KJF?'l l. rL m. . - - J, ., "". ' " it " V"'ifc c fv'"jt,'V ' r7 . r '. 'uy iVv 'a;'" 'A1 'vcwy " ' --.-- m . .. . rmrr : : " '"' ' aiw rtr 1 , "-" HBpAIUriSEpRA8KAN. '" r -H i -i ' i-i - -' ' - - J '1 Q i I "f r i v 4!.- ;n i II I r 1"4 tsi F It'-- & " P ' - h ft T1 y I ' J I :' - I'M. 1 - . : j: 1 i Hi I y i I . --'- 1 4 i - ! li' i 8am Westorfield Preprietetr.or -Sam's UmttQjm Ho -ATaSlMiUKiFfno tteak Md, Laft'oliM. if .fa) ifMtiii Stmt T n II "l Mill I II I I T.J.THORF&CO. Rubfcw SUuhiI; Stencils: Seals, Traile Cheeks, Ktyt Lock' Smltftlnij, General MMhlne .Werks, Merfel Makers, tie. 308 SMitt LINCOLN mmU i ... r MMi-MiUiMl SPALDING'S 1 Official Foot flail Guide I ' I s . , , , Fori xm Edited 'by WAtTER CAMP. Ooatalalng 4ke newly toIsed OPPI- C (Mdrnel I6ife,reiiibfaclng over'JjjSOO lyora. , FRICC, 10 CENT8 tar'utiiJky iAl Nowsdealere, Athletic Geeds dDoalera and Dopart- mont Stores, falding'a t&uioguo of all athletic tporta mailed freb to any address. A- 0- SPALDING k BROS. New York, Boaton, Buffalo, Chicago, tiixieapoua, Philadelphia, Dmrr, altUsoro, Washington, St. Loul. Kan ' iaa 'CHjri 'PUtsbtirg, San Francisco New Orleans, Syracuse, ClnelnnatJ, Ifoatreal, Can., London; Eagland. "FOLLOW THE fLaq." HOMVIrTOlNg EXCURSION, NO- ! x..;V.f-MR 2TTH. To many 'pofrife In fllinofs. IridlaHiT OWe Keatacky, Western Pennsylya 'fai.MewYHfk and.Wegt Virginia, at l QRKATLY REDUCED RATES. ' Tlie WABASH has .solid road-bed, free Vairast,' and new oqalpmfiht; rt cllllig chair cars (SEATS FREE). -5tf 1a' tes anrtra" Infdi'matlom cm ai waoasti city Offloe, U801 Br- H- W4-UU1VWJ HARRY B. MOORBSr O. A. P. D. Wab. t TL t Omaha! f Nob r. r fSO YEARS' cxprniCNCE ZhnlHftMrifiM Mnt. ' A.' drcolieU;- 'BoTis of ,khn6uncetf the nqed qf'a mechanical englnoorlng draftsman for thb Union Pacific rail road. Tho sonlormocnahlcal engineering class havo btfon making somo very" intordstlhg experiments with alcohol in the gasoline engine Preparations are being completed-for making a com plete test, Bhpwlng the valuo 6J alcohol as. a motive1 power. Tho EnBrlnnorlntr flnolnfv mnf mi Mast Wednesday evening in regular session. This mooting was purely a business mooting, yet tho largo num ber present signified tho IhtoreBt that Is being takon In tho society this year. About a dozen new mombers were voted in, and as many more announced for tho noxt rogular meeting. Mr. Friedman, chairman of thb entertain- rmont committee, announced that tho first engineering smoker of tho year wbuld fcrbbably occur tho Saturday ovonlng following the Thanksgiving holidays. Watch for tho final announcement. Tho society has rogular mootiners tho socond and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Every onglneorlng stu dent should belong to, and aid this or ganization which- Is -In a position' to bring them so much frbiri tho practical sldo of engineering. Those Wisfilng their names sub mitted may Jiand" them to J. E. Her shoy, 0. L. Hedges and H. C. Currier. Membership and Initiation dues may b given to A. Paleri, fiurr Bay and A. E. Hlbner. A letter from L. A. Sheldon, '05, who., Is employed In; the turblno test ing department of tfic Genoral Elec tric company of Schonectfidy N. Y., states that tho work Is very satisfac tory and that ho has gained somo va uablo experience along that lino. R. E. White, '05, L. W. Turnor, 0G, C. C. McDowoll, '05, O. P. Browri, '04,. arid R. A. Walton, '05, aro also -working for tho same company, and the boys aro rooming, together. Tfao plass In Mechanics of Materials, Applied Mechanics 15, havo figured tho stresses inv tha supports of the grandstnnd-and report that it has a largo factor of safoty. No doubt this will ease tho minds of many who hayc worried for tholr own safoty since reading oftho accidents