f-tm Tt&E'iKfrx N. i- v i i 9 4' ?; s? ebraefcan Vol. V. No. 52. UNIVERSITY.OF NEBRASKA, -LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER J3, 1905. Price 5 Cents ztbe mm m - hi m i i , rt. SOPHS vs JUNIORS CLA88 CHAMPIONSHIP TO'E DE , CIDED THI8 AFTERNOON. Juniors and Sophomores to Contest for Iriterclass Honors Both Teams ,8trongand Expect Victory. Today at 2:30 p. m., on Nebraska field, the final" game for the football -.-championship of the UttlverBlty will bo 1 -played when the Juniors and Sopho mores battle for honors on .the grid iron. Each of the teams was able to make but. a single touchdown on their opponents In the first games of the dories, and the game this afternoon promises to be even more interesting. In spite of the attempts of the sup ' porters of either. team to fix up their "dope cardB," a lino on the compara- " tive strength of tho two teams can hardiy bo drawn .with any success. Tho Juniors have defeated tho Seniors and th6 second high -school cloven, whllo thguomores havo defeated tho FrcsliiUvV thoAcadomy and suc ceeded in holding tho eleven from Lin coln high school to an oven scoro In -a-gamo of ono half. The SophJlno-up, howovcr, has beon changed consider ably since the gamo with Lincoln high school and after figuring and compar ing for some time it comes down to the question of, "Where are wo at?" Thqlcams are about evenly matched itf&weight. Both teams havo been cS&ffod toy men on thjs year's 'varsity andlhe plays used by the teams nre Very similar; The final (result of the game probably depends on tho- indi-, iduaf playing and .team .work: Ttio Jirie-"up of the Warns will bo jis follows f Juniors. . Sophomores. Cramor 1. o, ....,'......'. Cook .Meier 1. t. ...i. fjOyennan Klessolbach.v . . . 1. g ,t0rawfqrd Wilkio . . . . c Porrln B.Green , r. g McLaughlin Ilort. . . . -. ".' rh . .Matters Butler.. . . ; r. o. Moneffoo Standoven q. ..,., Koohlor Howard r. h.- . ... . . . .Wallace Runner. 1. h Howard Myers1.. ...... f. b. .Flanagan-Myers . , QlrlB'Masa Meeting. A.V'thd4mass' mootingof tho girls of. tho throe- tippet; classesTuesday, . a tfniversrty.dlrrsClub was organized. -firdcer Trigg, '"the Senior president, pfesidqd,v'MIsVHowoll stated tho'pur- jjoso'orifio'Club to bo, tho aim to make college life irioro pleasant for the Freshman girls. ' Mrs. Barkley said. In" partr"that It should-mean a broader University life. much good In a way' vxbgkqjajffla , Sftaall circles and clique may do much In a'way, yet theytend to'self- ishnees. The purpose of this club should not bo f 2tly social there Is much realtVo be done. It ought .to make better' women and Talse tho standard' of social -life 3tMPitf er spoke of the' need4 of eordlallty and ' said. hat although the people of the "vtfeft .were much more cordial thai! thoe pf'the EaBl,yol avo'n.the' WeSfe erner has sometimes loihink. of .cor diality, and especially the University girls'. It is your business and Ought to fee a pleasure to make the new girls - feel at homo. ' (Continued on page 2.) - FOOT-BALL SOPHOMORES--JUNIORS INTERCLASS CHAMPIONSHIP Today 1:00 p. m. Athletic Field. Admission 25c CR088 COUNTRY. Men to Continue the Cross Country . Running for Training. The cross country men will continue to do training in cross country running in ordor that tho distance men may bo in training for tho track in tho spring. It is hoped that all men in tending to' do track work will report for this, and not put off training until tho last tiling. It is not necessary that you be spoedy, for these runs are to bo long, easy and slow. Tho dis tance will not be so long but what anyone can cover the courso, and that at the pace set by tho leaders. Cross country -work is the best exercise men can got who are not able to do the regular gymnasium work. It has been arranged to make two runs each week, if tho weather per mits. Tho first will bo on Tuesday from four until five o'clock, and tho other on Saturday at 3 p. m. These t5vo dates are such that every man who wjxnts to do cross country work may bo ablo to get out at least onco a week. If you juBt want tho work for exorcise, do not be afraid to como Into the work, as It will develop you more than indoor work. Professor Luokey Is in receipt of a copy of tho quinquennial report of the public .schools of Bloomlngton, Illinois, which contains a number of photo graphic views showing what the dif ferent grades- are doing in regard to manual training! agriculture and gar dening especially. The schools' of Bloomlngton havo, since 1901, been in charge of Superintendent J. K. Stable ton, formerly superintendent at Lex ington, Nob. ,Mr. Fred Abbott, editor of tho Co lumbus Journal, was in Lincoln yes terday visiting with University profes sors. Mr. 