The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1905, Image 2

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1 :
p)C Daily Hebraskan
i , A consolidation of
Tho flcBporlun, Vol. 31, Tho Nobnmlmn,
- ,Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4.
! Published dally, oxoopt Sunday and
Monday, at tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nob., by tho HbBporlan PubllBh-InK-Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco FoBfllor.
H. .P. Lcavltt
Dwlght Cramor. A. O. Schrolbor.
EdItor-ln-Chlcf John D. Clark
. Managor .Fred Naughton
Nowb ...J'. H. Bcdnar
Athletic ...R. A. Van Orsdol
Circulation: W. H. Standovon
Editorial Roomr U 2044. DuBlnosa Omco,
U 211. Post Offlco, Station A, Lin
coln, Nob
Omco hours of Business Managor and
Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. .
Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Price, 12 por year In advance
i Entered at tho poBtofnoo-at Lincoln,
Nob., as socond-clatui mnll matter undor
tho net of congress of March 3. 1879.
Individual notlccB will bo charged for
at tho rato of 10 contn for each Insertion.
Faculty departmental and university bul
letins will gladly be published froo, as
The souvenir Football number of the
Dally Nebraskan has been taken off
sale at the book stores, but there are
a few copies at the office of the Ne
braskan which may be had at the regu
lar price, ten-cents.
A most unpleasant fact was brought
homo to tho members of tho two
youngest classes of tho University yes
terday", At tho meeting of the fresh
man class a small group of men gath
ered In tho back part of tho hall and
did their best to prevent all business
by yelling and growling every tlmo
anybody attempted to address the
mooting. At times the disturbance
gow so great that oven those near
est the president could not hoar him,
and all business hail to bo discontin
ued until tho rowdies in tho rear be
came a little moro quiet.
A BtULmoro disgraceful practice was
. brought to light at tho meeting of the
freshman law class, when President
"Wholan took occasion to reprimand a
few of tho members who were in tho
habit of sitting in tho back part of
the room and amusing themselves by
expectorating tobacco julco all over
the floor.
That University students can bo
guilty of such acts as these is difficult
to comprehend, and they should be
subjected to tho worst punishment
their class-mates can mote out to them
complete ostracism in the class rqom !
and on the street. Nothing less than
thls can be effectual. President Who
lan of the'law class Is to bo congratu
lated on tho stand ho has taken with
regard to these beastly practices, and
tho freshman lawclass Is equally to
be congratulated In Its support of him.
If the freshman acadomlo class will
.onl yshow how thoroughly it is out of
. sympathy with thoso who attempted
"to break up the meeting, such acts
- of .rowdyism will cease.
Stanford University has one of the
most, extensive and best equipped ath
letic fields In the 'country. It contains
forty acres of perfectly level land, and
whloh Is-laid out for football, baseball)
tennis and track athletics. There Is
one' field for the '.yarslty football team
and supplementary fields for" class
teams. In addition to
this, .tennis
courts are scattered
about the campus Itself.
Professor Bessey . wllf Address the
class in Forestry tomorrow morning
on 'Forestry as a Profession)" -
an Active Meeting After Two
Weeks' Adjournment;
The Students' Debating Club, after a
two weeks' adjournment, mot last Sat
urday night to debate tho municipal
ownership of tho Lincoln gas system.
MosBrs Taylor and Rise upheld 'the
affirmative Pltzslmmons and Dobbs
spoke on tho negative. The speakers
presented tho question la a way that
showed preparation and study. Mr.
Fredericks commented on tho parlia
mentary law practice which was some
what shortened by tho amount of
business on hand. Tho treasurer re
ported nlno dollars and thirty cents
In tho treasury and about fifteen per
sons delinquent, both for tholr duos
and Initiation fees, and for tho twenty
flvo cents assessment for dofraylng a
part of tho expense of papering tho
hall. The president warnod these
j "hangers back" and "holders on" to
tholr money to be prompt in tho
payment of tholr expenses, otherwise
the advantages of the club could not
bo oxtended to them.
