"imrrfi r '- M- .rj& ' THE DAkLY INEBRASKLAIN. h IT It M I , I V'l U k-'Hr w) - it.. i r It I i IH lC vi : ZJ)c Daily Ucbraskan A consolidation of The Hesporlan, Vol. 81, Tho Nosraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Croam, Vol. 4. Published dally, oxcopt Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlvorslty of Nobnuka, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesperian Publish ing Co. ! . 1 Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fowler. " H. P. Leavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. Q. Schrelber. Ed(tortn-Cr)lef John D. Clark Manager . Fred Naughton Aatlstants. News J. E. Bednar Athletic R A. Van Orsdol Circulation W. B. Standovon Editorial Roomr U 304. Business omco, U 211 V4. Post Offlco. Station A, Lin coln, Nob. ,.., : ' OfTlco hours of Business Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. Telephone ..-,... . Automatlo 1528 Night Telephone Automatlo 2365 Sunorlptlon Price, $2 por year In advance ICntorod at the postoflloe at Lincoln. Nob., as socond-clans .mall matter undor tho net of congress of March 3. 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for nt tho rate of 10 cent's for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and unlvorslty bul letins wilt gladly bo published free, as heretofore SOUVENIR NEBRA9KAN8. . The souvenir Football number of the Dally Nebraskan has been taken off sale at the book stores,, but there are a 'few copies at the office of the Ne braskarf whiSh may be had at the regu lar price,- ten cents. wisest and sanest thing for the second ycar'men to do Is to let the freshmen mako fqels of themselves to their heart's content by wearing two inches of cloth on their heads in zoro weather. LET THEM WEAR THEM. y As rojiortod In" this paper a few days ago, tho froBhrnan class has de cided that to hold up their hoads In tho 'University they must wear caps, and already tho sophomores aro lay ing plans to prevent them so doing, claiming that to allow" such a thing would ho the same as trampling a precious and rovered custom under foot. It Is certainly laughable to see the change In tho attitude of a studont as soon as ho changos from a freshman into a sophomore, and In no thing Is this chango shown to hotter advan tage than In this question of fresh man caps. The freshman assorts that Jt Is the Inalienable fight of a free born Amorlcan citizen to dp as ho pleases, and that ho can wear a cap If ho wants to; as a sophomore, the samo man can see no logic in this argument, and is a strong and vehe ment supporter of college traditions. That this "tradition" Is manufactured for tho occa8lonmakes no dlfforonco. Wo hoar It said now that freshmen have always tried to wear caps and have never been allowed to do so. Tho truth Is quite to tho contrary. When wo were a freshman tho ques tion of caps was freely discussed", and was not-decIdodJn tho affirmative be cause Itvhad not boon tho general cub torn for either of tho lowor classes to wear head-gear. Yet during tho dis cussion, wo novor haaol a whisper of opposition to such action on tho part of tho freshman from tho upper classmen. Why not -tot tho freshmen wear caps? .Opposition to It in tho past couplo of years has been tho cause of much" unnecessary damage to pri vate and University property, and has' never doQe any good. Both classes have .this year agreed to rofrain from any class scraps, and yet to try to prevent the freshmen from wearing class insignia would result in as bad a fight as wo have over had. Wore it a case of upholding a tradition there might bo some excuse in onnositlnn. .or if to submit wero to show tho su periority of the freshmon the sopho mores might bo pardoned for fighting; but under the circumstances tho Engineering Notes. Mr. Fred Dorman, B. Sc. in M. E 01, writes that ho has boon recontly appointed foreman of apprentices at the Allis-ChalmerB works in Milwau kee. This is a responsible position, as all of tho apprentices in this largo company aro undor his direction. Mr. Dorman sont along copies of tho con ditions governing special apprentice ships and application forms. These blanks have boon posted on the mo ohanlcal engineering bullotin board (M. 211), and they should be carefully read by ovory onglneorlng student, for the torms governing special ap prenticeships for technical' graduates are very liberal. Ten of these appren ticeships are to be filled before Juno. Mr. R. T. Corr, B. Sc. in M. B., '05, who is with the Atlas Engine Works