. 'He kaabeea ettoeeiiVaaVa' 'high' jttmbeV'ln a7 bldUticUy, hl i-i! ".. ; i.. iriajr' rr.nar -Aj' jcfcaeed durim (tKij IwBBwAtW .- r-; -tt pwoea, eBlaf gmeiil- p4;the;el k L"'.MWP5 ; V' be Aored Vy.We -pVtioMl not of :-. -.iro:,;kSH1Ity-'iBtw4j of he v ,vYNbjpi 'rt;reipaUfii Vifeiigt L- .. . vriYe'?ii6me.fg6rts'ot' 'MVettUilameat ?W JeikW:iiiGWii' i " . r , -TV. T.T - , - , -;- . " ) ' ,v? - i .. r.i - ,-aLfj i:- .'' i. JTJPl-,fP"WK.T tae-aaeiMr OtMa acroejMwmDer. :wkpkVriv4:fmilM its i . . . . t : . . . - F ' ' T owa. and the Kanaaadtv Daoera boom him aa the etrongeet maa jpvnia; ereat jt, i .- - --i . -' '. - , - Uto Jbethe oourae IptersuecL ' . lari.thlg part, of the;oountry. . r-s. -j.. i j 1 1 1 ii i i 1 1 1 i . .i ,,i i.i : . ?-:''&tik& k .o&)cp;-e;'artM Sir. .l.l.l.i.v "h-i-IJ JiUi liil 'umA'tnAii i; . "J ,1iM':'iiext. in, it wlt perhapeDe ' JMBf'J'T " P iWrT 1l it ia,.jtb4a,can ', at ' ipmt not wtti after itoeetiijg of the t Mjty repreeeBUtlvee rf the oonfeimft K. coiieejef,' waien oecura out;- wnk. m Caieaa. an4 wtOqk-wM probably dtr j..,(, nitely deoWe the etatua f tootbaJil t' ' . AttiMir the Mhtoraaoe. aafl aonataaattt ly among ail the waatarn ' ooUaajea. Wieeonaia baa alrwwU deciax aiaiaat a oaettqajtkm of ,4a :fHM, but It is hardJjr fipobaUa ihat okare than one or twd et the other college 1 will eabport hr, although the life of the game in the Weat will wtthoet doubt be made to depend upon oertalaj material modlftOaUaua. Bhonld the decleion of this oominlttea be that football -inuat be aaoliahed or aaa peadedi, N4hraaka mnet aeceaaaiily fol- HUHK'HT 1.9IM.AlKMBfI HliBB.n "UT. ll'.r'11".' 1WWVTWrDM.fla.MiaMMMK. . s. immmBmjmjnMMmMmmMrmGciaBv: n r. ..w, v. '4&mmmnmmimMMm . - . lBHMniUlilBBIBHianUeKn .T''-'r .'vku. 'iStuSMBtBB '.I . . UMHfHHiyQ2ffiflfHgmjmmmmmmma ; . iJ88iemMiBemememeememfemM!laelgemwiM '.p 1" -lBmVVBBlBBBBnBBHBHmWHRBnMePI '- iBHmmmmmmmjmmmmammjmmmmmmmmmHmngmiyjmam ' 'HmlKBleBBHBBBmBaBmBflmBBBHHBHBK ' J i LLLrmwmvmLLVn eLKLLLLmeLLHLLLLLH ' ' '- ml el'BememWememmememememememBMBleml 7 J Wlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmill ' V (allllllllllllllHmiH mnLf 4- mirBKai flfr -j( aHHPHemmVelBwJ '' -. tf .'? . r displayed g: paMing. Tl anfr&nuoh 'itrafumr J.tt4 their. " ahdrt pate!d)dotrfcM-" ." ; . t. i'habfrVateraV'ihiaFe,, i v taamanwaa,, fJ-tR ,,; Wvn' points mere netted befoae'.the v, : r ' M THa Now Aimln!airrtlon Bulleliri tU TT i. .""T. -" V - kltilAIAiu IMIII; HakImum I ! . 