The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1906, Image 1

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    "sjsasaMBBBjowjs mmm ' "T'-.r -- 7JR;'tv; ?WiW)PPrvr' ' .' H'J3' 1 jBHP
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Vol. V. No 45.
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ebrask'?SUte Poultry ftssocla'tIon;
will be held fritf -iBftliljdKSJifc
will Ukr 'pTtM Mbndny.&rfhe sh6w
'1H continue un Wtnrdnyr -eVealag;
array of i'coatettanta" art expected.
The annualVmeetlng of tlje 'associa
tion will occur In University Hall
room' lw, on the evening of January
inn i mi
MrJHVthClNiiMl Other . .
1 IK An.lililrsu nn VPnnltrv" will Via
' .. Prof. A. A. Brl&ham of Marl-
uoru, Mifij
Reflatrar CJark has been trying to
arrange for the holding of the gymna
sium classes In. spite of the occupation
V of JtMe,Qymnalum . by the'Bhof. I?h'" conference-Tlie memt
j0g8ket;ball practice and practice fbrjcot'fere"tc6'we6 Independent
, j taa ;(jbarer jajcxerciaeB will, in all
PT0babiWtjwkej'4'.In.wtkellapel, A
nllmkav ifillia'hrliilA' Mimnaalhni 'ilBBBAt
number of 'theirle' gymnasium classes
" " TV "'.TV
' v miu Bima rwvnAiJi in rno nnanni arwi ir 10
s?? 1 ?? lVtWfiJwr'.of the-men'a elates
' 'S-l' willTliWkmtkere.
fy. -. ' -U v .fenmetring Notea.s
'' - ' ' f iWfe?8' Jf -crp'wd of.
,' . tke Baglnjpptg studehU a society
&'feetfag Wewlay evenlBgahd'.gave
"' a very tlrrlnsr talkion cash: reelstara.
St ' t' TrnfaBannrQItniif1 imidw
tCr; Forbes Is ,wlth. the Government
v T'4 olmatIontl5ervIie as; -division, en,-:
jt A feiuoi Kiiu us uuni IWBI.CU i, rui
s ' T' liaramle, yo., to vfhlch place he eX
.'4 et to return tonight. Jl.
vTbe class In -JMeohaniem will . be
taken to' Havelock tomorrow afternoon
: f. NI.a.aVa()eelal'car. ,Tb trii;W.i,Ur.WJ
JC f , t . .. w 1 WCJl .j, - . . ...-.'. ... - . ...
;:'ekartf 6X Profeseore Stout, "XJKatbWii:
y'-",- 4-.d; tkey will spend the
B , , ; ;i - tafterwaton 'JMpJJcifir ttf .' parifnfgtdtt'
r, f eiivpn. v;i icfirCTB i3i,iyBi.vuyav
-L;20 p. m.v returning about 5 p. .m.
, -
v V.'fr
Mett1 MaM-'MtlHi; '
r '.HwlrWiljaurt'lVi, lbtTtha
" , ,niia-Ma -r-Maeilar ,- at ;;th..., Oliver
tk eater., .Mr. V ICarUa.-wIll apeak, on
Aui,.fBeoii, '-iiit .urtaiaewr jaaaxiun
'My?'0 r-Jri ' nttn m
1 the plp aidew.tht'publlc platform;
., for siteta years, wt is etui aoomparr
Ijvv atitlyyouag wai," jutal Jhiallay' about
- proportion tke?-wer,gUdeats;u
. ,QkaiM(iidfarWS wjlj'jeavt this
: tvittiagf or Chicago. tq tak part,' la
' 10 prttldtnt of'fQIjIpMio University
l)w Xttiitrai" tejjjiasiil, be held
j 8a4y. 'Tpiutt)tlor will-deliver;
The regular Indoor atMtUfl eonttat
and exhlblttoe drill will be held Ha to
Armory, on tke afternoon of Charter
r .. -
'-irtfM.ff.mi-'--1 - l.-... ' -. :..".. ' : j - .. ' I -A
;'... rt- -- c - ' LA lists!
w4SasKett Mall !1 1
Hm .'Mb, V V m i. mm mm mmm
. t W S
-r-? -F- . , - . ' . m
If ' . ,Ctycimpions of ilje Wsf, vs. U"
1 M Nebraska 1
BfS rV - fyiggesl tGame" of tip Ssgspn M
.. "KttV"r Win OMt.
President Angelic o( the University;
of Michigan, called k football confer
ence of the members of the'Blg,
Nine." The meeting wag. held at the
Chicago 'Beach -hotel in Chicago, yels
terdaj. It .waa through the requests
of a, number of prominent professors
of dllferent colleges in the "Big Nine"
that President Angell decided to call
Jhe- conferenceTlie, members of the
of-the reg
ular conference committee which a lis
annual meeting on-Dece'mber i shifted;
the responsibility on the football ques-
tloji and took, no action in the matter,
"TJie;contesj!Vlgh5fias been wagiag
over athletics 'a.tbe University oftWis-
Iicoasjinres'ultedf "n? the, success, of the
rikfootbalflfactfon of tfie faculty,
representative of this faction was feat
to the. Chicago conference and the iol-
lowing' resolutions were adopted: ,'.
v "Resolved, That t the represeataiyt;
otth University ot IiconiiIn.'to the
Chlcago'conference prgpose to the uni
versities there represented, a public
oondemnaUqjn of the xjvIIs associated
with football at the present time, aad
a protest against the undue emphasis
upon competitive athletics as com
pared .with the fundamental purpose
of a university. .