.The question of correspondence with
othor colleges relative to the arrange
ment of joint dbates was agitated.
Among other colleges suggested with
which the secretary was Instructed to
open correspondence were Doano,
Crelghton and Bellevue. Mention was
also made of co-oporatlori between tho
Students' Debating Club and the Acad
emy Debating Club to arouse Interest.
P. A. Peterson and a number of hlB
Academy students wero present.
Tho goneral nature of the club's
programs and tho activity of Its mem
bers In all of Its meetings this year
have boon such as to win for tho club
tho name of being a "fast" organiza
tion. Tho debaters no longer got
"soro" on being attacked by the critlo,
but take their dose in good spirit
Evon tho most outspokon member, at
tho meeting last Saturday, testified
to tho Inestimable value tho criticism
had been to him and promised to re
form at once, for which promise tho
club tendered him a vote of thanks.
Tho "co-od" program for nextSat
urda evening is being arranged for
by the committee. A model program
will be given consisting of the usual
parliamentary scrap, music and de
bate. Tho committee Is making mad
attempts to got "co-eds" to appea'r on
the program and also to act as Judges.
The question for debate will be, "Re
solved, That a man Is Justlflod In get
ting married on ton dollars." .
Freshman Laws Meet -The
Freshman Laws metjn room
207 at 11 a. m., Tu.sday, In response
to a call by President Whelon and dis
cussed several questions which inter-'
estmot, only tho class, bu.t tho whole
Law School as well. Mr. Legro, as
chairman of the athletic committee,
reported tho treatment of tho law
classes -bytho athletic board o the
Academy, wherein the classes .wore
denied class football toams and also
equal representation bn tho athletic
board. Ho suggested that a commit-"
tee be appointed to confer with sim
ilar committees of tho other law
classes toward forming a separate Law
LSchooV 'athletic board. On a motion
to that effect, tho president appointed
Messrs. Rice, Kazebeor and McWhln
ney. Mr. Legro was afterward ap
pointed as. manager of the basket-ball
The class then discussed tho action
of. a few of ttielr membors as well as
tho membors of other classes which,
are certainly bringing this, branch of
the University into disrepute by using
the northeast corner of room 207 as a
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great cuspidor and. the southwest cor
ner as a placo to show their "spoony"
affections. The class voted, their sen
tlmonts against the action of these
"Bluffers" and appointed a committee,
to draw up a petition to that effect
and presont it to each of the instruc
tors of the freshman law class.
(Contnued from page 1.)
Different Senior girls spoke and
then the following officers wero elect
ed: President, Martha Kline; vice?
president, Alice Ageo; secretary, Beu
lah Greenwald; treasurer, Georgia
Tho committee for the first social
stunt, which is to bo given Saturday
aftornodn in Art Hall, is: "Kora Davis,
'00; Gladys Hargreaves, '06; Mar
garet Porter, '00; Helen Huse, '07;
Eleanor Androws, '07; Josle Prazler,
'07;Helon Laus, '08; Mossle Klmmel,
'08 Jessie Gibson, '08.
Christmas Vacation.
Tho executive office has posted a,
notice to- the effect that the Christ
mas vacation will begin TuesdayrDe
' comber i?l, and will end Tuesday, Jan
uary 2. All the railroads have granted
Jow rates to Bono fide sludents, and
to secure this, rate It necessary
to secure a certificate fronuthe offlco.
As tho office will not grant the certifi
cate until each student has attended
his last class, those Inclined to add a
couple of days 'at each end of the va,
cation will have to pay for the privi
lege. Harry Shedd, formerly an Instructor,
and later registrar of tho University,
was in the city yesterday. Mr. Shedd
Is. at present manager of a largo com,
pany operating in the western part of
the s,tato.1
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