p '. . ', I . -r-' '- ' 7 'H, - It ,1 j . ''-.t& :, t. at r -u I" J THE DAIY:NEBRfl6KfllN, -V' .v A- i i: ' i te 4, t wv tit as A $ & ifO lllltl " VbTwAWW V . AAJ Al J rw VMTKM7 WHW ,rg to Mtreafa tkiii Kikm- m M4riU4nr( 4 t kHiln 4k pr while dela . J iii(K(i((HiXHMH BABKR SHOPS The Ariato, Greea'a . fylkcj, Ifotfil!, George's Place. BAKBRT Mra. PtStry-. BOWlNG jfrLBSCfeacent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Llrt- coin Book1 to're, -tJni. Book Store. Bf owq, Drug- 6o., Harry Porter. BOOK: Hb'dtltXL-dineBDle. II mm Smm 05 BANKS Columbia National, First Na- : V Uokal. , -VJJ t3 Z7,W V. -w ITS v. 2"" j, g vivrjwooa yveaierueia,- jjou- uam ' CO b eron. CARDBUS Woodward Cattdy Co. , W 'OARPETS-RUdge ft Guettiol. l4CA!ttPBTBR Geo. ArWUaOn. vC CATBRBR-r-"Tommy," at Rigga' Drug , o Store. . 'mtWI ,-.. ... . - urn- a ituage a: uuenzei uo; CIGARS AND T.OBACCO Oliver Cl ear Co., Geo. lit Conway. . . T"2 (CLEANERS AND pVERS Soukup & "Wood. ' i CLOTHING Arinstrone, -Unland; Ma gee & Deemer, Ludwlg. '- -COALrGregOry, WhlEebreast. CO.tfFECTIONERarrMaxwell. The Fpl om. " , jfert4rttlNTNa WAT. TlTTnivm.nl I HALlcr-Unlversity Dining vF-Room. r;:W8EASES OP BYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erle-B. Wdodward, jj DRUGGISTS Riggs, Steiner, Woem V $ener, Brown, Reotor, Harjey. A DBYGOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- sneimer, kludge & Uuenzei. 'B2(BE8&r-rlJncon Local. T TrnTRTfU-ffilinln .Prrta pURNITURE Rudge Sf Guenzel, Cp., ITRRIBR SteeW. GItOOBRS O. J." King" Si Son. ,l" HABERDASHERY-$2.50 Hat Store. . HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel Co., .-. WnlltTlmtf."-'; A. :H6TBLSlLindGlL LZ1" ICB.CRBAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co .. toWBLER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., Merehanta. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. ji:jnJi6CULi8TSiDr. Davis." h PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. -POOIAND BILLIARDS The Hdldel . .burg. PRINTING George-Bros., JMew, Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Greer- . Cooper Co. RESTAURANTS Don' Cafe," Good :$ Heajth Phoenix. 4'R0I4JEJR ' SKATING Auditorium ' SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR-Unlon Shining Parlor. TAlLbRS-r-Uland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant W kavt always Imm knewn at Um Students laiwdry -I-,---- .-',-' - - w wmi yaur Mtsinass. -- .IBM.-P Stret . . .Auto vjtA, PM 574 WAITERS' BUREAU v.1" y. D. ORAiyT, MRMMger , first etnas eorvlco guaranteed at all re ceptlono", partios, eolations' and banqnots, For lafprmatiqn'ring up' 'AtatppkeMe 383 130 No. 19tk St. T.J.THORP&CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, General 'Machine Works, Model Makers, Etc. 3u8Si;iltiLINC0LN classified colbmh dP EC I A LA NOTfrtta Rato'ono cent-, per word each lnaertloa; minimum, ten cdnta. FOUND, A PLACE to got a good J2.G0 bat $2.60 Hat mite. 1M O Bt FOUNDA large gentleman' signet ring. Owner may seduro same by call ing at this bffice and paying charges -"- -- - -- - ,-- , - - -1 r ii - r i i Found "Wednesday on the campus, brown mottjed fountain pen. Owner can have same by calling at Nebras kan office dnd paying for this ad. Found Pocketbook containing sev eral article of small value. Owner may have Bdme by paying for this ad. and Identifying property. .".'.'. ' ,', " , 60 dress suit, used one season, $25, medium size. Address Room 110, Lltidejf Hoto). ME5SENGER3. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 190. Auto. 2233. - NOVELTIES. " KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 So. lJLtn St UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance norvlce. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SUL.PHO-SALINB Bath ' Houbo, 14th andM Bta. 8UITORJUM. ' HAVE your clothlnsr cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th- and Q Sta. . BAGGAGE f RAN8FER. FAOER. BROS., Bosoment Windsor hotel. No,. 11th St Baggage and parcels. . FOR RENT ROOM8. M6derii. room, suitable for two or three. 534 Nprtlr-Twelfth street. Ladles wishing good home board please call at 534 North -Twelfth street Also.onf) room, for rent. "" SHOE REPAIRING. ' THE, , only, up-td-dnte repairing factory In, the 1 city. Prices the lowest Wdrk manshlp the best 1220 O-St . "-"DENTISTS. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St .-, r-Z : HAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft water shampoo In the city, 124s Np. 12th St Elizabeth Good man. 25-2t L08T. Lost Nebraska Edgineeringr Finder return to this ofllce. pin, OLIVER THEATRE )cococo6ooooopoc TONIGHT AT 8:15. WM, N. CRANE In "THE AMERICAN LORD." PRICE8 $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Monday-Night, Doc. 18 The Liberty Belles PRICES $1.00, 75, 50& 25c. wed. mat. & Night, dec. 20 ''THE IRISH PAWNBROKERS" Missouri Debating Board. Professor A. Rosa Hill, dean of the Teachers' College, University of Mis souri, and formerly head of the de partment of philosophy at the Uni versity of Nebraska, has succeeded in bringing the Intorcollogiate debating at Missouri to a university footing. Associated closely with Professor Hill has been Prof. W. wjfcook, formerly professor in the Nebraska College of Law at the University. Both were active workers, while hero, in the do bating line and upon taking up their work at Missouri began to take an active part In the Intercojlegiate de bating. A university debiting board has been Instituted upon a plan closely "''' !.. in .. 