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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1905)
I -."-' K mr-3 'V. m ,i -T.- t V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. .1 CLASSIFIED COLUMN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8 -. i w J ETry Loral Unhrenlty BtScUaf ! j X fcaa adrarllf ,, KBd to neatlea j tea papiivvHll0VdelBr lo. t J I H BAHBER SHOPS Tho Arlsto, Green's. Palace, Mogul, George's Placo. BAKERY Mrs. Petry BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug- Co., Harry Porter. OOKHPSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First National.-. BQWLIG ALLEY Crescent: CAtflH Sam Westerflold,- Don Cam ' eron. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudge & duonzel. CARPEN.TER Geo. A. Wilson. ' CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug ' Store, CHINA Rudgo & Guenzel Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup Jb 1 Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Dcemer, Ludwlg. COAL GregoryrWhltebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol som. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DINING HALL University Dining ' Room. ' DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Rlggs, Steiner, Woem- pener, Brown, Rector, Harley. 0RY POOD'S Miller & Paine, Herpol ', Rudge & Guenzel. 'EXPRESS Lincoln Local. 'PDORISTS Chnpin Bros. FI 'URNl.TURE Rudge & Guenzel Co., Hardy. kURRIER-zSteele. ' GROCERS O. J. King & Son. . ' HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. . ''HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzel Co., x ' ,' HaU Bros." I HOTELS Lindell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., Merchants. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. -' ". OCULISTS Dr.-Davis. i PHOTOGRAEHER Tdwnsond. POOL AND BILLIARDS Tho Heldol burg. - i . l r PRINTING George. Bros., Now Cen tury, Ivy Press.-R'ovlew Press, Greer Cooper Co- - . RESTAURANTS Don Cafe, Good Health, Phoenix. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium 'Rink. . SHOES Sanderson. , SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. '' TA'lLORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type ,wdteiCo ' - t,K " " ,. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erir B. Wood- nmyu sw WAmRSBUREAITTBQrant V Wttivt-wty Mw knwn as the STOSErjJT3' LAUNDRY , ti . Ife WMtviur business. YtlEK BROS. HANDLAVNDnY 1514 O Street AHto784i BeH574 j; yAITERS' BUREAJQ W. D- OIIANT, Manager - Firbt class service puarantootl at all re ceptions, parties, eolations and bauquota, Forinformationtrltiup Antejabaae 838P 10 No. tOth St. CXXXXDCXXX5COCXXXXXXXX)COOn COLUMBIA NATIONAL DANK ' OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $JOO,000.00 SPECIAL8 NOTICES. . riato ono cent poty word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. FOUND. A PLACE to got a goouM2.50 hat $2.50 Hat Store, 1141 O St. FOUND A largo gentlomad's signet ring. Owner may secure same by call? ing at this office and paying 'charges. Pound1 Wednesday on" tho; campus, brown mottled fountain 'pen. Owner can have same by calling at,Nobras kan ofllco and paying for this nd. t ' Found PocKotbook contain)ng sev eral articles of small value. Owner may have samo by paying for this ad. and Identifying property. $50 dress 'sUit, used one season, $25, medium size. Address Room 110, X.lndell Hotel. " ME88ENQER3. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 190, Auto. 2233. N0VELTIE8. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 30S So. 11th St. " UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & RjOPER, private ambulanco Bervicc. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SULPIIO-SALINE Bath Houso, Hth and M Sts. 8UITORIUM. . - HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at tho "Weber Suitorlum, 11th and O Sts. . BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAGER BROS., Basement Windsor hotel. No.. 11th St. Baffga'go and parcels. ' FOR RENT ROOM8. Modern room, suitable for two or three. 