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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1905)
ZIbe 2)ail flebraekan Vol. V. No, 56. UNIVERSITY "OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1905. Price 5 Cents U M V l ;. X v h L W v i ft s BOARD Of REGENTS MAKE "STUDENT8 A CHRISTMAS GIFT OF A DAY. Add First Tuesday in January to the Vacation Found Inter-Fraternity Committee. At the meeting of the board of re gents lastFridny it was decided that the Christmas vacation should be lengthened by the addition of one day, the first Tuesday in January, and the date for the beginning of college work waaTset on Wednesday morning, Janu ary 3. The fraternity situation was dls-cussed-at some length, and the recom mendation of the committee appointed by the Chancellor was adopted. This calls for the formation ofn-fraternlty. council consisting of one active mem ber, of each fraternity, one alumnus of each chapter, and one member of the faculty to be selected by this coun cil and the Chancellor.. This council Is to have very complete powers, and will have complete supervision over the rushing, pledging and chapter life of the different fraternities. It Is ex pected that this council will b6 able to obviate the evils of early rushing to a considerable degree. The question of naming the new phyBlcs building was taken up, and tho name "Braco Laboratory of Phys Icjb" was adopted, in honor of the late head of that department This name was adopted in preference to the more simple one of "Braco Hall which had been recommended. Revised plans for the new museum to be erected north of the Armory wercs received and accepted? Bids will bo called, for immediately, and work should begin early next spring. t)ktit)k)k tit- tit & i i t L- id it n a a it' it it it it it it it it it it it WEDNESDAY CONVOCATION MESSIAH PROGRAM Both Glee Clubs, Soloists, Orchestra, JJniverslty Chorus i H H H H it H H it H H H H H H H H i U.OQ A, M H.30 Classes Dismissed kV A W W tfr k W fcs W W A A W A A A A A b W A A A A A t ' ttV isfE t c Railroad Rates. For the information of alltudents who Intend to o homo -for the Christ mas holidays, we give below the method of procedure in obtaining the special rates made to students: A rate of one fare, and a third, has been granted to all points between Denver and Chicago. The dates of sale will be Thursday and Friday, De cember 21 and 22. Final-return limit', .- Wednesday, January 3. These tickets are issued only to bona fide students who possess certificates from the reg istrar's ofilce. These certificates wljl " bo; issued on Thursday. After obtain ing the certificate, it must be taken to 'the Rock Island office on the corner :of Eleventh .and O Btreets, where the secretary pf the Passenger association will countersign it, charging twenty five cents for this service. It must then be taken to the office of the road . over which the student wishes to go; where the ticket may be procured. Those who so wish can avoid all thjs- trouble by waiting until Friday. Oij that day the general, holiday rates go ihtpveffect, and as these rates are ' the same as the studeat rates, and no certificates are required to secure them, it will be much more convenient to?walt until thatvday. These tickets 'are also good for ono day longer than the student tickets. Convocation.. Mr. F. E. Bishop, an alumnus of the University of Nebraska, gavo an ad dress at convocation yesterday on the "Contrast in Efficiency Between Orien tal and Western Civilization.'' The speaker first spoke of efficiency as being the measure of progress in nations as well as in individuals. "A' test In the efficiency of nations," said he, "is, in the last analysis, a test li the efficiency of the individuals who compose tho nation." Proceeding from this definition as a basis, he pointed out the contrasting features in effi ciency In Eastern nations, emphasiz ing especially Russia, China and Ja pan. "Tho element of time," ho said, "ought to be given duo consideration, and tho fact that the Japanese, with a much shorter period of independence than tho Westerner, equals, ' and In many instances excels, him in effi ciency Is all the more to his credit' The speaker emphasizerd the pro gress Japan has made In recent wars. The smoothness with which she con ducted her recent war both on tho battlefield and in diplomatic circles. Tn her war she mae a better record than did hq United States in tho war With Spain. "There was less criticism, almost no removal of officers in com mand because of dishonesty and a lack of efficiency, better treatment of pris oners, better sanitary conditions, few cases, if any, of graft, and certainly no cases in which the element of dis honesty and graft reached such an odious pre-eminence as in the em balmed beef 'BcandaLTJn which th6 United States was Involved. DRAMATIC CLUB WILL PRESENT BU8T OF CrlAN CELLOR ANDREWS. A Work of Art, Done at Great Coit, and Under the Direction of Amer ica's Greatest Sculptor. New 'Student Directory. Tho Y. M. 0. A. Is making prepara tions for tho publication of a directory of all the faculty and students of the' University, giving their addresses and telephone numbers. The names ,and addresses are obtained from the office of tho .registrar, but tho telephone numbers must be supplied by the in dividuals themselves.