7 mmmmm mmmmmmi . mmm . Yoday., 8 p. m. Students' DobaUng IXH50" urogram. Union HaU 8:30 p. m. Santa CIbub' rocoption. Art Hall. Monday Dacembar' 18. 8 p. m. Recital by Misa Archibald. . Memorial Hail. 11 a. m. Meeting of Board of Re gents. Friday, Jan. 12. 9 p. m. Freshman Hop. Fraternity Hall. January 28, . . Officers Hop. Fratornity Hall. Friday, Feb. 9. -m. Junior Prom. 9 p. hotel. Lincoln Leaders Noon Meetings, Y. W. C, A. Wednesday Miss Auman. Thursday Miss Briggs. Friday MIbb Drake Special Christmas sorvico, led by Miss Vibbard, Sunday, December 17 Convocation. Friday, Dec. 15 Muslp. Chaplain Prof. B. L. Hlnman. Monday, Dec. 18 Mr. F. B. Bishop, "Contrast, in Efllciency Between Orien tal "and Western Civilization." Wednesday, Dec. 20 Annual Chrlatr mas Concert, Handel's "Messiah." Chaplain Chancellor B. B.' An drews. Freshmen basket-ball players neot regularly eVery Tuesday and-Saturday at 1 p. m. in gymnasium for prac tlce. allied lo the" present plan at Nebras ka. Five faculty members and threo' student members constitute the board. The latter ar.e. selected as the faculty members shall direct. Heretofore the management and arrangement of do haters has been in the hands of a de bating society. It is confidently expected that the change will not only provide lafger and better debating contests, but will also materially Improve the Quality of debating at Missouri. Last year, after, the first Iowa-Nebraska debate. In which Nebraska rqr coived the unanimous decision of the Judges, the Dally Iowan called upon the student body and the faculty to place thoir Intercollegiate debating upon a university footing. Promptly at Eight O'clock. The meeting of the Students' Debat ing Club will begin promptly at eight o'clock tonight and thoBo who are In 4the habit of wandering In at a later time will find that they have missed an Interesting part of the program. The program committee insisted on open ing the meeting at an early hour and 'havecut down the length of various proceedings in order to be able to ad journ at ten o'clock and enable all to spend som'o time at the . W, C. A. reception in Memorial HalL ' The program wllL open with a .short parliamentary law practice. Follow- ririg'thi8 there will bo a guitar solo by Clyde Davis. An exposition on "The First Graft," by' J. B. Bednar. DebUte, "Resolved, That a man Is Justified in entering married lifo if ho has a capital of ten dollars." Afflrtmi Uvp, J. Magnus Swenson and Stewart Dobbs; negative, Jr Milford Paul and Dirk P. DeYoung. The speakers will bo Hmltpd to ton, minutes each, and no rebuttal speeches will bo allowed. The program will close with an 'in strumental solo by Mr. Phelps, after which pale refreshments will bo served. An Invitation' tp be present Is extended to all. Chapln Broa, Ploriata, 127 So. 13th. fBfr Club liw3Wll Mealsio Tourut Cars Tourist car paasengbra on Ue Union Paciflo onjoy excellont dia Ing car aoryico at .modorato ox penad. All. omnia in dining cara aro Bervod A LA' CARtE' a complolo 'tndal 'or ilgnl Junch Do ing obtalaofl at roaaohablo pricoa,, passengers paying only for what they order Meals can-nlao bo pro cured at flrat-cla8s dining stations or at lunch countors on route. Or, If paBsengera choose, they can pro vide themselves with lunch" baaketa, which can bo ropleniahedi aa occa sion requires at the dlffetont eat ing houses on tho Hno. If you croBB tho continent in one of the tourist sleepers of tho UNTON PACIFIC you will enjoy your trip and aavo considerable money. Inquire of i C. B. 8L088ON, ' General Agent. Fast", (lalfv ' train nerlflcm4 v ttut flr'Tir- Chicago NprthV Western -Railway, the double-track railway ' from tfco Ine at Chlcaeo with all 'lines for all points East. The trains of the North-Western Line are most 'completely equipped for the I iciy ana comion or patrons, The Best of Everything Tlxets and full Information on appllcaUon to R. W. McQINNIS, Agent, ' 1034 O Street ' IChlcito At Nirtk.Wciteri-RjHwiy irtwo ) .f TbMMYiTHE CATERER. . ' ' j "THE . UNI'8 INDI8PEN8IBLE." We certainly know how., Lady atten dant If desired. PPPPPPPPRPPPPPPPPPPPPH BBaBaBaBaVaWaaBaBaBaalBaBaM ppppPflfHpv'RPHhPH ' BPPpWrr . ' MMfijUWHBflB - iW: iCaaKH pppppW , EsaiVk' TBBaiiiiViaiiBiiiiiiiiiiiV r. - tl Ml ll .a 'j. Vll r t.. - " ., - - -f 't .1- 1' ;, f- . ' ' irJI. r r ... . .."JL,.jviiN.. ,.t4fcaC!fi . v . ZX- iK- "- - - - -