to grand stands on other athletic fiolds. A. E. Miller has just finished a de sign of a centrifugal grain separator with tho direct connected gasoline en gine attachment Tho Inventor has experimented with tho device and has found it very satisfactory. J. B. Davidson, '04, assistant pro fessor in charge of the department of Agricultural Engineering at Ames, la., writes that ho Is well satisfledjilth his work and has plenty to do. Professor Stout wont to Omaha on business yesterday. J 4- .Green was seen on the campus. Wednesday, A Mltlo .troublo was experienced this week with tho big onginoTn tho Electrical Engineering laboratory on account of its bearings heating. Senior E BJs are wrestllm? with ta,lternating.current problems nt prcs- UIU. ,-J -J. 4 . Every I ni Student -W "ILL BB) interested in tk Rudge & Guenzel adver tising that will appear in the Journal and Star o Sunday morning. Watch for it aad wkobp hei up for the 'Cornhuskers." Buy your ribbons, buy everything yon need in the Dry Goods and' Furniture lines from a firm that is loyal to Ui interests. No stores in the city carry any higher quality of merchandise tkaa do Rttdge & Guenzel Co., and ym pay no' more for "quality' merchaMdie hefe than ariywhere else price will, ht in your favor in most instances . . . Tiiack Makk IhrUAMB CovmTAc. MrinibMl Una , laU 5onc JfMKrkan. UMcm of any gdwuag Journal. Teraa.8 UrMcwtb.tiri6M brail newicltalera. 'MM ioMtkB.IL gdM brail newadMlftra. ; Co1?,"r. Hew York Thanksgiving Rates. Via the Missouri Pacific will be one and one-third faro to all points within 200 miles, Tickets on safe NdYcmber 29 and. 80, good to return until Decem ber 4.- Trains leave Lincoln nt 0:16 a. m. and 10:15 p. m, City Ticker Offlce, S. W. Cor. 12th and ,0 Sts. Depot, 9th and S.- , . P. D. CORNELL, P. & T, A, Show your colors strong at the Nebraska-IWiM game, ixemenioer, we will make your bows and streamers Fi0t nf rhnrio wJ A? OxteRIBBON - . .- :. t - -v.. "11 U U JN T E R 8ue ere teFltmreHPfy free w MmdtomA - A now course In Military ScTonce has just been arranged and approved by the Chancellor. Tho title' of tho course is "Army Papers" and 4s open only to those men -who havo comploted thoir military reaulromonts. For tho four hours recitation required, two hours credit will bo given. Captain Worliizor has especially designed this course in order to got tho clerical work out of the hands of those men who have not completed their drill requirements." This will also allow creilit for the officers. Tho Studonts' Dobating (lub is con sidering tho probability ol adjourning their meeting at an oarly'hour tonight and attonding tho County FalFln-a body, Inasmuch as the club. Is nlan. "hing .to givo a cood program In thn near futurjQhls moyomentrif success ful, ought to place them In the right light with tho co-eds. Sunday afternoon at tho Ol Ivor Theatre, Dr. Earl Douglass Holtz of Pittsburg will address tho men's mass incotlrtg on "Opportunity and possl blllty." JDr. Holtz Is a brilliant speak er.and will present a very Interesting and helpful talk. Miss Maude Ken dall winding. Every young man should moko It a point to bo prosent. - - , Dr. Woodward, (llunn nra nt 1. A.. I ear, nose and throat. Richards block' The. University Y, M. C.'A. has Just Issuod a small tract containing many InterosUng facts about tho A.!-. TOMMY, TH wi I iMRL v i ppppppR flSPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJ fpppVlppppppppppppppj UkViMllftiai THE UNI'ft W MrUtKfy kiMv Mw.. Ltfy Wn i IT ' SB Printf Ii41-K HTREET-IJU 1 X if I Li 3 -f e I 'JUt ' Hr' - ,' - ' tion. Everyhody be, sure and get one. ChaHs BfM, Ffeeieta. Ttk . t , n i . i " r" H . - t. - -i " t il .; Ma "".-! I , A n ., i. i ij , - m; at ? , BraneU Eat at the Unl. Music Cafe.