1 W fcf T1 fwi r" V IWHi4l fi . Although there )iaye rbeen no new devetopmentjT in the WifOonalgiNe; braaka debate atiaatlon S ataoat JaaW Jaet Saturday erenJng. Thai week, , th. dehatiag board . eayecU to iilLAMa. t mmmig t luel agreeaaeat batwaaa the two ifiadtatfahai cat aa eriy date. ' Ae tha dabatiag buatfli of both naiveratUee are anxkme to, begin wortc on th debate ttealf, a filial agree ment cannot be rary far dieUnt '. ', Uberty Um paper' at the Unl. Book Hott. Allnaw. :;.' 'A- -r ?. V -T -ii -'..'M" A , ,i;Dan,Pe4a at Kenaae Ofy. . , iPaaa Roeooe Found lectured theUnlveraity Bodety at ICanaaa Oity te oompoaad , of Kanaaa Oity TTalrar aky man aasd ia ana of'tha leimmt aju ganlaatione of iU kind ia tha Weat.' . - Tl. , Mr. Chaa. A. Boott win om hia .ooaraa of fbneatry laetnrea Jk luetratad leotura o MForeat ladna titaar to Mamortai Ban, Wadneaday, Janaary 4f. t 5 Unlock. Tha paaHo Je eordwttr bifltad. jj OFHCJERS HOP O" ahami V ed hfaternity Mall . V . 0s 4gS,S '?,i January zot iioid -M points' adatharhers got Into the. game,, Thea ."rate"t Auaa.i ana., wmjoey ; aari Uimv .t IkaaHolacvj tkarewaaaeA utua ooing aaaaptior jw-ipwj-.- -'..r,--: -.T5- vr "s . '3WL7M -X!&!&tt uon oc.tae arat, wiin we n : , about three minuteai.whaa ,tha AWatiaJ f: ICIab' kept tha' baltatoaad their gM : and were; suocaeeful in landing h bwo s or three baahets. ThJ'M'TJh4f & H , the. aoatharaarsw,aa"mah harayhd),., , dariag thW haif M 'W:' s VaaltyVdowm''muk-battat '.. :' -' ' ' . :.. r1 , a ThacindlTidttal work, of tha.iK.-Ui A - Owm. ' TaryvoW'raatJaof W. , worfc.JTha'hriMt particttkr stars, af. thtaMtaweUr'IattaB ; ie. it'Tha- wfc-'t-erarx man,6a;,tha; r rarsttf waa.oi m w ?, -7-,; WftMaaiek aW ,aoeaei-.of; -. ,moatMf"- rkable goal ahootlng and kitting of goals from'tha faHaa.that lma,;hM; v iWh&Jti. ,'i '.iiT;r i-.' at"' ad .Treieree ai kl. work w of the moat impartial, and ha deserved every bit of prajse tha orowd aooordad him. As a baahat ball osWal he hag javar kad an eqaal oaaeml on the kmal oowt and he sarab has it doamto aaltf-M Tha lhan at all ttoae dht act gliBBlB hia declslona, and ware will satlaBad to take everything aa tnaL Tha ma iority of the fools ware called on tha aaatharnera, aa was wall deserved, for thaw raffed H ooaajdarable. i'." aaha Maat Tadey. Tha aoohomorat will meat today la the Camistry tctara room at 11 a. m. A numbtr of raports frota tha football and other committees are expected. Tha mattar of raising; tha remainder 6f tha laoiaagr to pay for tha football awaatara will probably be rttswianH Tha aoaatlom of aikralag tha MP W wJWB V0ummmmmmm'mmmmm mmBlp tafcHB days ami biir 1 MTlinlirlt uru. m " '- a mw .! K A-i w' lotr th lead of the Coaferenoe. for -' "' P?' thafrsgilas to s 1' :'; oataide the Big WBlt'lrimfi m ifttpfxmii aaaaliawiii eaaVM aT-1 S.I-l.s J?J. ' kTWtt ... .iw . w' .VM.l i.iSiJlU Zk. J--V. jr,iULkXi