The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1906, Image 1

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?& -v& vNo.fe- i. ' v 'tiftiyfes uirec, FRibAto January - "iw! ,
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" 3.U 3 ' ,0.H0WKSR.C1 CAPTURE FRE1H-
y 4 , '.--" 'S , - -tf , A
fe.5 .- -' MANCH AIRMAN OF- HOJ.
(w 15
lnwriimij AhnMle That They, WlU
,AJ ,-fef.
k " '1 "' 7 ' &" ''.''" .I'lln li i r.,! 1 . . w
mwi-wyix"'' ! unc..
fcT'. ' v :
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t&r , . 4 TkprIotIbhMn,ylrday'8 paper
Eta f . " 1prt8, A ,lrginfmwr of tSohorobrea
V& -' ,'jptH', tottkr immMiatWr 'After mippt
If. , yR&wAT etealfig, anil -Separated
- " , Tl"7' j . 'f - ' k L
;,'- ,JRto ropf, acn, 01 wnicn ivag 10 geti
.-1' - V'oie'of ''tM.jfitfilf ttea of the flrtryar
p"'.' . r-. - (14m. kbeehe werVwnt after, ;Pat-
iBvmJiif uim vHiiRjrniRii ui uiw; iJuy '.wur
1x.l " : ifiltteeV succeeded in locatiue him at
" on 01 me VRUiHtviue witmuws,. m ouiu
-' ' w c
Gfidmixoris of the fy&f vti.
IMitiersify df Nebraska
u , Biggest Game of tip Season
Satuzday Evening Jahuaiy i3j igo6 ,'
K. bi A C TdMbRROW.
- - -- - ' 'ft i. J "Ho.
iw m NAsiWior -
- ,4 1. . .
' '
1 ,
Mr.-HrO. HIN Will Preeetrt.MaHerTe.
.a-Nelifcetof, SiiWhte-r-Lariebett.,
fatten Deelred.
I.V .. 'J
' ' .1 "
, ,. T-
r. - -, 4 .
' '
f '
l'i. 'i
jiamy with only one4 freshman. As
theeo ftweoeJHe' t. ;of the, .bUlldlate
cney were ipfieweavunuiiuey ueoame
-1 - 'separated from the crowd, and mare
vrthea seized. PattefsbvwasInl'meili;
ateiy'gagiea, anu nanucuneu, piaceu in
- a-. carriage jwnlch was In. welting,: and
,. hiirfled outot towfi, :lth a trio of
W:::- ;VPsltvat;e;nto towns
Srt ; Ik tVe-.ticittltyof wiicplB., lisc6ni-
, ".'? .
"lHitiibn.was'thea, talten to oae.of the
fraternity heuees asM waejeked until
v,ri ?'" J6oe,.1is , It WaatiMt houghtthathe
:.-- couia hoc grre aneneciuai aiarm.
7pp - y, Those .ofittt Sdji'ombres who went
r "h -after rkeihettliBtet'-of. ceferap-.
m ''" '"'nleei.tfalledv-to -lbaatV hlni; as the
for t .. Treskea hadrConceeleWjri. ' '
?- ,".'sar .'the Freshmen did
pTl ji- . ndbsltbw any; signs pfibelng at allodia;
lTsi.. fsBiPiPlte4 ajt'Detog ,:outwltted by the
r-N' ." T 5 enJijuor yn tn. .mauue.i , hbu in-.
i. v X 7see orkian
.u -.", :eiptitre tMefrwrttk; serried to beype'r
. " - .V ' fectlv 'atisftBa-iiillrt!Vebndltlon of f.
t! .'v- . .fars'f THIewM'exaihedVhoV'tVer.
;: ' .J' '.-' bjf:J,dne'6t tfiT prominent members of
Pjwe're ridf going, to try to get
- ; ' ' ,fwtJPK' ine wopns, can nave -nim
" - HftWWhJrai: fbre don't. " This
EC '3 ' s100 ecr-eneap aoceriety wnjca- wpuiu
m c ..-J ;piacer jaw; sosnebely: in opllegesnd
.i''. "' . . ' Tl, -- '.',' , . 1
: , .,rrenea: Imici u all And uu to keen
ky-'fon! iuimS JNHt " .Wdini until the
- i ' -
. ' .J J . i - . . I J . .--- - .- . -O U ,. I
&. .v naViic, te ;wji Ye: -got Bwrstt, . Pat;
KV ,, tetiwn lasted on, aoiag U that show,
; - howe.y!irl'atWly;e:
stse u up it mac :ne waacea ie Boptio-
be?WM oaaght, for ' we eaa, have the
danee Iftst as well or, better wlthoot
hlni aiidVe wm o'lti .topL"' ' " ;-
AlLkoogfa they intend to. make no
move towards reeentag. Patterson,; the
Prealuaato have redontOed Ihelr erts
to keep Barkett m hiding, and assert!
