, '- U THE DAVLY INEBRASKAN. 'H "j " "li it' 3 t i i i ITv M r? r ije ' tf I' l i JR'ir w .' 1' ' w tbt Daily Hebraskan x." A'iconsolldntlon of - , The IlesporlAn, Vol. "31, Tlio Nebraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and -Monday, at tho University of Nobnmlca,' Lincoln, Nob., by tho Ilosporlan Publish ing Co. ' Board of Directors. O. V, P. Stout. Lauronoo Posslor. II. P. Lcavltt. , Dwlght Cramor. A. O. Schrolbor. Etjltor-In-Chlef John D. Clark Manager Fred NaUghton Assistants. Nown..... J. 13. Hodnnr Athletic It. A. Van Oredol Circulation. 7; W. 13. Stnndoven, Editorial Roomr. U20V&. Business OfTlco, U 211. Post Oftlco, Station A, Lin coin, Nob. Ofllce hours of DusIuosb Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. Telephone Automatic 1628 Night Te.lephone.r-. ...Automatic 2365 'Subscription Price, $2 per ycur In advanco Entered at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln, Neb., uh second-class mall matlor undor tho act of congress of March 3. 1870. Individual notices will bo charged for nt tho rato of JO cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental nnd university bul letins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. SOUVENIR NEBRA8KAN8. The souvenir Football number of the Dally Nebraskan has been taken off sale at the book stores, but there are a few copies at the office of the No-, braskan which' may be had at the regu lar price, ten cents. DO SOME PR08ELYTING. Most of the largo, student body of tho Unlvorslty will spend the Christ jnius vacation at home, and oach one of Ihese will have an opportunity to Kay a good word for tho University to some young man or young lady who intends) to . onter college , within the noxt year, or so. Kaun student should fel It his. duty to talk for Nebraska at every opportunity, and should feel It a personal., fault should any acquain tance wliqjs solectlng a collego selecjt somo' other IhuU -Ncbrnskn. Shpw him how. Nebraska Is ranked among tho universities of tho country, and make Him feel that.lt is not only u duty hut a prhilego to attend tho University of his slato. ". ' . - This .will bo the, last number of tho "Dally Nobrttskan" until after tho Christmas, holidays, the next issue be ing on Thursday, January 4. Wo wish all students a "merry Christmas and happy Now Year and trust that each will enjoy" himself so thoroughly dur ing tho vacation that ho will come brick with on added zest for college work and a dcopor desire to bo and do something In tho University. New Coast Rules for Football. The Joint athletic committee of Stanford and California Universities met last' week and adopted the follow-tag-resolution regarding, the reform of football ns playedhon-tho coasts - "Jlesolvod, by tho Joint Athlo(lc Commltteo of tho University of iCa.ll fornin andho Leland Stanford Junior University, that wo recommend tp tho faculties of tho two univorsitlos in question that the Intercollegiate foot ball contest shall bo no longer hold undor tho regulations of tho present football Rules Commltteo. Wo rec ommond as a substitute the present English Rugby game, or else the pros out Amorlcan game with such modifi cations as shall 'promise to eliminate tho existing evils." Miss .Chambers of the School of Art is again ablq to attontl classos,, hav ing recovered from a recont attack of la grippe Laws 'Hold Meetlna. v The Law classes hold a Joint motj lngxyesterdny morning during tho con; vocation hour to discuss tho law book. Tho ddltor, Mr. Davis," nnd the man ager, Mr. Rolfson, told of the kind of book they wanted to get out, and of tho possibility ogpttlng out such a -book without financial loss If all the classes pulled together. As the Junior clns& hud decided not to take part In the publication, several members wero called upon to assign reasons for this action, and an effort was made to per suade thorn of tho error of their ways. Nothing definite was done, excepting tho-promiso of President Corey of the Juniors to call a meeting for the pur pose of reconsidering the action taken at tho last one. Dr. E. Holovtchiner Will Lecture. Arrangements hnvo been made for Dr. -E. Holovtchiner to lecture at the University. Tho lecture will bo given In Memorial Hall, Friday