'T jFY lT. , "" it ' tJ j TTi n .7 i ' , , s. a I V - -- .,- ' V N. W - --, THE DAlUY NEBRA8KAN. y, TOMMY, THE CATERIR. '-O LwHSiy '.. M Gcorgo Bros., Printers, 13th & N. New Trunks, Now Bags, 103G O. Dr. Jones' class in English History 3 Is writing n paper on "Feudalism." Chnpin Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. Dr. Thomas, Rectal Diseases. 1319 O. n it it n it n n it . it . it it it it it it it it it it it it. it it it it it it it it it if it hi ; v v.. U. U" T. VEM "THE UNI'S INDI8PEN8IBLE." We certainly know how.. Lady atten dant if desired. H. W.BROWN Drug & Book Co. University Text Books, Drawing: Instruments, Drawing Paper, Tracing ' Cleth, Cross Section and Profile papers, and other Engineer's Supplies. Waterman Fountain Pens. 127 South llth Str. "FOLLOW THE FLAG." HOME VISITORS EXCUKSION, NO VEMBER 27TH. To many points in Illinois. Indiana. Ohio, Kontucky, Westorn Pennsylva nia, New York and. West Virginia, .it " OREATLY REDUCED RATES. The WABASH has solid road-bed, rock ballast, and new equipment; re clining chair cars (SEATS FREE). For rates, maps and nil information call at Wabash City Offlco, 1601 Far sam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D. Wab. XL R., Omaha. Nebr. oo years; EXPERIENCE Truce Marks DcstONe COPVRWHTS & ijroai rtat 4aattoUqa may Ar MOMUOn r irtaloa frac whathar an raauoa iwWrMtftfMIS-poBaBnlc- Hf aonaaani tar miwhu OMMt Mtser (orMetflatWtnU. takaa S Mhws ft ncIta Scientific JfMiericaii. A ka4nm.1r tUamirtlMtd wtkr. T.arffMt el. aiatUea of any MientlBo jearaal. Terra. S3 a raar I f oar montM.lt. Sold by all newsdealer. IMlllllrnsiiBm4My(l Bnwaa Offlce. MR w wwinn, ". Witmllli Pocldt Knives HALLS. 1308 O STREET jooooooooooooooocxyooocyoncyc 9 vU jywra rrJWfJV ' Miss Henrietta Roeso, '01, visited Unlvorslty frlonds during the Thanks giving recess. Don't forgot tho Uul. School of Music Cafe. Commutation Room. tickets Uni. Dining ".Tudgo" Wellemslck, law '04, was up from Falrbury to spend Thanksgiving nmong Lincoln friends. Try the Uni. Dining Room, like it. You will Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Phones. Both Frank Crawford, of Omaha, one of Nebraska's first coaches, was down for tho banquot last night. Best 15-cent meals, taurant Phoenix Res Lincoln Local Express,' 1343 O St. Botht phones. Frank Beers and Victor Crngo, both '05 men, wore University. visitors dur ing tho Thanksgiving recess. Romember tho Y. W. C. A. County Fair, Novojnpor 25. Gqo. A. Loe, '03, law '05, who is at present teaching rhotorio in tho Bea trict High School, was in tho city for Thanksgiving. Eat at Don Cameron's new roetau rant, 119 So. 12th St. Allco Venters, '05, at present Instruc tor in scionco in tho Kearney High School, was another of tho alumni to visit tho University last week. Green's Barbor Shops j Mogul Palace Sam .Recso, law and acudemic '04, spent last week among University frlonds. Sam Is at present with tho Reese Publishing company of Omaha. Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St. Hon. C. M. Skiles, county judge at David City, und one of tho best ends who over playod on tho Cornhuskdr team, was at tho banquot last night, and rcspondod to a toast. Dr. Woodward, diseases of the oyo, ear, nose and throat. Richards blocks Tho Students' Debating Club, at its next mooting, will debato tho question, "Resolved, That tho tax of twenty flyo cents, charged to students whp voto for 'members of tho University AthTotlc Board, should bo repealed." See tho special bargain history pa per at tho University. Book Store. Herbert States, '05r-captaln of last year's track team and one of Nebras ka's most successful Jong-distance menTwas married Thanksgiving even ing to Miss Mlgnon THckey, formerly a student of tho ArtSchool. Mr. States is at present engaged In stock raising nenr Lander, Wyoming. WANTED Every user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to havo a f reo trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Boll Phone No. 348. 