The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1905, Image 2
fc?''t- -M) , " - f . if " THE DAkLV NEBRASKAN. t 4 f f Yi 'T i IW I to fo ?' (is; r i,ur 1 fe; it. t t.'tt. it : I: bc Daily Depraskan X consolidation of ' Tho Hcsporlati, Vol. 31, Tho Nobraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Creum, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Btout. Laurence Fossler. ' H. P. Lcavltt. " JDwIglit Cramer 4 A. Q. Sehrolber. EdItoMn-Chlef. ....... .John D. Clark Manager. Fred Naughton Assistants. News J. E. Bcdnar Athletic ;.... ft. A. Van Orsdol Circulation W. E. Standoven Editorial Roomr, U 204. .Business Ofllce, ."U 2UW. Post Oraco, Station A,"Lln . coin. Nob. OlTlco hours of Business Manager and Editor, moo to ii:80 daily. , -' .i i.- ..-- i. -- i telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 (subscription Price, $2 por year In advanco Entered at tho postodlco at Lincoln', Nob., as second-class mall matter under tho act of congress of March 8. 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for nt the ruto of 10 conts for each Insertion. Faculty' departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. SOUVENIR NEBRA8KAN8. The souvenir Football number of the Dally Nobraskan has been taken off sale at the book stores, but there are a few copies at the' office of the No braskan which may bo had at the regu lar price, ten cents. Camp's All-American. Walter Camp has finally selected his all-American football team, Oifly one western man has received a position on the first team. Eckersall of Chi cago, tho famous drop-kicker and quarterback, is tho new nil-American quarter. The team selected by Mr. Camp is as' follows: End Shovlin, Yale. Tackle Lamson, Pennsylvania. Guard Tripp, Yale. Center Torroy, Pennsylvania. Guard Burr, Harvard. Tackle Squires, Harvard. End Glaze, Dartmouth. Quarter Eckorsall, Chicago. Half Roome, Yale.' Half Hubbard, Amherst. Pull McCormlck, Princeton. On tho second and third teams Chi cago and Michigan each got three po sitions, Wisconsin two and Minnesota ohej Last yoar Bender of Nebraskn was on the third team. Wo wish to call tho attention of all readers to the advertisements appear "ing In the Nobraskan this week. Near ly all students, especially thoso living iii the smaller towns of the state, pro euro tho presents they desire to give to members of their families before leavlng.Lincoln, since thoro is a wider cliolco hero and prices urb somewhat cheaper. It is to these that we recom mend that they run over our advertise ments before malting purchases. By doing bo they will save themselves much trouble and some little money, and wiil do a favor to tho Nobraskan, especially If this paper is mentioned at tho time of the purchase. WJ.iJlo talking to a merchant yester day wq learned that a large number of fancy costumes which certain young men of tho. University had borrowed for tho County Fair had not yet been returned. Anjnquiry nt the rooms of the Y. W. C. A. showed that here war, no. responsibility there, as the. men had made all arrangements themselves and still had the suits in their posses sion, despite requests that they be re turned. Since the merchant was kind enough (q give 'the use of thesp expen sive costumes freo of charge, it is to bo hoped tlut this matter will bo at tended to at once and .that a proper explanation of the delny bo made. i-' :;.. - Ann Arbor banks are used to hav- Iner tthlflont flnnnrlrtra Invont nvlcrlnol and radfcal niolhods of banking, and the laurel wreath may well be award ed to a freshman this' year. '" This young Wri had made 'a small deposit, " and overdrawn It in he course of, time. The bank' pomply sent him a" notice. Thoj answer, which camo In by return mail',' was; a cheqk for tho amount on 'ih'e samo bank. Michigan Daily; - ' Tho course; of lectures on forestry by Mr. C. A. Scott' of tho United States Forest Service Will , begin Monday, January Ahnm, continue daily for two sweok8. These addresses will be .open to thq public. They will bo given at one o'clock in room 110, Nebraska Hall, Messiah Program. Tomorrow tho annual Christmas con vocation program will be given in Me- morlal Hall. Mrs. Raymond has workod hard to make the Messiah pro gram this year the best over. The soloists selected are of the best, Mrs. R A. Holyoke, Miss Charlotte Hull horst, Mr. George, Johnston, and Mr. B. B. Gillespie. Miss Stolla Rico will bo "at tho pipe organ. Tho final re hearsal of tho Messiah will be held to night In Memorial Hall at 7:30 sharp. Members of both tho Glee" Clubs are requested to be present for this" re hearsal. All. 11:30 classes on Wednesday are excused In order that the students may attend the program, which will Iqst an hour. Several of tho forestry boys will spend their vacation In a study of tho lumber industry in the field. Mr. M. A. Benedict left Saturday morning for the northwest to investigate logging operations as carried on in Idaho and Washington, and Messrs. F. W. Mor rell, G. A. Parson, and C.NJ. Humphrey leave today for the south, where they will make similar studies in Arkansas and Texas. v . John R.