The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1905, Image 1

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'TEbe IDailp Iftebraefcan
Vol. V. No. 53:
Methodist's Bring Large Crowd of
Rooters to Help Defeat Nebraska
on Her Own Floor.
- In the first game of the basket-ball
season on Nebraska grounds the Corn
busker quintet defeated, the Wesleyan
representatives by u score of 32 to 15.
The ganie wns a return niatcb, the
first contest having taken place last
week at University Place, resulting, in
u defeat for our men by a score of 2G
to 25. On account of this victory the
Wesleyan athletes were somewhat con
fident of turning the trick on our own
- door, and a largo crowd of enthusias
tic rooters, armed with pennants,
canes and megaphones, accompanied
the team. Comparatively few Nebras
ka sympathizers were present.'
Hagonslck, the star forward, who
has been troubled with a bad knee, in
jured.. In a football game, was In the
line-up once more and made his pres
ence felt by throwlng-n goal as often
as he had a chance. The visitors were
handicapped by the size of the floor,
being accustomed to one much small
er, and consequently were unable to
make the long passes our own men
used. They were fast players, how
ever, and kept the ball nrotmri the
Nebraska goal most of the time. Only
iuj man was allowed to. try for goal,
lowovofc. nnd ho was not very success
ful. "TheNobniskTi forwards ajul cen
ter, on tho"othoiMian"u7"were very for
tunate In their attempt sund as often
as the ball got down the field a goal
-was thrown
An .unusual feature of the game was
- Uio scoring of a field goal for Wes
loyanby Captain Hoar. He had tho
ball directly under tho basket, and
just aft. he thrcwt away from the goal
fiis opponent" readnp his arm. The
ball glancell fr'6m It upwn.rdB and on
tored, thq basket. i
During tho. last few minutes of fho
game Winters and Walsh, two promis
ing freshmdn, wore tried out and did
excellent work
Jack Best Surprised.
Jack Best, the genlul tralnor, was
the recipient of -n pleasant surprise
last ovonlng, yesjterdaj; bqlng his
birthday. While ho was at" the gamo
' friends gathered at his homo and sent
word that he was wanted on business.
Without suspecting the-real purpoBe-6f
the call, ho rushed home, whoro ho
..jvnsj-presented with a beautiful gift
and played guest' of honor durlnglhe
i-ouiainder of tho evening. '
At Ames, In.frhariksglvlng day only
was given for vacation, ' Cut tlie stu
dents didn't return Friday, although
thoy are to have a month for Christ
inas vacation. Nebraska will bo more
than pleased, to diave ton days off and
double work after thoy return. Nlcht
vahH . .
w WANTVED-Some one to pick an all-
class team Will pay, liberal price
and guarantee, poltco protection.. .
Pershing Rifle Informal
Fraternity Hall, Friday, Dec, 15
Walt's Full Orchestra . Tickets $ J .50
Prof. H. W. Caldwell discussed "The
Presidents Message" at convocation
yesterday. He said in part:
"The president's anuual message to
congress compared with the
king's opening speech to parliament.
The custom no Is of English
origin. It Is Interesting" to note that
In 1789 George Washington's message
to congress and tho speech of George
III to parliament were so much alike
that they may be said to be as similar
as two peas. Providing the peas camo
from different pods and different va
rieties." Professqr Caldwell next spoke of the
message as- being a connection be
tween the executive and legislative de
partments, a band of unity which Is
greatly needed. The averuge presi
dent, he said, uses it to summarize
the events of preceding years, but a
few stronger executives use it as an
appeal. Most of the annual messages
to congress are narrative. President
Roosevelt's Is purely argumentative.
Washington's first message contained
13,000 words. 'Sinco that timo many
of tho messagea reached 20,000 words.
The laBt exceeds all others In length
-una readies to auout zy.uuu worus.
the lmportaht parts of tho message,
calling attontloii to trusts, railroad
corporations and tlieneeded legisla
tion governing them, rebates, private
cars, and tho lnfluencethc 5000,000
women at present engaged In active
Industry would have on home, society
uiitl Uie labor market. Ho closed with
an emphasis of -tho president's view
of making publicity a ' preventive
against corruption.
New Members of Dramatic Club.
Tho last Draniatlc Club try-out was
heldjnst week. Tho result of tho try
out a was- tho admission of the-follow
Ing Into the club: Luclle Cull; Bonnlo
Adams, Editli Butler, Robs Bates, Fay
Hartley, Bashlo Tilly, Alice Agee,
Loah Moyor, E. J, Falkner, Nellie Gib
son, Jessie Doyle, Goldena .Flnloy, F.
W. Bellamy, Sidney Evans, and, M. A
There were perhaps a few more
than ono-thlrd of tho entire number
tried out admitted to tho club, In no
casa could tho work of the individual
be rated below "only good," but so
much "excellent1" ability was shown
that .the commltteo decided to admit
none but that class.
Dr. Dales' class In qualitative analy
sis will not attend lectures next so-
rnstead, thoy will be glyen
semi-weekly tests on tho text.
The Senior Prom.
