.'4 "t- r "V " afc Vol. Y No. 5. . &t OFlrEBRASKALINGOLN TUESDAY, DECEMBER: 2f fete, Jhicm&ffakt . ' ...,.! '.".'', . ' -. .- -'. . ' ' . ' .'' . ' w ". . : : : , , , L Sji-. ' i? 'v ;.. i'" ; a ' , ' 1 ' " r'"', ,, , ZZL lgMES 11'' t -" M fV a SUMMER EBRAKA CbtUtaES bfefilfelNE ON SUMMER TfittROCTToN. to I hiW te ri FHB . ymvh'm i .Entire-Summer Work to Be'Carrled on all t&ntveValtynd at Wes-, -JilK!.9!.'ll,,lI fll..- PJulli IX - . . !-- -l-M I SoWe doz'engwiUeinon WPMS 'V.lj,,ll Wtra?S. .r.' ;f?,i-' fa.W i4?i???r , SH Mft4Mt own'. aijU ' the college 6. .iilJii ia iv AcA.nnnWi. Mill lVfMlH rJIUlW UIj bjitouiuuj r " .... - -.c college '$$ i-tulMteidMdoT Pheir share of the enterprise la jiiftnctors who are considered pre Slnent In their lines, and will Alft r'4y Inll-crodlt for all wbflt MM '& ' rSW sewioR by. toy- stWt ' tK teachMilitiNlaAnd'raral' Bchjiogr, should bev -ven at .Weaieaw,: J'1-Wjhlle high schools teachers and college ct students wilt 'attend the "Onlverslty. This 'iUvlslon-of tho work will not only enable the colleges to place excellent inen.at the head of the various courses, " "biit will also permit the offer of many new courses for students who wish to make up credits during" the: siSfflm'er. In the past this ?art of ho eranrier work has been of minor importance only nt the University, on vaccourit of the. difficulty in handling th$ number of teachers "who have reglsteredesich jear. As this plants an oxperiment, its outcome will bo awaited" expectantly. p'rofessor Hodgman, who "WllJ have charge, of, the dsalott at the Univer sity, dnticlpates"- juii'quallfled. vmxm, .and looks foran Unprecedehted-at tehdad'ce, both. of : teachers anil slu-dents.- - ' Eriglnaers' Smoker. Saturday ovenTrigxat tha Phi- Gamma Delta house the largeixpertloir of- the. .engineering body of the" University et ie the" guests of the Engineering -Society; -Thiryarthe first smokerrof the year and, the enthusiasm of the arUcipants was very great. Abou ino hukdred and -fifty young en lfneersjwere out. ") After a verypleksaht arid enjoyable evening at games, jnuslc andj. above. an, reiresnmenis,, uj iRcuuy iuu tiers gave ' some talks. ' ' Prbressor Stlbha'rd-' Professor' -CHatbuTn wid 7 jjfossrsVDavIs, Swoboda and Dean en. teftalised the engineers with some fchor.trBtyc'ytalks." The sentlmeritsof all of the speakers was tha- every on- gl'n.eerlBgiudenti should. Identify hlm- Aelf with the, society so .that hp jmighjt get into cioser touch, yrith his Work, "his clasainatea andbis prpfessprp. , 5 Mlss,;.Newspn,, !0?V has .re.tvned, to llerhoriiev in - Wyoaaing orf account, of the death of ijer hirbther. Mr.' Newson was.. Injured in tho rece'tft Unl9n,!Fa', 5l'ltc wreck; '-" - - ; Classesv are; meeting In the, Physics' . nil..- 11.1. .-1, .? ' . OU1IU1DK "p vvwun. i. Bat at DJn bariioron's new reetau" rant, 11V go.42tli St,.; $fe BASKET '.'if . I ( Batufi 'day at 2 afllMdr;'awJiiir'ever the 'linaacial outcbmi0mKm0km eoa- 8on In detail. It .fs- tb'vutiL'wm tT.ajywAl feared; that there will be Hlfaifr da- nclency w.hen all accdurits aMMkleci; There are- several reds6ns for tbisrde flclefricy. The first is tho poor weatkee during tho season just past, tho AaatMi ad Knox games, two' of the boat IfarhOB of the season, wero played in a seaofrmud, and lal ralh. People