534 North Twelfth street. Ladies wishing good homo board bleaso call at 534 North Twelfth-street. Also ono room for rent. " 8H0E REPAIRING.- THE only up-to-dato repairing factory In tho city. Prices tho lowest. Work manship tho best. 1220 O St. " DENTI8T8. ' BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. HA1R.DRE88ER8. ' BEST soft wntor shampoo in tho city, 124 No. 12th St. Elizabeth Good man. 25-2t . FOR SALE. : FOR SALE-Law library, of 6p0 vol umes, in excellent' condition;' will trade for good, land. Sqe Fred B. Humphrey, 132 No. 11th St. LOST. Lost On campus, gold initial (L-M) pin. Return to1 Psychology Laboratory. Friday, Jan. 12w 0 p. ra. Freshman Hop. Fraternity Hall. January 26. Offlcors' Hop. Fraternity Hall. OLIVER THEATRE cxxxDpc5cxxxxx)oob6booooo WED. MAT. &. NIGHT, DEC.20 "THE IRISH PAWNBROKERS" Sat. Matinee' ,& Night, Dec. 23. WM. H. WEST BJG JUBILEE MINSTRELS Mat. 25c. Eve.'il.00,75,'59,'125c. Tphrlstmasltfat '&. Night "" EVA TAN QUAY ,JNi - The Sambo Girl, m RS.J.IA.' RETRY . ...BAKERY... 1. TRY ear SPECIAL RICB BREAD' RHONC W -' '434 Month Eleveaite .Street, LIbcoIm - c : : ' TAKE YOUR CLOTHES ASD GO TO SOUKUP &,WOOD EXPERT CLEAN EPS AND DYERS. DEX4 TEL, 147. ' AUTO 1M3. ' ' 1390 W STREET. ' Friday, Feb. 9.' 9 p. m. Junior Prom. Lincoln hotel. Friday, Feb. 16. 9 p. m. Junior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. ?. Friday, Aprll- 9 p. m. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Leaders Noon' Meetings, Y. W. C. A. Tuesday Miss Hansen. t Wednesday Miss Hrubesky., Thursday Miss Archibald. Y. W. C. A. Membership Contest. Seniors 11 now mpmbers. Juniors ? new members. Sophomores 9 nw members. Freshmen 5 new members. Convocation. L Wodnesday, Dec. 0 Annual Christ mas Concert, Handel's "Messiah." "Chaplain Chancellor B. B. An drews. ' Freshmen basket-ball playeriB reet rogularly every ' Tuesday and' Satur day at 1 p. m. In gymnasium for practice. If the person who did not got all that was coming to him at tho Per shlngHop, and took a pennant as part payment, will make himself known, tho committee would like to reimburse tho cost of his ticket so that ho would fool satisfied, Committee. , STUDENT - TRADE - SOLICITED STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. DON'S CAFE 114 I5..11 J. Wil:h!, Mr Uili8rDlnlng;Roon in Connection; OPEN 6 A. M. TO 1 ATM. (2500ffiO1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital ....$' 300,000.00 Surplus and ProhV 200,00000 ' Deposits . . . . . . .'. 3,620,00.00 t Ji0-30 QUALITY ye OUR8ODA TASTES LIKE MOKE Rlai, TlnDrujCulter U 1321 Q, St. WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT 'ANYTHING. LET US.CON- vince you ... . GREERCOOPER CO. --" 1134,0 STREET. JOHN I, MARSHALL -' i ii' 15he LEU B4RP 1 . l ' 'W- -1 n WW w M. wm. ' t" KJlsU JK.IL.MAOivlL. FIR8T-OI.A8S HAIK CUTTING , ' silAYIKQ AVD SII AMPOOINO 12355 N STREEf - -1 1 Holjday Excursion Rates To accommodato holiday trav elers .a rate'of-ono faro and one third for tho round trip tp mnny points on tlio UnTon-Paclflc-iind rltscouneotlugv Hnea; has been )laced Ineffect by.thtJ UniqN pA&Ific X ! Dates of Said, Dec.' 22, .23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1005, and Jan. ljDOG; Ylth final return limit .fan. 4, 190G. Additional dates of sale and longer limit for sludentjs ,and teachers holding -cbrtlflcajes. Inquire of ' , . . ,E. B. SLO68ON) .General Agents , New York - . Past dollvr train" service v'athe Chcagor&N6rthil NVfJi Railway, v uuuuicirncic, railway Allssqurl River, to. .ChJcuco.- connect-. ilnj; at Chicago with all lines;' fori an pojuts East. Thctralns. of;;the NorMesterfllLfliel are rapstcompletelvi equipped foftthe .safety jnd corafortoo( pAttjonfi,. ' Tfie'lBcsl of 6ieryt(iing TVctiind full Information on.upplt&llon to ... .. . . .rr? w..r,.rv. .: CHcmf'WIckteftr Railway nwiw , : 3 vyhatr aidance'WjthoutTmryZ sBBHsffisi HMssssi . J A 1 -. TOMMY, THE CATERER. Try thoie new candy mints. A .1 - - m IK T