". "- v 1 ija jiff -T " l - ii .T M " - fr" ""j , f" -U k, .1 T ,Yol. V, Noy5. UNIVERSITY ,6Fr NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,JW. V WrastSCehU .. A .,-' ffU.f ii- U i ." . i ',- : --i 1 i l,-,.JMyiM- f. -. .1 ,. t , ; i , ; -,'?, , , ' -. h . . .- "- ---. -i.i -, : - ... .-r !-. .. ... , .. . . . . - , . ' ,': j- - J- " , ' ' ,-tv , "' - ,. f i '. p. ... - - , - - - o Ik' " iTfc i u HOLD TOURN AMfNT ' ?. 1 .. -rrf t i 1" 5- . V; TOt, DECIDE, THJE INTER-CLAM BASKET-,BAI!L CHAMPIONSHIP. - . -i ;- - j i jr Kansas City Athletic Club, to Hold -- ;'tLarQe"AhJ'ttlciCrnlval at ,an- ' A-. a-City' In .Fbruary. ,'. r -,.,- ' .- ;; rg. Clspp and Miss Pound are pre paring for the, girls litericlagsbasket' ball tournament. They hoio to be .beginning o!' t!iie second 'semester. tEIs Is done 'In-order that the. girls , 'varsity bartot-wflriteam vaay, ..get d6!n to woric ly; iili ntttt 'often thejcase jthat "varsity, matemum aej yetoped in the'seclass gamos. Tht.enthuslaim. Is as ,greit,Jn -re-. . '--Wf-- "! .." ?' ir" v,'i-.iil-- garuotnis eveac ai'tMo present, uuh? S8i'lLjVlOliJitJLhC6l.pflllOoaOB last -year. The seniors weretho vlc- '; a fHU s;h n en h op rc . r k . ' . LJ ' 1 A-" - S t r i JiAfrt-tcnuty xiaii - iw- Jantiar yTwclfth x . n "" WALT'S ORCHESTRA x FRIDAY, JAN, 12 ikcktLKNVAtiatE Wlcritn Itlfl Pondering. Negotiation fpr the NebraakaiWIs- r....4iUM! IlUrncu ,n Vv. nS";' n JhjSe V' " conslndebiite are figuratively speak- Next Monday evening Mr. T.?'0. Ingstlllln-thelr Np'cpmpifci has; Mdnger, formerly prpeUnafcte,y-teenTrgreed upon, and; although ney o'f Lancaster coUnty, will give a, the Badgers had? their tem selected lifetift6rfotKjyttV.oi;tfit law before Che holiday rcess,;no Question college, tie win ukq a imniscnpi 01 .,-.. ul t ' ,41 , mr. . -j., . - t ' 4. -v rf i-w..w, j.,. . vtev JL"i A? . yet ben submitted. J'hls. the record of an actual criminal prose- iY""'of , ' vr "i " " ATHLETIC B0AM); HOLD MEKTINQ TO DltCUtt. r coach a'UtrrioN. Matter Left In the Xamls ef the .f t--all Cemmitteetaid te.'jN Many ""' . .ApillMfhta fer ,theesl4len. B- dfriOan.wkloh srave themlsucTi k clbst r x -jry; ' ff v. . ? .. - - MiceAseemf to hnv:e !t ir - i-V w; -S, S :.: i' &i kfr look; In for the nennant this year. althoUgluthey .will have a, hard racq, iflth. the penlors; This! event, being' the; one rbig event igIxUAtbleticsolL,he;yaIs,gen,: '.railyclopked forward to.with,ahuch suauclpatloft .by the jco-eds;.., ,. - t ' 'ThegIrlVraf?lybaske't-,b"all teanf .. Has not arranged an games as yet, " bVCw quite" likely rthatihey will 1 lave J.two or Ihree hard ganaee this year. It Is sincerely hoped 'by the Snanagememt. that Minneeeta -willcorae here. fer a game. "But. eaue ofthe ui0HJiniiiuuiCAAL jra.iiiwwwy(i vmw u cullon whlch.hehatl handled, and will- v unuwo.. uoiy- in nuonmung, mdyr WP&mn&K bfafyV&wi the Quastlpn, for debate Is entirely, urn-1 !pi1 has hadfiWutfavhundroople saUsqtory, tohe, debating;, board, it last year, Jlltlle Jhiope" Vaa. vertttVr , T"-. J. -. 'tjilnd,-r . 'rv .' ,v i. t; ii-. ' ls. m? 'v:- Dr, Clapp Is In .receipt, ofa. letter t4rom""the. Kansas City Athletic Club in 'regara to tne.uig isaoor Rtnieuc carnival to'beTheld there inv February "If-thlB ai'eet-lfl'Oarrle'out aa.