'RebJv.d,Thfetthe reprsisentatlvt of
mts uiuvereuy oi -wisconsinis in
structed, ,g. propose to the other uni
9eitlkbf'the Chicago oonferenoe tke
.suspension pr iniercoiiesiate 'rootoaii
"betw.een the universtes for a period
of two years-'to the-end that rational,
moral and normal relations betwen
atkie'tlcs and: InteHectuaraetivitlts may
.'cYtloP'ln'eack institution? tkls;rac
ttoa to. be operative ,upqn . ratification
b iWfotivtviraealtie.
.- r j m rk . a V
'T" r
J Liberty Linea1 paper at ithe""!; Book
Stort.! Ah neW, " ' ' ' ',
Friitty Hall
. 4- 5 i'ki'.A"
A ! ' '
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L 4
Waif i
Acariemy Notes.
We are glad- to report that, we. have
been fortunate in gettinr m Miss
Dean's successors Mis9 Mabel Hayes' off
the English .Literature departhient to
teach the finglish and Mr. F. A. .Peter
son for th Latin. , ,
The Debating Club met last fatur-:
day and this Saturday will debate
the University Students' s Debating"
Club. The ..question p: "Shbuld vthq
government own and operate the rail!
roads?" Messrs. Nelson, Morgan and
Hoskettwili represent tle Academy on1
the afflrraative. j
The girls'" are practiplng. hard fo
positions, on the team. A game vlli
soon bo playod ' ' - , i
Saturday afternoon is the last ooUJ
Hour of tk's semester." It: Will also be
a farAWMlT in illloii Ttua 1 i
Saturday morning a faculty mott(hgl
WUlbt the sohedule
for thtstcond somtster. Thoro. Ili
be many cbtinges in time of classes!
Beginning, classes' la .Germaa, Botany;
Geometry, Algebra and Jis)tory win be
planned for. "-s. '
Commencement Address.,
Henry W., Rogersdean of thi Yalt
College ot Law, will delivertlie an
nual Commencement address at the
Mid-winter Commonoement fin Februj
ary. Mr. iiogers is-one of the most
forceful .thinkers, and writers on sub
:acts of national importance In the
country. The subject of his address
win te either '"ine Tendency to con-
centrate Power in, the National qovj
erriniehi" or, "PjiblJc CorcoKlofl.". "
.Frank' C. Jpngmaai, Michigan- fullr
bapk an-tke ali-Vtstcrn fullback for
U, Jkatlgnd, asontrct with' U
JJnivorslty of 'Arkansas to -ooaek tko
.Hxnsau iMn seas on oc xwm,
JLX - . ' j-. ,
wkapla pros, riorkes, 127 o. Uth.
HII Ticket $J0
mTiimm mwL. ssssM
eaatsl M M
f It
ttanf Makes Qeed ImartMldn at First
lht teversl Stars
- Among Men.
Tlae Kansas City Athletic, Club
basket-ball team arrived in 'Uncoln .
yesterday morning an were put up at
the Linden. The men appeartdi oon
fldent of. defeating tkt Cornkuskers in
the game tonight. JEVe'ry man pn the
team Is over six feet Ull and tko Ner
bfasksplayers will look like veritable
pigmies' beside them, Although large,
the men. ar? far from being alow and
several of.' them are stars of tks Jrst
orderas is shown by their excellent '
record of the past few years. Among a. ,
the players are, Allen Who played -tackle
on the Kansas University foot
ball team of Wi, and Hicks, the cap
tain of last year's team, Tko coach
and fefe,ree is, a Veteran at the latter'
position; haying been official, referee "
of the Njew England League las well
as 3f"thS. natfoValoiri'namoni'at'-gt.
Louis In lyft. 7 '"" .
T-he teanv played Wosleyan ,Tast;,v '
prjooeed oaotward, Itsttrip' extending as
far as.Cklcagp,
Tko. rosnmlag of athletic relations
wltk eVraska isa happjending:td;an
unfortunate affair. Our fawesonta-
tlves spoakr notking kL iooH of Ike
iioatnltnnoordtd tksm' t tht'skHer
notitution; nndi cbme' -lmo'k.t av
klgker', rtg ard 'fcobraikatniid tke4 .
men wko control her 'niiiletlcs'v It oar "'v
contests oa tko grrdlroh art a satiV
fylng nsUhn result of the confereae
w"as, , Kansas andi Nebraska are truTyV,
onteriaUpon a new leasf ofrfrioaM- "
Skip. .fNor leathers any raspawhy' .
tkey skonia not ;Tbt.oithc.r instittj- .'
tion was guiltless ia'tW-aytspreoed-'
ing tke broach. Nebraslka "wna, V"oV
abty arrogant, and' .Kansas may kavt
acted hastily and uailmly. But that v
iMloBgs to hUtory; lotus rtjol&e tkat .
w.t are oneo more on jpoa terms witk
an'lnstlttttloa that Uoltr nMdrai rlyal.
Wt K(l.iac''lbriet to gfVa the efonlt
toJthe p rosont, athletic boar. for krla.
ino; this afcbat Tko , presont ' aOikUc
board has .mck to bo urottd d It
otnada. higher in tot. tstlmttlosi of tno"
t Unlaw Is tnan any' like - coomII for
yoars past. It baa btosra unit ntitf ana
not waotod ita. time' in ftcttotml tsnr
roii and portoonl iatrigtios. Tnt Kan
ann. -
Mr. Y. mrarama of Japan has come
to too Uaivanrfty to attend lectures In
tno oprtmont of PoUOoal Jsnxmosny
and nVtclototf. Mr. Hlrararaa wnar for
ntvoral yoars floeal odloer of tho Jap
anese govsmmottt and Is sent here to
study alon tain lino. Ho brought a
beautiful exhibit of Japanese art and
lacqutrod work which he presented to
the University museum.
young woman's shoo. Sorosls.
Sogers sV Perklna Co. HW O Btrooc
Union Bhinino: Partor Bklaa. flr
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