The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. V. No. 46.
Price 5 Cents
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University Professors Preparing Corre
spondence Courses in Literature
and History. -
The Lincoln Academy . has Just Is
sued a neat leaflet describing two cor
respondence courses which have been
arranged for the benefit of country
teachers. If these courses prove suc
cessful, more will be arranged. The
plan is described as follows:
The-' University of Nebraska, in
common With all state educational
schools,- realizes that It owes a duty
not only to its resident students, but
also to the thousands of teachers and
students who are unable to use its
privileges. Several years ago rogular
University extension work was begun,
but abandoned because of tho heavy
drain upon tho time of the faculty, tho
lnrgo expense and the limited constit
uency reachod. Tho past few years a
successful lecturo bureau has been
maintained by which, through lectures
to schools, lyceums and clubs, indi
vidual professors havcr in a limited
degree, come in touch with local school
conditions and communicated Univer
sity ideals and investigations. But
the problem still was unsolved, i. e
how shall tho University teacher grasp
the point of view and difficulties of tho
secondary teacher, and how shall-thc
latter acquire tho results of tho llfo
study of these specialists and catch the
fire of their enthusiasm. It is belloved
that tho homo study courses now of
fered by tho University departments
of English Language and Literature,
and of Amor lean History, under the
Academy management, give a solution
of this doublo problem.
Essentially the same method is em
ployed In both courses. In each a
text is used and complete typewritten
Instructions, questions and suggested
readings throwing sldo lights on the
topic are Bent with each assigned les
son. Tho written recitation of tho
student Is then criticised by tho in
structor and the paper again sent the
student for correction and perfection.
In the first part of each oxercise in
Elementary English some important
phased of elementary composition As
taken up and devoloped in a practica
ble and concrete manner. A sugges
tive exercise is then given to be
worked out by-the student This ex
ercise will "Inspire the student .to do
genuimTand organic thinking and will
enable natural expression in written
form. . '
The second part of tho exerclso con
sists. of suggestive questions based up
on representative pieces of literature
In which the principle unfolded In' tho
'first part is oxomplifled.
When both parts of the exercise are
completed the report' is sent' to tho In
structor, for helpful criticism and cor
rection. The report Is then returned,
,to jtho student with directions con
cerning the ways and means of im
provement.. He corrects his orrors
and returns tho' corrections, with, the
report on the advanced exercise.'
Thorough and -competent .supervision
Pershing Rifle Jnformal
Fraternity Hall, Friday, Dec. 15.
Walt's Full Orchestra Tickets S 1 .50
Is given to all the correspondence.
Spalding's Principles of Rhetoric is
used as a basis for a thorough drill
In grammar, rhetoric and composition.
No other books are needed except a
few already In the hands of every stu
dent This course Is lntendod for teachers
and othors who wish to .learn how to
express convictions, and to narrate and
to describe what has boon felt and
seen in a clear, coherent and forcible
manner. The course is adaptod to
meet tho needs of all who doslre self
Improvement and preparation for
larger usefulness. This course In Ele
mentary English, will Include a series
of twelve lessons. In theso lessons
tho fundamental principles Qf compo
sition will bo presented so as to enable
the student to express what ho feels
and knows In an effective written
The purpose of the correspondence
course in American History is (1) to
furnish tho student with a good gen
eral outjlno of tho'courso In American
history" from 1492 to 1865, and (2) 1m-
pressuponhe studonfs mind the pro-..
portion and. Importance of tho different
movements ombracecTwUhln tho larger
general outline.
Tho work wjll bo divided Into-ctevon
periods, and these subdivided lntb-a
total of twenty-four 'topics one for
each week of tho course. A text-book
(Hart's Essentials of Amorlcan His
tory) will be used, supplemented by
Bison's United States History, Cald
woll's Genoral Survey of, Amorlcan
History, a set of outline, maps and
water colors for the same. Theso
three boks, the maps and colors will
bo sent by express. Each week type
written outline and question .sheets
are mailed and the student's returned
written recitation corrected? criticised
,and returned for revisjon with the
next week's lesson. In oach course.
therefore, each written recitation of
the student receives two critical re-
vlows by ,tho insmnitor, -
To Visit Exposition.
Doan E,,A. Burnett announces that
-students of tho School .of Agriculture
anu oiner university students In agrl-
culture expect to spend four days vis-
icus h iiuuraauonai uvo mocK sx-
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position to bo hold at Chicago Decern
ber 16th to 23, inclusive.
The students will travel In a special
train furnished by tho Burlington
roadand will be In charge, of Prlncl
pay A. E. Davlssbnof tho School of
Agriculture. ,ProfessprDavlsson has
aKkuicu.auuuuiutuiiiiiiimii lor lUQjjriy
at the Grand,, Pacific j.otci.
Tho students will bo' shown through
the Exposition by Professor H. R.
Smith of the department of Animal
Husbandry. - . -
Cornhuskers Defeat Illinois Easily in
Good Game on Cold Day.
