i " '. ' . V V-&k :" Pv Vol. V. No. 54. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1905. Price 5 Cents .;.. iW' 'Sbe 2ail$ IRebtaefean y '... u ;! 'V- .. . , ' ; .s,. . $11 -) ! u i DRAVOLFETOCOME EMINENT EDUCATOR TO BE MEMBER OF FACULTY. "Will Occupy the Chair of Psychology of Education, and Assist Dr. Luckey in Other Work of Department. Beginning with next somoater, a ery Important change will take placo In the department 6f Education. Pro fcBBor Luckey, who has been carry ing all the instructional work In the department .the present semester, will "share the work with Dr. Wolfe, who comes as professor of Educational Psychology. Dr. Wolfe Is considered An unusually strong teacher and co turns to tho University with many Tvarm friends, both within and without the institution. - Ho will share with .Professor Luckey the Work In school supervision and conduct Independent ly the coursos in educational psychol ogy, high Bchool curricula, philosophy of education and ,n special course in school discipline for beginning tpach ers. ''His" extended practical school ex perience will be of great vuluo to tho students and he will no doubt be un usually strong In his course in educa tional psychology. Dr. Wolfe Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska, and after teach ing a few years in tho schools of tho tttnte, ho "went to Germany. Ho at tended Leipsic from 1884 to 1886, and his work while thoro was of the. very best. When ho returnod from tho Continent ho took up school work In California, but was Boon elected to the suporlntendoncy of the South Omaha High' School. In 1889 ho was mado professor of Philosophy in Nobraska, which posjtlon ho hold until J897, -when he wentto tho Lincoln High School. This position was his until Fobruary of tho present year. At tho present time ho is professor of Philos ophy and Education at tho University tt Montana. From the above we can see that Nebraska is securing a man of great "strongth In educational cir cles. Meeting of Regents. yhe first regular meeting of tho board of regentB for tho present col lege year, which was to have occurred last Tuesday, will take placo today, beginning at cloven o'clock. Besides the ordinary routine business which. will como up,thero will bo a number of very important question finally de cided. Thl8"Hrfifttlng will bo the last -at which; thff two" regents elected in 1899, Mr. Rfch and Mr. Teeters, will bo present, Tho two regents elected ' at the 'lastejocjlph' will, take, ;thelrj seats in January, Fresnmsn Will Take Trip. The manager of the, freshman bas-Icet-ball team has announced that all arrangements ijavo been, completed for tho 'proposed trip, to-be taken during "the'Christmas ,vacatjph, Three games. have already ueen secured ana per haps another will be played befpre -the team'rpturs. The freshman class contains a large number of good play ers, and should have the best team of -any of the classes, ooooocxxxocx5ppooocxxxx?ocxooooooooocxxxxxxxxooodcxxx) Pershing Rifle Informal Fraternity Hall, Friday, Dec. 15. Walt's Full Orchestra JUNIOR LAWS MEET. Decide Not to Take Part In Publica tion of Annual. Tho junior laW 'Class met In U. 207 during the convocation period yestor day morning and transacted consid erable lmnortant business. Tho com mittee which had the' collection of tho assessment to re-pay Doan Pound for tho advance ho mado at tho tlmo of the sophomore-freshman law game last year reported that the, entire amount had been raised, and handed over'tb tho Dean Mr. Parrlott, tho class niKhuger of tho Law Book, who had been Instruct ed to look up all the figures as re gards the cost of the annual, reported that It would cost ut least $600 to pub lish the sort of a book which the com mittee folt tho law college wanted, and! that to raise this amount it would bo necessary for oach member of tho junior and senior classes to buy two books at one dollar each and to pay $2.50 for his picture bolng plrtcod in thn hnnU Aftnr considerable discus- , . '. i 'l".''. ' slon, the class unanimously ueciaoa to refuse to combine 'with tho senior laws on the proposed book. Mr. Rice of tho freshman law class, was then given the floor and said that tho freshman law class had decided" that it would be bettor for tho law college to have a separate athlotlc or ganization,, entirely distinct. . f com, tho academic, athletic board, and asked the juniors to join with the seniors and freshmen in such a move. This provpked some little wrangling, but the class finally turned tho proposi tion downt It also refused to join with.1 the freshmen In giving a law hop, to be substituted for the freshman law hop 8enlon Class Meeting Tho Bonior .class mot in the Chem istry lecture room yesterday morning at eleven o'clock in order to-hear-re-ports from a number of committees. Tho editor of tho senior annual passed around' slips upon which each member of , tho cjass- cpuldipnltytbjBmsiaDpr: of-booHs he VaSta? rTno hat commit too reported that they expected tho sample any day, but it had not ar rived yet, and nothing could bo done until it did. Tho committee which is to have the senior party in charge announced that it would 'meet