? a ""?. is tOCSCC 5KBRS OR 1 9 O 5 C& ego &3 . ) nr Br & ::4HBfc J. HI Wollcr, half-back, tackle, wolght 180 pounds. Weller has played on the varsity for tho past twp years, and ho cinched his place on tho varsity last year by his wonderful work In tho Nebraska-Illinois game. He has "boon a member of tho University track team for ono year. His home Is Soward, Neb., and ho is registered- in the Junior Academic class. Earl Eager, half-back and quartcrr welght 150 pounds. "Dog" has played on tho varsity for four years, wlnnirig his place as a member of tho varsity squad by his fearlessness, in lino buck ing and running in a broken field. Eagor is a Sonlor Law, and his homo 1b in Lincoln. He is tho managor-olect of tho varsity baseball team. . L. Denslow, right end, wolght 156 pounds. "Mike" has played on tho var sity for two years and ls'now consid ered ono of tho best ends Nebraska has ever had on account of his suro tack ling. His first experionco in football was on tho Fremont High School team.' Denslow is registered in tho Junior class, and is from Hooper, Nobr. W. f. Woods, assistant manager of tho football team, graduated at tho February commencement laBt year. Woods has been connected with ath letics more or less ever Binco his en trance in school. He served ono year on the Athletic Board and Jjas held other positions in connection with ath letics. Woods ia registered as a special student from Pawnee City. w, K'ftEST -laWack.") .H . ,WW B x WW . ) 1 IPC. John Westover, assistant coach, has F. Ar-Schmidt;, left half, wolght 170 been Booth's asslstaritvover since ho pounds. Schmidt got his first export- has been at Nebraska. While he was enco lnfootball on tho Fairbury High on tho toam for four years, "yet ho had School team. Ho playod on tho var- V nail so mucn experience mine, game ?j . ki.v " ,- iL.i - ji ..i..irrr i. - firm nt fnllshnfclr. Tlla hnmn r Fnlr. -v mat axe proveu n vuiuuuio uiuuiu - - - v TT, . . v. vwMh nhotntroi- TOno innrnin nr rnn uuu, uuu uu id u. iuuiuuli ui uin juuivi '-,. uiu, iTvaiuiu iu wmjjm. w N. .' V team for two years, being tho only manW ciubb. thatxover captained a Nebraska team lllUiU IUUU UUU JliUl. X As Lundin had not won a place on vy.j. jenKins, guaru, woibui. xow tho Varait when the order forxcuts Merlo Little, loft half.-vwoight 176 T .-.,. M . .. nnnnclH. .TonlanH. Ia reciBtered In tlie ,., ninj w, h.if.fnn . ii, woo j mt.i t nn.i. Ai " rL T. Vfnretn. onil nnrl ntmrtnrhftnlr. ijizr' . 7. r" r i" i fPt-in'""0 iiiM.cu, iuv.4ii.-juo mi u.i n jHJunaa. inis lb jwiuu a iirsi year on T'VTri ' A,TIr T ,,7, .; ,; f,iv" "XjffifhnSS ffiad,' ..F5.d:Aca"7J? m"cho vatBity, but ho woij his Jlaee by yfFLJSJffifVft SSX - .- ,ulDm0l,,,. li" ''rvr; worK in ho 'many uQpurimeuuj, mm- m strong defensive work. His first j'vuo f..v,,"'ua -"" s zo and nervo has mado Wnrgood var- ev0F QyQryboiy wln fiaVe a chance to Gxpionco in football was on tho class k8 mad, Wm a strong player. Morso Bity material. His homoTrln Fair- BC0 hlm in person before va week is -teams, JhJnterclass games. Llttlo is a Is captain of thq baseball to&m of '06 mont. Nebr. ..t gone, it is also bo prominent enough day to bo distinguished )c&c&c&cc&c&ccb PTAIN CHARLES BORG O.V. Borg, captains-ana ceniur, 3lSCiB Poinds. 5 This is Borg's urth season on tho team,, and ho is Unawloakpd to he the peer- of any nter in the West. He received his Lchelor8 degree from the University 1903 and will graduate from tho w department next June, His homo In Lincoln, and during the summer's Jj . I n mnmlmii nf fho lfV flrA flonRrt- J e? wmammwmmm t -r , i -T - j-r i 3.' '. . 'HBP . certain tfiatho will jun0r Academic, and his homo iaJn and last year ho was a track and baso ugh in tho gamo to- Lincoln. bal1 man Ho i8xcfiisterod in tho junior Acauoimc, anucQmuB irum -oof': 4 i?x ', j,i, y-. 'i t i- v ' Harvard, woor. v B WW ' - mW m T; B.' Nelson, guard, weight 206 VHpbort Taylor, guard, weight . 208 rounds. "Bob" is 'the eiantt player O. TV ManTlnnnld. rleht onfl. wolchf from th York THarh' School, and hla 142. "Gil" Is a third year academic, fierce lino plunges and tackling has pounds. This Is Nelaon's first year on ;, and has had- a position on the varsity made him ono of the moat; promising tne varsity, wis iooidsu uwmni -ww ,v for two years, last year at quarter, candidates for theeleven that .has en- in South Dakota, where he played on fi . McDonald had hla .first football experi- tered Nebraska for some years. Tay- the South Dakota University team one . ence on the TLlncoln High. His home lor in a freshman Medjc, and his hom? year. He Is a Senior Law, and come lain' Lincoln. 'ft Jn York, Nebr from Wayne, Nebr. I X t i '1 Ai .-" - - ayrfty,