- Bender, the famous athlete, who Is now Instructor in athletics rit Spearflsh Normal, was on the campus yesterday greeting oUl friends. He will remain In Lincoln for a few days Land then proceed to his home in Sut ton, where he will spend the Christmas holidays. It is probable that Minnesota will be dropped from Wisconsin's football schedule for next year. Three games like the one with Michigan, Chicago and Minnesota are considered too hard on tho Bador team, and through the recommondatlqn of Phil King It is probable that the latter game will 'be .dropped. The. Minnesota game has been kopt up mainly .as a source of revenue. IL the game Is -dropped the Gophers will have. been ostracized by ajl the leaders In athletics among tho Big Nine. Tho only possible draw back that- can arise from such an ar rangement Is the strife which will necessarily, arise In regard to tho question. of tho Western championship. If "Doc" Williams' proteges succeed In winning from tho second-rate schools . with which they are accus tomed for tho mosJL part to play, tho Gophers as usual will claim tho west ern championship, and- there will bo no way to settle the relative merits of the. teams. Nebraska will be the only team that both Minnesota and Michigan play, and It will be Impossi ble to decide mattors by the! relative scores. Michigan Dally. .CHRISTMAS GOODS. RUNE LEATHER NOVELTIES USEFUL : DURABLE r- ORNAMENTAL RIOCKET BOOKS, Card Cases, Bill Books, Shop- . jg 'ping und Wrist Bags, Trunks, Oxford Bags, Suit Cases, Ladies Satchels, Fitted Bags, Flasks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Rolls, etc., etc. Our line is complete and of the newest styles. Visit us : : : : I i . VkIRICIC'S. trunk: store 1036 O STREET , ,, ' ' THE HEIPLEBURQ POOL HALL BILLIARDS AND POOL; - CIQARS AND TOBACCO Auto 4453; Ball F IS7I. I46 North I Jth Street. Protected by Block Signals Tho first railway in America to adopt the absolute Blook System in the operation f all trains was the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway It to-day has more miles of road oporatod undor block signal rulo than any othor railway company, The Si Paul B'oad was the first railway to light its trains by electricity, and it now has moro than 400 elocjrio-lighted passenger cars in daily sorvioo. Throe trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago, every day. " For time table, special rate write F. A. NA8H, Gea.rml WMtera AWt, X58S F.ra.m Street, UHAIIA, NEB. GRESGENT BOWLING ALLEY tlA- N STREET si-. V " ; PRIVATE - ALLEYS - FOR LADIES MILLER & PAINE In the next five minutes you can decide what the Christmas package for your mother shall contain. The idea is concealed in this list and the prices attached may help you pull the string Dress pattern All wool black goods, 50c to $2.00 a yard. Black silk, 50c to $2.00 a yard. Box of gloves Suede or glaco finish, $1.00 to $2.00 n pair. Table linens Beautiful pattern cloths with soft satiny finish, 2, 2&, 3, 3, 4, and 5 yards long and 2 yards wde, from 95c to $5.00 a yard. Napkins1 to matclL$3.00 to $15 a dozen, Lace collars, 50c to $15. . Card case, 35c t -$2.75. 8mall clock for her room, $1.25 to $40. A picture', 25c to $18. A white apron, 25c to $1.25. , A fur neckpiece, $2.$5 to $85. A bottle of perfume, 25c to $5.00. V, A pretty china dish, 25c to $25. An artistic vase, 25c to $25. , Collar and' cuff set, 50c to$j$p. Silk scarf for the neck, $1.25 to $9.00. Lace trimmed handkerchief, 25c ' to $12. . Box of stat.lonery,Z5c to jSO. Silk umbrella with her Initial en- graved, $3.i)0 to $12. Shoppjng bag- fitted with, purse and card case, $i,00 to $20.v An aluminum cooking utensil," 4uc io ji.vy. , An art calendar, 25c,to $3.00. A gift book, 25c to $3.0k ' Silk petticoat, $500 to $45. Handsome comb for her hair. 50c to $5.00. " ' A souvenir spoon. ' ' ' ' , ' " ? -'- " A i- -1 ?." ., 4j 7 A I v4 2... I ' , , - i f , , . ..' -r wsrr: m iitsMTir T T I T l . u , isiaK.