f : -v .. -rah,.- -i-3- TttB DmL,V NEBRA8KAN, '' ' ' . -Ii - jii nt ifi - - - ' ' ' ' m' M ' - i i ii .i ii ' ' "- " " JT- ' -- - - -- - - - A- - - - .y ,- -" -T ,( V .A. l - i.0 &k t M. !? A t 0KDailp r:x 'flEBSMBSBCTTcr !V- l X wkeeWaUen of ' ThMWiiwvf ;Yiv i( tfebraaka,. , iw if, yyty"yury' .", Publliilieti aliy, x 8.ui? 5s4 Monday, at the Univenrfty of Nejraajca, Llneokn, Neb., by thOleerlan F.eWlah- m "rr -: I f -'' ' ., .. ,'JUard DIreefcrt... -,, 0. V. P. Stouti Laurence Foeeler; DI&itramW A..O. Bokteilw? "KdltoKln-ChUf. ...... 4.. John P. Clark; Manager. . .. ': ,-v. . .free!- Naughton" .' tfftwH..i.r.i.. J E, jJednar , Athletic. er. m ' 'JV A Yan 0r.; - ' Clreulntlpn. ...,.. r., . W.R, Btanueven V JMUbrliU VRoemc,- 5 J'H nufrtrieee Office, '' U ailji. IOBt Ofiioe, Station- A, Lln y' . 'coin, Neb. ";. ""- " '' . Office libura of" Suslneee Manager ahd saubr, li:Mtoll:M d'aliyi. " " . ; ..--J . y, ,? , ,1 , .- T..; r. - reliphrtit 1 .TTt. . . . . Automatic 15ii Night Telephone. .-. . . . Automatic4 2ft ! fmeMi rsrYVwnhrt&rr m 4ctM?r '&.- V-T ' 1' a ' jg sJr Jifc .-. t . . FR!AV,iANTgiATj; UNCLE SI HASK1NS '--. 'i K t. -'-? Hatiiied 10 and 9c. Evening Wo, ."kj laanje.' .. .- ... . . .- (ew MONPAV,. JANUARY 8, w, , I IZMsi-r-Ail ni -' ft j; inrorn RtBAe wI'VI' i. -nf- i t t . L . f eitAlAJi A 1 i iiu vifinii. . j ICEtr-f.1.80, S1,0p, 76c awhBOc. V gubeorllioA:Pricer4i-per;yearl. artyanoe' . I '; 'v,:"- Entered, at, the poetpfflce at. XUiOoln,. Neb,, an seQO'nd-.oUim mall matter Tinder theaat"Or congretw oi Maren ,-ab? r-. -nrr iadWidual. notice vlU be oharged for. at- tlo rate or io ccnis lor eaoa in?uon. rablmV departmental "and':nlveralty bul-letlae-will. gladly be published free, a ' . S. 7"TMK rPPTPALL cbACH. '' .; . hQqestiyi, qt thotpolc(?tllon;ot,a' CbrTor b njfxseaspji Jh mpjoinv; xortant than any question, thonthletlc bqr.(laa hart o qeclilo;vfpr; a. lqnp tln?pj Jt,l8i. niaUer in wiq.h oy?ry . gtuctent; ha.8 ct -depi)"' Jntpuost ,anft ha8r h. rjght.jto.exiiresshlswlBhea, Tpo .4 footkil .cpaph occupies"; a' dlffprpnj T" poaltHottfromthat qf tho, coach Ql any, othej toam, for the fpotball tpam-BQ 1 overshadows all others in rolatlvo lm- lKtrtance. that, tho coaclrs necessarily -onq of .the njost prominent flgtireaof , the unlveraity,. an.il .durjnf ,the rootball season. at cp.llega so devoted: -tQt foot ball1 as IJ. Nebraska, lie, 8cema to bo .. more nromlheat thananyproljessoroi " student In such a stCte of; affairs Jt .ls vthe duty of; the board ,Jto. jielect as ooaoh" a jnan .wjip Is Hrst and foremost, notn "greatplaypi: pr Instructor, ,but x -, a ientlfman; qne wlib',canand -vMl iar goqa mi(uence noi oqjy ioyor uio , , players , 'thomjielvee, but' over all stu