The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1906, Image 4
ftx.; .-: , . ft ' t- ISKBRAICAN. V 's- -' aL ftip ifi i;-jjifc,fcjaiaiitfiiBiM '. ; r I tut ii II t il II. i II ii 1IT1 Y us fr- Vi' Wt WhSfi a ekrtee Mlftheui Temmyr ' - .'", ..? "' BOBOBOfe BBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBH . L. ( .;..- Try these neW,cany mints. f i ii rim BOYCAnS' IXPfRIENCE CnkVHMHTE Aft. .." j . ." 1" 7 " - - MUNff jtiifliBm New .Yml , ., the ,Oeiee4len;f Oeelt' j, ' . f-Vi , t-.f i 4 i ' " . tikUeii f' .wiiiHIV "LiHTabi:'WIa m lUKMWII '' , , Professor Firemoh .6f,the Dartmewti etsyelwlogy' Is 'in; -jedelpt ot. the fplt lowing circulating list, of quetktui -which he is dlstrllijutlrig amoBgWhi" .pembers of h' clasees. .1!k: iuee - w'.tkms are to be -answered aid returned , to Prefessor French. -. The circular Is - sent by'Prof. James H. Lejiba-tof Bryn 'awr College, Pennsylvania k ' The 'purpoee of thjt 'ol'01K8 ue;; J 'itlpM, to to f nd out-wbat are the reel " " ?!eilete of people oeoernlag God. We )(rfowFell eoug4i whSt,Meople are '" y ' pipoeid to belSf yeV hiit ije ; little - To)jortualty,ot nsdlpg out! whet they Viitiiy'Wltwjir:- ,v ' : JvMot mlui&b ehofil ior'would like 'to 'illk ut, wWt- o realy ;1mh 'lleva, IsjMkedfprtf 'these qietiob. ' B as cleei- a4 deHnUe as yo oan be ,witot ieteir beym4 the truth, het e sot vet e to 'pmmr 'taatM. yi cennot , be , otherwise Um teelsjttailie. The very leAkoT delwrfteneei In oer tsle f ew beliefs te tket well ewth The nwiriri need not be' sleeps', ,biifc the approximate age and the oootijr lion of the Writer Is! deWe, When given, names willbe Kept'strlbtly .coh' fldentlal ,'." - 1, Do you think, bit God as a per sonal or impersonal being? & 2. What, difference"', db.jrou makej between &-. personal ana an impersonal being? illustrate, your meaning, it possible. f . l 3. Describe as fully as you oan how, under whatx Image; or Images, you' think Joi 'God, Distinguish 'here be tween What In your description Is .fox you merely an linage, a, form of speech. and what ll the reality, 4., What dlerence would tho non existence 'of God make. In your dally life? : During the Vacation Dr. Poerl Hen sel, U, of N. '05, visited the depart ment of Botany, ivhero she was on of the assistants lor several years; She Is tho science teacher In the Lead BtV.. High School. ' ' University Extension Courses. The, University of Ifobraskaj; in com mon with all state, educational schools, realizes that it owes a duty not only to its resident students but also to the thousands of teachers and students Who are unnble to seUs privileges. Several , years .ago regular 'University oxtensidn "work was begun but aban doned because'of the hbayy draltfTupoh. the time of tho fatuity, the Jare"x; pbnse and the limited constituency reached Tho l)ast few years a. suc cessful lecture bureau has been main tained by which; through lectured to schools, lyceums, and clubai 'Individual professors hav in a limited idegroej coino in touch with .local school condi tions and communicated .University ideals-, and Investigations. But the problem. still was Unsolved; 1. e., how" shall the-Universlty teacher grasp the, pblnof view and diBcultles of the secpndaryteacher, and how shall' the la'tter acqulra the results of the life study of these specialists and catch the. Are of their enthusiasm. It Is be HeVed that- the hpmq studyTRJbrjies nowoffered by the University tdepar I- ments of English. "Language-and Liter-" ature, and of Ame'rloan History, under' the Academy management, give a solu tion of- this double problem. A'utHirs. " Dr. L, A. Sherman and Prof F. A, Stuff"bavo written the course In Ele mentary English. -Professor H. W. Caldwell, Adjunct Professor C..E5. Perslnger, and Instruc tor LVB. Aylsworth'arathe authors, of. the course, in American: History. All of those authors have, had ex perience In, secondary-schools alL are :pdpiUaTT,echVririh the 'University, al are well known In Nebraska 'edufca tlonal' circles, "Thousands of devoted students of Dr. Sherman and Prof. i . . . ...7'-'- ? ' - ' . ..