Ihrt.' JWjr- S . fi' v - y ' , " ' y r - . ' ' JP r '1 " J , .- , -N, ' ;r' l' v .vyr''?--: .,ti , y.i . . '-' -5-. . 1 ri '. '. ! J'J J' ' ' .- j. ' r 1 1 . . .. -.! Vvr-' P. L1 ,f . ,...; inii! .. Wtf -!- ..1 - ' .? ' ? r vv ir-v' '' '': ; ' 'WiBPBua-ni an''ri-iiv. . . m a b ' "r - -r-m- " vm- w. m -w w if VHT. JLT -r ' ..T3JA-. 11. 11J JLJU lJl2t JJL mv m P M . T. ' . - - -3-. - " ."V .. - . -i- ..' '''-I uti.. V, - i-tw'.;',,-o r I. a'?' A L'' ?' ,H. ih" f-v . V. v. rv 1 kffi. 'Ss; ! V'.v .' K I k , i.v' ." B . . 1 " r. L;; - rww ,4!i'V 7 1? ., St- . v K . ; ' -n- f t ;T ffl f JalJiU 1IMJWM.W ' , j ' " tf" "" l11 "!" ,1 ', 4 Y?. A M'llMllMtlON'.Of ' : iS Th. 'UMftrlm. VoUtl, The Nebraakwi, into. " ' ' 'Vtardl tf DIrlri.. r ' ManaitJ".. ..w'.Rrl Naughtin Now8....l.....TMVtr..A.J. E. Bednar Alotltt. 1 ." .R A. yan; Qra4l, circulation,. yy. & . p wjyiyn adltorlat Roomc. U J04ft. BtwInwMi Ohter U 2Hif Ppt Olice, 8iatlpn A, Lin coln 1 Nebf ' Offlco hours of Buslnew Manager1 and Bdltor, 11:M t li;if t dally. ' 6 rtttfihint,. ,....,, Auttffl1 1 t Nlht Teltphone .Autematlo, M ' 'gul)4cditlon Price, 2 ler year In advene . Entered. .at the poiBtefllco. a"t Lincoln. Nd'm aB.oon-plaifl mall matter unfler, - the. act: .ot,congrc88 of March a.. 1379. i IndlvldU(iirnoUcc5 will be charged fpiv at tna'rato or IB cents ior cacn inwrironi "raoaity. departmental andunlverlty byK .letlna;, will 'gladly be published, free; ai J.hertofore. " i4 - ; nuiiiiiiniiiinixiiiir a lubiCrlptlonB for The Dally R m flioritiKan..arc qui, r,ana an wns Us.ja Mis4 Mfl4..m iAillll!aM mm J , the clr.culater a ;ation a'apoeel- x Die.v ornce opeyHrorrr 11:00 to 5 , H:,3Ci.dally.,li;V2 Utrl, M. M tUHIHHHrinHHXHHf ' r . it "i ' ... ' ' " : " ' Communication. v Bf- iu uio uij.yi. - . n.. 11.- l.'. v. ;'" i N-t apcaPgcapB'. Ta woi:dtrlKM v s v;,- ' to' th0. Rahman heart 'with a feeling - l' -0at can not bo expressed, l To the - '. ., geflllemai; It moans r farwQll1 to the ,',' ' - " ' '- . derby; to the lady, a. farewollj to the . " 11 . .. . . ... .. . .' ." iii ... i ' "w:ngea.; vicioryv' Ana yeuino tning -.y haunts thorjoor Frqehnian in hlsroftm, -..ip, nis qiRsa rij, nauma mm uyuay,. it .haunts him "by night. ftAt tlriles he . a swears It 'Is real and again, It seems a . ' " "falie creation'' and. with Macbeth he, crjes: , , "I have theo not and yet I wlsU thee .. y. ' itin. . . . , , ' . ArtthqU not, fatal vision, sensible - '" ., oFreshies as to,'dphs Or'art thotr . , ' : ' -"v - - .,buc "' ' ' v "; ", -, ", , J1 ' ProoeediBgTrom', aFreeh'soppreswd -vV ' hralm?, " ' ' ,1 see tiee yet.ln form as palpable - , i,,. . As thoe t;he Sophies Wear g Thou mnrshHllffs6 to, the Hon,where. I was goisg (fi i ' ;,"; T : Andshpws the cap I was tp weaj ' -, . kr . ;.;;, Perchance '"VfeMl be the 'fobls ofc the .' . 'i other oIbbsou "r - - ::v,,, rt j;"zr:ri Or else worth all the jest except the -v:- : . - wvriMai' - v j v - , ferrvnrta . , J '.f, f; HushJ" I gg and It is done.; the, cap V'f,. ,'.;. H.47Mr rVv" feee .it hdt'Sbphomdre for 111-give a , V r ' ''TJwlt'lh aam Awn thee, to. heaven? W , f, ' v ' at alis,: after deliberation ha again '". .' VI' 4t' werVdeite when 'tis dpaef thin t'' s. ? -'twere". ill. -. , Wtr-d0e flttkjklj; ;f bwylnK of- H Coyld tftmm'VSf the-boiioa0reji ad :;. ..wiw .