next Monday- and. sottleuppn plans, forthe Celebration. The Department of Botany, received a, small collection of fungi and sea- weds from Cuba a few days ago. Sonfo of them are very inlGrestlnr, "X4 Tickets $1.50 Off for Chicago. About ono hundred students In the School of Agrlculturo, in charge of Principal Davlsson, leave over tho Burlington today fdf Chicago to attend the International Stock Show. It' was at first planned to secure a special train, but a sufficient number of tickets could not be sold nnd tho party will leave on No. 2 at 1:30 p. m. Special hotol rates have been securod at tho Grand Pacific. Professor Smith left yesterday and Professor Burnett will go Saturday. The excursionists will ItfffVo-Chicago Thursday morning and arrive In Lincoln shortly after mid night Nebraska will enter no contestants in the stock Judging' contest, but a class of five or six has been entered in tho corn contest. Eight grade and pure bred steers have been entered In the show by the Nebraska management, two two-year-olds, four yearlings and two calves. Two of theso are Shorthorns, ono Ib an Angus and the rest are grades. Cadet Band Plays at Convocation. Today the Cadot Band will play nt convocation. Tho band, under tho di rection of Mr. A. HagonoW, -had been practicing for this program for some tlmo, and an excellent rendition-Is. ex pected. Tlio- program Is: MarchYankee Jrlt. Holzman Selection Shoo-Gun . . .v. . .Tuders Melody of Love. .Engolmonn Waltz Adlyn '. Hall Serenade Anita Allen , Pershing Hop Tonight. The annual hop of tho Pershing Rifles wjll be given tonight at Frater nity Hall. In former years this hop has always beon formal, but this year it was decided to xnako it informal in' tho effort tp-get a larger attendance. Tho hair has ben decorated for the occasion, and during the; evening punch will bo served, so-that the Hop should prove to bo unqualifiedly suc cessful from every standpoint. . JElllott of Princeton Team. Tho jnany University friends of Newell Elliott, -.formejy captain of the basket-ball team, will' be pleased to loam that bo has secured a place on tho Princeton team. ' Last year he showed himself the superior of 'any man on the team', but could not; play onr account of the one-year rule. He .was one of tho strongest forwards Ne- nrasKa.ever naa, ana is an.oxcepuon ally strong "player. At presnt he is in" tho mvlnlty school of 'Princeton. . ' AH those who borrowed costtuoes from Ludwig, the tailor, are requested, fo return them4 a.t once. ALL CLASS TEAM THE STARS OF THE FOUR CLASS TEAM8 8ELECTED. Men Who- Would Make the Best Team the Different Squads Could Furnish. Tho request in Thursday's Nobras- , kan that an allclass toam bo s'olected . ,. by Some porson or porsons -that havo seen the games, and know the playors hns been responded to. The toam was solectod by two men after care fully considering tho ability of overy man .on tho four teams, and they havo nut together a bunch of men thnt would playa very fast gamo. Borg and Cotton, (n Bolecting this, toam, haVo made a toam of whoso ability they know. Most of the rhon on tho class teams are ones who havo played on tho sec ond team or scrubs some tlmo during the season, atJeast the best of tho class team men have. Borg and Cot ton have played on tho 'varsity and most of the rnon havo somo tlmo dur ing the year had a chanco to play oh the scrdbs against the 'varsity. Con sequently these two men know of tho power of the all-class men at their re spective positions. Some shifts were mado from the positions the men played in tho intorclass games, but this Is quito necessary, for a man does not always play the position ho could best play in class games, owing to tho lack of good material It is quite likely some one. will find fault with tho team as picked. This Is'truo to human nature, but when you do so, consider whothor you are prejudiced or not, whother you .havo soon all the games, and whothor you are enough of a football critic to "bo justified in finding fault. The toam as plckod is as follows: v Loft ond Cook, Bophomore:' Right end Butlor, junior. Loft tackle Porrin, sophomorer-- Right tackle Matters, sophpnjoro. Left guard Peterson, seilor. Right guard-McLaugtiflB, sophi more. Center Wilke junior. .. ,,,-, Quarterback Standeven, junior. ' Right half-Glbbs, sailor; Left half Fenlon, senior. Fullbarik KImmel, senior. h-ZL , U' Membership Campaign. TKeV W. C. A. has followed the lead the YM c A an.a has nstltued a membership campaign in the en deavor to greatly increase the mem bership of the association. All the young ladles of the dlffereat classes bay elected captains for the respec tive captains, and tho chase for first prize promises to be'excitlag. At present the senior class Is! slightly la the lead. It is not announced what the prize is to be, but there is a rumor that the. three losing classes will bare .to give a chafing dish party to the winners. ' J There will be a receptlo this after noon to all the sew members i the association rooms. A young womaa's shoe, Soresis, Rogers ft Perklss Co.. 112f O Street. A 4 . 1 - h' ' ' M TK. N-,.' , i MV4A A P f ) V. iti. J. -;. f-ti'V ,jn, t ,4-v --Ti jAu- &--