", w i . -v rfi ,- n? ' . ?,' -V f-fl?' '-,r?.fK'5Pw! THE DAILY INEBRASKAIN, ( 'r ,- t " u i "V. ,- i vv ' t imMb-lImi BUSIHESSJIRECTORY It u u H u Every terl Ualvoralty Stadeat Is targed te patronise these Hebraa kma advertiser, and te tneatfoa the papsrwblle dolHf 10.111 H It it www liAimtiiki aaojfb rue Aristo, Uruen'a I'alueo, Mogul, George's Place. lJAivui--Mr. etry. ' ijo1jNU ALLEY OrcBcent. . UUlvb-aTATlUNEIiY Co-op, Lin coln book Store, Unl. Book Store, lirown Drug Co., Harry Torter. BOOK. HOSPITAL OiUesplo. BAANKS Columbia .National, First Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. OAUPJ3TS Rudgc & Guenzel. CAKPiiJNTElt Ueo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Biggs' Drug Store. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Goo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma geo & Deemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol soni. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DINING HALL University Dining Room. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Steinor, Woem pener, Brown, Rector. Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- shelmor, Rudge & Guenzel. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel Co., Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS 0. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY 2.B0 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guerizel Coa Hall Bros. HOTELS Lindell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. , JEWELER Tucker, Hnllett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., Morclmnta. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond, POOL AND BILLIARDS Tho Hcidel burg. PRINTING George Bros., Now Con tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Greer Cooper Co. . RESTAURANTS Wcstorfleld. Cam eron, Good Health, Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union ' College Tailors, Ludwlg. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood ward. AHT,OV A N EW QUARTER-SIE ARROW 18 CENTS EACH 2 FOR 28-CENTS OLUETr.T-TrnODY & CO., MAJXM f IUSTT A0 MO.AMM tHIT .odbocx)bc)cxxx)c5o5cooc)co, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTWC , FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARJSTO BAM.ER SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, BUB$ CLOCK WJJHPI ! "i - Ax B iI I I X ,..."".Ty ""Hi Ak. I ? j-'w''z. xeTAl I SBeBBgjj.:M"-2geBeBK' l CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIALS NOTICES Itn to ono cent per word each IhBertlon; minimum, ton cents. FOUND. A PLACET to got a good J2.G0 hat. J2.C0 lint Storo. 1141 O St. FOUND A largo gentleman's signet ring. Ownor may securo same by call ing at this office and paying charges. $50 dress suit, used ono season, $25, medium size. Address Room 110, Lindell Hotel. ME88ENQER3 A. D. T. MESSENGERS. .Tel.: Bell 180, Auto. 2233. "- ! NOVELTIES. KEYS and rcpalrlng-of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 303 So. 11th St. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ItpPEIt, prlvato ninbulunco service. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SULPIIO-SAL1NE Bath House,. 14th and M Sts. SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned ahd pressed at tho Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. FAGER BROS., Bnsomont Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. 8H0E REPAIRING 7 THE only up-to-dato' roprilrlng factory In tho city. Prices tho lowest. Work manship tho best. 1220 O St. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 13190 St. HAIR DRES8ER8. BEST soft water shampoo In tho city, 124 No. 12th St. Elizabeth Good man. 25-2t OLIVER THEATRE FRI., SAT. & MAT., NOV. 8-9. DORA THORNE Dramatization of Bertha M. Clay's Famous Novel. EVE., 50, 35r& 25c. MAT., 25 & 50c. --- MH. y - I-... ' " I I I Wed., Mat. and Night Dec. 13. A SON OF REST Friday, Mat: and Night, Dec. 15 CHAS. H. YALE'S. . DEVIL'S AUCTION 1 I. -. i. .... ! M ', " i i Convocation Today. The usual musical exercises will fill tho convocation period this morning, the program hclng a song recital . hy Mr. Harold Shellhorn, who will render tho following selections: Valso, A Minor .-" Chopin Nocturne, ,E flat Mirjor " Chopin Witches Dance.. i . . MacDowell Andante Appetuoso.. Mortimer Wilson Tho Erl King Schubort-Liszt Union Program. Friday, Decomher8. Piano Solo...'.' Miss Sargent My Soul and L ..K. ...Miss , Eliza beth Shotwell, Walter Woodward Biography. Mr. Aron Heading Miss Crandall Reading Mr. KJlngermann Vocul Splo..n-T7-T......Miss Hager . . r , Graduate Club Meeting.- "There will bo several musical num bers at tho meeting of the Graduate Club tonight. Mr. 