- Caldwell are seatUred over-the world. Tbey know .that air work undertaken; by these-two prpfeesorsi Is thorough, authoritative and, helpfuh The names of these two men alone 'is a sufflcient guarantee ot the' excellence of these' Methe.ane' Texts. . " j eeentlally the saaie aaethod is. em- ployed- in -both eonrse. lit eeeh a. text Irnsed and eoneleke typewrHtenvin-'" reaaingsn tnrowing hm i ignis on u topic, "are sent Syith eaeh aselgned lee- son; The written reclUtton el the stur; diit Is the, criticised by the htetnc tbrimd the paper aala set the -dent for oorrectkm and perfection- The eorse hi ftagUeh U MMM4 to take 1$ weeks; the obnree la j feeHeeii Hletory 4 weeks. Baeh tteett let - mtotlWk peUiilllT leelWfe op tMMlf m CAMPUS etEANtWS ii Mi tar Delivery Co.,, Bagpipe. Phones. Bat at Don - Cameron's new rectay-, tamt, 119 ?16. 12th St. r v " . . ' OllverClgar Cd llf-il7 No, 18th. "Dr. Woodward, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and threat .Richards block. Green's (Mogul Barber Shops """ ( Richards Printlng-eorge Bros1,, 13th N. Discbunt Sale. -..Sanderson's, ' Dr. Haggard, 112-213 Richards Blk. Lfncoln Local Express, 1343 6 "St Both phones. t ' v, '. WJllard Dutler of, Omaha ;ls visiting lb Lincoln. Discount on all shoes and Jsllpivers. Nothing reserved. Sanderson's "Sale -Xhe, English .Olsb will meet Satur-; day evening. with IfcflsB. Ensign, 10)5 J street. .. , i , , , Walkover shoes for- college ''men., Rogers & -Perkins Co., 1129 0 St" Cliapin Broe, Florists, 127 ,So. 13th., CommUtatibri tIcketa-Uni. Dining Room. ,.-- S'enlpjjs, getiplcture'saken at kenv nedy's.. - ; v " . Don't forget the Uni. School of iluaic- VB10. ' " The schedu'le'of "the flnjil examina-i tlonsin th0,lawcollge haslieen-ls-' sueu. "... S Eat at the TJni. kuslc Cafe. Phi Delta Phi wlllrinitiate Saturday., "Walter B.-. HUi: chancellor ot the University of deorgladled onpecem-! ber 28rl?it5, of pneumonia,, He: has been qjahceilor of, Georgia, since 1899 which office ho lias fllledNvith much credit to himself and the University,; v . i-, : : j Try the Uni fining Room, you will like It- " ' study each- day. Should'.slckiiess or other, circumstances prevent, more tlrao ,le allowed, for-, completing the oov'se but underno dIVcusastiaritoee, WJJ. H ee extended, beyoaiL. J.uaejflrst oeixhev year of 'registration No lefsoBS arHPiverdnrlnf the. summer;' school; vacsbloe, einoe the University Summer Reeukm tken meets thehieedSiOt teeoh- erst Tl " -r, , ' - fc Tkeee eorsee aredtirab'ly adfcjt ed to high school and raral 'teaeJteif who for va'rlpne reesefia are, unable to ittehd the University and who wish to prepare. ;.fer state 'enemlnaiiees or, Im prove th4riKteeh4c, They are'equaliy aaaptea . to aurr-ypnng or old -who wish to rsite priritte; sudy fer cul ture or iJUatlettt . Heading circles wwT olaW wll.v Pd these opursee' 'in '1&9iL Ml to In41vid niemrs' oan be greatly reaeoee ny use ot one set ft texts. Comieiiee eowBeareottt; of the field of eperlnieiailon. ThtAr richt te exist U. no Inafj erioaiy heileaed. Years V meeaetnl ef on Mi a mehitede ef witemei tee- ify cfweemlng the valuebU reeeJts 1 rom the stu4y oarrted on by oerre- 149fNMMstev ' .. .' ; ""- . iOh ii iiin .,. I. i. mi pmrg r ii, . ..nZ fllJr m R:. J. $Ni.m''X!iRSit ; ,- ; DjP fcV S IX' T ; m L 1 n cowyooooooboocfoooobbowbr. R. H, GILLESPIE 1I24I;IM j IttWIR f w i - DON'S CAFE ift . - i . . - 'WHpKf IV TAKE YOUIt qhOTlim AXDiip TP EXPIRT CLHAflEM A4 YtWf. MKIili TJBL. 147.V ' AUTp, XMW. FRESH DAY! Our Caadl'iMd Bkd Good? ar;Alwya Fi-Mh and Good Ctrlff our Bfeotlty. 1 " ' ' ' nmit THE MXWELiUriCO. ". rM4h1kitM. 'ltlTMI'IM. -, QUALITY SODA TASTB3 LIIOC. MOXK' WE, KNOW HOW TO pniprt ANYTHING. LETUICONH GREER-COOPER CO. r I104Q STREET. QEOWQg A. WILSON . CONTRACTOR ANO WrlKl Estimate furatehM Mi'VypUwfc?w., ., Job wwkiHjy Uinaii W, i ' ALCOk' Qn;iN; AN,Y;'HOIXh i , ,r k"-'. 80HG8 OF t ALL THBCQi lvMye Ike a collage KSo4.tajk,liIc : ,i Ii I I fin I I I n I I - I " . rH -1321 0;: i; , - "'- - iilT'ir r hmm jK to jHKe on the ptaiwt fr;Mie inmjM ; (iijfcy, cyenkouik one Wtr.aet ti Mmwir-s.; etowi, w rkmmmj. inwn vox caMnu'oii wlwwi tr .' ATALL BOOK STORKS AHiKTOICP4Wfc ' . . ruHltftmtHtvmlLyirH)H ?. .t - Tr;:.l!L"-lf ! A' -' jKifrtyijmm &Wt: immm.mmmmi0&li Sirn WeaterfleW Sam's l " BeBeBeBeseBBr 119-ftl shHa IS Pr , SS Vt, ti ?Jt :r"-i- i- ') ,', ,t i K H5k - vv. rtl f-Yfii . 1 . " '"" tw.'7 X- ..:-B 1 .yf t .. H . w.fcTa..-fcn-i t - - - if -i,' , I. - - M . r K c.1 viy A, I- - "Vfl . I' t. mI'-jA K ' . A , : y. f f . . .. A .-'.'3l -.! !- 'iid . - :rtz? 1,. .-, t(iS: I I'...' J4- t ,1 ' -' ! . : r . ; ,v r'K-!. H r ' '? ;cj - M a J "-; v rS I. ""-,T-V ..".. i- SV.iK-i- ! . .v-'JUakfi