that they wfll be ahie te produce bhn
at the daafiftev Soptoomorea bate been
oat hantlag for him ever etaee early
yesterday saornlng, howeTer, aad hare
THe Faet SeUthern Team Will Arrive
In the City Tomerrew.., ,
l ,
The Kansas City Athletic Club has
VetbalKteam. arrived inthe cltythls
aidrnlng over the Mlseouri Pacific.
Tho will stayfn. the felly today until
afternooB, when the1 go to ,
!JtorA game -.tonight., The sqiiati, con-
slslrof flye regular1 'players, and two
subs.' t The Kansas, Cftyteanvls-cpm-posed
of veterans' and -men who. know
IHe. game, la iUj every, .detaiU The, var
sity in.goitig up against theSbuthern-
ers will meet. the proposition-of the
;liast hiishtthervlfsy :had th0 best
team work they have had .for some
'tlaie., .They exhibited soreness and
jgpeed, la iAsIagythe. bali and Hagen-
slck, Walsh,; and Moser shot goals
with remarkable accuracy.. The work
of Hoar aad Bell at the guards was
j;pbd, and they "were successful in
starting; ike team work;from; .the.voapo
hentsgbal lngpodtstyle. The ilakets
which are oa sale at Porter's have
been aelnr reeiarkably fast for so
earlyand' ' It is predated that' the'
gymnasium glaoetbe Minnesota' game
of two years ago, Those who have not
already jwcured tickets, had petersee
about it- at' their eeHIestlobjiyealsiioe.
ileervel' seeds' at 'Porter's 60 and 3S
'cents. i. ''.
' ' . r -. --. ' .;
, i tnlen Prefrani. j '
Piano olo....t......ji Mabsl Fossler
iJ L J. .4-4- Vt
Jteadiar .-. . -.. .v Mmrguerite Haanat
; Vol SPlJ". v.4. . 1 .-,. . . iMahelw yepeoa
impromptu 'apeecnes... ,f air. Monroe r
; " -' , - Mie,(SwaiiiK?a,
'. .. !, -.' .5(i''r.
Reading v., .... i. . vM. B. .Creeehy
Vocal Sold. . . . ;.?. iTaHnette Saotweft;
-.TJaWsi, SWattg" ParW4SW ' J
cents; chairs for Jadloa ltltoJt
n ' T " . , A
ESsreisWlli Oiiur at p'arm TUes-
The cliBdlcatloh exercises of Agricul
tural Hkllwlll be, held- at 2 pf. raat Ihe'
tatrirmf next Tdesday. l The igcefo
cises wjll. take )lace, In the, assembly
iroorii' of ih vHiilh Regent William G.
mitmore will deliver the addriW pf,
the occasion. The . euliject of his" ad4
;dresa-w4if be Wjpe "Prdiiiima Conr
irontlng'Nebraska,' Farmers.''
TheiTall cost, "about. '$76",(W0.- The
aimehsibnr are1 about. the'same as' those
ofcjtfee JieErieall. The building
wjll ,b,usd' almott tntlrely-for rectfaV
tioM aad'ieeturee. vit k abaut iiti !'
building nowaUhe dlafweaTbCany-
."iwubv uvi.u('UHiTr)iir-nna. wnij,
greatly Improve the.eoniitlbaa aUh.
JTarm and1 "mike "possible "jivseh"
siroagersolioolT -! ' ', f " :
. ... - lJ- , -' fc ; , 1
- ti ,Dr. E. HelevWlner.
The" lecture this eyealag . hy -Div
"Holortchlner in Memorial HallcSkouia
"hrlag.outa 1ar3e; atteadahee, of Unl-'
yersllyandi city people: Thereveats of"
the past' few. years haveplac'ed Rus
sia la the dlmelight ojf publicity, and It
wlj be; interesting to 'knPwx.sonie
thittfs about, one of hr distinguished
.literary inen; ..''iiehklBf'thet Fowader
of MpderaRueslay LitsTature. Is the.
subject; of Dt HolbytciBer's leeture
ThViecture will begin" al: S bclock, -
i. -
,."?.' : , - -J . '.