nt Indianapolis, Ind., has sent the de partment of Mechanical Engineering a number of blue prints of engines and boilers made by his company. Ho writos that he is pleased with his work and is getting along nicely. The now 200 pound steam hammer rocently Installed in tho forgo shop has boon put-in. commission this week, and hns proved to be a very satisfac tory machine. The hammer can be easily adjusted to strike a. light or heavy blow, and Mr. Votaw is now ready to demonstrate his ability to break a watch crystal for anyone who will supply tho watch. Mr. S. S. Wyor, M. E., of Columbus, O., will dollvor a series of five illus trated lectures on "Producer GaB" some tlmo in January. The greaUlm portance of tho subject tp produ of pdwor ought to bring out ovory glneoring. student- Producer gas glhcs aro ffkoly soon to becomo sorl ous rivals to steam engines oven in largo powor plants. Ef. A. Davis, '05, was a visitor in the O. E. department yestorday.'Mr, Davis is just recovering from typhol fever and expects to accept a position with tho Turlington about tho first of Iho year. Prof. O. V. P. Stout-loft for Omaha Friday to transact business for a fow days. Mr. Keyser Dead. Harry Keysor was called homo yes terday morning on account of the death oth!s father tho evening bo fore. Mr. Koysor had been In a pre carious situation for soveral months, but the blow was nono tho Iosb sovoro to his throe sons, one of whom has been at his bedside for some tlmo. Tho junior law class, of which Harry Koysor Is a ' mombor, held a brief meeting yesterday morning and a com mlttoo was appointed to draw up suit able resolutions, and tho whole' Unl vorslty will join lnoxtondlng sympag thy to tho heartbrokon family. v - Resolutions Whereas, Tho Creator in His in finite wisdom has removed from this world tho respected and honorod futher of our friend and classmate, Harry L. Koysor, and Whoroas, Thereby a deep sorrow has bofallon him; therefore, bo It Resolved, That we, tho members of tho class of 1907 of tho College of Law, extend to him our most sincere and heartfelt sympathy. ARTHUR Q. A. NELSON. FRANK B. THORN. J. W. HOAR. ' Commlttoe. December 15, 1905, .CHRISTMAS GOOD! sFIINH LEATHER JNOyEJLTlESi USEFUL DURABLE- -.-TqhMaMENTAL fjJOCKET BOOKS, Card Cades, Bill Books,- Shop Issd ping and Wrist Bags, Trunks, Oxford Bags, Suit Cases, Ladies Satchels, Fitted Bags, Flasks, Cignr Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Rolls, ctc.j etc. Our lino is complete and of the newest styles. Visit us : : : WIRICKS TRUJNK 1036 O STREET c. TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CO. FOR ALL ICE cfrEAMS, ICES,. PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices In lane qualities, ' 13 1 B N Strut. Both 'Pkonts THE HEIDLEBURG POOL HALL ' ' I . ijJ i l 'i .1 ii ii,i,i BILLIARDS AND POOL; - CIGARS AND TOBACCO Auto 4453; Bill F 1571. (46 North llth Streit. Protected by Block Signals The first railway la America to adopt the absolute Block System In the operation f all trains war the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway It to-day has more mils of road operated under block signal rale than ' any oj&pr railway company. ,7 The St Paul Road wauthe firs, railway to light . , Its trains by eleotricitr. and ii now h mnm f.k 400 elejtfric-lighted passenger cars in daily service. ThweTrains from tJnlori Statics, Omaha, to XfnW fitation, Chicago, eTery day; IW tims table, special rate write" '"" '"'. Gm ssjsWMt Aft"iM4J-! "Tf tflpjfarrM stmt, OMAHA -. Ifirstnatio I Capital $ 300,000.00 & Surplus sad Profits 200,000.00 $ Deposits 3,620,000.00 & PRINTING the in nets 8f2Sf2fZ2 I NEAT mK fcM Am g KING o rtuawVluiw6yW((5ovUQNS uovualiQiQU THE Iff PRESS LATEST STYLES AND ? -COURTEOUS TREATM'NT uwuouunu 52 JESSUP'S oWa US N. 12th St. 125 N. 12th St. C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. ' Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. in i UAiaTY i - - -i -'- - vun ouua TASTES LIKE MORE Rlggs, The Drue Cittir U 1321 O St. WE KNOW HOW JO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ... GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. ....EAT AT THE.. GOOD ilEAUil CAFE Niw Licitlon-Cir. 12th iurt . 1 .. . i HliBW"WtU?B8HHl New Century Printers 1241 N Stroot Tlim Bapcolalljr aollelta the trde of wM Wlablag It well pritatod IBM O t w I-m- ':- .vv.'.'V. . - f . J" "." ",i' i' ""Vj,'1'!. i " iiiu .'. J 'J' -'"B'l1 VjliiiH.y x: iii.Np.w " ,l rr. P WW tl j '-" I "-. '4i ''J " tSj. J .vat ..'JmjL.