136 No. llth St Frank A. Peterson' has recolved word from Arthur H. Marsh, with whom ho Hod in tho examinations for tho Rhodes -Scholarship. Mr. Marsh is registered In tho Keblo College of Oxford University.' He is tho only Rhodes Scholar in (hat. college from America'. . - - SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSjC. "i1 eBBBBSSSSSSSSl BSSSSSSSSSlBBe8aBBeBSSSS9HLBSSSSSSi -it it it it. it it it it it if it it it it it if it At Your Boot Stort. tmm The Messiah. Tho annual production .of the fa mous "Messiah" will fill the last con vocation peribd before tho holidays, Wednesday, December 20. Tho solo ists are already engaged and are work ing on their parts. Mrs. Raymond la anxious to have as large a chorus us posBiblo, and urges all who havo ever participated in a rendition of the 'Messiah" to come to as many of thj rehearsals as they can, whether they belong to tho chorus or Hot, nnd to take part in the production. Ro hoarsals arc held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at five o'clock in Me morial Hall. Educational Meeting. Tho Northwest Nebraska Education al Association met ' at Crawford on Friday and Saturday, December ami 2. A vory cSmpleto program was ar ranged and a number of prominent educators from this part of tho state wore set down for speeches. Tho prin cipal address of the Saturday morn ing session was delivered 'by Inspector Hodgmnn, whose topic was "Tho Other Side: A Defense of Teachers Against tho Charge That Modern American Lawlessness Has Its Seat In Lax School Discipline." ' Football Men Feasted. Sam Westerflold gave th6 football men the annual banquet at his restau rant last Friday night. About twenty men were present and enjoyed the feast thoroughly. Dr. Pound presided and a number of toastB were given. illustrated Lecture. The convocation- hour tomorrow morning will bo filled by a lecture by Professor Barbor von "Homes of Pom peii." The lecture will bo illustrated with a. number of colored Ian torn slides. Y. "W. C. A. Leaders for Noon Meet ings. Tuesday Miss Po(tlt; Wednesday Miss Kdtridge. Thursday Miss Jameson. Friday Miss Kiewit. Rhetoric 13. Conferences with tho thomo-readers will take the place of class meeting today (Tuesday, Dec. 5). Bat at tho Uni. Music Cafe. liver Cigar Co., 135-137. No., 13th. VrUt $6 itmtt. - xmmMwxkm STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, soo Union College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union College Tailors rOBT OFriOE nLDO. CfcUAI.IT OUR SODA TASTES LIKE MORS MfP, Be Dm Citter 1321 O St, a. ....EAT AT ThE.. t GOOD HEALTH CAFE Niw Licillsi-Cir. 12th Hi P. WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ... GREER-COOPER CO. 11346 STREET. "MNrtBim?," tlcLeallHlOcCicir AVhon down town moot -your f Heads at GEOTM. CONWAY'S 1H O HTttKKT a . LThn only oxcluslvo cigar nnd-tobacco atoro in uio city COLUMN NATIONAL BANK OF LWC0LN, NES HASKA CANTAL - $100,000.00 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital; $ 300,090.00- ft Surplus aad Profits 200,00000 5 'Deport..., 3,000.00 -v fl .S .-tJ " it. '.1 KM .Si M Jtf,l --'i 'J "'9 a v-l fc f i w s; , tw IZs- . 1 - ? & ,