The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1905, Image 2

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X i l
im. ,
tfri Dally fabm
X rannnllriatlaii Of
The Hesperian, Vol. 81, The Ntebnwkan;
Vol. 10, Bcarlet and Creamy Vol. 4,
Published dally, eiewjt Bandar and
Monday, at the UnlyereCtyof Nebraska
ilttcoln. Neb., by the Hesperian Publish-
M Co. .. v . . ,. .." ,
. . Board ef Directors, ,-'.
5. V. P.'Btout ,-f Laurenoe Fowler.
. ' ' H. P. Leavltu . . v
n-.ll.. -4U.... " r A
A. O. Schrelber.
Edltor-ln-Chlef . ...... . . JohnD. Clark
Manfle.r,. . ,. .-,. . . .Fred -Naughton
News ,..,..., ,?. j. .-. J.'J). Bn?
Athletic i.. ,...,.,.. ,i.H. A. Van Ors4l
Circulation . , ...... w. iuv nianuayjji
liaitdrlanodme 0 J04. Btislhess OJUe,
11., Post omce,
coin Neb."
U 2U
Station A, i Xv
omce hours of Business' Manager and
Editor, 1U00 to 11:80 dally,. . , ...
relBpHone.'. ..v..,'. . ... . ,Autqrrtatlai,1&
N'0htrJveephon.? Automatic 2365
Bubsbrlptfoh Pico; $2 per yndriin' advance
Feotball Referm.
Vhijfootball JltuaClofa IsjioW coming
to a Mad and in the course of a few
'jMeto'the fate of football will bo !d
cided. -r . . , , r . r'
' Saturday, at, Philadelphia, thd.foot-,
ball rules committee mot and lmmodi
afeiypaaiieil te following resolution J
'This, committee, -, in favor of action
'leading toward the opening of the
game, xno lessening oi, uiu uiumiuj,
tho placing; tit tffflcers lha central body
nna renaenngttne ovation or rwes w
pbpUlaV,"' " ' ": "
f (Aftoa thorough deliberation thp,
j JiflWTho rules 's'hSulddiBtlnguifllL
' between imn'ecossaty roughness and
brutality, the latter, viz., 'brutaftty,
nlmdlrt linnlllfln 'alii trcrtn ' nnrl 'UVlOO..
nuuum myiuxo nuot"C ! .j
'ihg Tho Rnalty for these offenses
Ish&ii.d bedlsallflcatipn of tho guilty
blayef ' tiritil th;Jl end of tholvhnlf, no
'shbstituto being permitted to tako his
place; two such" disqualifications in
niniTnx r.wtK
IB I" IB j H JB iH '', fJV SFSB. Sl UK SL'Sl IV BM SH SlB'llH - ' B tf, .
j tl , r - "'
J. USEFUL "pO.BflttLB.,f IT'.!'
' . 'I. . ' , M'- '1 " . -
' Entered'" aV the poatofllce at tt'ncolh., tho.soasori to bpbrate as a bar to such
NebjtAs nd-claii mall jjhattor. under pj.ayorB further participation in any
the act .of conffroM of March 8, 1879. ,, . I; 7. '...- , ., A
, ,i flu:.', 77,l;M.v-,..t.- ' - : . ' -1 intercollegiato gamos during that sod-
TtiAlvtriiinJ i. notices .will ha ohanred- for
at inn raio oi iv oenia ior wicii iiiooruun,
Kaoulty departmental and jiinlVfirslty. bulr
lotlna. villi gladly vbe, publUhed free, as
V V.
The souvenir Football number of the
Dally Nebr'aakari has been' taken off
sale at thVbobk' rtpres, but there are
a few copies at. tPP. office of the Ne-
braskah which may be had at the regu
lar price, ten cents;
Asked about football', Professor Bes
sey said: "I have boon thinking for
Bonio timo that thero Bhould be a
1nmdi6ap placed upon the, heavier
team, just as in yacht racing there Is
a handicap upon tho larger boat I
talked to a fow people about this mat
tor before tho Thanksgiving recess,
but being very busy at that time, id
tfot do anything about it. On my way
back from tho east last woek I no
ticed an item inone of tho Chicago
p'aporstp l cffeot at thpTBame .sug
gestion had been made by some one
In the University of Illinois. Tho
. more I think ovor tho matter tho mora
lr am Impressed with the valuo of. tho
suggestion, which no doubt has often
boen madd -before. Why it has not
boon adopted is not hard to surmiBe.
'The heavy, team does not want a handi
cap, ind tho lighter one Is too proud.
to ask any odds. Bo( the game has
comb to bp ry contest bf Weights rather,
than of skill alorfo. Of course I do
. npt suggest that there is not a great
deal pf:skjll in thp present game, but
asshownlTt AnnAybor, all tKff skill
. -of .our lighter team, could not, oyer'
come tho avoirdupois ot tho opposing
team.jgl, should ike'.to place so Wuvy
a'handlcapuponithq heavy teams that
- coaches would ilnd it iafmpifgRi'.
blotto 'develop, .great skill , .in light
teams, rather; thaiwtcreolloqt-all.' jhp
.wplght"possiDie.;'.'aupp.9, w.y pmr.uM
get.-upwp muijuutvV'i " ".
of sJUQh-4tHfcimenrasv.P.rafes8qr Ross,
-Dfc-CondrkJrof,essQr FossteTMnd -so
inllhraot;; ,likel Pfb'f el.
yottldt Veat ajairaye then;
nlav aKalast one another, without- some
-'!"-' r ? r .",.. - i r
"Tho former, 'unnecessary rough
no'BB,' should include ..the use of the
'straight arm' and elbow in defense,
'piling up' and other acts of similar
character. -
"Second Tb bring more. open play
tho following changes are reconv
"(a) Forward pass permissible back
of tho line of scrimmage. ,
"(b) On tho defense there shall not
be more than, six players on tlfo line
of scrimmage; of .the players back of
the line of scrimmage three of them
Jnust bp nt least Ave yards from tho
HnP; the remaining players back of
tho lino of scrimmage, if within Ave
yards thereof) must he insido of tile
position of tho two players on the end
of tho line of wrirnsiago.
"(c) ,On the offense, tho sldo having
the hall must gain ten yarda on three
downs or forfeit the same to the other-
''(d) There "should be an official
hoard of umpires andrefereeS; chosen
in 'advance of-tho football.season and
"gOC&K'i: BOjOItS, $&&, Bill BookafSTiopl -:C?
ISfl pin: arid WristBMr'Trunkl, "OxfoVd -'ikes. - . -
' h..U ri. "TrJi GxlXUlZ? 'T?iA-X tJVsilw ',.
, Cigar Cases, DjCBaing Cases,.' Toil ojK6lls; ..
etc., eto. Our line is I tfomploto, arid' '(Jf.thc'jnoWeatT5 ,
i...i-. ir!!i . . : '. . . " p. .' 'r :. j -
. &! v
- ' " -v. .'L.i.'tt'rNr.'r'- -t rt.-. ' -f ia'.Va.... ,v-
ThVflrsi'faiiway in America to.a4opt;ihe absolnte-' - il
Block System in the operation ef all trains tt&'tfis).? :j!
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
n - .
iiniissinv :
-- - T .
I'.'ljW " L . -- , - i." M
T. - U ,-i.- !!- V"' 5.' iu"-3K,"V. ....' 'K-."-
block signal rmle tkam any other railway company1.1 w; -
The.Sf Paul Tload wa':the fi.rjraibray to .Ught'.v'v
its trains by electricity; and it now' has more' thai" ' . ." J
vw exoufcno-ugucea paasenger can. in oauy service.
Three trains from Union StatfeeiOmaha. to U'nle
Station, Chicago; every day.. ' " , ' --" "-'
For time table, special rate write .
Genarfcl Vater Agent, 15 Faratm Street,
others The -kome: should put a pre-
mlum upon-pluc enduranb'o and sklli,
ana not upon nay.ftws Bizojmu wmisu
Anhanl(ap..uch .as .1 speak of would
Btopthejncrpaslngf anxiety, pf colleges
to get. blggeY.anoV ,bir3!)ll 9H e
' teams." ?jv - ' V ' -
'..- " - '-'- -J 4 ..
'Seniors should hye JStMrw t6n
a Kennedy'sroSrii;TMfS"atreet,l
for the Senior boek.'i' V-i?J' ,
assigned to the respective games by
some duly constituted au&ority." .
In New Ydrk city, on Friday, in re
sponse to the Invitation of Chancellor
McCracken of New York University,
thirteen colleges and universities hold
a joint meeting at which two merrr
represented each institution. Chan
cellor . McCracken. presented', a resolution-that
football - be1 done away with
entirely. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert
Hpwse of th&jlllltary Academy at
West P6int, amended the original reso
lution J30 that footbaiHBhouldTbo re
formed but not done away.yrkii. Tho
umeuunieiiu was carneu oy a yote or
15-, The most prominent- schools
;tiok; side. as .follows:., Harvard, Ritf-?ers7Vresleyan,-
West Point, Syracuse,
Sw,a"lhmore,t Foidhanr;, and Rbchesfoi'
(l),Jtor,reform Columbia,1 New York,.