dents who may come in contact with ' hlmjn any dure He must be a man. i ' ' 'hp will inspire respect in the play- pi . . - ' -r?r. ' ..x ... ,u . i. ers; who win maae mem iee mar ine uuieveipai oi ai.vHt is me tliouKt of hls;kuml)iatl6nf who will develop a. team of-elean players, and abpye'allyjho will-be -enqughLOf a man" 'lpL,tq keep training rulea; himself durlne L'.."' ''tH teasoa and?no$et examples' in the , , opposite .ttir.eotioH-rpr tne piayersj jr - v ike boar(rWiH'glot a manVllkeUwis. .'-we dare .gajr 'that tWunlverpltya'if' ( wrioia win up uuvr imlisihi idhh k ", r.tly ,lt:onjan wjhpjiwutke abllltf ,M pf a Ypat? ad the clfarRpterjatroe of'K .. " "thar,-. " - v- :. yf:.-lf,aMl ;t vn inc enage at Widfiiffli.Tr " Mii:?5. iCv. 75; 50 nelv2S tig V5 n? ONE-flfTH 1 f - l Uf ' '-ri at. V. . i rtf . W . .' 1 f .. , - ,, r. V-. ''i. '! -ej ".i . , ,-- "t T u ;HAMi-wtW.r-Avi ,vAt4JKi ' M Ssa1e mclitafeall "i'' i iTIC -,J w".' ( Jl'l- .T Hi W V -J' (1H.k t- Bl 1M mes-tm;IJiiBf. . . . ;, oursinedium .and lo,wJ ,,, 7; w t ffpriced'CbflLtsjT r , ' titSf-i ; li k ments we sen, and now ; '.jSM; r ' V t. -. VY T " tT " ''.'- V "jj TAKK YOUR CLOTI1M AUD ( T SOUKUP& WOOD- EXPiRT CLf ANERfAft lYiElfl -i -. .Sft .t. .. . - ' BMZ.Ii TJBL. 147. AUTO 1M. ' ' ' 1M N BXKllHT. -' ' .. 3 !., ' ,a FmESH gVKRY DAY! Our Caivdleeaad BVa QotxTLaara. Alwava Freslt ia4 Good, jpterlBg oar ipcoWt. THE MAXWELL COi qetfc,Vp)n; ; pOhaNMr. .'i. l ' ' i ; . ew .'i', '- tt fbrtunate able t6"aitttitl;iti9 '""M: -Vft jjg-flT mtdtfto.o)ne?jindeepi;(7par;d d ,&,; wlxl A .; M AGEE .1 DEEMERi jferM l.M.- '- - ijpitj -,ff ', j. f rf'.V i V- JWJV.J v.A J & i 3 - ! EIMT NATION AL IIANK J e CaplfaT .-,,. . . . . ..."$ ?3W,6o6.0oJ4 Syrpfue.aad ProflU 209,000.00; ! Icpo1Um v3,620,D00.d6 ' bife'ilJitililDSliatEJlDailliilCEHilKBtt 'Of V " r.4 ,Caryt and Harriet Bardwell, "Ade '4v .laideThomaskni flarajrPalae'VUlted' l4teiuntraniItgf'PaulJSBeck of.TTt., , ' v '.IieveMWorthd;ttr!ni;f thej hpHdaysi . A ' r, f e f " "it MMtf4HvaM1 .fct'Bnrla.al tilncoln-Beatrlqe, Rebate l: T llk la eola durlar. tke Ghvla(,niaa YfuiaUoa -was ,Wo, bx the 'latter lasfl- tirti Ttry fcr BWtri.v Both .teams wew ttMk1 to fornwir yjureriity de bater., Nell Cnbj; '(MwU firge A. Le, 'e, law 'W, reapectlY ko ;! ,, yVI.RS.'J.'lil. FJE'i7(jRV O A IvS'lT I " TUV eariSPJCCIAIiniCB RJIKD." -phon H5--33 SWtk KUvflh BtrMif-vZilMMlM izlll ltijzl -i...,?.." ' - r- ..J v, ..i.. , tV MW. . . kJ lfi.'. H m " -' j 'i " KV " m'. 'a',lB'- '"l " el- ' ; " 'nvt,B !-' ev.ftim.ii Hf T hH -. lH "J - .'H KI H ,H AJ ,n c , - wmm wmi-rm-' . . . - i M 'M:f f a..' m.?. t JMBi 'i,.L."ivi.i1ft.i, V. .-.-.. IUIJ-J fill m . M,ii ,u-J'fl' 'W'-'"'!!'