Wi-m '.t,,f.,yv:vy.',yiyi i i i m i-. V-Hi.,0..- THB.DAILY NEBRA8KAN. t ctttJ-' FOOTBALL NUMBER OF "NEBRASKAN" TIIANKSGIVING 1 x. Ty I f ny M v Zbc Daily ndbraskan A consolidation of Tho Ilesporian, Vol. 31, Tho Ncbraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and 6rcam, Vol. 4. - Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. - Lauronco Fosslor. H. P. Lcavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. O. Schrolber. Editor-in-Chief. J.D. Clark Managor Fred Naughton Circulator "Walter B. Standuvcn Athletic R. A. Van Orsdcl Editorial Roomr. U 204&. Business OfTlco, U 211 V4. Post Ofllco, Station A, Lin coln, Neb. olllco hours of Business Managor and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 daily. i in-, i i Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Prlco, ?2 per year in advanco Entered at tho pemtofneo at Lincoln, 'Neb., as second-class mall matter undor tho act of congress of March 3. 1879. Individual-notices will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts for each Insertion. . Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published freo, as heretofore. MINNESOTA'S BAND. "Mlnnosotn has a band of which the University Ih justly proud, and overy lv.vnl MInnosotan Is proud of the boys, but many wore obliged o blush las. Salurdayon account of the dlscouriosy shown tho visiting bund. Minnesota has always had tho ivr.utntlon of treat ing her visitors with iho greatest courtesy and it is unfoi lunate that the NToTirnska rooters can. point to any uct of discourtesy o&tinu part of any"! UnnoHOtn representative. We can af ford to be courteous to our guests and we cannot afford to ue otherwise. It Is to bo hoped that tho leader of Min nesota's band will see to it that the old MinueBota reputation for courtesy EARL l-DR. ON OPPORTUNITY AND POSSIBILITY At the Men's meeting Sunday, Nov. Allss MaucfKendall will sing. to visitors does not again suffer as it ' did last Saturday." The abovo is from tho Alumni Weolc ly of tho University of Minnesota, nud Is certainly a just criticism of tho ac tion of the Minnesota hand during the game. Aside from thin one instance, however, tho troatment accorded the visiting Nebraskans wag kcourteouj in tho extreme, and none of us can have Glhor than kind thoughts of the Min ncHota studont body., On our port, wo bavo ground for criticising our6wn band for tho way they performed at tho game. No ono has yet been 'able to explain why they i filed In en minutes after the game be gon., but. as most of Una- players w,ere iloubtless as anxious as any of .the ex- curslonists to see tho beginning of tho contost, there was probably Bomo good reason for tho delay. There was no cjccuho, however, for allowing tho Min nesota band to put them in tho shade in everv way. If the men played once curing the game excepting just ue twecnhalvcB, nobody noticed it. There has alo been much criticism because tho hand stayed in St. Paul before and nf he game. Whether this was the work of the football management or or the band itself, the students on tho excursion felt that since they had helped take the band along, it should have gone where they did. Playing a piece In St. Paul at the Ryan did not cheer up tho students at tho Nicollet. Dean Marion Talbot of tho Univer sity of Chicago, delivered an address at the annivorsary chapel exercises which should bo read by all women. Professor Talbot's words are applica ble to everyone whether at home or at school, and the questions which she propounds should bo seriously and thoughtfully considered. She said in part: "What needs in the life of the uni versity can tho women especially serve at the time? There Is no question but they will maintain the high standards of scholarship and the courteous and dignified bearing which have thus far marked them. Can they In -addition promote honesty nnd slmplllcty in uni versity life? Can they openly say tho true thing even if It Is not the popular thing, frankly refuse expenses higher than their means, fearlessly claim freedom from interruption of duties they have undertaken, actively stand for the essentials of noble and gener ous character as against the smart ness and cleverness "which are as mis leading as they are alluring? Can they so order their lives as to secure tho things of real and lasting value the friendships!, the discipline, tho holp, the culture, tho beauty, tho pleasure and eliminate the tawdry, ooooooooooooooocoooooooooo HEAR DOUGLAS HOLTZ at the Oliver Theatre, 26, 3:30 p. m. " the showy and' tho untrue' from their physical, intellectual, aesthetic, and so clalJlfe? Can they so plan their days as to have time for solitude, time for thinking, time for meditation on tho eternal verities?" Another New Feature. At the suggestion of the Mechanical Engineering department, tho County Pair has ad.ded another very interest ing fehthro to its already large list of creditable exhibits. This now ad dition consists of practical demonstra tions In forge work as given by that department, and will' be as near like the genuine "shop work" as the. '.'Babies" -and tie1 Engineering depart ment can possibly make-.it.v s. .,, mrMmm-M.m 7 T it it it it it At it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it . it it it it it it it it it it J it it it it n L it it it it ni.m.T,i!ti.wnirnm oil Your Book til tit i Ai tit SJ J SJ ) SJ 7 J J f T 'P T 1 f 1 1 1 7 1 7 T 1 1 T GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. off). '01. BOTH PHONES. ' J 044 O STREET Hot Soda ALLEQRETTI AND LOWNEY'8 CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O 0OOOOOOOOOOOCXH2OOOOOOOOCr R.H.GILLESPIE Bookbinder ' 1624 0 Slrwt : : Uicolo, Hebr., DON'S CAFE 114 to, 11 J. Wibbl, Hfr Litfiis' DIiIh rljoi In Conmctloi OPEN A. M. TO U.M. TAKK TOUR GI.OTI1KS AND GO TO NSOUKUP & WOOD . EXPERT CLEANERS' AND DYERS BICLIi TE(.. 147, AUTO IMS. 1330 N ITREBT. University pennants Just'-the thing to buy for a 'Christmas present, Coun- 1 1 siA ti tiy 1 1 li 1s1a 1 W it- it it it it 'it o- it - 4L it- it it "it it it it it it it it -)C- it it it it t 'it it Slort. 'Pnu $o unit. tic tit tit Sf J N J p 7 Oyster Stew THANKSGIVING DAY RATES To accommodato holJday travel ers a rato of ono faro and one-third for tho round trip to points within 200 miles of starting-point, has been generally placed in effect by tho ' UNION PACIFIC Dates-of Sale, Nov. 29th ' and 80th, wtth, final return Hmlt-JDec. 4 th. Inquire of E. B. SLOSSONr . General Aoent d 0UR8"0DA II I I i'JkRTFJ T.Ttfw xmniK DJ ocoooocoococooooocxxoooooo : r? rT .f,' Rises, The Drue Cutter CZJ U 1321 o St. I Ml i ' f : tULLWBIA NATIUNAL BANK 8 X OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ' g ! CAHTAL - ' $100,000.00 R . . f 4- t t - vr;- . - .. J v ,