ovening, Jan uury the 12th. Dr. Holpvtchinor is a Russian by birth. Ho ha been edu cated in the universities of Russia and has also studied in several of tho leading universities of Germany. HIb subject will bo "Pushkin, tho Founder of Modern. Russlnn Literature." The lecture Is given under the auspices of tho Graduate Club. NotTonly the members of tho club, but also the pub lic will bo invited,. Tho following Is from tho "Pacific Wave," of the University of Washing-J ton. Dr. Morlt. was formerly a mem ber of tho faculty of tho Mathematics department at Nebraska: "In the latest Isbuo of the American Mathematlc Society bulletin, an ab stract of tho paper prepared for the San Francisco sosslon recently by Dr. Robert B. Morltz is givon. 'On Log: rlthmic Involution, the Commutative Arithmetic Process of tho Third Or der,' Is the title of the paper which wns read at the convention In Dr. Mqrltz's absence. The paper, which Is n very valuably contribution to higher mathematics, will be offcrod to the Annals of Mathematics fo.r publi cation." Seniors, got pictures taken before Christmas. Tl UIC LINCOLN CANDY KITCH'N 1337 O 8TIIKET. . ALL KINDS OF CANDY NOVELTIES, FOOT BALLS AND FANCY BOXES PURE HOME MADE CANDY, FRESH' EVERY DAY - FRE8H EVERY DAY! Our Candles and Baked Good aro Always Fresh and QoodCatflUng. our specialty. .THE MAXWELLXO. Both Phottei. 13th and M.Sts. GEORGE A7 WILSON contractoiTTnd builder Estimates furnished upon nppllcntlon, Job work promptly attended to. 1 245 Sllllh Tilth St. LINCllN, NEIRASKA T.J.TH0RP&C0. nuuocr oiamps, menciiSaJJ Seals, Trade Checks, KftySTI lock Dimming, uoneral Machine Works, Model Makers Elo. 308,8,0, IHb, m iCI-HIT W FINE LEATHER INOVELTIES, USEFUL DURABLE! ORNAMENTAL1 IJIOCKET BOOKS, Card Cases, Bill Books, Shop g ping, and Writ Hug, Thinks,. Oxford Bags, Suit- Cases, Ladies 'Satchels, Fitted Bags, Flasks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Rolls, etc., etc. Our lino is complete and of the newest styles. Visit us : : : j : : VIIRICKt TRUNK STORE 1036 O STREET , ' iMjMt)M( FRATS- When in need of WHITEBREAST COMPANY We will treat you right Office 1106 O. Phones. Bell 234: Auto 1610 l3mJU Protected by Tho first railway in America to adopt tho absolute Block System in the operation f all trains was tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Railway It to-day has more milea of road opora tod. jandor block signal rtxlo than any othor railway company. Thb St. Paul Road wm tha first railway to light Its trains by electricity, and it now has moro than 400 eleotric-Ughfed passenger cars in daily sorvioo. Three trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago, orery day. For time table, special rato write F. A. NASH, Crl WaUr Agent, IB 3 4 FurMHBi Birt.t, tfKAUA, MILLER & PAIlE In the next five minutes you can decide what the Christmas package for your mother shall contain. The idea is concealed in this list and the prices attached may help.you pull the string Peess pattern All wool black goods, 50c to $2.00 n yard. Black silk, 50c to $2.00 n ynrd. Box of gloves Suede or glnco finish, $1.00 to $2,00 a pair.. Table linens Beautiful pattern clothH with soft satiny finish, 2, 2, 3, 3, y, and G yards long anil 2 yards wTTTe, from -95c to $5.00 a yard. Napkins to match, $3.00 to $15 a dozon. Lace collars, 50c to $15- Card case, 85c to $2.75. Small clock for her room, $1.25 to $-10. J A picture, 25c to $18. A white apron, 25c to $1.25. A fur neckpiece, $2.85 to $85. A bottle of perfume, 25c to $5.00. i i Often. sp5 I .' " . ; '' pvff- JSL w- J mxmm COAL call and see f the , - i " -' Block Signals Paul "S SBB. A pretty china dsh, 25c to $25; . An artistic vase, 25c to $25. Collar and'euff set, 60c to $6.50. 311k scarf for the neck, $1.23 to $9.00. Lace trimmed handkerchief 25q to $12. Box of stationery, 25c to $8.50. Silk umbrella with her Initial en graved, $3.00 to $12. . Shopping bag fitted with purse nml'card case, 1.00 tor$207" An aluminum cooking utensil, 25c to $4.00. , An art calendar, 25c to $3.00. A gift book, 25c to $3,00. Silk petticoat, $5.00 to $45, Handsome comb for her hair. 50c to $5.00. . ' A souvenir spoon. ' "i t V V. tsn v m J . 1 i life.,. m: r -VT4 K, t--Lr-2b & 'T.T' ' V"' fall IHM w