!!?' ' H H wmT M m H Brt H B t . BreerBF el fl Bl t H: ea B si IB 1J 'a- -v BvL W ' ' Bl. .t. MM, M.M .. . .M.-mm- Bll. "' rT II M ':- -Bel ' , ' m mm m mt mw H' - . r .. . 4'. t. m . . h . a- - mm t -- - ' - '-- -. . , . -. jt a 'i-ikl .' M-l ' UMH -UlVJt THE HEIDLEBURG POOL HALL r- --- 'S'5..? - r u . -'.'V 'CT DR' JOHN. J. -rijciiam 6rt4Mri RifficllMkt AND OPTICIAN i. i iaost,,'t.iNcotN aWl2i, m.fpm, m rtiU H..2I1I '-EaVBBTeTevBl IfiOSandCUNS COMfLETL DEeUTCS o uur loreien policy, the currency, (ha tariff, im mlfriiUon, high JkenM, woman suffrage, nnny TKMUfCf trantportatton, inMt.4MrtmnMora, mtwldpal owtiwiWp ot (raschlMSt ovnmnt central c( t!grapi. JhtkiUet o, tMboVe IMM MfcMgr A fW( XarNtloM tororganUtag MM eoMhtctlng a lUbat hw MIty f with by-law aealparHatiMtitarrtulea, llimfe fc HOB EKiWOS HVxMbTI I rFTm -- t .". ' Jr Wett.j ak,r, n, vi cky' .. X JSiikiySrll I!vv.;1l29'0 ITMIT j i j j- ; ;. y 5 i ; I'lmi j " X !; Yr latRte SI1H) 8 L BILL! APt bS AND rpOl;:- -OIG AR 'AKtoBACCdf. I"; - tft Mww. mi r ait. lOTqnMJlMfrvs 1 fc 'A : ' ' ;- i i ' . v . . -.-.". -: ,..!..,' ems;,. -tvwj . 1 T TJ jN8a '.IT .. ... T,. , 'H T3T2- fiillL' i i'yifev'. ev U 'K!Pf"M JBaaBBBB -v ,-. " vwaMBHPBppMHappaaaaaaaaBBSBBaBBSBaBBBBBi 1 r- - . - Wmm BOWLING JEtES? t (113 N emTPIEJIqpj 'a,B'''''',BB,,PB,'' I TRY THE FRANKLIN F:RIK1XIS ' ALLESQRfil ,,- - - ws m " ICE CREAM CO. - ny .nt- . : v v.-''? FOR ALL ICE CRrAMSVlCEl, PUNCHES AMJT rnutfcn uwhtiw Rf.pcHl pricij Ii iare tilttl, sfc. V I3II H Stritt. IfttTirMtr r ajW - M ,. I '. CV I 1 u ; ?j a , - '. . i - .. ' IlV &sa rlJ J I --fc, jV," , r ra .' .. i iX.M , T'i- DON'S CAFE mqCii i,.PitMa Mfr - r SLa - t nWfBj R' ArWMWlVR tn & t . 3 i .j ,;a '" 4t.ff " - " -" .."" .-., ti. - "T, T- :5aESiS2SiH; it$ er-vvqMpener DRUG CO; X; ..a ". ; -. ! r.-"wwvyyvv nM. 1707 rlMS 0 SfrMti - - - zr " - r :- ':i' r ' -Tlv . i, " ' i f i' r;t II AVW a A r ma ' aw it ' w. v jbwt a ,rjema v" ii ' . J----V II '- ' ' - T - 11 I T - . - . --3 , , ..WU 1, " i) , '! r -J. . ; :,:"; 'v , I.V,'-,, ..',- ' &, vOxfetl y -jj;jr' ( -T v Bakery A, jii j . : . i ' n,e IN-", .; TOry;-; j .rt-l i i :.'. ;' ' . .' i. t ' , a. rk..iix.. ii . . .. .-'..- Ti.-'r . ,..,.? iu.Mtjr vuiurpaiiiM. I307v0,.ire)e)ts' " 't. , .-' . . i l U ; . , , r i .. J ! " rAUTY . n j ,!i?i I l I I 1 lI'M WmmmmmmmmmW t m. mm. .MMm. m.-. ."Ilk tl -J ys- U iw P : : ' ' n . L ; : ii n i rnrriMirni 1 1 rnt fti n 1 1 11 ' ' - - - , - i, , ! .m ii fc a . i . mm t - - ;--;'- ;v. ,"-h '."'V- , ,- . '.;..... OUR SO DA v -.t -,.., j .Vv-a .. -. .t i S." gu"- ' " YV;- . WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT w'TifW- let; us'oon. ViN'CEyOu i ;t a!.r B:'r . V.' QREEp-cobpi: coJ ' "34 P STBtKTv v-; .k i?rK" .... .;?j; ?, Bayfesrfa?.- !&ia