"-- "'? . I-', THE DAltiV NEBRA9KAN, . x ;- i , y a. iw ! w i v f, ."V ' t H f, i M' I 'Freshman Cap Committee Meets. i Tho freshman -cap 'committee met yostorday during' the" ' convocation Verlbd, and although 'their proceedings .are kopt a profound .secret, tho rumor Is provalont tfiat" there was no ques tion nn to ilia advisability of woarlng 1 caps, but tho solo business of tho com- mlttoo was to dovlso somo way to out swlt tho sophomores, tyho are; detor mined not to allow the first-year 'men to woar capB, assorting that to do so would bo to destroy an anolont tradi tion1 of Nobraska. The Sunday Meeting for Men. Tomorrow aftornoon at throo o'clock will occur tho most notoworthy .of all of tho men's mass mootlngs which havo been hold in tho Oliver Theater so far this wintor. It has always, boon tho ondoavor of tho commlttoo having ..EYES. Bettor have your oyos oxam Ihod now. Many times a pair of glasses worn for a few wooks, when tho oyes first begin to trouble you, will savo you years of spectacles wear lator on. If you have any trouble with your eyes come. to. us. We havo had ovor-twnty-flve years' ex perience In fittiag glassos and we will gladly to'Bi your eyes, scientifically, without charge, amd tell you whether you nood glasses or not. E. HALLETT Established 1871. Ia our shop we do all kinds of expert repairing. Compli cated watches, French Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamond Sotting, graving, otc. Prloes the Lowest. 1I4?0 STREET. Whether Speech Sermon or Essay I f jrnn'TO n mor il to point. If roti would rnforc o jruur nnruiiieutor enliven your stylo hy precept or i t'armn. itvt ami keep at your elbow Varnuin " cturacierZ' UverlnOpAgeibrlttllni- with "point ' f r every sorter writti'u or nrsl "effort." Alpha ltltl xHti'.K to p rrvonnof hundreds ctlrraeli sti'l cbsiauutr-trulis, loxU, topic, precepts, t-pf 20 ?J. discount to teachers Vtruum's Churicirr: A floral Textbook t.ff How to Attriuir Kitd UoMau Audlunoo .( Ki-itniHi'l ifuiiua riofKlo utloii. rtrt... i.: Oil's Ho w To l!m tho Voice. 1 O fallow To UoUtre.. ........ i.u IVoanailCo'it (eompHiilniiate) i.st. tVyninence opni I'arte (all other occatlont)... J.BO lHilanbtuwin Parliamentary Ou'de 50 HINDS A N'lBLtt, Publisher 31.33-.1S W. I8II1 St. New York City Schoolbook 0 all pullitheri at one ttora WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY! IT 13 UP TO DATE. AND RELIABLE. RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 Neto Words and Phrases ALCO AOOKO New Gazetteer of .the World New Btografehloal Dlotlonary Editor In Chief, W. T. narrlt, fluD., ULD,, United bUVM CummUUoMr ot IVlacatloa. COCO Quarto Paces. S090 Illustrations. IT 1 3 A P.1CX73 aTOMMOU SI Or AOOUIIATI I NfORU ATtON OnANO PntxjlBhet Awar')WoU-S Pair Or.touis Also Webster' Collegiate Dlctloaary JI!8Pct. UOOlUiutraUoiia. Regular EUUlon7xX0xtHIcK' 8btaala. DeLuVe Edition SKstHstHln. Printed froa t-unApulrt, 00 bill paper. I bMutlral blodUf. EREC'DlctUxury WrUkle." IlIartrUdpmpliUU. C.OC.MEKMAMCO. Publishers, Springfield, Mas., V, 5. A. GIST THE BEST LB) IS 528 B WXl1 Itheso 'Joint' mass mootlngs n charge to obtain soma famous speaker or some extra good music for each moot lng, but they have certainly surpassed thomselves on this occasion. The Breaker will bo Mr. Edward Amherst Ott, best known through his locturos, -! 1. ..-- . . - II "Sour Grapes" and "Haunteu nouses, and also from his books, "How to uso tho Voice." and "How to 'Gesture." Mr. Ott has tho reputation of being one of tho- moBt""polIshod speakers on tho Amorlcan locturo platform Today", and It will bo a treat to all Univer sity students to listen to him. His BUbJoct will bo "Tho Abundant Life." Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tho "Got One" campaign will close Wednesday, December 20. Tho Y. W. C. A. rooms, at tho hands of an artistic decorator, havo takon on an attractive festive appearance for the Christmas season. Y. W. C. A. and all University girls are earnestly lnvitod to attend tho Christmas service Sunday afternoon' in Memorial Hall. The committee has done everything possible to make this a holpful, attractive servlco, to bo' led by Miss Vibbard. Subject, "Tho Gift of God." Special music and decora tions. No locturo is scheduled, in tho law lecture courso for next Monday ovon Ing, but Dean Pound has hopes of be ing ablo to havo one at that time, or during tho week at least. Last Mon day, Mr. T. C. Munger, formerly prose cuting attorney of this county, .was to havo delivered a locturo on the. prose cution of criminal cases, but owing to tho cessation of tho stenographic bureau, the long record of an actual criminal caBe which Dr. Pound was having prepared for tho use of tho class during tho lecturo could not be written in time, and' accordingly Mr. Munger delivored an informal talk on criminal procedure. If tho record is ready next week, ho will deliver his regular locturo, taking tho audience through tho case stop by stop, point ing out all tho pitfalls for tho un wary lawyer and how to avoid them. As many law students are elected county attorneys within a year or so of their graduation from law school, this lecturo will be of-much benefit to every mombor of tho law collogo. L. A few days ago a cadet, In speaking of IiIb last year's uniform, said, "I didn't know at tho time, but I now realize that your uniforms have given much bettor woar than tho ones fur nished by other firms last year." Wo frequently hear Blmllar statements. Just such conditions exist In tho other departments ' of our store. Remarks by Palm) Clothing Co. Y. W. C. A. Christmas 8ervlce. Tho Y. W. 0. A. will hold a special Christmas service on Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock in Memorial Hall. This will bo .the last service 'of tho old year and will bo lo'd "by tho gen oral secretary. Her subject will be, "The Groat Gift." Special music. Solo by Miss Jennie Slaterrand. Christmas decorations. Xmas suggestions Unl, pins, fobs, pennants and pillows, at tho Co-op. Printing George Bros., 13th & N. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards- Blk. Dr. Thomas, Rectal Diseases. 1319 O. Don't forget the Unl. School of Music Cafe. Seniors, havo pictures takon at Ken nedy's,' South Twelfth street, boforo Christmas. . BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS A few items from tho imnjonse stock' of- the lLincolntBook Store suitable for Christmas: - Mbt-i. ', -t-- "Evangeline." illus. by Christy "Tho Prairie and tho Sea," by Wm. Quailo, UItttf.....l7S;..: 200 "An Old Sweethoart of Mine," lllus by Christy . V.8S Out to Old Aunt Mary's." illus bv Christy -.'. . . :.'. . .sim .r. "ISCB "An Orchard Princess," by Ralph Henry Barbour, illus.-by Plagg U7.F "Miss Cherry Blossom of Toklo," illus In colors. . ...... .-. . ., o . 