, THE DAILY -r v I S K l x r-. o the Daily Hibraskan A consolidation of The Hcsporlan, Vol. 31, Tho Nebraska!, Vol. 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Mblidny, at the Untvorslty of Nebraska, Lincoln. Neb., by tlio HcBperlan Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. D. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fosslor. H. P. Lcavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. O. Schrolber. EdItor-ln-Chlef John D. Clark Manager Fred Naughton Assistants. w,..u J. K. Bedriilr Athletic H. A. Van Ornrtol Clrculatlqn W. 13. Btmidovon. tentorial Itoomr U 804. Business omco, U 211. Post Ofllco, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Oillce hours of Buslnoss Manager and Editor. 11:00 to 11:80 dally. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price. $2 por year In advnnco lOntored nt tho postofllco at Lincoln. Nb.. as nccond-claKH mall matter under the net of connresa of March 3. 1879. Individual notlcos will bo charged for at th rato of 10 cents for each Insertion. -Fnrultv departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. THE REFORM WAVE. After nil, isn't there somothlrlg liu ir.orouH about tills Budtlen wave of fool ball roforra? Up until tho last week in October no' one, save the habitual "knocker," seemed to even bo much as demur against tho game. Bach Saturday saw record-breaking crowds not only In tho East, but in tho nilddlo and extronio West. In Hhort, overybody Hoemod to ho satis fied. Then tho storm ' broke. Toddy It., Jr., sustained serious injuries in the Harvard Freshman-Andover Academy same a barked noHo and a wi'onchod ankle. Next day Hearst flooded the land with half-tone cuts of tho wound ed freshman being carried off-tho 'Hold in a "semi-conscious condition." Instantly the roform craze broke out In football camps. Faculties de nounced tho game us, "brutally rough" and "out of keoplng wltU university spirit." Committees, boards of trus tees university senates seemed to vie "with orifc anotlior In the mnttor of riilo rovlslon, "radical change," "absoluto abolition." The Universl.ty of Penn sylvania prayed for Immodlato reform tho University of Now York frowned sovoroly-at o game: Columbia killed l)y this time the fever had spread west. Norlhwestorn' becamo infected . and appealed to its sponsor trustees. Iowa becamo -suddenly soured on the game and said, "Stop hurting or we won't play." Even Chicago, the -impregnable Chicago, Is growing dubious. The Harvard Freshman meanwhile Isn't there something humorous about it, after all?" F B. , Chancellor -Andrews Member of. Na tional Publicity Committee'. Perry Belmont of Now York, In so- ,-lectlng his commltteo to urge legls- . latton on the subject of publicity in all matters relating to cnmpatgn cpn trlbuttons, has chosen, among otfrcr of tho nation's foremost public men, Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews. Other prominent men on tho commlt teo are Governor Folk of Missouri; Oscar Strain, Now York; Ira Rem sen',. president of Johns Hopkins Uni versity; Andrew Carnogle, President .' Schurman of Cornell, Georgo Harris, ' president of Amherst, and Carl Schurz. . Tho object of the .commltteo is to "quicken public Interest in tho proposi tion to mako a 'national law, as well r as stato laws', covering tho Bubject of publicity in campaign contributions. . ' .. . . . ':" -'-VIA ' "'. ' , AFTER THE HAT, Columbia, Harvard, Chicago, and Northwestern Universities dppose football, not alone because of tho roughness of tho sport itself, but be causo of the many ovll offects which generally follow and therefore aro at tributed to games of football where much honor and renown Is at stake. ' Tho justness of tho position these universities havo taken mny easily bo provon by evidence gathered, oven at Nebraska. Yesterday afternoon, after tho great Senior-Junior contest, whilo tho crowds wore following tho muddy warriors away from tho gridiron, tno president of ono of tho classes, sore at the defeat hor boys had suffcrod, camo prancing down tho walk, breathing flro and looking daggers. Tho first object she found on which she could nttompt to pour forth her bitter re venge was an innocent, unsuspecting Junior 'wearing the '07 hut. The haughty Senior-ess made a rush for the '07 hat, but this Junior was "not so easy" as she appeared to be. She gave a faint scream which brought a number of sisters to her aid, and after a short but fierce tussle, the Senior girls, more humiliated than ever, wero obliged lo make their retreat. The hat in dispute has lost some of its symmetry, but 'in spite of this It is prized more highly by its owner than It was before. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Association is just preparing to Issue a new edition of tho Students' Directory. As it is nocessary to havo a Jist of the active members of all fraternities and societies, the publish ing committee asks that oach organi zation report as promptly as possible to the goneral seqrotary. A special effort is being made to. get the book out earlier than hns been the custom. Mr. Frank A. Peterson led the prayer meeting last Wednosday even ing. These meetings always prove Interesting and the men are urged to attend each Wodnesday evening from 7 to 7:30. Tho Biblo Study committecTnet the early .part of tho week and decided to stir up tho men who havo registered for Biblo study, but havo failed to re port. Any who aro guilty of such .misdemeanor may expect a call from soma member of tho committee. This committee, under tho leadership of A. H. Lundin. has this vear nut now lire into tho association Bible study department. Tho Religious Work committee, un dor tho leadership of W. H. Smith, is planning to Issuo a small prospectus giving tho leaders and topics for the Wednesday - evening prayer- meetings. Acad6my Notes. Tho class In Chemistry was excused from laboratory work last Tuesday. Tho water pipes had burst and rio water could bo secured. Consequondy tho phosphorus with which thoclnss was to worjc was allowed to rest in peace. Tho "Academy News" waff Issued this weolc. It contains an article on tho correspondence courses offered by tho University, also a" splendid article on tho Donating Club. An excellent Thanksgiving story by Mr. Bolibauglr Is also ono of tho special features. On tho whole, tho "News" la oxcellently arranged and contains many articles of real Interest. Twelve woyo out Monday to basket ball practice. Two out-of-town games have already been asked for. Tecum soli sent n telephone call, asking for one, but tho request was on too short notice. Mrs. Hodgman made an excellent j CHRISTMAS FMINE LEATHER USEFUL DURABLE rjjOCKET BOOKS, GuI Cases, Bill Books, Shop IBJ ping and Vrist Bags, Trunks, Oxford Bags, Suit Cases, Ladies N Satchels', fitted Bags, Flasks, Cigtti' Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Rolls, etc., etc Our line is completeand of tho newest styles. Visit us : : : : WIRIOK'S TRUNK STOFiE r 1036 O STREET L Protected by Block Signals The fint railway in America to .adopt the absoluto Block System in the operation f all trains was tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Ik to-day haa more miles of road operated under block signal rale than any othor railway company. The St. Paul Road was the first railway to light its trains by eloctricityTand it now has moro than 400 electric-lighted passonger cars in doily sorvioe. Three trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Cnicago, evory day. For time table, special rate wriio F. A. NA8H, Gcutrl WMtri Agent, 15J94 Firnim Street, OMAHA, BTJSB. GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91. BOTH PHONES. 104 O STREET Look Here! We are Still m Business Hot Soda - 2ir te Cream and Lunches 2mnL and Ices substitute for Miss Woodford on Mon day. The Debating Club meets next Sat urday at 8 p. m. Tho question for de li' to is: Resolved, That intercollegiate football is a benefit. Mr. Rcssler and J.iss Lyman will defend the afflrma f :e and Mr. Willis and Mr. King will uphold tho negative. . " Last ovonlng Professor Wyer de livered, tho first of a se"rle3. of lectures on bibliography -and research before tho graduate school. The object of theso lectures, as outlined by Profes sor Wyor, is. to aid tho graduate stu dents in compiling and scientifically arranging their data preparltory to beginning work on their theslses. Tho lectures will continue until tho Chrlst mas recess. Miss Elizabeth Little of Lyons is the guest of her sister Kathcrlne. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 No. 13th. Y R S. J. TJl. PETRY ...BAKERY... TUY onr SPECIAL "IUCEnilEAD" FHONe 55- 34 fientk Eleventh Street, Lincoln GOODS NOVELTIES ORNAMENTAL Sam Westerf ield Proprietor of Sam's Cafc Ltttlo Gem Hot tV&filesaiidFlno Heals and Lunches. 117-121 North IS Street OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCr R. H. GJ1LESPIE Bookbinder LIb6s, tobr. oooooooocs COCOCXXXX)OOCOCOOCOCOOOOCO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 Lincoln Local Express, 1S43 O St. Both, plumps. , X 1624 8 Strett : ; .. s i T "-1 i A ' : :':' v -4 J-:. '. ' . .... -. , ..', :.-.: M-s:;.-fe.:.. ... ... Wj" I'll I 1 I ' " .'! ' ' :i .- i -i