Tho dates set for tlio Junior and
Senior Promenades as February flth
ami, respectively, seem to havo
been merely tentative dates. Tho
Juniors wore unable to securo somo of
tho neccssltlefrfor their Prom If It was
held on tho 0th, consequently If tho
Senior- dato held, thoy must place
theirs for February 23rd. Tills would
make the Junior Prom follow tho
Senior, something that has never hap
pened in tho University. Flat tho
Seniors camo to the aid of tho Juniors
nnd granted a favor to tho latter com
mlttoo which Is surely worthy of much
commendation, and the Juniors' fully
appreciate tho .same. This was tho
giving or Februnry lGth, tho Senior
date, to tho Juniors for their 1'roni.
In doing this It was necessary to place
tho time for the Sonlor Prom the latest
In the season that It has over beun
held. Tho dato Is Friday night, April
20th, this date is immediately follow
ing the close of Lent.
Tho granting of thin favor by tup
Senior committee Is worthy of enough
recognition by tho students to glvo
tho Prom royal support. Tho Juniors
havo promised their support to tho
Seniors in appreciation of what lias
been done, and it Js quite likely all
other classes will follow. The dates
for tho two Proms as 'thoy now stund
aro as follows: Junior, February Kith,
and Senloiy April 20th, 190G.
Will Nor Debate Iowa.
TheIobatlng authorities of Iho-UnI-verslty
lmveclecllned to meet Iowa
In an Inter-statcdebato this year, as
signing as a cutise for tlieTefusal the
unfortunato 'dispute ovorhcbulges
who wore to -.decide the debatdIaiit
year. There Is no regular contract
between the two Institutions, although
Iowa claims to havo a. tontatlvo con
tract for ndebato this year.
- " 7
Professor Bessoy Iinsbeon. requcst
od by tho Aflsoclntlotufor Maintaining
tho. Amorican Women's Tuble at the
Zoological Station at Naples to cull tho
attention of University women tq tho
opportunities for work- in botany, zool
ogy and physiology-In tho zoological
station at Naples, and to tho opportuni
ties for securing free scholarships. A
notice has been posted on thti botan
ical bulletin board (n Nebraska Hall,
and Professor Bessoy will bo glad to
oxplaln the conditions to any who are
interested.v During ,tho past sovon
years fourteen womon have beon ap
pointed by tho association,
"WtUb hand-mado' boola.,"" unique
... ... -.
and interesting Xmas. gifts,'
- " '., : .V-,--- J x'mijKlHHBEl
Price 5 Cents
Cook Runs Length of the Field for the
Lone Touihdown Juniors Put
Up a Game Fight. .
Before one of tho' lurgost crowdH
that ever saw .an- intorcluss football
game, the sophomores wdn the' class
championship yesterday afternoon by
a score of 0 to 0. Tho gamo was hotly
contested from beginning to end, nnd
throughout both halves the juniors
fairly out-played their opponents. Tho
llrM half ended without u score on
either side, shortly after tho sophs
held for downs on their own ton-yard
lino. After about ten minutes of play
.In -the second half, tho sophomores
forced the Juniors to punt from thu
center of tho field. Wilko sent d low;
drlvo tb Cook on tho ttllFyard 'line, and
boforo tho Junior ends could got. down
under the punt, the sophomore had thu
ball tucked under his arm and wuh
touring down tho flub for a touchdown,
running tho entire distance along tho
side lines. Several Juniors got near
enough to have jumped at htm and
forced him out of bounds, but pre
ferred to wait for a chance to make a
safo tackle. Howard then kicked goal,
The juniors then choso tho kick-off,
hold the sophorilores at onco and
forced TTTem to kick, then started Tor
tho goal with a vengeanco. Tho aopho
mores hold them onco, but tho JuiiTom
got the ball right buck on u kick, and
tho march for tho lino continued with,
hardly an interruption. The galmi Imj
came shorter nud shorter, however
and finally the juniors raiiou to ihuko
tho required five yards juul lost tho
ball on tho five-yard .line. The nopho-
mores made ono inoffcctuul attempt at
the lino, and were forced to punt. Be
fore the juniors could make more tlilm
a couple (Jf pluysi tho last a good at
tompt at a goal rrom uom, iimo was
On tho whole tho sophomores had
the bettor line, Porrln at center boini?
tho star, stopping many- tncklo plays
and preventing every attempt at a
trick play. The juniors hud a much"
Jjottor buck Hold, howovor, and on tho
masses on tacklo the backs pfuycU'to
gether Very well. Tho Interforcnccr
for end runs was also very good, and '
tho wings wero skirted for substan
tial gains, several times during tho.
gamer" ,
As a result qHJJiIb gamo thesopho-.
mores havo a clear claim .to tho Inter-'
class championship, and will receive
all the gate, receipts of the three Inter
class games, 'amounting In all to quite,
a substantial sum, sufficient to pur
chase sweaters with tho class nnmer'
uls for all the men on tho teani.
Tho reception given. Wednesday af
ternoon by tho Y. W.v Cv A. for all
University girls,' ami ' especially tho
new members, was well attended.
Punch nnd wafers were served, from
2 to 5. Next Friday, from 2 until 5:80,
a at!! Aii tiflll 1a nftmrA Alt
similar, treat will be offer!.
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