-lktended v tkere wIHd .WfreV.t'At'atrv.WiHis-' rburL'AtkietIq01ubi ikaasast'Gityi Ath (' ' . itlf. ninb.. iMteaouri; ' Kansas andNe? r . bVaihca Universities. Tneet"6t t,hYaV ,. kind, should' prove a great succefss, as It prepkreas the men 'for-HMo aprlng woaW raQy' Is'rlght lu lino for the r5Wiis?wfl!' -,. w -?fi .audi-. ra-i Sev- ottke.kmg distaMe ruas will be 'frlkfal m 'the Hftyard dash; Thev Jlxe4 javent vwll ,Ikj ; runnier V iUreaSd luaip'F Val'raaBtgtklgh lp5V.;4' 7 juii, vjikeir.t and, profcaely oWf, jij?trv ' J fehearJer 'welfht's.. 0Vj v.- ' l "J T ".' . eviiuJila-. wlWa tyilb.l'shouid Itfepare k,e ,'yarilty , athletes ;for the :JLjmm8 Qltymeet,;, -.- .. oFthfa transcrlnt' nrlnWd. so tleach no pnlr .handieaB.our. TOeh In the student will HaY6rietandtkusibele PFt prepVatIon,T)ut'lt al'gl,ye to follow tho lecturer loseiInw'iB p0 Wisconsin Warn theadyantage of. explanation of .tho procedure: , The. lwQ fJ uninterrupted. work onvthe copjes' are now vbeihg..ftItritMed In i?pn,..a most,vuawo "lap" pon- oroTlHatudenfe'"may'& tho nearness of the debating, tnemlvle'8 ith, Ihe record" ie'f ore Uho season ! The. ruth !?, the question lecture. ' should Jiayp beea submitted two Vjeeks This lecture should havo. been given K0, before, the -Christmas vacation, but!ow. 'There-Is alsp a' conieatibri 'relative Inglo the" difficulty with regard to. th'e io $ ato of "the debate, Wisconsin, stenographic bureau. ..the -transcript favoring- the latter part of April, could not b-prenared in.4im.t'forvU8b;rwhreasv Nebraska prefers having at that, time. Mr..--Munger, instead of everything "off its hatrds" by the.J)e ,kls regular.lect,ure, gaYeWiniprowptu sinning of-the Basher' recess. Bxactfy ;UlkronJcVlnaHproutloh8an:whR wln h deiien, tks matter will eral. v -. probably be determlaed by the' debat- ' ,'' v lag board "Whlfch meets again tcday to Owing to 'the holidays, the, Dramatlq ' d jwus and, if .possible, to sedle' two Club ;try.-buU. for-paf fm Wlfcitw$r three 'other ImpprtantvmaUarsi, chahtof Venice", have; bfcn postponed - " - -' r 1 UiWftViU.rtAsTAurp. t . unlensPrefrim.-5" uay. evening, January iitnirpafi.'r to (,ri(iMio. .i 10 o'clock. fAli membr are urged t; Friday, January 8,1)6. ,. Wteout and .tpgnlfyUheIrHinten: Q sdjont-at.Arms-Clyde tlonftoj some; member of. the castcom- r, VL ;',-' t " " The University Athletic Board Jield ' a short meeting InDr. Clapp's ooe during the convocation period yeetej day mprnlngln order to dleou'ss, the vital question of who Is toicoaokake Cornhuker football team nexseAapH.. The. fame of the Nebraska Heam kas evidently penetrated far and wid'fer iherp were a larg number of appli cant for..thepdfiItion filled so well by I Booth for the past six yeflfs. No 0- site action wan taken by (he board, being decided that the bt oourse ' would be to jeaye -the Jtentire atatter to tk football ..committee,. TW.o: ' mlttee win look' into the roords and qualities "o( all the. promising candi dates for the position and will Wkeilto recommendations vwittiln the next couple of weeks. l The reference In yesterday's Ni-' . braskan to the small amount collected; from toiealnlng table men asnp tlced; and, a member of the football ' cpmmitteo, made -the, statement lhat since the, report in thepaper had been prepared many of the men had paid -up their assessments, so. that now less! thanjSO r'emalhsbutstadlniraiid fa menwlll glve wjfat-tqr this amowat. It was also staiid,, that It bad always . beemthe rule of" ;thV board '6reUse sweaters to all ineri jwho"" were delin-V ,,fwii.,l .