A small Thanksgiving crowd braved
zero weather last Thursday 'to see Ne
braska close the season with n bril
liant victory over nilnols by tho
score of 24 to 6. Although the field
WaS aS hard as n. tlflVnmnnt thn rrnmn
, ft- - , w. QMAAftW I 4.Jt t. VIMM, l.Utft W ftVVT ftftftW,
was not marred by any serious accFpnd thoy finished In tho following or-
donts, and while all the players wcro
sore from tho hard ground, thoy all
came out with whole bodies. Tho ox
tremc cold caused fowor fumbles than
were to bo oxpected, but most of them
wore costly', Illinois making her lono
score on a fumble and Nebraska twlco
getting within striking distance of
their opponent's goal through punts
muffed . by the Illlnl quarter. The
scoro hardly denotes tho relative
strength of the two teams, for the Con
ference team was able to make Its dis
tance only a scant half dozen times
during tho entire game, while the good for stoady
gains. For thq first time during tho
season end runs wero successful, tho
Illlnr ends proving comparatively
easy. For-JllnoIs, Captain Moynlhah
played a staf game, and only onco
was a gain raado through his position
"attackle. Ho was also thQ man -who
picked up tho ball whon fumbled by a
Nebraska back and raced for a touch
down, klcklnglils own goal. Benedict
played his usual star- game, although
not attempting many runs, and aver
aged forty 'yards' with his punts. Pen
slow got Into the game after a lotaK
absonco on account of an Injury, and
showed himself a past master in the
art of dodging. Borg and Cotton In
the middle of the line wero Impregna
ble, although tho former wnn hi limn
too anxious to got Into tho jnix-un and
was pff-sldo a couple of times, Lundin
tookWellor's pace at tackle and held
his own. with tho 'veteran Moynlhan
vory creditably. On tho whole, tho.
Cornhuskers put up a great game, and
snowed themselves tho superiors of
tho Illlnl at overy atago of the game.
t pi w.i.u.n
The University basket-haii tVm win
- r J Milt
" !
begin the season next Thursday, whou
It meets tho. fast dulntct representlnc
Wesleyan on the latter's floor. Tho
team has been practicing diligently
for tho past month, but.fs by no means
confident of victory, and a bad knee
may keep Hagenslck out of the' game.
ana -on' account of tho semester rule
neither Walsh nor Winters,, two 'likely-looking
high school men, can play
on the team this semester.
Dr. Haggard; 212-21:3 Itlchanls Blk.The price is 2.25 each.
Lands Second Place In Contest With
Four of the Conference College's
Chicago Wins.
In a flcrco race last Thursday morn
ing, the Nebraska croHs-country toam
failed by ono point to retain posses
sion of the oup offered tho winner of
tho inter-collegiate cross-country con
test, which was won in 1904 by the
Cornhusker team. Although losing
tho race, tho Nebraska boys mado an
excellont showing, and wero probably
the best balanced team entered In tho
contest. Four universities were en
tered In tho raco, Chicago, Wisconsin
and Illinois being Nebraska's competi
tors. Tho Cornhusker team was com
posed of Heath, the only survivor of
last year's team, and four now men,
der: Strohm, fourth: Alden. eighth:
Heath, eleventh; Morgan, thirteenth;
Kuns, fourteenth. Total, 50. Tho
raco svaawon by Lightbody, tho groat
Chicago distance man, who finished
tho five miles In 25 mln. 17 soc, easily
maintaining tho lead to tho finish. The
score of tho other teams was: Chicago,
49; Wisconsin, 54; Illinois, 57.
Director Clapp feels thai the boys
did noble work in Chicago, and is con
fident that tho team will land the cup
once moro noxt year. While not mak
ing any excuses for tho defeat, liojstlll
says that had It not been that one "of
the men was somewhat off color and
was beaten by ono of Iho, Nebraska
men who had not been -within hailing
distanco of him at tho try-outs, ve
would havo won.
Class Adopts Resolutions.
At the last meeting of the senior
class a committee was appointed to
draft resolutions expressing the re
gret of tho clasfr for tho doath of their
classmate, Jacob' Long". Tho follow
ing resolution wns adopted by the
committee. ' f
Tho members of the senior class of
tho. Univorslty-of Nebraska feel mpst
deoply the loss, through an untimely
death, of their classmate, Jacob" Mel-
vln Long, and wish to extend their
heartfelt sympathy to tho ,beroaved
Novombor 29, 1905:
-B Qratfuate'-Club to Meet.,
Tho Graduate Club wlllhoia Its first
meeting of tho year next rlday even
ing at the resldenco of Professor H.
H. Wilson', on tho corner of Nineteenth
and A streets. , Organization for tho
year will bo. perfectod, and a large
attendance is desired.
Senior Pins.
Vhe sample of tho pin selected by
the senior class haa arrived; and the
committee Irf-hbw'.' recelvlag orders.
Tho'pln Is entirely of fold, and Is diamond-shaped,
with tho letter aid num
erals In relief. On the whole. It la
tho neatest' of any rocent 'class pin.
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