2.20 "Tho Art of tho National Gallery," by Julia Addison, illus 2.00, "Tho Art of tho Louve," by Mary Knight Potter, illus 2.00 "At the. Sign of the JackV Lantern," by Myrtle-Reed 1 .60 John-Plske's Works, "Tho American Revolution' yBufcjh. and-- : Quaker Colonies in North America," "Old Virginia and, Herwi,. . ,,,, -"Neighbors," per set , .', .1 .2, .35 Calendars for 1906, "Tho Rough Rider," "The Cow Girl," "Thd"-' " " Hiawatha," each .""1.25' Dairies- for 1906, from 25c to Pelonbet's Sunday School Lessons for 1906 , . -, v79 Pictures In colors, by Howard Chandler Christy (now) each.., , 1.00. Remington's "Indians," from pastel drawings, each V .75 Remington's "Rough Riders," from pastel drawings, each 75 l Fountain Pens Parker's Gold Mounted $10.00 pens, oach -8.00 Parkers Gold Mountod and Poarl Mounted $6.00 Fountain Pons each , 4.80 Parkor's $2.50 and $3.50 Fountain Pens at 20 per cent discount. Watorman's "Ideal" Fountain Pens, $2.50 to '6.00 A. A. Waterman's "Self-Filler," $2.50 to 5 .00 Postal Card Albums, holding 100 cards 50 Postal Card Albums, holding 300 cards , 1 .25 Postal Card Albums, holding 500 cards ?....-. 1 .50 Framed Pictures, Pyrography, Postal Cards, Pocket Books, Etc. ' THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE 1126 O fetreet. I NEW MODEL N5I7 I I Hero Is the cheaoeat snod ran vet (Made. R ttMnmiu2Min(ttwitnwfMnrwwk.Wa been able to greatly redsce the cet of production and at the tamo time have' kept the fua up to the (amou hieh Jfi&xrst lUndard of rtrength. wftty and dVblky. Notice the clean SfflpBdty.of thii sun. The Wotkmtiuhio end finkh are rvrfecL The weuht it only 7 Douadt. The full choke barrel ro apccuUr t 2M inch thellt may I reUablaand heitwotkL orcd lor imokela at well at buck powder and to' chambered that 2( inch or w uted. Several mtprovestentt in the operating part make it the caitea). aaoat andbirdihootinitogctthit rh oad repeatrng thot Have your dealer erdetit lot you. t -" , Send for the Zfcs&t Catalogue and Experience Book te-Jav.' Freeor3 itamfiitf''' 77ie22arii2 firearms Cb,vmaYf street. New Hacn. ct SonlorB, got pictures takon boforo Christmas. Try tho Uni. Dining Room, like it. You will A Nebraska pennant makes an Ideal Christmas present Buy ono at tho Y. W. C. A. rooms. Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O St. tfoth phones. Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Phones. Both Best 15-cent taurant meals. Phoenix Res- Got a nice pennant at tho Co-op for that Xmas prosent. Eat at Don Cameron's new restau rant, 119 So. 12th St Tho place of tho Y. W. C. A. recep tion has been changed from Art Hall to Memorial Hall. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 No. 13th. Union Shining Parlor Shlno, 'flvo cents; chairs for ladles. 1018 O St Walkover shoos for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 112Q O St Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho eye, ear, nose and throat Richards block. Green's Barber Shops ) Mogul J Palaco "Little hand-mado books," unjquo and interesting Xmas gifts. Miller & Paino's. WANTED--Every user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to havo a free trial of the VISD3LE Underwood. Underwood. Typewriter Co., tBoll Phone No. 348. 136 No. 11th St -J. JLsA. -' - ...j..v..u.j' 12.68, y 3T 1SO. sua at to lovr price. ,, . Seniors, get pictures taken at Ken nedy's. Commutation Room. tickets Unl. Dining Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Uttlo Gom Hot rVafllofl nndFine Moala and Lttribhos. 1 17-121 North IS Street 'TAKH YOUR CLOTHS AND GO TO SOUKUP & WOOD ' EXPERT-CLEANERS AND DYERS' BKUMb TBZm 147. ACTOifttS. iae w thkht. - fcf II ' '. i " , il aVaBKsKsKsB xT BV sViViHvfj1 F JLl 'aHI iVsVamlwIasVl WpPEAXjafljaASAamaflHsfW wVClupeco Shrunk Quarter Slicaim iscteach; a ron as cT:Zr X OLUETT, PfctABODY OO., JflF, AMAXiat or ciuitt and uonktejy 1 IS i - . i - I i5 5 "Si t.-t: m ' s1 i .i ) - i - - V. - ; L't 1?'aMI"WWiaaaaaaaBimaBaBMaMM ffjj?fa;,iftfffB miiSi3tt99fVttffiSilSXXSOtfsfi0tt0tK -v-.. siJPBapSSJpeWHWI W BJBM I H l" , jVT vTJ ataWHH ' Jl rv.1 Jt-i-1 - J- ,iaaaaMa,JJaaaMaiaaaseaaaa