- z-r .'.''"' 4UVUI, IU HIB UlAlVVlt '., I ' JBK ' ' t WKm.&a 'fffi'fi&Sr' ' '! t" 'f. ' & ' r Cjwaiih ffiiayl" - 'Qlvt tkjul Maadollh 'Olubs. ' ' -J ,V:-; 'PWafraair " , " . 1 X0t ffinl-tSWtfsaf oiigTt. ?. 1 .-.-, ' , t ; 'Ar'-.WvoArVj. frioaa Frlneeton 8ong Story Teller wattxea. ,..-., . .;s;,Farraad' ill .f-lt .-ri. f J.-I..T1..- " aatura (mm.l?iy. muist RWaiagTreasurer AMI, Miller, tha acepes be worked up which 1 v8rjnBdltor M, Sweaaorf; ; cludp two or morec characters, g.- loHistorIam Cora Berkey. .. ;, - - j j v ,v , -... . - it, u. uzman. . a . heating apparatus and. the J nmiiip of RwdlDg8eorrt?r;f lA a Fo,tll. - ? n -'S'S :bSll$& T - Haxi-Critlc TH Bed.ar, ' gliding -wnbf readorccupa. j. th .Wol tloa by theflrst.'pf.aeKtisamadtar, .M'fsju ,k;ii : lt ytWtte&M. .- ytloVlbwealdeit A, 'a. ment hppee naw to kare'-the buildlag i-j- ' compleiH)yAprn 1st; . jf"u .:fWri- -,rf j ,y J-1 " ; Thp .freabmen Hop Cpmraltte ,js .Mjsa Qkaaabars., ojt theArt lokeol roled'to meebthls.nKIt ker tJalreiaaooa InU.iio, ' : ,, ,". diriitke 'holiday.-.'. x - '.- t ' " r..r , - " . ? , .l Ka'aVaVsf 1aV akiaasa' kVfiJf aV Wf aVakskisaf ifct 'ill W aAakah'laV'MV'dVlasaV lAV iLivt UyL- -kltUf ii fiCJF tO:-F'RJ: Mandolin Ore) a. Jolly. Gkflfla Woethar , . , . : Adams b. Lullaby ... . . .. . ... t ... . , ,. v .Biabjna' Oleeanb.1 f -, Medltatkw Morrison JUodoUn Orchestra. Majch Qgfaird... Afeibal dT PT R ffi 9 n -St.- " v-- I. -s. N 'Of Sweaiera.. The claws sweej&rs that were won by the sophomore class' fobtbaliteam have arrived. They are fine gray vest sweaters with the olasa numerals. 'Hi I 'la red. Thejr are of the beat quality '' o goods, being the flnestVaat-sweater made l- by " the IpaUldlag . beaajjiBy. Fourteen" were awarded, The- reli-': en ti were: Captala Perrin, Maer u ' Matters, "Overman) Menefee, Cook; Pek, Crawford, MelugkllaByda, Koehletv Flanagan, Myers, Walteea, ty jumve, nuwxrn, if S 'o' V' L? m.- ir ii T1 Ti f - 'r.' 1) X Inlbrnual Br WWi Orchwrtw . Tldketi, D i '.Ta: IUrary soclfiUa iur Ueth aatar hw o a nw adailnlatraUon aA will koW tkatr fret reaWlar jaeethm t nlet Both sodUM wfll gl7e as. oal ears' procram. Th-FiilliMliaja wtil also hate a poeter tale. The sKwiUV Dbaiia Club will meet tomorrow nlgfct at 8 p. a. In UttJoo Hall. The gnettlon for debate la,' "Eeeo)rod Thai the twenty-nve cent t required for suffrage In the eteotioa of womoera to tho athletic board ikould be abolished." The af firvuitlTe apecaera are Messrs. Black and Martitt ; negative, Baflngton and Yodar.' " , J.'t'- After the debate thero will be an open dlecusakm of the question, fn wajeh members of the athletic board bate promised to participate. The 2,M-foot fewer irom the Bute J w; ...-. r .- tl ' 41 '41 " '. n . 't Vans to Bait Croek has baea BaJahad.4 ' fo U- v V ' i , I t? !.., . ""." Jl4iVV ,e.. .J.;, . . : n - . ' j . r -"-.a. J?HiMra imfi