-j l Voi.y, No. 44 - 'UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA,. UNjGbtlSf, SATURDAY,, NOVEMBER 25 i$05. Pric 5 Cents be 3Datl flebraeftan I I I I I I I - - - .,, I I I . I. I. . J .L """""MWM"''""M"M,,W",'MIW,'"W"'WM - Z b n mMm . u '. v x X X k -. iVs ; rf ', JT . rr.- far r 7sf . 0OANE HAS HOPE DpANE TEAM ACCOMPANIED BY ROQTER1 - ilM.Xiri ii - TV i -W - " J--M .1 mHBr i mm'sMmmm1 r.an,'. MYeQ.tnvirT O .VTIII Manv Men .Will' ',. 'Vtf Today's Gam 4 ,Make Good Shewing .With today coHpea.;the Dakno-Nc-toaska game, and thla -is 'the game which settles Uufv state '.championship. 'This is the first game .with, the Crete team for throe years,-' and being tho siast game with a collogo, of the season, .should provo a good exhibition of the fiomoi Doane haq.Jjepn dofeated but once mis yoar, ana tnat oy tne uni versity scrubs -early Jn the season. 'The .scrubs .defeated JDrJaio 5-p in a game which waa decidedly ..Doane's, .for she carried the ball three 'times .as Jar as the scrubs, but on account 'of hard luck was unable to score. ;Snco that game Doane, has improved "woadorfully and Coach Fuhror has1 - worked miracles with the. material at hand. Its Doano's IntentlonJo play straight football, relying oa their ex- ita. weight to make gains a'inst the varsity. . The weigh t.of tho visiting 'team la ,at least five pounds to the man heavier than tho -varsity, but whether this will prove effective remains to be seen. JbCan.of the, visJUsg.'tedmsikav.e'been as ioavy s woso far thlsj(Miru,C tip kScoaQrdsiMtsaysVeJatefed about tho same story." TheDoane' toam wHLJbe'aCcomnaniodby Ed v'fdwd which iflli do everything in ' the line of rooting to-holp their toam .ilong. Lincoln seems to' be a favorite. jLJitKJU lur nu, tuuiviti, ivr uxib in uiu -' third excursipjr.,'of good, size., thaC has corao to umcoia iuih Beason. , Booth 'worked with tho mehlast night on their signals, and the inter ference on end runs. It is his intern tion to get tho men to follow the ball, and the man wlthvtho ball more than they have done- heretofore " In - the .gamps. This was one featuro of the game that Was surely lacking In the 'Minnesota game. Thoso who saw the pracuco manifest much satisfaction at the-pvay in which the "men worked. Every man seemed to bo in tho spirit 6f tho gamb, and eager for a chance to carry the ball. ' But , few changes will occur jn "today's, line-up 'as to that of laBt Saturday. The game will bo called2 at three o'clock; No reserved' rseat tickets have been sold tfiis week and nothing, but a general a'dmlsaloj will be -charged. - The' liBO-up of tho varsity for today lias not. been determined yet; but it-Is quita likely that Bodth will try out a good many men in ordor, to:got a line da the men' for Thanksgiving.; . denier Play Dues. 'iTho Senior Play committoo will be in V.- 10 on, Monday and- Tuesday at chapel time to accept tho dues from tho members of tho class, The dues have bea set at 13,'Qtf for every; mom i6r, sad those, paying Tirst wJH get their "choice of soagskt'ls quite noc essaryjthat' UitBTmoneytshouia e i the 'hajids-qt the commiitee-'lnordef 'that thebest results of the play may behad. w , Pr,'Haggitd, 5124W MichartU Blk. 1 .Nebraska vs. doane X Satofday, Nov. 25. Admission, 25c f " ' " "" " " "'"-! mm ' ' T " ' ' '" -' ' "M " 1- ! ! Win . - O SUPERINTNdENT 8TVEN8. Addresses University Pedagogical Club oh Praetioal 'Subject. Qity Superintendent Stevens gavo a practical talk on-"Characteristics: That Influence the Success of Teach ers, Both in Getting and Keening Po sitions," at the meeting' of 'the TJnivor slty Pedagogical Club in U. 212, Thurs day evening. It seems'tha't tho greatest weakness of University trainod teachers is,, net In lacking knowledge and learning, but rather in the. ability ofapplyipg and using the knowledge they possess. He spoke . of lithe aunaerous. socaUQd ''little things" .which appllcanta for schools, would overlook in thelrInter viowsx or correspondence, but which counted greatly against them when they werff bdimt weifdied in the bal ance of a school board or suporlfltend- ent and;audeci8loBxreiidred.'' -Ho cau' UolTeOcachors'.agaInst"glvIngiiflLref' erencesfpartles who had attained pollt Idal distinction, as this gave tho im pression that party Dolitics would be used to Influence 'decision's of school boards and superintendents. Ho men tioned indotall tho systematic routine that-.is followed in tho 'selection of teachers for city schools and without -following this system it Is hard for tcachors to get positions, be thoir qualifications ever so good. Superintendent Stevens believea that teachers are made, not born. Ho quoted statistics to " tho effect 'that ninety per cent of thoso electod to teach becomo successful in their work, not through any Inherent traits, but through training. He' gavo as'deslr- able .qualities In teachers: Voice,- poiso, order, earnestness, enthusiasm and decision. A clear, commanding voice is the strongestand most effec tive. Nervousness should be .avoided and attempts made to overcome Ik A- suc,cessfulr teacher ,is a self-possessed teachep .who will' not Jose-her power of control oven under the 'most trying circumstances.. He urged teachers to cultivate cheerfulness.' "A ch)ld can not learn In tears," said he, 'but grows amid, cheerfulness as flowers in the sunshine A -cheerful teacher with a third grado. certificate can do more. good than ono with a university di ploma who has ruined her digestive apparatus in getting it." i , i ,. The -New Comet. A good deal of exciteomnt has. been created recently In astrdriomy fields by tho discovery of a comet and tho observatlon-of Its p"alh. It was first seen. November '17 by Dr. Shaor, from the observatory at Geneva, Switzer land. 