'Abbott was Xormorlya stu dent at Nebraska and Is ono of the re cently elected regents of theUniver slty. i Don't forget, your Senior pictures. in -, . BASKET-BALL NEBRASKA . VS. . WESLEYAN Armory, bee. J3, 8:15- p.- tii. READY FOR CHARTER DAY. Dr. Clapp Begins to Train the Men for This Big Athletic Event Indoors. Work begins today on tho big ath letic event of mid-wlntor. Tho Char ter day athletic program Jia's become of more than ordinary importance to tho University student. This yoar it promises to bo of greater" importance than over before. -Realizing this, Dr. Clapp calls tho men to a mooting at 4 o'clock this afternoon in tho. Armory. All who Intend to try for any of tho events in the program aro urged to bo in attendance thia evening In ordor that training may commonco immedi ately. Another thing that makes this in door training of greater importanco this year than over -is the fact that a big athletic carnival is to bo held In Kansas City in February. The Kan sas City Athletic Club is arranging for a big Indoor moot embracing all the Indoor sports. Sho has four other representative teams .to participate with her in this meot, Missouri Ath letic Club of St. Louis, Missouri, Kan sas and Nebraska Universities. This comprises what would bo termed a Missouri Valley Indoor Meot In all probability Nebraska will send a team, but this all depends on tho kind of work-tho men do on .Charter day. Tho events for Charter day this year will bo the same as last: 25-yard (lash, running high jump, polo vault, shot put, rope climb, 'fence vault, and inter-fraternity -relay race. This pro gram occupies about throe hours and. ono-balf, making a very interesting entertainment C. G. Hodges of tho Mechanical En gineering department, loft for Topeka, Kansas, last Tuesday to look at a tele scope there., Mr, Hedges is assisting Professor Swozey in 'tho construction of a' Targe telescope to be, used at .the obsorvatory here. ' ' C. W. Roberts, '06, wa taken sick last week and Is mow at his home: in Normal, Ne.br. Mj Robert will prob ably not bo ablo to return to school until tho flrst'of tho year. '; Admission 25 cents PLAY WESLEYM -ti FIRST BA8KET-BALL .GAME OF . THE SEA80N TONIGHT. Wesleyan Comes With a Strong Team, and an Enthusiastic Crowd of Rooters. Tonight tho first gamo .of basket-ball Is to bo playod on tho homo floor. Tho .gamo Is with Wosloyan Univer sity, tho toam that dofoatod Nobraska on last Thursday night at University Place. Tho scoro, although close, was ono point in favor of tho Mothodists. Tho gamo tonight promisos to bo Just as eloso and exciting as tho ono held on Thursday night last Both teams havo practiced hard for tho game, and aro in the best of condition. Wosloyan "Jtas"'"tho best toam this yoar Bho has ovor had, and plays the gamo with a vim from start to finish. Lowell, tho "tall ono" at tho contor po sition, is a Btrong playor and knows tho game in overy detail. Ho Is as sisted by Whlto 'at forward, and those two men aro tho chlof basket tossors of tho Wosloyan toam. Tho toam work manifested by those playors in. tho first gamo was of a very high or dor for this early in tho season. Tho varsity has boon practicing bvory day sinco tho last gamo, and show marked improvement Hagonsick Is back at his old position at forward, and plays a hotter ga'mo than ovor. Tho guard positions will bo, taken caro of by Bell and Captain Hoar tonight, tho center,, by Moyor, and Mosor will play tho other forward position. Kowitt will bo on tho side-lines ready to toko Hagonsick's place If his kneo should go back on him. Tho peoph-wll bo glvon tho oppor tunity to soo tho flrsand last game, of , basket-ball boforo vacation. It is-a groat incentive to tho nowplayors to have a largo-crowd of peoplo foivthe ursc gamo oi mo season, u maxes tho men feel their work Is appreciated. So' como out, students, and give the team a good rousing start for the basket-ball season. 'Tho new Physics building has boon; sufficiently completed to allow tho classes in Physics to. meet In the large lecture room on tho second floor.' The - change from tho 'poorly-lighted rooms which, havo been used- Is jnost wel como and bettor results aro expected . la tha-now location. . The lecture room Is lighted by near? ly a dozen large -windows. The seat aro-arranged In tiers, each tier at lit--lie higher than tho oneln front of it Tjho lecturer's deaki Is in thAfroa and penter of tke reom and the .slopla floor brlBgs the student much nearer me uesiL thu i tne only leoura room of 1U kino; in the University fcmd it is to W hoped that in the nar. fu ture every department' will h&vu tf most suitable rooms possible; Tho Engineering Magazine for De cember hag n very interesting arlelf' . upon "An Engineer's Ufa in the Field on the IqtkmuV3' it will, be especially InterestlBg ta any young engineer oo templatlng employment upon &e canal. 4 , rl ... 1 " I ' , JMHW A s y- O .' v