(Heir urvae, amtesa : . -. But this mlclit be leje bril ajwl U Bnd of all u JpJMea wr ' ., Pe froea our kM ttogrfJI aMteb the A4 auUfi m-imtp.mkfc to oom. ;- "' .--. 1 t . iPB ' JB..B i -J .tt. '-- X .. . . 1 T it w' ,'. -. A e.Mf iSSllwn "?jvK ' TT t -TB . .'. i ( ,-ilX-- v)t 'Afe..trOi -ti ib....v iv nun. im ikuiui y waik. miuun t skmtow of. etk tmr i.ipr.U;tor. mmm Kaocioreg wlgk't-go with thee. Our refl anaojir wu. wui, uKMiieny comfort the. . Tho aeeertion. .Itasl been " . oft repeat M that the Sophomores as boob m they, sp, the. ,Prehmeit cane w.111 pluage thi; iMtiftipn. Into a. civil! war they will "pour IhV sweet mllk'ot cqnr cord .into lieih uproar the universal p4ace, confouud, all UH.fty on f arth," ,'What'1 a dfeluslonl' Totho Ir.eshm'eh akd1 others, who haye committed the unpardonable sfn of making these baljl and; unwarranted assertons we would vgenlly "Whjs)ppr . that thorq cpuld be. nothing xppre erroneouB; and that thel Qratlano reasoning "is llko two grain.1 of wheat hid- invwo bushels of. etyAff." th the name of common: sense why ;should the Sophomores oppoao the per-J Wtuatidn-'of a "cuktom wh'ich" they themselves have 'inaugurated? e wore caps Jast year and thereby proposed the adoptipn or the custom, It cost, some trouble, some treasure, some blood.4 Far 'bo It from us then, that Vo should' ask to see the rosuitj of our work fade into oblivion within: a year! Wllbany sane Freshman, or, JUnior venture the assertion that wq are- discredited because succeeding 'classes how tholr npprcclatiori and approval of our propose custom .bjj adopting -it? vNo assertion could b( mor6 fallacious. Was"Yhltney dist edited becnuso others followed sui$ and made cotton-gins after , his pat- perpetuatodj AVas Fulton's,, fame .leg sened because others have, greeted bis. 'Inventive genius with- approval, by.; maKing, more steamboats? uertamiy not. Is the name ol ArkWrlght less; famous because generations, after nlnjf haVo- continueds.making iower-looms?. The assertion would ,be absurd. In short is the fame of; any inventor or .originator lessened because .othors copy from him? By no means. On, the contrary It is augmented.. His fame grows and spreads in prpportlon to the popularity of thQ thing "pr cus tom which ho has originated and ac cording as succeedinggeneratlons apt prove of- it by its. adoption. "Why then should our credit-suffer- because pur:propoeu custom unas a wining sponsor iftthe shape' of the infant class? ' 'Now theq, tye; class of 08 yf as the originator; It was th flrsi; Freshman, class to wear caps. 