'Frank Hudson of the School of Music will render selec tions from "Ellland Cycle," by von Fjelitz, and Mlas Pilling will' sing two songs, "Song of a Heart," and '"Sing Mo to Sleep," tho latter with a violin obll&ato. Considerable intorest has beoniroused in the Graduate Club this year, and a large attendance is expectedat the meeting tonight. 1 (.roOTl's I Afrifriil Barber Shops ' 1 Palaco Eat at th(3 tmk Music Cafe. ' CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMOOOonnnryv-i I BULLET2ly J ffifft 1 Today. 1:C0 p. m. Sophomore-Freshman football game. Campus. 8 p. m. Graduate Club meets. Resl donco of Professor Wilson. 4:30 p. m. Ladies of -Faculty servo tea. Rest room. Saturday, Dec. 9. 8 p. m. English- Club meets. 1705 L street. Engineer smoker, 7:30 p. m., 1232 R street.' Friday, Dec. 15. Q:00p. m. Porshing Rifle Hop. Fra ternity Hall. Friday, Jan. 12. 9 p. ni. Freshman Hop. Fraternity Hall. Friday, Feb. 9. 9- p. m. Junior! Prom. t Lincoln hotel. Convocation. Friday, Dec. 8 Music. Chaplain Rov. C. H. Rogers. Monday, Dec. 11 Mr. W. O. Jones, Edftor Nebraska State Journal, "Tho Cotton Grower." Wednesday, Dec. 13 Prof. H. W. Caldwell, "Tho President's Message." Friday, .Dec. 15 Muster Chaplain Prof. E. L. Hinman. Monduy, Dec. 18 Mr. F. E. Bishop, "Contrast in Efficiency Botweon Orien tal and Westorn Civilization." Wednesday, Dec. 20 -Annual Christ mas Concert, Handel's "Messiah." Chaplain Chancellor E. B. An drews. Palladlan Program. Tho now members of tho Palladlan Society will givo tho program and will present n-pluy ontltled, "A SIDE ISSUE." A Tragedy of Every-dny Life. In Three Acts. Act I. In. two scones, with Interval of twelve hours. Scene 1. Student's apartments. Scene 2. Same. IMme: Near mid night. "Tho courso of nmhltlonnevor did run smoojth." Interval or about one month. Act II. In two scenes, with lntorVal of a fow days. Scene 1. Place same as Act I. Unl !!.. i.. it m tiiijo juiy. Scene . Timd: 12 o'clock niglifc "Womankind is so perverse." Interval of, ono semester: Act III. Street scene before mid- the house. Returning from Pal. "A Palladlan jiovertlieless." "Wo aro Pals on Friday night." Seed Corn Special. Professor Lyon of tho Agricultural department and head of tho Experi ment Station, haB practically com-: pleted his plans for tho nnnual seed corn special. Accompanied by other oxperjs rep res&ntlng Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, Profess'or Lyon will leavo Lincoln ovor the Burlington, on tho morning of De comber 18. Tho trip will last eleven days and will .cover as much of Ne- hrnflirn nml Knnono na nnooIMn ... .. Mi,7tf. ..w IUiKIU1Ui In tho past-tho lectures and Inatruo- tions given by tho experts during these annual trips have been of great benefit to. tho farmers throughout thostate. Indeed, such interest has been -taken .in tho work that tho coming of tho special is eagerly anticipated by tho farmers all along tho route. Miss Mabel Dayton, '04, principal of the' high school at Superior, Nob.; Mls piehnor Johnson, '04, assistant principal, Tlldon, Neb.r"Mtes Eliza beth Brenizer,, '05, teacher in the schools of Broken Boyr, Nob., and Miss Florence Wescott, '05, toacher in the schools of'Ohlowa, Nob., jspent their Thanksgiving vacation in-LIncoln and wore callors, with .others, on Professor Iiiickey to;'reportprbgreB8. m THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE DAILY to CALIFORNIA, OREGON, and all PRINCIPAL POINTS WEST. VIA UNION PACIFIC Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart Dining Cars, Meals a la carts Composite Observation Cars Composite iuffet Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars a Specialty Free Reclining ChairCars Inquire of E. B. 8LO88ON, Gon'l Agent kH I ---H H m krA V rl rT-1 RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 Now Words and Phrases New" Garette-r of th World Now Klegraphlo-1 Dlotlonary lUlUvd hy W. T. UtrrU. 1'h.D.. IX.D,. ITlld Hturi Commtuloiwr of VAucxllon. -380 Qturto Pei.x 8000 llluitratlo-i. AlaoxVcbter' Collegiate Dlctloaary 111S !. ' 1100 lUuttnUloo. Regular Edition :xl0xCKlnchV JUndtoi.. Do Luxe ndItlonHl l. rrin(4 from um pr.iex, c;i bILU p?r. 3 to ntlful blnjln(t. FREE, "DlclonryWflilt.,tltrmt4pmphU(. G. O C. M EMU AM CO, Publishers, 9rlgel-Ms. GET THE REST ALLEQRETTI AND LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O r ' PrintlHg George Broil., 13th k N. 0 - ---------- UUULJUfU ?U9UUw'WUUUw'UwUJJOO ' ' jij C. k. Tucker, Jeweler n I Dr. Sain'I. S. Sheair ft '"OPTICIAN... jj : 1123 6 STREET . jj J Ytlr Patron ! Solicited f I. 1 -I- 4 " f- f A -v - , ! ' , , - ,4 1, ,,'