. , f.rHmy Cefiveeatloiv
,k 'Mt AJaatpdraasi. ' '
Magdaleaaj or The Ipaalak Dael
' 'i . .. 17 .f.:.. ,j . ij, 3jKkl Hetarict
i, '9. '!. ,,.',-. ,f .-,. ,tl ;!Ri4e'
Mies, Oraoe: Outler .... .-VaiMat.
Mrs. MlnaltlUKsaenlht-aeriiogJPIantot
. ,, , ,i , ,, , , i- r -
FJlsiJonnt laltrr' flaniBsfriiiaa'M.
Notice has come, to, he University " y
that the fifth Internatienal Coayeatiotl
of the StudentVeiunteeV Mbveeaaat'
iA be held at Naahville, TMeesee,,
beginning Wednesday, ' eWry M
and closing Sunday, Maroh 4. im.
This convention booursfpnly, onee dur -ing
each 'student generation, that'll,
oabe ilk ere"ry four years, and JaTIe v
most lh.sp.ri ahd sigaineaa netr
rlng of stiHtenti In the - There
will be 'delegtes from 'KM ootteftes
ana'UttiVerslUee ih the United States' '
and Canada besides fYaternal' repre
sentatives . from leading eduoadoiel
JnstljbuUons of Stfrppe and Wejbrlan
PKerhai)s no dther factor '$& readered
iiohiigik) aertioe iff stlrriHg & ,ils
ionary' Zealand earnest Ohrlstiaa iae
tlvlaty anion, American ooflemVrge. ,
University oJ-Nenrikuie'rtlttitW '
about 26deWates and speolAl frt
will l made .to Induce as'maay U m
as JnoalbIa. Belesthe.-gieift mYV
lege of atUadlaif the conventUjtt '(hare
will, be ;thepppportunlty of sttMlag
ouohWItk thejd-gcmth, ot meetase;'
students frM the North,, mihk "
aiid.West. aeut 0Cs-sjitla aeeaid.,
wlthMMi ofthe 'greteet leaaeri-aajd '
sieakers4ii Christendom.
Url ti, 6-pll, oa of "tk'm
tanee oftne. stuflet Volunteer
meat. 111 belnVljhooln;j
Jifhuary MlhV aaif wMl mldreasa mass
meeting of .thVstJets lnepjrlfl
Hall atS : o!eioek., The regular me .
lags oc the UnlYfrsityYbuag Ken's
and youajf Women's CHsjiseo
cla'tions ;wll be given over t$ this 'aar
vibe: Mr. ;Hlir will present ajl Masters
of laterest oboeeraiiigUhla great Je .
TantJM aad all students are iuwUiifa "'.,
keep, tne datea'atlad. ' ' , '- "r'i ' :"
"''.., .r- ' -pi.
yiAKfwwTiniwi 11 . Whw..i.i1iii Tt ' ij
. -j ' , . "' - " 'ff .. '"""'
m m
aVe W ffafi w S Is SM
. -Y, M.;C. A.
-m rarer nU: WeAieaaaereu
lhg In the Aasociatloo Rooms irae,
uemi, fall of llvety Interest MY. Htsih
mttaWl.aoka hrledy on IXJoaia for
lfe,M arawTag many unlqae cbeajart-
som from the realm of aOHetlae. jLsy
wa who wasn't present mlaaed a good
talng. However, there will be aaother
chance next Wednesday evening wheto
Mr. C. at Heek, Instructor Jn the
Physics department, will lead the
meeting. .
At the beginning of the new semes
ter a great taany students well be call
ing on the Y.'M. C. A. for aaaiatance
la flndiag rooms. Any of the old sta
dente who ehaaee to be rooming t
place where there are some vacant
roome will confer a great favor on the
Association by reporting the eaxne st
the rootes) any day between one aad
two o'clock.
Senloia, pat fMsvat takea st ata'
"a .
-- .-jt
' laiayaiiiiLiLJjiiiai sua esnae rmr atax
A &.
z ..- ,
S. SL .
&&) Mm. . .