'No other elkss pan ever again hope to become the. Originator because by an Immutable, iaw there can not be two Firsts,- More over as" the originator," our fame de pends qu the approval succaediag Freshmen classes jglVe us by adpRt ;lpg and; perpetuating our custom,, Therefore we asH- and demand., tht. .the JPreshmen be autliorlzed to eon- stltuto themselves as living advertise ments to8Drekdand establish the eui- jtbm which '.wt orlgmated and wa'dafy a.ny- Junior c interfere ' wltk, a. labelled rehmar ; Any member Of '09 ow ?everi who falls to do hk share. by;rfh ,LHHiHg o wwr h, riwomnn .cap win fUe tied lo ui stone,' aadWt'tkere luatjl vhe J!doth cry ;eouhr and uatll b h areea-to aid InwttUw lor ,fame on the magic slide; of future ttlooe on to pcrpttttwl glory. RM. ' m, r ,, ,. r t- -- j.. - - , ri '- - nr . I fMnimAtni A TW il , hy w s s -it 'A r. mv Do' yr & equally raifrwftii - ..Kft IPWPIIIMW . r-Kjr' .: -Have.,I)?R; MiXt0res.,Fw5ha,fj "VW ' i - .'-" k. . v., HlliaiJ .' iN'liRlifctaZr; ,4. .UvHL.ItlntfBBUKwvi 4 PfJi($firFffi7 Miv . Mi - a' n'L.,' ..'.vT.''.v.r- -kv;k hu. i TMjiabirBkjHitLMiv.c. r-.. k'mii&.iiri ay taMSHi v- ','". .' i2rf'-VvCi rv -i- l'''i -' m :.t.hrillin-sr qhriptfaice ck&vM:f-& over aairi; couweiii' tne turr vypnq. "enxiur;: i.s,v. ;f ; JJ ibeprsented at t OliCt'Ehe;: f f - . (on January 15 16, a'nd: 177" fc.', Xwj j . . ''" v , ' Srl 1 j. j?p7w"i??rTynivivvTt',ft?t THROUGH HROUQH '-..- m' . lr. . -r II V ? w ' Mil rvk - ,--i. J A 4. W ' A m Wlmml I'l.klWJ to California H ! unio Inquire of m ' "" . ,- - MMBMaaBaaaIBHiHaiBMaiBiaBBaBBBBMHiaaaMaaHaBHiaHBHaMa ft2 - V ' . 'JfL. Jt t r, Qulity UmuinnmM. 1307; O frff'; ' , ... v . . s-- .. t,1- i , . . ' , J . '' r -H . n. .'. ll'.".'J.iiHup'Silp.Jii lean .i.,nfii.f jj, ..vtfjn i.i..-.u.iip-..'V.'- ' Uj".llf - - - .-. -. .. - FROZEN RMMMf Mt W Mrfl MNMmMt nnnpipiapinwppsnipnni WPP r t 'T"'A 'r"-i ' I.L.. II T7. 'i . . ;"" lf 'vT ,-u" a..-, 'i ,, aa; ituXnos andpool; ''!?'.. Auts 4453; Bill F7li . . fNteaBSie) Fl R8T NATIONAL BAMIi ,.-.l,ll, ...," 'i..1 iijn 111,1111,1 ii , , T I ,Cfltil'H-w4 3(MIWtf Swpiw arf PteiaV 3B6yBM.0l :.... nEitiLEmiKii j 5artffl6J63PS. t cMmiicei t. i.y'4 r-. -sr. 4-ai'ji v - r..!" - . T . Ljk. ' r ' I '.Vnllll'' - . ' , . i-isa. Ir ' wv -r: - i. 'it . J . r" V . " ' ,J' A . '' ., 'wtV'-- tnnnnnWlBnnV'.nnnW x. . !?V.- A pp!n..i f '.p V- ;T -."4 ir- Ji1 i - "'Y' ' l . t . ' - - , v - rrf- T wi. Aj6aliijIiKihUAfet, yia, " W"- tvC , 'Vi V TirW. :t wmmmM rr.i.a nkSI. - !'- '..'- , - V . ' 0. .u !&.. y yfvi. -m; j ; ., :r rY'y;Cs; ; rr'A .J. 71 .. ' '.!'-l".'"J!'.i. ,?.), .uii.jJJ.H.1 .ifJWt W?t- " "fl . sJU"1'-. .. .. ..'...juii.i "'! '?' 'WL-jTV- aj - :. . . ; .-"-( l i -w"' J DAJffcTlE - . ..; .fatS'.-,. Wf KlBItt r IM 'IW ilwiejiiwepajpw ,', '. -.... . JP ,- v I- --- - T. r .a, POOL HALL (!'.' -' -i:" ;piii"Ab:;Toi4cc.v'- WJrtfcmttlt Vt !BlMpMipMpBipnnnnipininB ;i yr, -. . -. " v. r -, iAJiLiX '," ' '" - JllH" .',.'. JL.I.II.II ..IHlHHijJi.t?;, - ' 'Jfl -: . tt.fcmilwtribm'haima, l v; - SfUDENtSeLAllbRY YULM BH4ML HA LACMOKV mm o stnst. Amu am. mmi jt "l Wtf. ''.H tiw - '. ".V.v-';.'i 1 rr i- - ..";' , t, -''?.,' "'Vl .xrfi '"r. i:2 :M.I' , V J& f- . l-3 .l T..V1. :a . ,.-n?D v. - . i"" '' N't i-," VVj ;r.r f i . it, IV. ' 1 s 1 '' Sot"S , . '.U 1'' ', j-r i. ' i -sTC ' Ari i.-i. rs: -. 5 .. ' V - -i i'Jr ' ' ' "." l z I . N.-fiA . -w-J' t,' i -.-r ':M :. h-Ji'-. . A BQPHOMORB. tt twtmiii i'aii'--;'; f' V .'... s- oV..M-y.si awj