- For the pur pose oQhis list, a tablet will be posted in- a conspicuous place in the Y. M. .C. A. rooms this morning and will re main for the entire week, or until the directory goes to- tho printer. Mom horn at frntnrnitleR who live in the chapter house need not trouble them selves to give their numbers, as they are already listed, but all other stu dents, should see to It that they are on tho list within the next-two or threo days.. In signing, give name, kind of telephone, and number of It. Will Debate Wiscbnsln. Tho University of Nebraska has at last broken Into the "Big Five" de bating league, consisting of Minn' ota, Wisconsin, Northwostorn, Cbtuigo and Michigan. Word was recolvod by the debating board lato last week to tho effect that tho University 6f Wis- ,consln had decldod to meet us In de-. bate and, although no doflnlto agree ment has yet been mado, It is quite likely that the match will bo "pulled off," or "fought out," at Madison some time noxt spring. This "taking on" of Wisconsin means a groat deal to Nebraska. Heretofore we havo mot such institu tions as Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Washington and, although in every Instance we havo landed a vic tory, tho time has come' when wo wish to test our forensic mettle against larger game. In Wisconsin wo should find a most worthy opponent, for hor record In de batons a long and distinguished one. In intercollegiate debate that institu tion hns for years taken a foremost, if not the Wremosl, place among the universities of tho Mississippi valley. She regularly debates with Michigan and Minnesota and has been a pretty constant winner. Tho Badger debaters will bo even more formidable this year thmTany year heretofore, since, in addition to their increased library facilities, a prominent Harvard instructor has been added to the department of rhetoric, which Is ono of the most heavily manned departments of the Institu tion. There is a possibility that Nebraska may also establish debating relations with another of the most important universities In the Mississippi valloy, the only thing standing In tho way be ing the expense of holding such a con test. The university in question Is un decided on that account- Tho Dramatic Club, at a mooting held last Friday night, decided4 to present the University of Nebraska with a marble bust of Chancellor E. B. Andrews. This has been considered for some tlmo by tho club, and a com mittee had been appointed by Miss Howell to confer with the chancellor lnregard to the matter. Ho consented to sit for tho sculptor In Novr-York somo tlmqdurlng tho coming Bprlng or summer. Tho work Is to bo done by a woman pupil of Amorlca's greatost sculptor, St. Oaudens of Now York." In secur ing such an artist tho club guarantees the University' the finest kind of work. Tho biiBt will bo life size and mado of tho best kind of marblo It Is possible to secure It Is not, Ukoly that tho work will bo completed for somo eigh teen months, for It Will bo necessary that the Chancellor sit soveral times boforo the piece of art may be com pleted. It is hoped to hayo It com pleted in ordor that tho University may receive it in time to put it into tho now Temple. The Dramatic Club, In presenting this to tho University, draws' its-funds from the proceeds of several produc tions presented last year. The two from which nipstrovonuo was drawn Wore the Minstrel-Show and "Every man." Both these wore, of a high, class and attended by a largo crowd. This club has worked hard at any produc tion it attempted to give, and tho re sult has boon that they give enter tainments of the highest order, and well appreciated by all "who attend. The club assisted the Y. W. C. A. last year in raising their Tomplofund, and they also gavo very HUeTally to tho fund themselves. Tho impulse that hasudirectedv tho movement on the part of tho Dramatic'' Club is suroly worthy of 'the highest commendation. Words of praise are all that can bo uttered in regard to tho work of this organization, which has broadened this year' from a depart mental to a University club. Seniors, get pictures taken boforo Christmas. ..'. 1 Eat at the Unl. Music "Cafe. , Reception to Freshmen. ' Saturday afternoon the 'girls of- the three upper classes gave a party for tho freshmen' girls. A festive appear ance was added to tho ' chapel,- wherp tho party was held, by the Chrlstmfcs decorations; flags and bunting In tho University colors. Tho committee in charge was composed of represonta-. tives of each of the upper classes. An interesting program was ar ranged by tho juniors, consisting of Informal stunts by sevoral of the girls. After light refreshments, consisting of doughnuts, apples and elder the more industrious 'of the girls worked diligently at their sewing, while the others danced a Virginia reel. About 280 girls and? several members of the faculty, were present ' .Athletic loard Meeting -The Athletic Board held its monthly, meeting in-Dr. Clapp's office last even ing. Tho ballots for the captain of 'tho-Bfoptball .team :of 1906 were opened and Glen Mason, fullback of the last three years, was found to bo elected.' Dr. Lees was delegated 'to represent Nebraska at' tbi'conferonco of all uni versities which has been called by. Chancellor McCracken of New York University, and which will meet in New York on December 28 to consider football rovJaion. The meeting between Kansas and Nebraska'-, representatives was ke't for January 1 in Lincoln. i t Xmas suggestions Unl. pins, fobs, pennants and pillows, at tho Co-op. o