will hot come out to games when climatic1 conditions are not favorable. It vfd so. very cold Thanksgiving day that a smaller crowd by several hundred wit nessed tho gamo last year than this. The lateness of tho Minnesota, gamo, as well as the effect the Wisconsin defeat had had on tho football enthusi asts in Minneapolis, tended to' briag down the financial results of that game. Tho Nebraska share ot the gate receipts at that game wore, but half what they should have been under favorable circumstances. All these things during' the season have' been detrimental' to tho- financial snccetof tho; season; formo blame can be laldto tho-.laaaageaienb ' . . Nebraska has had' more expenses this year. thaBheretofore'' owing to the fact that many new equipments were aecessary to' give themefri the1 'desired ults' and outfits; Besides this No-J braska hasjhadta long, seasonand has carjrle more men at the training table than any! : other season heretofore Coasee.uently Iheoxpensosot the table' are higher than? they have ever been. 1 The receipts and" attendance of thb different games w.ere as follows: Attendance. Receipts. Grand Island -1,055 240.50. Lincoln ."High .,. ..... 710 147 25 654.38 753.25 685.22 i 146.65 723.25 "3,425.37 2,551. 49 223; 2$ 4,73 J. 00 aoutn uaicota ....s.. i,zw Knor vl,318 Michigan . . .. . . . . Crelghton ..,.i,t.. Ames ., 1,215 Colorado .......v4,012 Slnneflota . . , . .; . ane 1,100 Illinois -.."... 3,600 Totals .u...... .14,266 14,598.51 PrlnUng Ceorge' Bros.; 13th & N. I r i p ; . "' ' ' u: ' i'Jt,IJtSr:??MPy F m ...... r 1- , w.. .&1U aA ' ThM . AthM JilaMBMtr-kMrt 8 . - . g Of O rS " f o-TJiTocuriKm ijtct c Twmrvoitti t o yr-iim, j " jA-vfriA-B :lv' ' Fktwriity".rIaUj;FHday;,)a. ..Vi rr xrr'iif ctf riu-il ' . .-'sJsat " Li.'ii c-A 3- wan 5 uu yrwiwif ' iWPSSt " X XCKCW.iJU; 5 - BALL AN Admfssiottccdtiii The Graduate tUtk The Or'aduato Club Jnvfisrrfke Irst Utilo this year afc tb,elioW6t"Prof. H. H. Wilson last Edevonrog, and although tho attendaijWss xwt Quifeis as large as was" expected,1 uU? meeting Nri8 Iri dv6ry ttji-Mtmtwt CSJMK; Vili . . HU cklivee4:W-.a4- .fttow;Mtattv noMpcihig 'fWmmihr! Mtamte rf brief siirvoy of thelMstory of graduate study from th6 Uo of Uir-OBtnbilahmont in Gor man0, universities, . soriio severity-five ydars $ago, and Its Introduction Into this country by Johns Hopkins Uni versity. In 1876 to. tho present day, Dr. Howard tioyotod a few minutes to tho question of degrees. "Under no consideration," said he, "ani I fri' favor of the. confbrrlng of hdriofarr degrees. Tno tfrtfetico not only dbWfe good iti th&' man;'ripbn whom tho degree iM cbriterred; but It a-ottially ldwerk tbTe valde' of the do- gf6P"iteifr Abovtf. aiglet ttf feBervo ourPh; D. arid' our M. A. degree's for students and students alone." -iNODrasKa-s standing among trie. tf.iV.-- .. -r. '-.- -, r. .x.