'Tho following night it was seen ,by Dr. Hartwig, Hamburg, Germany; ,ahdProfessor Tucker from California. lUalYersIty.' Slnc&Uhen It has-been seen and-vcommented on. bya number of Tastronotners, Professor Sweezy lo cating. It for thoflrstnimo from Ne braska Thursday night. Tho obsorva- GIRLS' GLEE CLUB SELECTED AFTER LONG SERIES OF TRY-OUT6. 'Mrs; Raymond Picks Young Ladles Who Are to Represent Univer sity 'M"ny Applicants. The Girls' Gloo Club has been se lected at last. Considerable competi tion and rivalry was shown for tho several parts. About twico'as many co-eds sent in their application as was oxpectod. Many of tho voiced wero Of such an 'o6.ual standard that it was hard to decide which was tho bettor. Mrs. Raymond, who has chargo of tho cjubv predicts a club whlcl)aqod not hesitate., to go . throughout . tho stato giving concerts. The voices blend well, and every girl is working hard to 'hoi dhor position. Tho club Is un der the same management asjtho pioo and Mandolin1 Club. Tho'VolJowing are the members of thoJ Girls' Gloo .Club.as was givei out by Miss Pearl ArchilMld; .captain: PirJiiijbMis -Ada M. Castor; M, iss Graog A.xOlark MUs Holen Huso, Miss E1U. JuiRej-Booe,' Miss Mildred Parks5Mlss i Bessie M. Fry, Miss Char- lotta Haskollj, Miss. Helor W. Andor soiVllasrLida torpslebcrg,, , lory was open 10 ino pupuc again lasci-,-- , ; . QitZu . t-ttjjwvnw'-ujuu- iibb ciHiHuuiu xu. -night and the Drofeesoritorasvoa .to- oxplaln'ir"to "a number ot people, mostly students, who viewed it.v Tho comet was first seen near the Polo star and Is found to bo moving south at the rate of about f our or five degrees a day. It is a circular, hazy object with a bright nucleus near tho "center. Former, observers' Sroport it as being without a tail, but thls'roport is ng-wl deniedby somo who havo vfowed it later. It la. rapidly becoming fain tor and Indications, are that It will n6t be visible later thatr! nl-tittfa v ' UWUUVWf December 1 or there- X . First Interclass Game. The first - interclass football vgame will occur Monday afternoon otf the flold. Tho contestants will be the freshmen 'and flophomofes, and tho winners of tho game will play tho successful team in tho Junior-senior gamo for .the , class championship. Both teams have-been practicing daily for a month or "more. Thocharices seem to favor the sophomores, who "havo a heavier and more experienced team, being practically -the' same one which played' tho 'present junior team a tie gamo last year. A small admis sion fee will bo charged. All the gato receipts wllLgo to the champion team to bo-used In the purchase of sweaters. xxEGGnnn oaooooooooocnrKTorrai fourth AnnuaL Corniiusker Banquet I I " r.LJNDELL HOTEL: ;,, 'Mitchell, Miss Bessie Holcomjio, Miss Mabel p. Starn, Mr?, Ruth C Castor, Miss Mabjo Mould, Mss Pearl Archi bald (captain), Miss Layerna Barnum,' .Miss, Myrto Kauff map, .Miss Forn AI brlghLMlss LucIa Cull, Miss fcicanor Andrews,' ,. ' AJtoHMissJcssio A. loylo,. Miss Laura, B. OwenjMWs Holen 'Hendrloi Miss Beatrice Clarlc. Miss Edna. Zim merman, Miss LauraHRhodes, Miss Leota,Lappr Miss LllllahxColo, Miss Edith Wright. Bar Association Meeting. Professors' Pound, Hastings and Ayers of tho Law School returned, from- Omaha yesterday,; whero; thoy .had been attondlngUho 'mooting. of tho Nebraska Bar Association. Dean Pound addressed tho association. Thursday morning on "Tho Spirit of tho Common Law." His address was unique in character, and brought forth considerable" "praise for the. way- is which ho handled tho subject. Judge, Hustings presonted the-report of n committee on legal oducation ondorfjk ing tho-provision, 'requiring a higher. proliniinaryedu.cktI6n for students en tering law schools. Dr. .Gregory, dean oft the Iowa Law School, spoke In-thq, ovonIHg. v Regent Calkins iof, Kearney was lpctcd president of , tho aseocjatlpn. II s A Cerrsetlen. i In the Issue of; the xNebraskan yo terday It was stated 'that the reception.' to Dr. Relgbard was given by Dr. and Mrs". Ward, The reception.was give.n Tuesday evening at ,the residence -of-Dr. Barbour and ,was under the au spices of Uio Sigma XI society. While in' Lincoln Dr! Reighard was the guest of .Dr.' Ward. a Tickets for the Thamksglviag.game are going rapidly. -They are o sale at Porter's, , v Tl x -,t ". m i i ' 'i V "0 ) v? V rJ. 'Onj. ,cl ii'. - .C Kz.e, 1 'y . r , A - - . f , L- f- -T-' ". j - r .