Unlon.Stovehs ahdRochester (Dfor
tho abonshmoht of footbdll.y -
A committee composed of r.epreseri
tatiV9s froni Columbia, NewXork and
Westpoint submitted three .different
propositions "which were merged into
thov followpg: . v ' ' ,
'ItesoWed, Thatthls cbferpqee fa
yofs the appolntmeat of a rules' com
mittee, to govern football to be ap
mulato rules for x the . governmeat of
tho game..
"Rosolvod, That no one shall he eli
gible as a delegate to the conference
.who has received compensation by
reason, of bis connection with athletics,
whethervas a player, coach, umpire,
referee, director, committeeman or in
any. other capacltyoxcept a member
of a faculty of a collegeand regularly
enrolled In the catalog."
. An invitation was oxtendedtohave
slich a body meet in New York,"De-J
cemher 28, '05. .
WHHaWMMaVMs - -1;V
. MM 111 ,M I P M , B
pointpd1 by these ijutitutlons annually
and' to, be rewMfiMe to the ppolnt
ing Wfyf&K. : ; ;
9fJi jlttvltitiph. bo
sent te tliejseMeMr Bnd ttmJwrjiiU6
that are acWve J football ajtj&j
anjMiw.iy . ors jrcjH m.m'A
gouKiea, woo enau ?&$. mm'jm ?l
enmsnlttee of eleven wejili, Jjf, er
The date of the final contest for the
cljl8B football championship of tho
University has not as ypt been set
Both managers want the game to 'be
played this week In order to get it
played off before the Christmas vaca-'
tlon, but they have bden unable. so far.
to get together on tho exact day ofhe
game The Sophomores desifevmoro
time to get over the ."sore ."spots" re
ceived in tho game last Frfd'ay; while
the Juniors 'urge that the game bo,
played as soon as ppssiblesln order to.
take ridyantago of tho (excellent
Speaking of Speakers
Mostly new e'vory ono good
sof ditciunt tottochtrt ." "--The
Beat American Oration of Ti-iliy,.$1.25" .
Readioga from the Popular Nuvel.,rV- "
Pieces That 74 vt TakeH Prltca., i.13 .
New Plecea.That Will Takt Pnxci j. 15
Pieces for -Svtry Occailon. ...,,, i , ... , 1 M
How to Attract and Hold an Audleilre ,.-.. 1 JO
"Thfee-MlouteUclamattosaf'iH olat-eMen 1 (V
TrifCe-Mtriuto ReaUlnafor College ()ltl..i l.(il
Handy. Piece to Speak ton traratre'arf() .10.
Acme Oeclamatlbn Haok;,w.,,.i,..,,iM, .fO1
Uk.. Uy....l. 1.1.1;. . ' . I. .4 Ml
n; 'Dlalogdei YiSfi 7WZ W;XJA:im'
new uiiuoguea riayt rrmr., J hi ,ir.) j ow
Coirmencenitat Carta tnd efhrr ectatHk)t.ltk
Jffttfi.ta;on ictimfftt tfftaft).. IM
jKitaHtatiroili PitttxintnlAry Outdc. M
HINDS & NOBLB,- Publishers
31-nM5 Wet 15th M. . . v' Ykk City
.choalbo'efit-of all publithtrt nt on itprt
.'. ;, 'jyieetinapirrLVtVn'ltib.
-Tho MtlnvClub wJllJneet,tliireyeh
lng at. tlie home1 of VMtss .Hunter. 1448
R'-street. 'ThofoloVing prbgriinTilil
.be giyen: , ' ,T. v , -:v u ' l
.Bp6k, Reviews, MIbs McLuca's.-, '.
PprlpdlcoisMiss LSpgV .
Paper, Miss Bunt', , ' ".
Current Events, Miss StebbinB. ,
Latln.'-Convorsatlon-, led. by Dr John
son. ' ' '';"'.', - " ""
Latin Songs?' (i " - ' " v
All members are urgently requested
to be present a
CapMal'.fxA. 3pQ;004it
SfjptvtadPfolp, 24H),06.tO
.-- .
. v 4.-:
j" r.-.
' BARBER. - ,-
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T'T"TTmmm"mm 'KJi7ZiT m""rTm?mmmmmm '
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