- 'nlifl bthfnrgradtfale schooW of the West rwasi ext takeh up' and discussed at semd length -vAlthough our graduate schoorin,'histOry:waa sbnlo years ago doing) -highly' efflciont work, the school las il whole I'M riot at. the present time "clalinlng'her oNvri. Wisconsin far. sur passes: us both la11 the quantity and the iiualit;y of-hertog'oach, material, whilo Illlnbisarid. Missouri are rapidly forgr Ingi ahead-qf us. , Tho cause8Mf. this deficiency, said Dr. Howard;- aromany. In the first place, our teaching force is J"ar tod small tto enable tho heads -of the -de-partmeats tdconduct research work as It should bo conducted. Wherohi professors In. olhpr. institutions have three and four : hours classwork a week, bur professors- have eighteen and twentyTagalnV'OUr libraries and seminaries, are inadequate" bothin size, and equipment A third, obstacle is the non-resident tuition fee which keeps a good many graduate' students (Continued on page 3) . i ill ! " ':-' : - HI , ryvmtr' jmmmm ' . . . '' SS-r- ' Mf i A.. "iTf.Mi"j . ..v i:7i RQur wiwtwirwff' ' rfWPW: ' Player and Thrti KaniM M.eK pet 0,p; b . A-Katwan. reporter '"got Iwwy" wr rigvaba'tlcj 1; and maW' 6iK an "All jMliwouri Valley Elor' Nebraska, without doubt, Is chawilwsCtnU (Uf trlct, Colorado soco 1, third. It Ib dcmbtfril jHLim iiitftf? kas a better aWMkM' tlHwr' Kahsaa University; as thmt between (Ue ,two tmlvorslties .was played in Denver la,- a high altitude and after a long, Wearing trip by the Jayhawkers, Jhe eleven: IL- E. Johnson ..Nebraska, ni: K'. Benedict , Near R. T.-Bi-unner JCaalttf L. T. Donald w KaMas It. .aCotton , Nebraska) L. . G.Brbwn ............. .Washburn C Borg , ,... .Ndbraska Q. Po'oler , Kansas It. H.-Brockmeyer. ... .Missouri' L. H. Galoy Cbldridq' t". B'. Roberts. .....', Cdlojfado Tho kahean. incbmmentlng on the ; ahfle" wti--' might suggest one change,, Inat lsT7h regard to tho full back position. W". havo seen Roberts play, aniLwhlltf !hi plays a good, consistent gamo, boing; a good offensive player, yet this pd- -tlon belongs rightfully to Glen Mason of Nebraska. Glen as a (Jofenslvo. player lids no superior for his wigtft in tho Wosthis-tackling is' surd's hard. On defensive work he lias riot fillQd to mako galnVagalns't any teain xveDrasKa nas iacoa in ta past' iwo yearsl notoxcop.tlng Mlchlga and Minnesota. Football, critles who scon Mason play In-a hard game not failed to speak favorably; of his work. As to tho rest of the .make up of this ,4A11 Missouri VaUoy Mayoa" wo cpuld suggest no changes thai would bettor tho Ilno-up. Meeting Deferred. The board of regents were to have met today, but on account of Important engagements of several members of the' board the meeting; has been, de ferred until next Friday. This will be'bad news to many studeatsi as there has seek a widely-circulated re port that the regent 'intended, to e'-" large the' Christmas vacation, havlsg" Jt begin next Friday Instead of- the folloWlnr Thursday. Iris MaiiMain; - ; There is to be a mass meetlar of :the gfrlg of the three upper oteseee' la'. Memonai nai coaay at caapei umeH the. object of whieh Is kept arbfcuatf secret.. From4 the ejcclueto of the 6- eds, of the 'first 7r oiaes,-, heweVer, it is a safe 'gu ww tt it It ineMi .to, arrange for some surprise fer Utons a pleasant one, it iSfto bf'kefii. . f Miss Helen iarrenL 'kt. irfeftV hi JBKk.WmBm!&Etua& have have-. been ieaohiag. at DerohseeV, ifU .'y' forc4,te;fe, iy,pw-jloeJUo sfcoanee Of trouble with her eyesv MlviUuifokwUmA, 'rytattegds the uitw, jmiiwtmvr'n.iyvrmt'wiim jILJ. t- "Swl !f' h 4 . . . ;l 5 r K v S. . . ' m ftfa' -itytw 9d X '-"'', f2t i K u ;- " Hi k: ' jr - ?' r i ' ' - - ' 'A' v..- '--" V - '- " V '- "-- - - - ' ' a . ' .u ; Jf - : '.: